Chapter 337 Time Bomb
The Seventh Elder did not ask Tang Youyou too much about becoming a god. Although he was a rough man, he still understood the principle of not employing people if you doubt them, and trusting people if you employ them.

Since Tang Youyou told me such a big secret, it means she trusts me. Since she believes in me so much, I cannot let her down.

So he really kept his mouth shut and didn't intend to tell anyone in the Haotian Sect about this matter. In fact, he also had a little bit of revenge in his heart.

Who asked everyone to guess what happened back then, but no one told me a single word?

He made himself look like a clown, challenging the Blue Silver Emperor.

How is this different from backstab?
Tang Youyou didn't intend to go into too much detail. She really wanted to win over the Haotian Sect to face the storm together, but the incident with the Blue Silver Emperor reminded her.

These people are all very cunning. The only one who is genuine is the Seventh Elder, but he has no descendants, and the power of his lineage is relatively weak.

Tang Youyou could only go with the flow. After all, the relationship between the Haotian Sect and the soul beast clan could be seen from Ah Yin's sacrifice.

She didn't want to make trouble for herself. Even if her identity was only that of a sect leader, as long as she put in the effort, she would definitely be able to win people over and make them work like slaves for her. However, what if her identity as a soul beast was revealed?
She has always believed that fate is predestined, but fate is also in her own hands. If she pins her fate on others and relies on their conscience, it would be better to just dream. Dreams hold everything!
"Tang Yue, Rongrong and I are planning to have a small gathering in Tiandou City. Do you want to go?"

Tang Youyou was a little surprised when she saw the man trying to become more calm and resolute. He was just a cool guy a few years ago, but now he has really become an icy man with expressionless face.

With his physique that was trained from years of using hammers, he looks just like a double-door refrigerator.

Just stand there and the air will automatically radiate cool air...

Tang Yue did not reply, but just gave Tang Youyou a complicated look. He was now starting to get involved in some small affairs of the sect.

However, Tang Youyou, the young sect leader, was still hanging out outside, and the elders and the sect leader had no objection at all to this.

Perhaps what happened to Tang Hao back then was a warning to them that they cannot keep people confined within the sect forever, otherwise they could be seduced away by any beautiful woman they meet.

Young people should travel around the continent more often to broaden their horizons. This is why the second elder placed his grandson Tang Yue with Tang Youyou as a study companion from the beginning.

On the one hand, it is a way to keep the wealth within the family, and on the other hand, it is to improve Tang Youyou's vision. Tang Yue is still a handsome guy. Spending a long time in front of him will definitely raise Tang Youyou's standards for choosing a partner.

It seems that they are really scared of Tang Hao, fearing that he will bring disaster to their family again. Unfortunately, they could not have imagined that... Tang Youyou does not need to fall in love with a soul beast that has transformed for 100,000 years.

She is directly a soul beast, and also a time bomb, which is much more serious than Tang Hao's.

"Go! Tell my grandfather..."

Saying the two words "go ahead" was quite cold, but he seemed a little lacking in confidence when he said the second sentence. It seemed that cool guy Tang Yue was still a young man under the control of his parents.

"Okay! I'll listen to you and tell Second Grandpa that I'm going to a good place next. Maybe it will be helpful to you. Do you want to take a long vacation?"

There was finally a hint of expression on Tang Yue's cold face.


"A world full of ice and snow. Doesn't your martial spirit have ice elements? If your subsequent spirit rings can be obtained from that place..."

Some things are self-evident. Tang Yue nodded and said one word calmly.

"go with!"

Tang Youyou nodded.

"I understand." After saying these words, Tang Youyou planned to leave. If she stayed with this man, she might freeze to death at any time.

"and many more……"

Tang Youyou was called.

"what's up?"

Tang Youyou turned her head to look at the other person. With the sun behind her, her face was a little unclear.

“I haven’t told anyone else that you can sacrifice soul beasts, but… the sect is not as bad as you think.

The Haotian Sect is the most protective of its people. As long as you are a member of the Haotian Sect, the clan will protect you!"

Tang Yue knew that Tang Youyou had her own secret, but he didn't know what it was.

"But didn't Tang Hao also never receive the protection of the sect?"

Tang Youyou turned her eyes and stared at Tang Yue sharply, as if she wanted to see what was in the other person's mind.

"If he didn't have protection, how could he survive under the pursuit of a Level 99 Ultimate Douluo?
After all, he is the son of the old sect leader, and the next generation successor that the Haotian Sect has devoted all its efforts to cultivate. Don't look at the Haotian Sect elders who have lost their loved ones and are dissatisfied with Tang Hao.

But in fact, once something happens, they will not stand idly by, and isn’t the truth of that year as it was yesterday already clear?

No one gave up on him, he was the one who chose to live in seclusion. What really made the elders angry was that a little setback made him lose his fighting spirit, and the most important thing was that he lost because of a woman.

Didn't he have any concerns after the Blue Silver Emperor sacrificed him? The sect did its best to train him, but he was able to ignore it for many years."

Tang Youyou's doubts and confusion were also dispelled at this moment. Tang Hao was indeed like a coward, and she agreed with this point very much.

"Sometimes not knowing is a blessing. Why should you care so much? Anyway, it won't do any harm to the Haotian Sect."

Of course, if I actively participate, then what I said will be invalid.

Tang Youyou didn’t, right? She said the last sentence and then left in a cool manner.

Tang Yue frowned, still not understanding what big secret Tang Youyou was holding in her heart and why she still refused to tell it after he had persuaded her so much.

He certainly didn't know that this secret concerned the divine realm and could not be accessed by people at Tianzhong's level.

His original intention and starting point were good, but the Haotian Sect could not cover up the problem.

It can be seen from the pursuit by the Spirit Hall back then that when facing a force slightly stronger than them, they were defeated. Not only did they not think of resisting, they did not even think of contacting other clan forces to rebel together.

No matter how powerful the Spirit Hall is, can it suppress the combined forces of the upper three sects and the lower four sects?
If that still doesn't work, what about adding the two empires? The Xingluo Empire has always been supported by the Haotian Sect.

In the end, it was because he lacked courage, or perhaps he was guilty. After all, the person in charge of Haotian Sect was involved in all these plans.

Even though the conflict was caused by a hundred thousand year old soul beast, the Haotian Sect was still in the right.

As long as Qian Xunji is described as a bully who forcibly steals someone's wife with a little polish, I believe the Qibao Liuli Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family will be happy to help.

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