I stopped my sister from marrying Huang Mao, but she stabbed me in the back?

Chapter 4: Get your student status and the will-o'-the-wisp comes!

Chapter 4: Get your student status and the will-o'-the-wisp comes!
"2 yuan for tuition?"

Hearing Teacher Liu say this, she murmured softly. Although this was a huge sum of money for her, Shen Mengyue gritted her teeth in order to be able to study again, enter university and get out of this small county.

"No problem, teacher, I'll do it!"

His eyes were firm and there was no hesitation!

After all, her life has been delayed for three years and cannot be wasted anymore!
Although the school selection fee of 2 yuan is an astronomical amount, it may not be impossible to achieve if you work hard.

For example, her wages for working part-time at the construction site this month have not yet been paid, and she can earn more than 1000 yuan.

In the past three years, while working hard to support my sister's education, I managed to save 6000 yuan, which is [-] yuan.

Originally, she was going to use this money to pay for her sister's tuition and living expenses when she goes to college. Now, she doesn't have to worry about it at all. She can use it on herself.

In addition, the savings left by my parents are 1000 yuan, which adds up to [-] yuan, although it is still not enough.

But after all, there is still a month before school starts. She just needs to work a few more jobs to raise enough money. The shortfall of 2000 yuan is not too big.

Liu Wenwen was also moved by Shen Mengyue's firm and persistent desire to learn. She nodded happily and rubbed her little head lovingly again.

"That's good, Mengyue. Teacher believes you can do it. Just go downstairs and wait. I have something to tell Teacher Zhao."

Hearing this, Shen Mengyue looked at Liu Wenwen with red eyes and gratefully, and nodded.

"Well, thank you, Teacher Zhao."

With that said, he left the Academic Affairs Office obediently and went downstairs to wait.

As soon as she walked away, Zhao Na from the Academic Affairs Office frowned.

"Sister Wen, what are you doing? This year's school selection fee is obviously [-], why are you..."


Immediately, after hearing what Zhao Na said, Liu Wenwen hurriedly covered her mouth. Then, she walked to the door cautiously, looked around, and found that Shen Mengyue had indeed come downstairs. She breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said.

"Keep your voice down, as long as you know this and I know it, but don't let the kid Mengyue hear it!"

"I paid the difference of 1 yuan for her. After all, this child lost her parents at such a young age and had to support her younger sister. How could she come up with 3 yuan in one go? Even [-] yuan is too much! "

"To be honest, she is really a good student who is good at studying, obedient and filial. If it hadn't been for the accident three years ago, I'm afraid she would have been..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. I missed her once three years ago and regretted it for three whole years. I can't miss her again this time."

Hearing Liu Wenwen say this, Zhao Na admired her but also said helplessly.

"Hey, Sister Wen, I understand what you are saying, but for you, 1 yuan is not a small amount of money. You are not afraid of your husband..."

"He dares! If he dares, labor and management will go to 'Shu Daoshan'!"

Hearing this, Zhao Na was truly impressed and gave a thumbs up.

"My sister Wen is still domineering, but sister Wen, you don't have to be so impatient. This child is in a special situation. I can try to apply for some subsidies from the school for her. Maybe it won't cost so much..."

The domineering Liu Wenwen's eyes lit up and she said.

"That's pretty much it. It's not a waste of time for us two sisters. Please help me find out. In addition to subsidies, are there any scholarships? After all, this child is indeed pitiful. It is a well-known fact that both parents have died. It should be okay. Are you applying?"

Zhao Na also nodded, and at Liu Wenwen's urging, she immediately started to inquire about the school's student aid policy to see which ones were suitable for Shen Mengyue.

Obviously, both teachers wanted to do their best to help Shen Mengyue, an obedient and sensible child, return to school.

Soon, with the joint efforts of the two teachers, they found out various applicable student aid policies. Liu Wenwen hurriedly went downstairs to call Shen Mengyue up and handed her a lot of forms.

"Come on, Mengyue, this is the school's application form for subsidy for poor students."

“This is the county’s financial aid application form.”

"Also, these are charity sponsorship application forms from some off-campus companies. If you fill them out, they may be able to reduce your tuition by more than half."

Immediately, she was moved and knew that the two teachers sincerely wanted to help her. Shen Mengyue also quickly filled out all the forms meticulously, making both of them sigh in relief at the same time.

Then, she took it over and checked it roughly. After finding that there was no problem, Zhao Na nodded.

"Okay, no problem, Mengyue, I will help you pay these. There should be no problem with the school's exemption and reduction subsidies, such as your accommodation fees."

"If it's from the county, it should be approved. But since you are the family member of the employee who died, it's not a big problem, but it will take a long time, so you still have to prepare the 2 yuan school selection fee first. That’s all.”

Shen Mengyue looked at the two teachers with great gratitude and nodded heavily.

"I understand Teacher Zhao. Before school starts, I will definitely prepare the school selection fee of 2 yuan, so that you won't have to worry too much."

Seeing this, seeing that she is so sensible, even though she has been out of school and working for three years, she has not been infected with the impetuous spirit of those in society. Instead, she has always maintained a humble and studious heart, which made Liu Wenwen and Zhao Na also Quite pleased, everyone nodded.

Then, after completing all the formalities, Liu Wenwen also sent Shen Mengyue out of the school.When she came to the school gate, she saw that Shen Mengyue was still wearing outdated old clothes, and there were many traces of sewing on her body. Thinking that such a big girl didn't even have any decent new clothes, she felt distressed and hurriedly All the money in my pocket was taken out.

Although there were not many, there were only three red bills, but they were all stuffed into Shen Mengyue's hands, not allowing her to refuse at all.

"Good boy, take it, kid. The teacher didn't help you three years ago. I blame myself very much. Use this little money to buy new clothes, some new stationery and so on. Don't go to the construction site to work anymore."

"Don't even think about paying it back to the teacher. Your best way to repay is to study hard and get into a good university. Only in that way will the teacher be happy, you know?"

As for the fact that he helped her advance 1 yuan in school selection fees, Liu Wenwen didn't mention it at all, for fear of Shen Mengyue having some psychological burden.

She really felt sorry for this child. With such good grades back then, it was easy to get admitted to a good university. However, in order to take care of her younger sister who had just entered high school, she resolutely chose to drop out of school. Her temperament alone was not comparable to that of ordinary people. , there are countless teachers in the school praising and feeling sorry for him.

But Liu Wenwen knows that this is not a beautiful thing worthy of praise, but a regret that happened to her. Now that she has the opportunity to make up for this regret, of course she must do her best!
Holding the 300 yuan forced by Teacher Liu in her hand, Shen Mengyue's eyes turned red again.

I really couldn't shirk it, so I had to accept it, my voice choked with sobs.

"Thank you, Teacher Liu. I understand that the school selection fee this time must be more than [-], otherwise you wouldn't have secretly hidden the document from me. I know it."

"I'm also stupid and don't know what to say. I just promise you that I will study hard this time, try to get into a good university, get ahead, and then make a lot of money to repay you!"

Hearing this, hearing what Shen Mengyue said, she didn't expect that she would guess the school selection fee so quickly. Liu Wenwen was a little bit dumbfounded for a moment, and her eyes were also red, with tears rolling inside.

He hugged her hard and said.

"Good boy, since you are so smart, the teacher won't hide it from you. I am just waiting for you to repay me by getting into a good university!"

"Okay, don't cry. You're such a young girl and you're still crying. It's outrageous. Just go home and get ready. The teacher is looking forward to seeing you writing hard at school when school starts."

"Remember, don't worry about school selection fees. It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money. The teacher can still get it for a mere 2 yuan. I may not be able to give you more than this if you are admitted to a key university. , but you must never give up again, do you hear me?"

Feeling the ardent expectations and entrustment in Teacher Liu's words, Shen Mengyue also nodded heavily.

"I know Teacher Liu, this time I will never be a deserter again, and I will not give up my supposedly brilliant life for anyone!"

She was really lucky to have such a good teacher in her lifetime.

And just like Teacher Liu, there are also foremen, managers, workers, etc. on the construction site.

Because with her small frame and being a girl, it was impossible for her to work on a construction site.

But many of these people were former workers of her parents, and they also knew that it would be difficult for her to support her sister's education, so they allowed her to work at the construction site under exceptions.

Although he was just a part-time worker with half the salary of a regular worker, he never felt sorry for her or bullied her. Instead, he took care of her in every possible way and gave her as light a job as possible, such as just moving bricks to the house. In the truck, she was never allowed to pull.

Although these three years have not been easy, Shen Mengyue has not suffered too much. Instead, she has been taken care of by kind-hearted people everywhere.

Including the uncle and auntie in the canteen at the construction site, they knew that she was growing taller and couldn't bear to eat some food that was heavy in oil and salt, so they secretly turned on a small stove for her when she had nothing to do. When the other workers saw it, they didn't say anything, they just smiled. , which really moved her.

So she kept all the kindness these people had done to her in her heart, and prepared to repay everyone well when she became famous in the future. She must not be an ungrateful white-eyed wolf!

Just as she was thinking about it, Liu Wenwen suddenly grabbed her hand again.

"By the way, Mengyue, I heard something about the real estate boss who used inferior materials to cause accidents at your parents' construction site. There seems to be news. I heard that in a certain country, they are preparing to arrest him and bring him back to the country. You Go to the Public Security Bureau to pay attention to news in this regard."

"You have to know that this real estate boss still owes your parents compensation for the accident, and the compensation for the accident is based on the household registration of the family members of the victims. That's a lot of money."

"And your household registration should only be for you and your sister, right? If you can get this money, it will be enough for you two sisters to go to college, so you don't need to worry about it, so you must keep it safe. Don’t lose it!”

After hearing the news, Shen Mengyue just smiled and didn't say much.

Because in the past three years, they have heard similar news countless times. From being full of expectations at the beginning to being disappointed again and again in the end, they have become completely numb.

I no longer have any illusions about this so-called accident compensation.

But he also knew that Teacher Liu had good intentions, so he forced a smile and nodded.

"I know Teacher Liu, I will pay attention."

With that said, she waved her hand and said goodbye to Teacher Liu, confirming that she could go back to school again. The huge rock that had always been hanging in Shen Mengyue's heart finally fell to the ground.

Although I am still a long way from raising 2 yuan for school choice, as long as I can really go back to school, is all this a problem?There is always a way!
Thinking of this, she rushed home with ease. She felt that she had never been so relaxed and comfortable in the past three years.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she arrived at the door of her house, she saw a familiar old ghost motorcycle parked downstairs of her house, which made her frown deeply. eyebrow.

Sure enough, I hid here and there, but still couldn't escape. Did my sister's will-o'-the-wisp boyfriend still come to the door?



(End of this chapter)

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