Douluo: Obtain Mandola's mirror power at the beginning

Chapter 98 Secret Talk between Grandfather and Grandson

With the help of a titled Douluo, it only took one night to get to Wuhun City.

Qian Renxue returned to the worship hall without stopping, and this movement caught Bibi Dong's attention.

"Why are you back at this time? Is it because of the one in Soto City?"

Bibi Dong looked at the worship hall thoughtfully.

"Old guy! If I can't kill you, I'll find a way to take Xue'er away. Now, another angel descendant appears. When I find her, I'll devour her, hahahaha!"

There was a surge of hatred in Bibi Dong's eyes, and Zhou Shen's black energy came out and was directly possessed by her martial soul. Ever since she accepted the inheritance of Rakshasa God, she was a little out of control.

Rakshasa is opposed to angels. She desperately wants to devour people with angel blood. She can't do it with Qian Daoliu, so this desire is transferred to Qian Renxue.

But no matter how much she disliked Qian Renxue, she was still her daughter. In a helpless situation, Qian Renxue happened to be angry with her and wanted to work as a spy in the Tiandou Empire, so she agreed to the request smoothly.

If you are far away, you can't see it. If you can't see it, you won't have that uncontrollable desire.

But now, a girl with suspected angelic blood suddenly appeared. Her human-shaped six-winged martial spirit also had a mutation of metallic elements.

As the pope, she would be able to find out more things. She actually found Tang Hao by following the clues, but it was a pity that he ran away long ago.

It seems that Tang Youyou was raised by Tang Hao. In the same village, they said she was an orphan picked up by the village chief, but in fact she was a child of the Haotian Sect.

Also... Tang Yuehua is the girl's mother. Bibi Dong guesses that Qian Xunji, a scumbag, probably forced Tang Yuehua to have this girl with an angel martial soul mutation.

Because Tang Youyou called Tang Yuehua... aunt, what a familiar recipe, because Bibi Dong also asked Qian Renxue to call herself "sister".

She didn't want to admit that this child was hers, as if it could erase her past stains. I guess Tang Yuehua thought the same way.

The high-ranking eldest lady of a sect, like her, the former saint of Wuhun Hall, fell from the sky to the quagmire overnight.

Chihiroji! Even if I kill you, my life cannot be restarted! Kill everyone in your angel family! Eat it, eat it!


"Xue'er! You..." Why did you come back suddenly?

Qian Daoliu was about to ask his granddaughter, but when he saw the look on Qian Renxue's face, he suddenly guessed the other party's intention.

"Grandpa! I have something very important to ask you!"

Alas, what is supposed to come will still come, that’s all! I never told Qian Renxue about the past of Bibi Dong and Qian Xunji. On the one hand, I wanted to leave a more positive image of her parents in her heart.

On the other hand, the Angel God has chosen Qian Renxue, and he will eventually die as a sacrifice. In the end, only Bibi Dong can support Qian Renxue.

Life after becoming a god is so long, and a little emotional sustenance is better than repeating the boring rest of life, but now... there is an additional variable.

"Just ask, grandpa told you..."

Qian Daoliu looked at the huge angel statue and prayed, praying that Qian Renxue would be able to throw away these shackles and gain true happiness after learning the truth.

"Grandpa, why does that woman hate me so much! I went to see Tang Youyou today. She is Tang Yuehua's daughter but she called her 'aunt'!

I have been calling her ‘sister’ for so many years. Why are we not expected the same? Grandpa, please tell me why! Qian Renxue's eyes were red. She remembered that when she was a child, every time she wanted to get close to Bibi Dong, the other party would push her away with disgust.

When Qian Daoliu heard what Qian Renxue said about Tang Youyou, he understood clearly and was a little shocked at the same time.

No wonder it was kept secret so tightly. It seemed that Qian Xunji, a rebellious son, had committed many crimes. He was sorry for Xue'er and also for that child.

He knew how difficult it was for a child who was not expected by his mother when he was born. After all, Qian Renxue still had his grandfather to take care of him, but what about Tang Youyou?

"Hey, Xue'er, no matter what grandpa says later, you have to keep it in your heart. Your life should not be limited to emotions.

Grandpa is getting old, and he may have less time to spend with you in the future. That child... Now that you have met him, can you be sure that he has the same aura as you? "

The prerequisite for telling the truth is to confirm that Qian Renxue has another way out, and all her worries will dissipate when Bibi Dong is no longer her only spiritual support.

"I met her briefly, but... there was a sacred aura about her that made my martial soul flutter. Although it was only for a short moment, it does come from the same source."

Qian Daoliu nodded with satisfaction and showed a bitter smile. This was considered a blessing in misfortune.

The Angel Family has another inheritance, but with the Wuhun Palace's persecution of the Haotian Sect over the years, it may be even more difficult to recognize relatives.

"That's fine! Then let me explain it clearly to you! Back then, your mother Bibi Dong and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family..."

Qian Daoliu slowly told the story of the past, while Qian Renxue listened silently.

It turns out that my birth turned out to be like this, and the father I admired was also a beast who knew people and faces but didn't know their hearts. Then...youyo, was it also a birth that you didn't expect?

Qian Renxue felt a little more sympathetic in her heart, and felt a little less sad after knowing the truth. She didn't know that the emotional transfer was the beginning of the confrontation with the heir of the Rakshasa God.

"Since she never expected my birth and never liked me, I will never expect her love again."

I have a grandfather and a sister!

After shedding tears, Qian Renxue's belief became firmer. She was a noble descendant of angels. She knew she couldn't force anything and she had to let go in time.

Qian Daoliu's eyes were a little complicated when he saw Qian Renxue's determination to cut off the relationship between mother and daughter.

One can imagine the huge feeling of disappointment once so many years of expectations have come to nothing, but it's better to look away, so that Bibi Dong won't be able to attack Xue'er.

Evil gods like the Rakshasa God are naturally opposed to angel gods. Even after the two become gods, they will inevitably have a confrontation. Perhaps it would be better to reduce the bond between the two.

"That's fine! Haotian Sect... After all, Wuhun Palace can't bear it. Tang Hao's hammer didn't actually kill your father directly.

However, he was seriously injured, which gave Bibi Dong an opportunity. Bibi Dong is your Holy Mother and the beggar of Wuhun Hall. I can't take action against him, so I can only let Tang Hao take the blame.

After all, he was indeed the indirect mastermind at the time, but I didn’t expect that things would turn around and now I would be the one regretting it.

Xue'er, don't hold grudges against Bibi Dong for this. It's normal for him to want revenge after being wronged like that. It's because I didn't educate your father well. Hello, if you don't want to associate with Bibi Dong, just follow you..."

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