Douluo: Obtain Mandola's mirror power at the beginning

Chapter 342 Earth Dragon Golden Gourd

Chapter 342 Earth Dragon Golden Gourd
Tang Youyou was surprised by Dugu Yan's statement, but it was also because of this unbelievable answer that made her truly believe that Dugu Yan broke up because of his own reasons, and not because of the persuasion of his grandfather Dugu Bo.

This is really rare!

It can be said that Douluo Continent is really a continent of love, with couples everywhere.

Like Xiao Wu, who was born with a love-brain body, how could she change it back? I hope this sacrifice can teach her a lesson.

It’s not that she was reluctant to let Xiao Wu go, but the value of being alive was far greater than being dead.

And she didn't pay too much to revive Xiao Wu.

"Eat this. After you eat it, I will tell you the answer you want. At that time, it will be up to you to decide whether to stay or go."

Tang Youyou took out a familiar object from the blue silver bracelet, and Dugu Yan instantly felt the desire brought by the martial spirit.

It was as if every cell in my body was clamoring to swallow that thing.

"What is this? Something from my grandfather's herbal garden?"

Dugu Yan hesitated for a moment, then recognized that this earth dragon golden melon was a magical herb unique to the Ice and Fire Eyes.


"Why didn't I realize before that this thing had such a profound effect on me?"

After getting a positive reply, Dugu Yan was still a little bit incredulous. After all, she had been to Dugu Bo's medicine garden before, but the herbs in the garden had no appeal to her.

Why is it that Tang Youyou's martial spirit is so shaken when she takes out a golden earth dragon pumpkin?

"That's because when there are too many things, the aura and medicinal properties will counteract each other. How can you possibly sense it? If you could sense it, Dugu Bo would have probably plundered the herb garden completely."

Dugu Yan nodded, hesitated for a moment, then took the earth dragon melon from Tang Youyou's hand and ate it up voraciously.

It wasn't that she was so hungry, but the desire in her martial soul made her want to take it quickly.

After eating the earth dragon golden pumpkin, Dugu Yan felt a fiery breath emanating from her whole body. Then, according to Tang Youyou's instructions, she sat down and meditated on the spot to absorb the rising heat.

When she opened her eyes again, a green light flashed in her eyes.

"This is incredible!"

Dugu Yan's eyes were filled with shock. It was no exaggeration to describe her current transformation as a complete transformation.

"What level is your soul power?"

"Fifty... Level 7? My soul power has increased by five levels!!!"

Dugu Yan couldn't believe it. This was equivalent to 4 to 5 years of hard training for himself.

"And I can feel that my martial spirit has undergone some changes. It has changed from a snake to a dragon..."

No wonder grandpa asked me to find Tang Youyou. This opportunity is no worse than Ye Lingling’s 100,000-year soul bone!

Yes, Ye Lingling told Dugu Yan about the hundred thousand year soul bone. As the only two girls in the original team, she and Dugu Yan naturally had a very good relationship.

I thought we would go our separate ways for the rest of our lives, but I didn't expect that Dugu Yan would break up with Yu Tianheng later.

There were no interests involved, so she told Dugu Yan about this matter with confidence.

This is also the reason why Dugu Bo made up his mind to let Dugu Yan take a ride.

"Does this satisfy you?"

Tang Youyou smiled and gave you a sweet date first, and then a slap in the face later.

She can't just give things away for free, she needs at least money and a contract to sell her body!

All those who used the power of fate to spy on the future had their lives handed over to Tang Youyou. Just like Xiao Wu's equivalent exchange contract, when you spy on your fate, the abyss is also staring at you.

And the gift of fate had already been secretly marked with chips.

"Close your eyes and feel it with your heart!"

Dugu Yan was very excited now, and she would do whatever Tang Youyou asked her to do.

Before she activated the power of destiny, she felt something. Sure enough, a small red dot appeared on the system panel.

What was the previous task? Poison Queen? Dugu Bo's granddaughter?

It’s not as outrageous as that time…

In the interweaving of light and darkness, Dugu Yan found himself in a magical space.

It seemed as if the space around her was constantly folding, and then her body gradually became illusory.

What method is this?
Dugu Yan was stunned!

In the next breath, she saw the familiar Yu Tianheng holding the arm of a charming girl. Wasn't that person herself?
What's going on? Why can I see myself and Yu Tianheng together here?
What Tang Youyou reported to her was the development of Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan in the original novel. Of course, some dream power had to be used to create a satisfactory ending!

Now that the relationship has been severed, it must be severed completely.

She didn't want anyone in her team to have anything to do with Yu Tianheng or even the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Dugu Yan, who had just regained consciousness, was already in tears. The future she saw was exactly as she had imagined. Yu Tianheng was too weak.

He now obeys Yu Xiaogang's orders. In the prophecy she saw, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family was exterminated and only the two brothers were left. At that time, Yu Xiaogang stood in the position of God's Master and gave orders, demanding the prosperity of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Of course, the prosperity of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family means reproducing more offspring...

He let himself down, it's really ridiculous. Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, a pair of cousins ​​in love, cannot reproduce, but their nephews are trying hard to get married and have children.

"So this is the answer that Grandpa mentioned..."

It’s not about the future of her and Yu Tianheng, but about the ability that Tang Youyou possesses. Isn’t it more terrifying than God to be able to see the fate of others at a glance?
No wonder grandpa asked me to cut in line and build a good relationship with Tang Youyou.

Suddenly I felt a little regretful for not joining Shrek Academy before the Continental Elite Soul Master Competition.

"Now tell me whether you will stay or go."

Tang Youyou has done this so many times that she is very familiar with it and is even too lazy to fool people.

Dugu Yan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at the girl opposite with a firm gaze.

"I do! I will join your team and obey your orders."

Grandpa said that the members of the Shrek team that Tang Youyou was in were all potential gods. She didn't believe it at first, but from what she had just seen, it was indeed true.

Dugu Yan did not have any doubts. After all, Dugu Bo was a Titled Douluo. If all this was just an illusion or the effect of soul bones and soul skills, he would definitely be able to tell the difference.

"Well, welcome to join our team!"

Tang Youyou stretched out a hand with a smile on her face, and Dugu Yan shook it without hesitation.

The contract is established!

Tang Youyou's smile deepened a little. She knew what Dugu Bo wanted. Once the fog was peeled off and the truth was seen, people's temperament would change a little bit, not to mention that the old poisonous man had a changeable temper.

As long as she has what he wants, she is not afraid of him turning against her. It can be said that Dugu Yan is Dugu Bo's only weakness.

Just like the earth dragon golden pumpkin just now, just give it to me as a gift.

And she received more feedback! She glanced at the system panel and was very satisfied. She should have thought of it earlier. Wasn't the Du Queen matched with the Bi Lin family?

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