Chapter 293 Davis is frightened

"The Shrek team versus the Xingluo Royal Academy team."

As soon as the two sides came on the court, the sparks and friction between them were visible to everyone.

Davis looked at Dai Mubai with a gloomy face. He had originally not taken this younger brother seriously, but he didn't expect that he would be caught up so soon.

He couldn't quite figure out Dai Mubai's current strength, but it was too incredible that he had reached level 25 or 40 from level 50 in just a few years.

Could it be that he took some kind of drug that hastens his growth? If that were the case, Davis would be so amused that Dai Mubai would be courting his own death.

Deep down, he didn't want to believe that Dai Mubai's strength had really surpassed his, so he kept hinting that Dai Mubai must have taken drugs to improve so quickly.

Zhu Zhuyun looked at her sister opposite her with some envy in her eyes but more of hostility and vigilance.

She and her younger sister are now very unfamiliar with each other, but in fact, they had a good relationship before Zhu Zhuqing was six years old. After all, at that time her talent had not yet been detected, nor had she been betrothed to the Xingluo royal family.

If the two sisters were not competitive, they could still coexist peacefully, but after awakening, Dai Mubai took Zhu Zhuqing and ran away.

Zhu Zhuyun was quite envious of this. At least Dai Mubai dared to defy fate for Zhu Zhuqing. These eight stolen years must have been happy ones!

She didn't care whether her strength was genuine or improved by external forces. There was only one outcome today - a fight to the death.

"Mu Bai! It seems that you have been doing well in the Tiandou Empire these years! But I still want to warn you that the strength gained by taking shortcuts is not solid, and you will eventually be trampled under my feet."

Davis sneered and looked at Dai Mubai with mockery in his eyes, as if he looked down on him.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment. Taking shortcuts? It seemed that Davis thought his current strength was obtained by taking drugs.

He is still as arrogant as ever. The reason he is so arrogant is simply that he thinks the age gap between them is a huge chasm that cannot be bridged.

To put it bluntly, he is taking advantage of the fact that he was born earlier and looking down on his younger brothers.

"Haha! Idiot!"

Dai Mubai didn't want to talk to this person any more. What's the use of explaining? His relationship with Davis couldn't reach this level.

But taking shortcuts is certain, otherwise normal practice would be impossible. At this time, you have reached the level of Soul King, but it is a close approach without any side effects.

When Davis heard Dai Mubai's choking, his face turned red and blue.

The other colleges around were all watching the show. They had identical martial spirits and seemed to be from the same family.

During the academy battle, the basic information of the members of both teams will be played in the square.

Soul power level and martial soul and the like, so that the spectators can have some understanding.

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

Davis took the first step. He wanted to test Dai Mubai's strength first. Even if the level was raised by drugs, it should not be underestimated.

Davis's persistence was so strong that he never considered Dai Mubai's true strength.

"White Tiger Protective Shield! White Tiger Demon Transformation!"

Dai Mubai rushed forward. His opponent today was Davis.

"Zhu Qing! Long time no see! Your opponent today is me."

Zhu Zhuqing had some complicated emotions on her face as she looked at her sister who was blocking her way. Because Dai Mubai was a time traveler, he knew the plot and brought Zhu Zhuqing to Shrek Academy early on.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing was not targeted by this sister. Instead, she had some good memories with her.

Before Zhu Zhuqing awakened her martial soul, Zhu Zhuyun was indeed a good sister to her.

"elder sister……"

Zhu Zhuqing called out very softly, so that only the two of them could hear it. Zhu Zhuyun was stunned for a moment, but soon came back to his senses. Although the two were blood relatives, they had to kill each other because of the competition method of raising Gu that had been passed down from generation to generation.

"Zhu Qing, you have grown up, so let me see how strong you are now, just attack me."

The tone of voice of the Zhu Zhuyun sister was not as confrontational as that of the Dai Mubai brothers.

Both of them were just burial objects of the Silla royal family, the only difference was that Zhu Zhuqing really had feelings for Dai Mubai.

"it is good!"

Zhu Zhuqing agreed solemnly. She was a serious person, and since Zhu Zhuyun said so, she would do her best.

The Xingluo Zhu family has always had very standard teachings for women. Loyalty and perseverance are among the essential qualities that the future Xingluo emperor and empress must have.

Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing have some differences in personality, but in other aspects their habits and qualities are as if they were cast in the same mold.

"Netherworld Shadow Clone! Netherworld Hundred Claws!"

They used a powerful move right at the start. It seems that this pair of brothers and sisters are really going to fight to the death.

The onlookers were talking about it.

"Brother! They have the same martial spirit, so they should be brothers and sisters. Why did you attack them so harshly? And how come the separated teams are between two countries?"

It is too unreasonable that brothers and sisters have ended up serving in the representative teams of two countries.

"Their martial spirit is the White Tiger. Now it seems that Dai Mubai should be a member of the Xingluo royal family."

Huo Wushuang sighed and looked at Dai Mubai with a complicated look in his eyes. This man, with whom he had fought several times, turned out to be a prince.

The Xingluo Empire's prince is so powerful and talented, but the Tiandou Empire's avalanche...

Is this the difference between the two empires? I heard that all the people in the Xingluo Empire are soldiers. Judging from Dai Mubai's behavior, this is very likely.


Huo Wu, this little hottie, only knows how to practice except for making noises, and she seldom studies the martial spirits of the major forces.

Moreover, Blazing Fire Academy is an academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, so it would not know about the more famous martial spirits of the Xing Luo Empire.

Tang San remained silent, but his hands behind his back were clenched into fists.

Xingluo Royal Family, Qibao Liuli Sect, Haotian Sect...

All the forces here are powerful. If I had successfully enrolled in Shrek Academy, perhaps the results would have been different.

"elder brother……"

Xiao Wu and Tang San were in tune with each other, and she sensed his emotional changes and wrapped her hands around his clenched fists.

"Little dance!"

Tang San turned his head to look at the girl he loved most, and instantly put aside the resentment in his heart.

So what about the Xingluo Imperial Family? Tang San still didn't believe that he couldn't create a Tang Sect based on what he had learned in his previous life and his talent in this life.

"Brother, no matter what, I will always be with you."

Even if you know the road ahead leads to death.

Xiao Wu's words comforted Tang San, and the two of them snuggled up to each other, forgetting that this was a competition venue.

In a hidden corner, Hu Liena and two other people were watching the Shrek team.

Seeing the scene of Tang San and Xiao Wu hugging each other, he couldn't help but frowned.

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