I stopped my sister from marrying Huang Mao, but she stabbed me in the back?

Chapter 26 Another sight of the will-o'-the-wisp yellow hair

After driving her sister away, Shen Mengyue felt more and more the urgency of staying away from this city and breaking away from her family.

So when I returned to my desk, I felt more motivated to review my homework, and my goal of getting into a good university became more determined.

It's up to you to decide whether you can change your destiny!
Because only by really getting out of this small city can she see the broader world outside, instead of having to be trapped here all her life and make a living by selling labor.

The arguments every day are all about trivial matters.

So sitting in a well and looking at the sky is not a derogatory term sometimes.

In the past, the world in her eyes was really only as big as this small county town, and the city was already an unattainable big city!
Now I understand that it is much more than that. Only by breaking out of this trap and being content in your own little world can you usher in a true new life!

And the only way for her to get out of this small world now is to get admitted to a good university.

Not to mention Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, at least she has to go to their provincial capital city so that she can have a larger platform for her to develop and completely stay away from Shen Mengxing without having to be bothered by her for the rest of her life.

But she also understands that if you want to go to these places, it is essential to accumulate a certain amount of original capital!

So in the next period of time, Shen Mengyue worked harder to make money.

Not only did he shout harder when he set up a stall selling fried skewers, but he also didn't rest on his master's credit.

Instead, she also tried her best to develop many new categories of fried skewers, thus attracting more and more customers to her fried skewers stall based on the original foundation laid by her master.

In addition, two days ago, Liu Qiang, who was well-known in the county, came all the way to support her and kick out the gangsters.

As a result, many workers at the construction site came here because of her reputation. While they wanted to try her fried skewers skills, they also wanted to find out what her relationship with Liu Qiang was like and whether she was really adopted as his goddaughter. .

The popularity of her business has reached a new level. In the past few days, her income has exceeded the one thousand yuan mark. Today, it is rare that it is one thousand five yuan, which makes her ecstatic.

In just a few days, she earned 4000 yuan, which is really more than what she earned from working part-time on a construction site for two or three months!
Counting her previous deposits, she has almost saved up to 2 yuan for the study fee. It has only been half a month. She has completed the task ahead of schedule. How can she not be happy?

I am so happy!
I just hope that in the next few days, before school starts in September, nothing will go wrong again, so that she can continue to make money smoothly.

After all, for Shen Mengyue, although she has earned enough from tuition fees, her living expenses have not yet been met, so she cannot stop making money and must continue to work hard!

After another busy day, it’s Friday.

Although for construction workers who work hard on the construction site, there may not be any concept of Saturday and weekend holidays.

But for many other employees who live in nearby family homes, they have weekends off.

Therefore, Friday night is particularly lively, and the number of people in the night market is the largest in a week.

Naturally, this has become the most profitable day of the week for Shen Mengyue and other vendors who set up stalls at the night market.

Even the end time was extremely late.

In the past, she would close her stall around nine o'clock, but these two days, she was busy until ten o'clock.

I don't know if it's her, but almost all other vendors are the same. They have to be busy until about ten o'clock in the past two days before gradually closing their stalls.

Watching the lively night market crowds gradually dispersing, the stall owners who had sold out their stalls were smiling very happily. They greeted each other happily and began to close their stalls, preparing to go home.

An Dacheng hummed his iconic opera tune happily, happily counted the money he earned today, put it away next to him, and started to close the stall.

At the same time, looking at Shen Mengyue who had not closed the stall across the street, she reminded her with a smile.

"Xiao Shen, it's already very late. Please close the stall early. You can't make enough money. You still have to go back to school, so don't be exhausted."

"Seeing as your business has been good these two days, you should have made a lot of money. Have you saved enough for tuition?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengyue smiled and nodded, holding tightly to the small box containing her money.

"It's okay, Uncle An, just so-so. It's not as good as your business."

After saying that, she glanced towards the construction site and Shen Mengyue said again.

"Uncle An, please close the stall first. I still have a while. A few co-workers I know said that they will work overtime to clear dust tonight and will come to my place for supper after work, so I still have to wait for them."

"is it?"

When An Dacheng heard Shen Mengyue's words, his eyes lit up.

"Eating late night snacks is so daring!"

"When I go back, I guess my family has already taken their little grandson to bed. It's summer, I have just finished my work, and I can't sleep for a while. Why don't I invest in stocks? Anyway, I made a lot today, so I just do a few How about a Roujiamo joining you?"

"I happen to be hungry too and want to eat something."

"How? One more of me isn't too much, right?"

Hearing what Uncle An said, Shen Mengyue immediately nodded and smiled.

"No problem, no problem, Uncle An, you can join at any time if you want. There are so many people here so it's so lively."

"But my fellow workers and uncles probably won't be there for a while. They said the pump truck hasn't come out yet, so we have to wait!"

"It's okay, just wait. I've been busy all day, and it's just time to look at the stars and enjoy the cool air. I don't have such free time during the day."

While talking, the two of them also pushed the carts where they had set up stalls together and formed a corner around Shen Mengyue.

Soon, other nearby stall owners who learned the news also pushed their carts over and gathered around.

After all, they have been busy all day, and it is a rare leisure time for them to get together in their free time.

Although we both set up stalls on the same street, we have known each other for several years, and they sell different snacks and meals. We eat purely based on our skills, so the relationship is not so bad.

Each of them took out some of the remaining ingredients, prepared them, and started making their own snacks, letting everyone taste them and see what was worth improving. It was both a late-night snack feast and an exchange meeting.

Just as Shen Mengyue and the others were chatting, laughing, and preparing in a lively manner, suddenly, a dazzling light shone straight from the distant road.

A harsh whistling sound came straight towards their food stall.

Seeing this, An Dacheng, who was making Roujiamo, was the first to become alert.

"No, it's a motorcycle! It looks like that gang from Tangshan Iron and Steel. These gangsters often ride out will-o'-the-wisps and blow up the streets when they have nothing to do. Could they be looking for revenge on us?"

As he spoke, his expression changed, and he hurriedly spoke to a familiar stall owner beside him.

"Old Wang, hurry up and go to the construction site to see if the workers have finished dusting. By the way, you see other workers and call them over quickly. Let's treat them to a midnight snack!"

"It's late at night, and these gangsters came to the door. They have bad intentions, so we have to be on guard!" Hearing what he said, the other stall owners nodded involuntarily, and they also looked wary.

His name was Lao Wang, the uncle who sold eggs and stuffed cakes. Because he was not tall and was a bit of a dwarf, he was usually the timidest and most afraid of provoking these little gangsters, so he nodded quickly and ran to the construction site to bring in reinforcements. went.

Although Shen Mengyue was also very nervous, she was still calm because she had already experienced such a thing once.

In addition, Uncle Liu Qiang had already dealt with Tang Gang's gang two days ago. The gangsters were so frightened that they looked like ghosts. When they ran away, they only regretted that their parents had lost a leg, so it stands to reason that , shouldn’t he have the guts to take revenge, right?
If the shadow of this famous tree really dares to come, he just doesn't take Uncle Liu Qiang seriously. Aren't you afraid that he will continue to be punished?

Therefore, while pretending to be calm, Shen Mengyue also comforted him.

"You should be fine, Uncle An? It's probably just an ordinary motorcycle that comes to the night market. Like you, it's ready for a late-night snack. Are we making too much of a fuss?"

But looking at the approaching motorcycle lights, which were really heading straight towards them without any intention of turning, An Dacheng's face became darker and darker, and he shook his head.

"Xiao Shen, you are still young and don't understand the insidiousness of these gangsters."

"Before the Uncle Liu Qiang you recognized came, there were people in the night market who had offended Tang Gang for not obeying the rules. He always brought a group of gangsters riding ghost motorcycles to settle accounts with him at night. It can be described as ruthless to do evil things.”

"Is there still such a thing?"

"Of course, he forces these vendors to either obey his rules and accept their fate and pay the money, or they will never dare to set up stalls in the night market again."

"We asked you to invite Liu Qiang to you the day before yesterday, and we were lucky enough to escape the disaster and not pay the unjust money. However, these gangsters in society have the best to save face. There is no guarantee that they will not be reconciled after Liu Qiang left. Find a way to take revenge."

"Everyone has been doing business today. The business is good. We all have money in our hands. We should be careful. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!"

Immediately, upon hearing An Dacheng's words, the expressions of several other stall owners who were also timid changed and they hurriedly hid the money they earned today carefully, for fear of being robbed.

Even Shen Mengyue, who had been calm just now, could not help but become nervous at this moment. She subconsciously put her small box of money in the innermost part of the trolley, also afraid of this.

This was her whole day's turnover, which amounted to thousands of dollars. If she was really robbed like this, it would be a big loss.


Just when they were secretly worried, the will-o'-the-wisp motorcycle that had been shining its dazzling headlights on them finally rushed in front of them, stopped suddenly, and stopped in front of Shen Mengyue's stall.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

But although the motorcycle stopped, the engine did not turn off.

The people in the car seemed to deliberately use the harsh sound of the engine to stimulate the ears of Shen Mengyue and the others. They thought it was cool and fashionable.

But Shen Mengyue didn't think it was cool at all, she just thought it was disturbing and noisy.

Along with the deafening sound of the engine, there was also a pungent smell of inferior engine oil, which made her frown.

I really don’t understand why my sister likes these little gangsters who ride ghost-fire motorcycles. She doesn’t really think they are cool, does she?
No, no, no?

Of course, Shen Mengyue still couldn't tell clearly who the person in the car was for a while.

Because everyone was blinded by the headlights shining straight on them in front of the motorcycle. They subconsciously covered their eyes with their hands. Through the gaps between their fingers, they could only see a dazzling white light, and nothing else. Not sure.

But the more this happened, the more Shen Mengyue became angry.

Because this means that the people in this car are really looking for trouble!

Otherwise, how can anyone ride a motorcycle properly, keep the headlight pointed at people, and make the engine make a harsh buzzing sound to irritate people's ears?

Especially when he deliberately parked his car in front of her stall, he was clearly targeting her. Why wasn't he looking for trouble?
Could it be that Tang Gang and those other gangsters were not afraid of death and came specifically to seek revenge on them?
But it's not right either.

Seeing that there was only one ghost-fire motorcycle in front of her, Shen Mengyue said in her heart that even if she wanted to retaliate, she should send a few more people. What kind of ability could this motorcycle be?
Is it possible that they learned this skill from India? A dozen people can get off a motorcycle?

That’s really awesome!
The next moment, it turned out that Shen Mengyue was simply overthinking, as only three figures jumped off the will-o'-the-wisp motorcycle.

But I still dare not be careless.

Because these three people were each dragging a steel pipe more than one meter long, making a harsh friction sound on the ground. They really looked like the young and Dangerous guys in the movies who were looking for fights and troubles, and were extremely fierce.

Shen Mengyue was frightened and uneasy, so she couldn't help but squint her eyes and look over, trying to see clearly who was causing trouble.

At a glance, I suddenly felt that this person seemed familiar.

"This is……"

Just as she was wondering, sure enough, a slightly familiar voice came from the front.

"I said sister-in-law, that's your biological sister. It's so unkind of you not to do this little favor!"

Then he saw that the person coming was none other than Xu Shaoyang, the ghost-fire yellow-haired man!

He dragged a steel pipe and came to Shen Mengyue's stall with an arrogant look. He first tapped the edge of her trolley with the steel pipe.

Then, he flicked the yellow hair and oblique bangs on his head, and blew air from the corner of his mouth to make it flutter. Feeling that he was so cool, he came in front of Shen Mengyue, with a crazy look on his face. God said.

"Do you know, that is my woman, and only I can bully her!"

"But I heard that last time you bullied her until she went home crying, asking you not to do anything for the sake of the family."

"Not only did she not help, she even threatened to call the police and arrest her. This is a violation of the rules. As her man, I have to ask what is going on!"

"Don't think it's a big deal just because you set up a stall in this night market and made a few stinky bucks. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. This night market is managed by me and my eldest brother. If you can't set up a stall here, it's okay." It can’t be done, do you believe it?!”

"What the hell, you even dare to touch my Xu Shaoyang woman, you are really going against the grain!"

Hearing this, hearing what Xu Shaoyang said, and seeing his little moves that he thought were extremely cool, Shen Mengyue was speechless for a while and frowned.

"I'm talking about Xu Shaoyang, you non-mainstream gangsters are all sick, right? It's been two or three days since this happened, and you didn't know about it until you got home?"

"Where's Tang Gang? Did he ask you to come?"

"You really don't know what's going on? How dare you come?"




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