Douluo: Obtain Mandola's mirror power at the beginning

Chapter 76 The Second Form of the Exquisite Core

Although Tang Youyou felt that her idea was ridiculous, besides this explanation, what else could be the situation that would make this hung system suddenly work again.

In this way, Ma Hongjun's martial spirit is a fire phoenix with the element of fire. The most important thing is that he is the lucky one who has the element of fire in his body in this world.

To put it bluntly, he is the protagonist, so the system can sense and misjudge him as the Fire Lord?

The similarity between Fire Lord and Ma Hongjun is the element of fire plus the main character...

If we speculate based on this, Dai Mubai is a metal element plus a main character.

She seems to have... found a replacement for the system task? ? ?

uncertain! We have to try again to be sure. In any case, although this system is a single-player system, these rewards are really at the ceiling level in Douluo Continent in the fantasy sewer.

Tang Youyou gently pushed aside circles of ripples on the surface of the Lake of Life, her eyes flashing with determination to win.

She wants to order these good things! ! !

However, pick a time to send Ah Yin to the Ice and Fire Eyes, otherwise there will be no explanation for the sudden extra thing on his body.

"Can you show me your area?"

After pondering for a long time, Ditian couldn't figure out whether Tang Youyou was a human or a spirit beast, so he could only settle for the next best thing and feel the power of destiny.

"Yes you can!"

When Tang Youyou heard the voice behind her, she stopped playing with the lake surface and turned around to release her martial spirit.

The moment the spirit possessed her, her ears turned into elves and six mechanical butterfly wings grew out from behind her ears. The biggest change she wished for was her hair.

The originally black and shiny hair suddenly turned silver, with several metal butterfly hair accessories tied on it.

As for the doll joints in the complete form of Wuhun, there is no way to show it without releasing the destiny cage of the talent field.


The golden wheel rose from the bottom of the foot, and the ticking sound was like the rotation of the clock hand.

At the same time, a golden cage was erected around Tang Youyou.

At this time, Tang Youyou's whole person changed, like a porcelain white doll, with the same sacred and fateful aura, it became weird.

Paired with this golden cage, it seemed to imprison her here.

As the scope of the roulette wheel expanded, the aura of the power of destiny infected the entire Lake of Life. A sleeping silver-white dragon at the bottom of the Lake of Life suddenly moved its claws as if feeling something.

As the Wheel of Fortune expands, the joints and doll features on Tang Youyou's body become more and more obvious. For the natives of Douluo Continent who have never seen Ye Luoli's magical world, the pale skin and terrifying doll joints have never been seen before. It seems to have a strange beauty.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Youyou, whose aura was getting stronger and stronger, and her whole person became different. She suddenly felt that she only knew superficial information about her in the past few years.

She never knew that the wider the scope of Tang Youyou's talent field, the different her martial soul would become.

When the Blue Silver Emperor in the storage soul guide came to the Star Forest, all the Blue Silver Grass could become her eyes, so she felt the most about her daughter's change.

Such weird doll joints seemed like the soul lived in a certain puppet or metal sculpture. No wonder she was able to gather soul rings on her own even though she looked like a human. No wonder her husband said that Lan Yincao worshiped her. Her body is not a real human being at all! This is just a doll!

Ah Yin and Xiao Wu, who had been to the human world, obviously knew more. Tang Youyou looked like a doll sold in the human world.

It can only be said that Ah Yin's guess was nine out of ten correct, and Tang Youyou didn't know what would happen if he expanded the scope of his domain release.

Normally, she wouldn't have put this on such a large scale. After all, if someone outside the rules discovered the Power of Destiny, she would be in danger!

With God Shura's aversion to soul beasts, he would definitely kill Tang Youyou in the cradle.

But this is the Star Dou Forest. Tang Youyou is not only trying to show Di Tian his level, but also letting some soul beasts who are relatively close to the core circle of the Star Dou Forest feel the power of destiny.

The power of destiny that comes with her martial soul is about reincarnation and cause and effect. She was hunted down in the Star Dou Forest before and received favors from some peripheral soul beasts. Now she should feed it back to the soul beasts.

But this time it's not just the soul beasts that cause fluctuations. The power of destiny will also expand inward when it spreads out from the core circle. After all, the field is a circle with a point as the center.

Going inward from the Lake of Life, an emerald swan sings loudly by the lake.

The swan suddenly transformed into a beautiful woman wearing green clothes, her emerald eyes full of disbelief.

"Is this... the Emperor's auspicious beast? Is our soul beast clan finally about to rise?"

Brigitte was about to fly in the direction where the power of destiny spread, when suddenly there was a wave of life not far behind her.

"Tree of Life? The resonance of the power of destiny and the power of life!"

Brigitte did not expect that this newly born emperor auspicious beast was so powerful that it could actually cause the tree of life to fluctuate. As the tree of life fluctuated, circles of life breath flowed along the roots of the tree into the lake of life.

Di Tian, ​​who was far outside the Lake of Life, also felt the resonance between the Tree of Life and the power of destiny not far away. He took a deep look at the girl with a beautiful but strange face flying in the air.

Now Tang Youyou's mouth has cracks that appear to be full of technology. It looks a bit like the slits of a puppet's mouth, which is extremely scary and beautiful.

All the soul beasts that felt the power of fate crawled down towards the core circle of the Star Dou Forest, and all the beasts came to the emperor.

The more the Blue Silver Emperor in the Blue Silver Bracelet Soul Guidance sees Tang Youyou's changes little by little, the more heartbroken he becomes!

her child!

She now hates everyone equally, and hates that the old leader of the Haotian Sect did not agree with her being with Tang Hao but still tried to get rid of her.

She hated Tang Hao for not seeking justice for his wife and children even though he knew the Haotian Sect's actions, and hated Wuhun Palace for being so ambitious in hunting down their family that her children died in the aftermath of the battle.

What he hated even more was Tang San. He took over his child's body, leaving his child to live like a puppet in a puppet.

The overwhelming hatred turned the blue-gold texture of the Blue Silver Emperor's branches into black-gold, and she began to turn black from now on.

What the Emerald Swan saw when it flew over was such a strange scene.

A strange humanoid creature was trapped in the golden cage. She had wings behind her but they were made of metal. Taking a closer look, her wrists, elbows, and knees were all made up of puppet-like joints.

But it is clear that the power of destiny exuding from her body is unique to the Emperor's auspicious beast. What kind of creature is this?

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