
Chapter 50: Princess Xinyue was hunted down

Princess Xinrong's life and death followed each other, even Li Yuan's steel-hard heart melted, it was not his turn to resist her affection, it was God who serialized them together.

Li Yuan was indulging in the gentleness, and began to kiss her, hugging her tightly. He had never been so happy. Today, Princess Xinrong is with her life and death, letting him know that he still has a daughter who doesn't even want her life. The child loves it, but it feels good to be loved by someone.

It took a long time for Li Yuan and Princess Xinrong to separate. Princess Xinrong looked at Li Yuan. The moonlight was so bright that she could see his face clearly without a trace of obscenity. Her eyes were full of affection and she was extremely moved. He finally fell in love with him. own up.

"Brother Yuan, look, in front of you is the border town of Xuanwu Empire, Xuanwu Pass. Sister Xinyue went to assassinate the enemy's marshal Xuanwu and disappeared." Princess Xinrong pointed at the brightly lit place ahead from a high altitude.

"I don't care what the mission is, as long as I rescue Princess Xinyue, how can the princess find Princess Xinrong?" Li Yuan looked at the city below and couldn't help sighing. It's not easy to save people.

"Qian can be a god, let's go around and go to the next city to inquire about rest before making plans." Princess Xinrong said softly, knowing that Li Yuan cared about Princess Xinyue very much, she could only comfort her.

"I'm very worried. I'm afraid that something will happen to her. It's better to sneak into the border town to find out." Li Yuan was in a state of anxiety, seeing Princess Xinyue felt extremely uneasy. He was frightened and restless.

"Brother Yuan, I also feel that it is very difficult to complete the task this time." Princess Xinrong felt that it was very effective, and she dared not say it directly, so she could only say it tactfully.

"I also feel that something big will happen to Xinyue. As for what it is, I don't know, and I feel very uneasy." Li Yuan sighed authentically, feeling very anxious in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. Rush to rescue her.

Qingluan kept spinning high above the city, Li Yuanzhi stared at it, the lights below were brightly lit, it was the lights of the army, and every ten steps was extremely strict.

It is so strict, how can Princess Xinyue and the others enter?

Li Yuan observed for a long time and knew that he must never sneak in unless there was a response. According to the information, Princess Xinyue and the others did not respond, they just figured out a way for themselves.I waited to set off by myself, and I didn't have any information, so I just went to rescue blindly.

"Brother Yuan, do you see the key point?" Princess Xinrong asked.

"Yes, Princess Xinyue, they will definitely not sneak into the border town, they will definitely meet the enemy outside, we will search around outside the city to see if there are any interesting clues." Li Yuan immediately used his wisdom.

Wisdom Qingluan looked around and searched all the places where people could lurk. In a valley, I saw a trace. People often come and go in and out of the valley. It is not normal for people to walk between the two countries. .

It was already dawn, and Li Yuan and Princess Xinrong were in the valley, watching for a long time, thinking of the elf Doudou, he hurriedly woke her up.

The elf Doudou stretched her waist and said angrily: "Bad brother, it's nothing to do, just wake him up and not let him sleep."

Li Yuan saw that her beautiful face was hazy and sleepy, her drunken face was slightly flushed, her cheeks were flushed, she was very charming, so he put her on his lips and kissed her.

"Big pervert, big villain." The elf Doudou said coquettishly.

"Xiao Doudou, communicate with Shushu to see if Princess Xinyue has been here?" Li Yuan returned to seriousness.

"I'm so sleepy, I don't bother to talk to you." The elf Doudou was extremely angry.

"Good Doudou, my brother didn't sleep all night, and Qingluan, you slept all night, and now I need your help, please hurry up? Princess Xinyue is extremely dangerous and there is no need to delay." Li Yuan said softly.

"I'm sorry! Brother, Doudou made a mistake, wait for a while." The elf Doudou flew to an ancient tree in the valley, and it took a long time to fly back to Li Yuantou and said: "Seven days ago, there were ten black-clothed People live here, and one of them, a purple-faced girl who looks like Princess Xinyue, seems to be Sister Xinyue."

Li Yuan was overjoyed. Princess Xinrong was not surprised to see Doudou, the elf, after all, she bought it with Li Yuan. As for Li Yuan, she was also very surprised to save her!

"They left the valley after seven days. I'll ask along the way to see if I can find Sister Xinyue's whereabouts." After speaking, the little elf Doudou flew out of the valley, stopping to inquire when encountering ancient trees along the way.

After flying for a whole day until it was dark, there was still no sign of Princess Xinyue. Li Yuan was also extremely anxious, but he didn't ask the elf Doudou aloud.

"Brother, now I want to ask about sister Xinyue's news last night. Sister Xinyue passed by here last night and was hunted down by more than a dozen men in black." Doudou, the little elf, was extremely exhausted and mentally atrophied after flying for a day.

"Xiao Doudou, thank you for your hard work, but Princess Xinyue is extremely dangerous. I would like to trouble you to find out, where is Princess Xinyue?" Li Yuan said anxiously. Anxious.

"Brother, you don't need to look for it. Sister Xinyue has entered the Mihun Cave, which is a cave not far ahead. Let's go quickly!" Doudou, the elf, flew to the top of Qingluan's head and made Qingluan's red crown Go up and start giving directions.

Li Yuan came to the middle of a mountain, found the Mihun Cave, sent Qingluan back to the pet space, walked into the cave, and immediately felt very cold, not because the body felt the cold, but because the heart felt it.

Walking into the cave, there is a wide space of 50 meters inside. There are nine passages in the cave. Which one should Xinyue Princess take?

Li Yuan unfolded his spiritual sense, looked at one of the traces where many people had walked by, and also looked at the footprints of women, checked the other eight traces that had not been added, and rushed into the passage.

After walking 100 meters, another big cave came out, and there were nine passages. Li Yuan immediately understood that the cave was man-made. Only then did he notice that the rocks on the cave wall were smooth and smooth. cave.

Constantly checking the traces of the cave, specifically following the woman's footprints, the spiritual sense checked that quickly, it was equivalent to seeing shallow footprints, and quickly rushed into the depths of the cave following the footprints.

When he came to a big cave, Li Yuan was confused. The nine passages had footprints, and they were very new. They were all circling here. He knew that it would be better to wait here if he knew to catch up.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came from a passage, and Li Yuan hurriedly guarded the entrance of the passage.

A petite figure, holding a magic staff in his hand, shot out a purple light from time to time to the back, and ran out crookedly.

Seeing the staff, Li Yuan felt both sad and happy, and was extremely furious. She was suspicious of Princess Xinyue, didn't think about it, and immediately said: "Is it Yue'er? I'm Li Yuan." Said and rushed to the passage.

The charmingly smiling body stopped, and continuously emitted purple lightning, stopping the people on both sides, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are Li Yuan, is it at the foot of Hot Spring Mountain that we met for the first time?"

"No, it's by the hot spring pool." Li Yuan couldn't help secretly praising Princess Xinyue for being too smart.

"Brother Yuan, it's really you." Princess Xinyue exclaimed in surprise, before falling down.

Li Yuan hugged her hastily, checked that there was no injury, she was just exhausted, hurriedly transferred Princess Xinyue into the arms of Princess Xinrong, sacrificed the red sword, stared at a swordsman who came back from the passage, coldly Authentic: "It's time for you to hit the road."

"Your Excellency is Li Yuan?" The swordsman stopped and asked without running over.There was still a figure swaying behind him. It seemed that the information he got from the big tree was very accurate, and there were more than a dozen inside, but only one person could walk through the passage, and only one swordsman came out.

"My young master, I don't like talking to dead people." Li Yuan shot out a few ninth-level talismans and stabbed them with a red sword.


The swordsman was a warrior of the ninth rank. He swung his sword to gather and disperse the fireballs transformed by the talisman. When he saw Li Yuan rushing towards him, he immediately saw that he was of the eighth rank.

Doudou, the little elf, immediately shot out an ice pick, knocking the warrior's sharp sword aside, and the red sword pierced between the eyebrows like lightning.

The swordsman watched the red sword piercing in astonishment, opened his eyes wide, and fell slowly, revealing a swordsman behind him, who was shocked when he saw his companion fall down!Quickly shoot out a few talismans.

Li Yuan's face changed slightly, he didn't expect the other party to react so quickly, throwing several ice shield magic scrolls in succession to block the transformed flying swords.


There was an explosion, and Li Yuan hurriedly backed away. When he saw the swordsman rushing out in a frenzy of explosion, his face changed drastically. This meant that the opponent was a terrifying swordsman who cultivated both sword and body.

Not daring to be negligent, he fired several fireball magic scrolls in succession, stabbed them with a sword, and Doudou, the elf, shot out an ice pick again, deflecting the swordsman's sword.

The swordsman took his time and swung his right fist to hit the red sword that came next.


With a bang, the red sword pierced into his fist. The swordsman showed a ferocious smile, and his left fist suddenly attacked Li Yuan's head.

"Hmph!" Li Yuan sneered, and started to use void footwork. With a stir of the red sword, the swordsman's entire arm was shredded. He dodged his left fist, and the sharp sword pierced the swordsman's forehead.

The swordsman fell, and a swordsman appeared. Seeing that Li Yuan killed two people in succession, all of them were fatal with one move. Not only did he not attack, but he turned back.

Li Yuan didn't chase after him, and waited quietly in the cave. When he was free, he hurriedly hugged Princess Xinyue from Princess Xinrong, took off her veil, stroked her purple face, and saw that she was sleeping , had to hold silently.

"Brother Yuan, Sister Xinyue is fine, she just collapsed. It seems that they want to capture Sister Xinyue alive, otherwise the ninth-level swordsman would not have killed her for so long." Princess Xinrong said comfortingly.

"En! The princess is right, I have to trouble you to take care of Yue'er later." Li Yuan said in a low voice, for fear of waking Princess Xinyue.

"You Yue'er, Yue'er, you call me so affectionately, can you change my address, the princess is always long and the princess is short." Princess Xinrong said coquettishly.

"I'll call you Rong from now on, okay?" Li Yuan said with a smile. In the past, Princess Xinrong would suddenly suddenly fall in love with Princess Xinrong. After all, life and death go hand in hand. Who can compare to that love?If you don't accept such sincere love, you are not the stupidest fool in the world.

"Seeing how conscientious you are, you can call me Sister Rong. If you call me just one word, I'm at a disadvantage." Princess Xinrong said with a charming smile, knowing that Li Yuan's change of mouth meant that she fell in love with her, and she was elated. The smile is very sweet, and the voice of speaking is also magnetic, extremely soft and pleasant.

Li Yuan was extremely shocked. Hearing such a beautiful voice from Princess Xinrong for the first time, he couldn't help being astonished!

"This is my natural voice. I usually suppress my voice. Does it sound good?" Princess Xinrong asked softly.

Li Yuan was extremely shocked. This is the most charming and ecstatic side of Princess Xinrong. The voice alone can fascinate people. I have never heard of the legend of Princess Xinrong's beautiful voice.He nodded abruptly and said, "Yeah! It sounds good."

"Hee hee, can I tell you every day from now on?" Princess Xinrong said slyly.

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