Chapter 20 The gangster comes!
"Hey Hey hey!"

"Pay the management fee! Pay the management fee! Why are you still hanging around?"

"You all know, the price will increase in the second half of this year. Pay the fee honestly to ensure that you are safe in the second half of the year, otherwise, hum!"

He just sneered and didn't say much, which made Uncle An across the street tremble and nodded repeatedly.

"You know, you know, it's been increased by one hundred yuan every month. Once you pay it for half a year, it's a total of two thousand, four hundred yuan, right? It's all here. It's ready. You guys click on it!"

I saw this group of arrogant gangsters who were charging so-called market management fees. They first came to Uncle An's Roujiamo stall, surrounded him, and demanded money.

Uncle An didn't dare to resist, so he had to pay the fee honestly.

At this time, it was noon, the rush hour after get off work, and many workers who passed by and wanted to buy the roujiamo from his stall were frightened and took a detour when they saw this formation, not wanting to be contaminated by this gang of dyers. A punk with colorful hair.

"That's pretty much it. You're an honest old guy!"

After seeing Uncle An pay the fee honestly, this group of bastards were also very satisfied. Another person took one or two meat buns from his stall without giving any money. Uncle An didn't dare to ask for it, with a look on his face. After sending him away with a smile, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had sent away a group of plague gods.

Then he gestured to Shen Mengyue with his eyes, as if to say, look, as long as you pay the fee honestly like me, there will be no problem.

What can Shen Mengyue do?He could only respond with a wry smile.

To be honest, this is the first time in this life that Shen Mengyue has dealt with this group of gangsters.

In the last life, she had contact with her sister's boyfriend, the will-o'-the-wisp Huangmao.

But the final ending was not very harmonious. First, he was stabbed in the back by his own sister, and then stabbed a full ten times by the will-o'-the-wisp yellow hair, and he died tragically on the spot.

So at this moment, when I saw this group of gangsters, I felt frightened and had a strong sense of fear of death.

Fortunately, after these gangsters collected Uncle An's market management fee, they did not come directly to collect it from her.

Instead, they collected everything along the opposite street, and then slowly turned to their side of the street, which made Shen Mengyue relax a little and not so scared and nervous.

The charging process was also very smooth. Obviously, everyone was afraid of these gangsters and did not dare to resist. They all paid for Ping An honestly.

This group of gangsters were naturally very satisfied when they saw everyone obediently paying their bills, so they didn't look for trouble.

At most, they forcefully take some meat buns, pancakes and fruits, hot and sour noodles, mace potatoes, rice rolls, etc. from various stall owners. Everyone dares to be angry and dare not say anything, so they can only let them do it.

After all, these are really not worth much money, just be safe!

After both streets were almost completed, finally, this group of gangsters with colorful hair wandered to Shen Mengyue's stall.

After looking at her, he said slightly surprised.

"Hey, has this fried skewers stall changed its staff?"

With that said, he unceremoniously grabbed a handful of fried skewers from the iron rack on the oil pan, stuffed it into his mouth, and ate it in a nonchalant manner.

"Well, although the people have changed, the taste has not changed. It's done well!"

Then, he tapped her small cart with the stick.

"Hey! Why are you still standing there? Pay for it! The management fee is four hundred a month, and you pay it for half a year, a total of two thousand four hundred, don't you know?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengyue sighed helplessly and was ready to accept her fate and pay as she looked at the group of gangsters gathered in front of her food stall, eating and grabbing, scaring the other customers away.

Yes, it's only a few days before school starts. For the sake of my own bright future, I really don't need to get into conflict with this group of idle gangsters.

Not to mention that it would delay her from continuing to set up a stall to make money, but if she was stabbed a few more times, she would lose a lot!

Thinking about it, she looked at the distance without giving up. Uncle Liu Qiang and the others, who had agreed to support her, still didn't show up. She couldn't help but feel more helpless.

I guess Uncle Liu Qiang is a noble man who forgets things a lot!

Also, with his status, he visits high-end places all day long, such as high-end hotels and nightclubs. To suddenly come to eat fried skewers at a food stall in a night market like hers is indeed not very high-end, and he may feel that he cannot afford to embarrass this person. .

Thinking of this, Shen Mengyue was ready to pay honestly at her complete loss.

However, she was really reluctant to pay out two thousand, four hundred yuan for no reason. This was her turnover for several days, she said hesitantly.

"Well, I have received a few big brothers. The thing is like this. I only have two months of rent left for this stall, and after two months of work, I don't know whether I can still work or not."

"So I want to discuss, can I pay you two months first, and if I do it again later, I can make it up to you?"

"If you don't make it difficult for me, I won't make it difficult for you either, okay?"

Indeed, as Shen Mengyue said, the reason why she set up a fried skewers stall here was to earn enough 2 yuan for her tuition, plus some living expenses.

This hard-earned two thousand, four hundred yuan is related to everything!

After all, after school starts, it's not certain whether she will have time to set up a stall again. If she pays the money, wouldn't it be wasted?

There was a big difference between eight hundred and two thousand four. It was enough for her living expenses for two to three months, so she wanted to fight for it!

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished her pleading words, a red-haired gangster who had just eaten her fried skewers rushed forward with eyes wide open, and knocked the large plates of fried skewers in front of her to the ground with one slap. .


Suddenly, all kinds of vegetable and meat skewers were scattered all over the floor, making it a mess!

The stainless steel plate holding the skewers made a clanging sound when it hit the ground, which was particularly harsh.

Not to mention overturning the plate she had the skewers on, the red-haired gangster even pointed at her nose and cursed.

"Fuck! Do you want to hear what the hell are you talking about? Are you treating us like three-year-olds?"

"Everyone else pays for half a year, but you are special. You only pay for two months, right?"

"Are you going to care about our business then? Even if you only work for one day and leave tomorrow, as long as you are still here today, you have to pay the market management fee of 400, [-] yuan, and you can't miss a penny. , do you understand?"

"It's still hard to do. If it's hard to do, just don't do it!"

"Bang!" As she spoke, another purple-haired gangster rushed forward and kicked her cart hard.

Suddenly, even the oil pan on the stove shook violently several times and almost fell off the cart.

A few hot oil droplets splashed down and landed on the back of Shen Mengyue's hand. It was so hot that she quickly covered her hand in pain and took a few steps back. She didn't dare to provoke these gangsters anymore, she said angrily and aggrievedly.

"I'm just asking, and I didn't say I wouldn't pay. Why are you trying to destroy my stall?"

Unexpectedly, Shen Mengyue's words made these gangsters even more angry, and they immediately started shouting around her stall.

"Damn, what the hell did you say?"

"You even opened up your stall, believe it or not, I smashed your stall?"

"That's right, this whole street belongs to you. I tell you, pay for it quickly, or you won't get the good news!"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

At this time, a young gangster with yellow hair suddenly stood up pretending to be a good person, as if he was the leader of the group, and stretched out his hand to stop everyone.

"We are serious market managers. What are you going to do? Fight?"

"Do you really think you are a gangster? Are you so out of class?"

As soon as this person opened his mouth, the gangsters around him slowly stopped.

Then, this yellow-haired gangster walked up and picked at Shen Mengyue's fried skewers stall.

"Little girl, you have to understand. I charge market management fees for your own good, so that you won't be bullied by other gangsters!"

"Besides, we are in charge of several night markets, and we always collect them at the same time. Once we collect them, we collect them for half a year. There has never been anything like yours, where you say you have to pay for one or two months first."

"If everyone is like you, this one pays for one month first, that one pays for two months first, and the other pays for three months first, how can we remember? Isn't this chaos? How can we manage it?"

"You really have to understand that these guys under me have been out in society for a long time. They may not even be able to write their own names. How can they keep accounts, don't you think so?"

Immediately, as soon as these words were spoken, the large group of colorful boys behind Huang Mao all burst into laughter, and the air was filled with the smell of joy.

They are all not ashamed but proud, and they are very arrogant.

Shen Mengyue clenched her teeth and said nothing.

It was when I saw the group of gangsters in front of me that everyone looked like a Pai Gu Jian. They were almost carved out of the same mold as Xu Shaoyang.

I am really glad that there is no Xu Shaoyang here, otherwise she would not have been stabbed again.

I really didn’t expect that this group of gangsters from society would be so overbearing. They wouldn’t even discuss it, but they would smash her stall if they disagreed. How could she reason with her in broad daylight?
Seeing that she didn't speak, Huang Mao sneered and threw the handful of fried skewers he picked up on the ground.

"So, little girl, I advise you not to be stubborn. Since you are a girl, we are already very polite to you!"

"In a word, the management fee can only be paid for half a year and is not negotiable!"

"Otherwise the stall cannot be managed, and we will have to find ways to manage you. Do you think that's okay?"

As he spoke, his throat squirmed, as if he was holding back a mouthful of phlegm, and he was about to spit it into the oil pan where Shen Mengyue fried skewers. It made her feel nauseous.


But just when she was about to pay and give in, no one expected that the yellow-haired gangster who was about to spit into her frying pan was suddenly kicked out hard.

The whole person was like a little shrimp that had been kicked away, his figure was blurred, and he was slammed into the trash can containing a lot of swill.

Under the scorching summer heat, all kinds of rotten and rotten garbage exuding a sour smell were all over him in an instant.

Everyone was shocked and didn't understand what happened to this sudden change.

Many passers-by covered their noses and ran away quickly, really not wanting to see this disgusting and stinky scene.

His colorful group of younger brothers didn't dislike it, but after being stunned for a moment, they became furious in an instant.

He rushed over and rescued him from the swill bucket, while warning loudly.

"Brother! Are you okay, brother?"

"Brother, please don't open your mouth, there are maggots in this swill!"

"What the hell, who kicked my eldest brother? He doesn't want to live anymore?"

"I can't run away. None of you can run away today. If you offend my brother, just wait for death!"

Hearing this, the visitor just sneered disdainfully and handed the briefcase in his hand to the younger brother behind him.

She pulled a small folding chair from in front of Shen Mengyue's stall and sat down slowly.

Looking at the group of gangsters in front of them who were anxiously rescuing their elder brother from the swill bucket, they mocked in annoyance.

"What the hell, what are you doing? They're all dyed colorful and they're just pretending to be gourd dolls?"

"Let me tell you, you only have so much ability. It's okay to bully ordinary people. When I was selling fish in this market, why didn't you dare to come to me with such arrogance and charge me management fees?"

"A bunch of low-grade stuff!"

"Fuck! Strong, strong brother?!"

I saw someone coming. Who else could it be, Uncle Liu Qiang, if not the savior Shen Mengyue was hoping for?




(End of this chapter)

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