I stopped my sister from marrying Huang Mao, but she stabbed me in the back?

Chapter 12: Night market preparation, bitter self-deprecation!

Chapter 12: Night market preparation, bitter self-deprecation!
After watching her sister take away the bankbook and marriage certificate, slam the door, and walk away, Shen Mengyue smiled bitterly and sat on the sofa again, looking desolate.

His eyes slowly glanced at the handful of wedding candies scattered randomly on the coffee table, without moving a single one.

Because just by looking at it, she knew that the red-skinned wedding candies that Shen Mengxing was giving out were the cheapest red-skinned wedding candies on the market. They even had only one style, and the wholesale price was only a few cents per pound.

You must know that in this small county town of theirs, no matter how poor they are, they will not do this. They will at least come up with more styles of wedding candies. How could they be so stingy?

He also said that he was a nouveau riche who was about to be demolished. Shen Mengyue didn't see the explosive atmosphere, only saw the stingy calculations!
Beforehand, he even boasted about the betrothal gifts.

She had never seen it before. She didn't take a cent of the bride price, but instead encouraged the woman to take the dowry first.

Fortunately, my sister really believes it!

It can be seen from this that it is clear at a glance whether this Guihuo Huangmao family values ​​their daughter-in-law or not, as they value their unmarried and pregnant daughter-in-law!
Forget it, this was all her determined choice. She had done everything she could, so what else could she say?

Respect the blessing!
After all, they are two families that have nothing to do with her from now on. I hope she can really live a good life with the Will-o'-the-Wisp Huangmao family, but she is mistaken.

Even at this moment, Shen Mengyue really hoped that she would be slapped in the face. Even if her sister married and lived better than him, it wouldn't matter. It would save her a big trouble.

Otherwise, if she has a bad life and comes back to look for him, she will be in big trouble!
He looked at the suitcase placed at the door of his bedroom and secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, when my sister came back just now, she was only focused on getting her bankbook and didn't pay attention to anything else.

Otherwise, her plan to temporarily move to the construction site would be exposed.

After completely giving up her sisterly love for Shen Mengxing, for a moment, she really didn't want this white-eyed wolf sister to know her whereabouts, lest she would pester her if she had a bad life. She was really annoyed!
Thinking about it, she came back to the suitcase. There was still her parents' marriage certificate on it, and she was going to put it in it.

Next to the wedding photo was the admission notice for her younger sister to be admitted to the provincial normal university, which she had taken out from her parents' bedroom together with the wedding photo.

Because after receiving the admission notice that her sister was admitted to college, she burst into tears of joy. She immediately rushed to the bedroom and placed it next to her parents' wedding photos, hoping that they could also witness this joy. She worked hard Three years of hard work for my sister to study have finally paid off!

This should have been a great event for the sisters to celebrate happily, but now it seems that the happiness I felt that day and the three years of hard work seemed so ridiculous, and everything was in vain.

However, the moment she saw the admission notice, Shen Mengyue was reminded of something, and she quickly walked into Shen Mengxing's bedroom again.

When she opened the door, she saw that Shen Mengxing's bedroom was a little messier than hers, because the room was filled with all kinds of review materials for the third year of high school.

There are two large cardboard boxes stacked in the corner, which contain various textbooks from the first to the second year of high school.

Because of her influence, my sister originally chose science, so she could also use her textbook materials.

On the desk, in addition to various textbooks, there is also a large pile of various completed mock tests.

Looking at the pile of test papers, with her sister Juanxiu's handwriting written on them, she couldn't help but reveal a trace of bitterness at the corner of her mouth again.

Originally, Shen Mengxing really had a chance to change her destiny by studying. She had already entered college.

It can be said that one foot has entered the threshold of the university campus, but she has withdrawn and chosen to give up. What can she say?

That’s fine, you’re making yourself easier!
She was thinking of what Manager Wang Li had reminded her. She had not gone back to school for three years and had forgotten most of the high school knowledge she had learned.

Therefore, in the remaining month of the summer vacation, in addition to working hard to earn tuition by setting up a stall, she should also review on her own in advance, so as not to fall too far behind and unable to keep up with the progress of other students when school starts.

She had all the books and materials for the first and second years of high school, but what she lacked was the most important ones for the third year.

Before her senior year of high school started, she encountered changes in her parents' circumstances and had to drop out of school to work.

Fortunately, she didn't have it. Shen Mengxing had it here. She didn't want it anyway, so there was nothing wrong with taking it for herself.

I also saved a lot of money to buy materials and various exercise sets.

What's more, these materials and test papers also contain the problem-solving ideas and notes that Shen Mengxing recorded when he was studying.

Although she finally couldn't figure out why she didn't go to college to marry that ghost-fire Huangmao, she still got into college after all, and her grades were pretty good.

Therefore, the notes she recorded can also benefit her a lot. It finally helps her and allows her to get started faster.

Therefore, she picked out the general review materials for the senior year of high school and various mock test papers left by Shen Mengxing and took them away, preparing to move them to the dormitory at the construction site. She set up a stall selling fried skewers while reviewing in advance. Get familiar with these knowledge points that have been largely forgotten.

Now one suitcase was not enough, so she had to find another cardboard box, put all the books and materials into the cardboard box, and sealed it with tape.

He pulled out the suitcase's lever and tied it to the front of the suitcase so that it could be transported away together.

Finally, after completely packing up, she dragged the heavy suitcase to the door. Then, after taking one last look at the home, she threw Shen Mengxing's admission notice on the coffee table and dragged the suitcase downstairs. Yes, let’s rush to the construction site.

Because it was already after four o'clock, the workers at the construction site and nearby residents were about to get off work. She had to rush over quickly to get the ingredients to set up a stall at the night market.

After all, she can earn more than 200 yuan by setting up a stall at noon when there is less traffic, let alone late at night when there is a lot of traffic.

Night Market Night Market, as the name suggests, is the real home venue at night!
So after going downstairs, she looked at the large pile of review materials tied to the suitcase. It was so heavy that she didn't know how long it would take to drag it there. Shen Mengyue had no choice but to grit her teeth and pay for a tricycle to move the suitcase to it. Go with me.

This is also a characteristic of their small city. There are two types of passenger transportation: taxis and rickshaws, but compared to taxis, rickshaws are cheaper.

The starting price of a taxi is four yuan, while a rickshaw only costs two yuan, and you can also ask them to help you move your things, which is very cost-effective.

It only took about twenty minutes for Shen Mengyue to return to the construction site in a tricycle. After paying in a hurry, she dragged her heavy suitcase straight to the construction site dormitory sponsored by Manager Wang Li.

There was no time to rest. Seeing that it was almost five o'clock, I put my suitcase in the dormitory and rushed to the back of the construction site cafeteria where the trolley was parked to prepare for the stall.

When she came to the canteen, she smelled the aroma of food coming from it. Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li in the canteen were already busy and started preparing dinner for the workers.

Yes, Shen Mengyue's construction site also has a small canteen, and Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li are responsible for running it.

However, even though it is a canteen, because the rice is cooked in a big pot, the taste is not terrible, but it is not delicious either, just average.

And it also costs money, but it’s relatively cheaper.

Therefore, some workers who are willing to spend money on themselves will make appointments to eat at night markets outside every now and then to improve their food.

In particular, the canteen only provides breakfast, lunch and dinner, and no late night snacks.

There are not many entertainment activities in this era, so when the clock comes around eight or nine in the evening, going to the night market in small groups to eat some late-night snacks and drink some late-night beer has become the main pastime for many people. Especially in the long summer nights.

This is also the main reason why their night market is so popular!

After arriving here, Shen Mengyue was thankful again when she unlocked the car's wheels.

Fortunately, before she went home to move things, she had almost prepared the dishes she would sell at the stall in the evening. Now she only needed to push the trolley out, so it didn't have to be too much trouble and it would be a lot easier.

Then, when he pushed the trolley to the small board room in the canteen, he did not leave in a hurry, but stopped for a moment, came into the canteen, smiled lightly at Uncle Zhang who was copying the big pot of food, and said Say hello.

After all, if you borrow someone else's space to park your car, you can't just not say hello, right?
He said with a smile. "Uncle Zhang, I didn't see you and Aunt Li at noon, so I took it upon myself to park the car behind the cafeteria. I didn't delay you, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Dehai, who was busy cooking in a large pot with his hands lowered and wielding a spatula like a big shovel, quickly raised his head, flipping vigorously, shaking his head and laughing honestly.

"It's okay, it's okay. You can just stop. I've said it before. It's okay. Don't worry. My old lady and I will keep an eye on you. Nothing will happen to you!"

After saying that, he glanced at Shen Mengyue who was about to push the cart out of the stall, and gave instructions hurriedly.

"By the way, you can come over after the stall is closed. You can still eat here. We will leave food for you."

"After all, the time you set up the stall is during meal time. When you are busy, you definitely don't have time to eat properly. Although you sell fried skewers, you can't eat them as food. Eating too much is not good for your health. I heard without?"

Shen Mengyue was just about to politely refuse. It was already late at night when she finished setting up the stall, so why bother bothering these two people to wait for him and leave food for him.

But after hearing their conversation, Aunt Li, who was sorting vegetables behind the curtain, hurriedly came out holding a big cabbage and said with a smile.

"Is it Xiaoyue?"

"Your Uncle Zhang is right. After closing the stall in the evening, come to our place to eat. We will leave food for you."

"Don't feel embarrassed. Anyway, we can't go to bed so early in this summer. We need to cool off for a while. We don't rest until [-] or [-] o'clock. It's time for you to close the stall, so I came here. You have to take the college entrance examination. Why don't you do it well?" How about eating?"

"Be obedient, remember?"

Hearing the two people's earnest instructions to her, the two sincere faces were filled with smiles. In the end, Shen Mengyue couldn't bear to brush off the good intentions of the two people, so she had to swallow the words she wanted to refuse, and nodded with a smile. .


"Okay, Uncle Zhang, Aunt Li, then I will listen to you. I will come to your place to eat after closing the stall. Just don't bother me."

"You kid, why did you say this? We are eager for you to come over. There are so many people and it's so lively!"

"Hey, okay, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li, I'll go out to the stall, see you in the evening."

"Hey, see you tonight. Pay attention to safety. If anything happens, just go to the construction site to see your Uncle Zhang!"

After saying that, she waved gratefully to the two uncles and aunts, and Shen Mengyue pushed the cart again and headed outside the construction site.

She secretly thought that her uncle and aunt had known about her since the first day she started working at the construction site.

After all, the sudden arrival of such a little girl doing part-time work at the construction site is indeed very conspicuous, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

He took great care of her, often letting her eat, cooking for her, and caring about her as if she were his own child.

After learning that she was resigning from the construction site and planning to go back to study two days ago, she was even more happy and expressed her support immediately.

When they learned that she was going to set up a stall selling fried skewers outside the construction site to earn tuition for the rest of the summer vacation, they found her first and told her that she could park the cart behind their canteen. They helped to watch. It saves her having to push the cart all the way.

This is also the main reason why Shen Mengyue pushed the cart directly to the back of the canteen at the construction site after closing the stall at noon today. It was because she had made an agreement with her uncle and aunt.

Now that he was urging her so earnestly, Shen Mengyue knew that this was already an unspeakable kindness.

If she really shirks it because of a mouthful of rice, it will appear that she is being pretentious and unfamiliar.

Yes, fortunately it is summer now, only one month. She will live in the school dormitory after school starts. Summer is hot in this season, and everyone will not sleep too late. It is okay to trouble Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li. If it is winter If so, she couldn't bear to have her two uncles and aunts in their 50s go through such trouble.

After pushing the car back to the fixed place where she set up her stall at noon, Shen Mengyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she took out all the things on the cart. Her cart was very big, similar to the carts commonly seen selling cold dishes on the street. It was divided into two layers, with various dishes placed on the upper layer. , the lower level is storage space.

In the storage space, there were four folding tables and a dozen small folding stools. At this moment, she took them all out and placed them around her trolley, making it convenient for those who came to order a bunch of fried skewers in the evening. people sit and eat.

That's right, those who set up stalls at the night market all have fixed locations.

They need to pay a market management fee to the market, and then the market will allocate them to an area. They can only place them in this area and cannot place them randomly.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause traffic jams and chaos.

Because Shen Mengyue's market management fee has been paid by his master, the area of ​​more than ten square meters near her cart belongs to her, where she can place some tables and benches.

Then, after setting up the stall, she saw the beer truck coming. She ordered ten more bottles of beer and placed them next to her cart for those who wanted to eat snacks and drink beer at night.

Because these beers are not sold to customers alone, but are sold specifically to merchants like them who set up stalls in the night market, and then they distribute them sporadically to customers having late-night snacks, almost at this time every day Come, let's deliver the goods to them.

Of course, selling to them is one price, and they sell it to customers for another price, which is also a huge profit.

According to what her master said before handing the stall over to her, he used to sell at least ten or twenty pieces of beer every night when he ran the night market.

After all, it was Shen Mengyue's first day, and she was a little unsure. She was not sure that she could reach the master's level, so she cautiously entered only ten items.

I think it would be best if it can be sold out. If it is not sold out, the worst thing is to put it on a cart and push it back, and then sell it again tomorrow. This kind of thing is like biting off more than you can chew!

After everything was ready, she also heated up the oil in the pot.

He was burning oil while waiting for the customers to come in the evening.

At the same time, she couldn't help but recall the earnest instructions given to her by Uncle Zhang and Aunt Li just now in front of the canteen at the construction site, as well as their kind smiles.

On the contrary, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Because since her parents passed away in an accident, almost all the strangers she met were trying to help her.

Whether it was her parents' former co-workers, Manager Wang Li, Teacher Liu, Teacher Zhao, Uncle Zhang, Aunt Li, and even many kind-hearted people she could hardly remember, these people all helped her without expecting anything in return.

But only for her sister Shen Mengxing, whom she had grown up with and for whom he had even given up a bright future for her, had no family gratitude and love for her.

She was exhausted and said she had to drop out of school and work for three years, but the result was that the sisters turned against each other and ended up being inferior to a group of strangers, which made her quite self-deprecating.

In this life, will I succeed or fail?
Sure enough, there are some people in this world who would rather give their kindness and kindness to outsiders than point the knife at the people closest to them!

She didn't believe it before, but now she does!



(End of this chapter)

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