I stopped my sister from marrying Huang Mao, but she stabbed me in the back?

Chapter 9: Business is booming and your plan to make money is feasible!

Chapter 9: Business is booming and your plan to make money is feasible!
"Master, this is one thousand, five hundred yuan, please count it!"

With a grateful look on her face, Shen Mengyue took out the money she had prepared to take over the cart from her pocket and handed it to Chen Gang.

They were all brand new bills that she had just taken out from the bank.

Seeing this, Chen Gang took it with a smile, stuffed it into his pocket without looking at it.

"Hey, what else do you two want?"

"Okay, I've almost taught you what I need to teach you. I'll leave this cart and stall to you, but you have to do it well and don't ruin my craftsmanship!"

Although it was a joke, Chen Gang's eyes were full of admiration for this female apprentice.

He can endure hardships, is sensible, and has a sweet mouth. He is really a good boy!
He originally thought that Shen Mengyue might not be able to persist in this job, so he gave up within two days.

Although setting up a stall at the night market is indeed very profitable, it is also really hard and tiring!

You have to get up before dawn to stock up on goods, prepare materials, and put on strings, until late at night. When you get busy, you don’t even have time to drink.

You also have to face heavy oil pollution all day long, which is very harmful to the skin. The average young man may not be able to endure it, let alone a young girl like Shen Mengyue.

But the actual result surprised him!

The character of my female apprentice is really tenacious. She never complains or complains. Instead, she is very down-to-earth, serious and eager to learn.

Not only did she run back and forth to help him carry various things when buying goods, but she also helped with quick hands and feet when leaving the stall, serving dishes and greeting customers. She was very discerning in her busy schedule.

Unlike other young people who only do what they say, they know how to find things to do.

Even if there is no one around, I don't rest. Instead, I help clear the stools, clean the table, organize the dining table and so on.

It can be said that it made him quite satisfied. It was really a bit better than the old one, and it didn't insult his craftsmanship.

I believe that with her willingness to endure hardships and stand hard work, she will definitely be able to run this fried skewers stall, and she will not be much worse than herself!
Shen Mengyue was also very happy, thinking that she was about to leave, she grinned and nodded vigorously.

"Well! Master, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job. I have remembered all the details of the fried skewers you taught me!"

"Including you trying to let me run the stall by myself last night for a while. In just over an hour, I sold more than 300 yuan, which has made me so confident that I can't wait to leave now. It’s a big fight!”

"I will definitely continue to promote your fried skewers stall, and strive to be like you as soon as possible, to drive a big car and run on the road to prosperity, hehe!"

Indeed, after these three days of Chen Gang's almost step-by-step teaching, it can be said that Shen Mengyue understood all the details of the operation of this food stall, whether it was purchasing goods or frying skewers.

What is lacking is just some practical experience.

Things like the heat of the fried skewers, because she was still a newbie and still lacked control.

But it doesn't matter. Chen Gang taught her that she can make a small alarm clock and put it on the trolley.

In this way, you can tell at a glance how many minutes it takes to cook vegetables and how many minutes to cook meat. Even if you have no experience, it doesn’t matter. You can’t make a mistake in keeping it!

After following the process for ten days and a half, practice makes perfect, and you can also make delicious fried skewers!

It was like Shen Mengyue was truly standing on the shoulders of giants, and God was helping her.

Because of these experiences and accumulations, it took Chen Gang three or four years to sort them out, and now they are all at an advantage to her.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to start from an inexperienced ordinary person without having to figure it out on her own for a year and a half!

When Shen Mengyue found the right master, everything became twice the result with half the effort, and she became a veteran with all kinds of experience and details, not a pure newcomer.

Last night, the master let her run the business alone for an hour, but many regular customers praised her for the new little master's skill, which was not much worse than her master!

So as long as she works hard and doesn't have any accidents, she can easily earn 1 yuan in a month. .

Even if you really hit [-] yuan, there is still hope!
Chen Gang also smiled and patted her shoulder. Then, finally, he took another look at the cart and the stall that had been with him for almost four years, and waved his hand with a trace of nostalgia.

"Okay, disciple, I'll leave this place to you!"

"I will come to Master's hometown when I have the opportunity to play in the future. We will meet each other in the mountains and rivers. Let's go!"

After saying that, he got into his Mercedes-Benz and really left.

However, the trumpet sounded long before leaving, which was a subtle farewell to the three-day master-disciple friendship between the two.

As she watched Master's Mercedes-Benz slowly leave, Shen Mengyue felt a sense of gratitude and reluctance in her heart.

I made up my mind that after I make my career in the future, I must visit him again and thank him for helping me today.

After all, she was really grateful to such a noble person who was helping her wholeheartedly and helping her at this time.

After a moment, Shen Mengyue suppressed the sadness of parting and looked at the snack cart left for her. Shen Mengyue immediately felt an endless sense of motivation in her heart.

Now that this stall really belongs to me, it’s time to work hard to make money!
For the tuition fee of 2 yuan, rush!
Thinking about this, she returned to the food stall with excitement. She quickly followed the instructions taught by her master and meticulously began to prepare the dishes for today's stall.

A big bag of green beans costs two yuan. She pours them out, washes them, and then strings them on strings. However, she does not string them horizontally. Instead, she strings them vertically according to the technique her master taught her. One string is one string, and each string is sold for 40 cents. , this bag has worn more than [-] strings.

There are also oyster mushrooms that cost the same two yuan a bag. After pouring them out and washing them, they do not wear them whole, but tear them into small strips and wear five or six strips in a bunch. Although it looks like a lot, it is actually far less. One flower is used, and there are forty or fifty strings in this bag, and each string is still sold for fifty cents.

There are also potatoes, eggplants, etc. After washing, they are peeled and sliced, and three slices are threaded into a bunch, pierced horizontally. They look full and sell for fifty cents, but after careful calculation, in fact, the cost of each bunch is only a few cents.

Baby cabbage is sold by the piece in the farmer's market, and each piece only costs six or seven cents, but here it is sold by the piece. One baby cabbage is torn into pieces, and each skewer only has one or two pieces, which can make more than 20 skewers. Selling for [-] cents, you can get your money back in one bunch, which shows how huge profits you can make!

So after a lot of trouble, although it seemed that Shen Mengyue had prepared a cart full of vegetarian dishes, in fact the total cost was only about ten yuan. But if they were all sold, the turnover would be one or two hundred.

Meat skewers are even easier. Most of them are frozen or semi-finished products. There is no need to wash them. You can just put them aside to defrost while picking the vegetables. After the vegetable vegetables are processed, the freeze will be almost melted and you can start using them directly. Just wear it.

Because it is a meat dish, naturally, the cost is much higher than that of vegetarian dishes, and the price is also expensive. Basically, it starts with one piece, one yuan, five yuan, two yuan, three yuan.

Larger items such as fried chicken steaks, chicken skeletons, and bangbang chicken all cost at least three yuan. Although it looks high, it actually accounts for almost half of the cost, so it is really as my master said. , meat dishes are far less profitable than vegetarian dishes.

Of course, there are also profitable meat dishes, such as the starch sausage that is popular with many people. Although the selling price is one yuan a piece, her purchase price is based on the box. There are sixty pieces in a box, which costs eight yuan. The combined cost is less than [-] cents.

Served with sesame seed pancakes that cost a few cents each, and fried skewers wrapped in pancakes.

Excluding the children who just use their pocket money to buy one or two skewers on the street to satisfy their cravings, other adults, especially workers at construction sites who have been tired for a day, may mix and match casually and spend more than ten yuan. money.

Not to mention, there is also revenue from drinks, which is also a big part of it.

Especially since it is still summer and the peak period for beer consumption, she really makes a lot of money!

Therefore, although it is a night market, Shen Mengyue doesn't really wait until night to push the cart out for business, it can be done at noon.

Although the passenger flow at noon was not as large as at night, it was better than nothing. She was short of money now, and mosquito legs were still meat no matter how small they were, so she couldn't miss it.

Especially at noon, there are fewer people, which can help her practice better. Practice makes perfect, so that she will not be at a loss when facing the dense flow of customers at night.

With a 'sting' sound, a bucket of hot oil was put into the pot, and then the various seasonings that had been prepared were poured in one after another. Soon, a pot of spice sauce that could last for a day was ready.

In addition, there are various fragrant sesame sauces, as well as heavy sauces with various combinations of sweet and spicy flavors. The cost of a pot is only a few dollars.

Including the oil used to fry the skewers, it's not expensive either. It's all virgin soybean oil she bought from an oil-pressing workshop in the county. It's quite cheap. Even if it's a barrel a day, it doesn't hurt.

Of course, I actually heard from my master that there is cheaper gutter oil, and there are always people selling it in their area, and many people are using it secretly.

However, after thinking about it, Shen Mengyue had no choice.Because when doing business, you still have to be conscientious, and you must stick to the bottom line!

Although I use relatively cheap rapeseed oil, this oil is really edible and has no harmful effects. Unlike gutter oil, I don’t know what kind of diseases may occur if I eat it.

She didn't want to turn into an unscrupulous profiteer after just one month of business. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to afford so many people's help to her.

She is short of money, but she really doesn't bother to earn this kind of dirty money!

And today, after the master left, it can be regarded as Shen Mengyue's first time setting up a stall in the sense of the first time.

As it approached noon, the door to the construction site finally opened, and the workers who got off work came out in large numbers. Residents who worked nearby also went home one after another. The flow of people on the street immediately increased. stand up.

When Shen Mengyue saw this, although she was still a little shy, she immediately gained courage and started shouting loudly, imitating her master's behavior when running a fried skewers stall.

"Fried skewers! Freshly made fried skewers! Come and eat!"

"Uncle and auntie, buy some fried skewers and go home. You don't have to cook them. Eat them with rice. They taste delicious. The more you eat, the better!"

“Buy it now and I’ll give you an additional sesame seed cake for each person!”

"Come and buy fried skewers!"

As Shen Mengyue shouted loudly, many people were immediately attracted by the fragrant fried skewers in her pot.

This is also the advantage of fried skewers. Although other snacks also have fragrance, there is nothing like fried skewers. Once stirred with hot oil, the aroma will spread everywhere.

So gradually, customers began to gather around her, ready to order.

Seeing this, Shen Mengyue was overjoyed that business really came to her door. She hurriedly pushed up the glass window in front of the trolley and pointed at the various dishes inside.

"Come on, uncles and aunties, there are plates here. You can choose what you want to eat. Just put it aside and queue up. I will fry it for you soon!"

"Come one by one, don't be in a hurry!"

"Uncle, do you eat spicy food?"

"Add more spice? Okay, okay!"

In this way, when customers come to her door, especially there are many old customers, just like this one, people have a herd effect. It can be seen that her business is so good, more and more people come to queue up to buy.

It started at twelve o'clock and continued until two o'clock in the afternoon. Although she was so tired from the busy work at noon that she barely had time to drink water and her voice was a little hoarse, Shen Mengyue was still enjoying it and was extremely excited.

Because she didn't expect that the business at noon would be so good. A cart full of vegetarian dishes was almost all eaten up.

Even more than half of the various meat skewers were sold!

And the two big bags of dead noodles sesame seed cakes were completely sold out after she half sold and half gave them away.

He was extremely happy sitting behind the cart, holding a piece of fried sausage in his mouth and counting the money with excitement, wanting to see how much money he made during this noon.

"270 eight, 270 nine, two hundred eight... 310 four!"

"Oh my god, did I sell it for 310 and four yuan in just one noon? This is simply unbelievable!"

"Throwing aside all kinds of costs, I made a net profit of almost 200 yuan in just one trip at noon!"

"If this continues, I will definitely be able to earn enough for tuition in a month, and there's no telling if there will be more!"

Shen Mengyue really fell into ecstasy.

Of course, she hadn't had time to calculate the cost of buying a car and various condiments.

But this is scary enough!
In the two hours at noon alone, she made a net profit of nearly 200 yuan, not to mention the more popular nights.

At that time, there will be more customers, and her business will be even more popular, maybe even doubled!
You must know that she used to work very hard at the construction site for a day moving bricks, and could not even earn 100 yuan. She could not see the money immediately until the second month. Her current income is really not what it was before she was dumped. How many streets away!

Although it is also very tiring and painful.

But this kind of tiredness, this kind of suffering, is the kind of tiredness that makes her happy!The bitterness of joy! !
The great joy of making money so quickly made her almost faint with excitement.

But the next second, Shen Mengyue quickly suppressed the joyful expression on her face, and at the same time wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, forcing herself to calm down quickly.

Because she took three years off from school to work, she deeply understood the truth that wealth should not be revealed!
Such a good deal must not be leaked out easily, otherwise there will be big troubles, such as the coveting of my white-eyed wolf sister.

You have to pretend that you haven't made any money. No matter whether others believe it or not, you have to believe it first!

So she hurriedly put away the more than 280 yuan carefully. Then, because noon had passed and there were no people on the street, she was not going to set up a stall. She was going to take a rest, buy some goods, and then set up the stall in the evening. .

Otherwise, even an Iron Man wouldn't be able to bear it if he keeps going through this process.

She did not push the cart home directly because the alley downstairs in their community was very narrow and there was no place to park such a cart and it was not safe.

So after thinking about it, I fried the few vegetarian dishes left in the car together with some meat skewers. Then, I took the fried skewers and pushed the trolley straight into the construction site ahead. door.

"Grandpa Zhang, have you eaten? I set up a stall selling fried skewers. It's my first time today. I'll order some for you to try. Come and see how good my craftsmanship is."

As soon as she reached the door of the security booth, Shen Mengyue walked over carrying fried skewers with a warm look on her face.

When Grandpa Zhang, who was guarding the gate of the construction site, saw this, he postponed it again and again.

But after all, he couldn't twist her, so he had no choice but to accept it and let her in with a blind eye.

He also knew about Shen Mengyue. He had known her for three years, and it was not easy to know that she had only worked at the construction site to support her younger sister's education.

In addition, she always has a sweet mouth and calls herself Grandpa Zhang when they meet. Even her own granddaughter has never called her so diligent. He is still willing to help with this small favor, and it is not a big deal.

Coupled with the fact that people are short-tongued now, it is even harder to say anything.

Shen Mengyue was also very considerate of Grandpa Zhang. She did not park the cart blatantly behind the security booth, but quietly pushed it to the kitchen behind the construction site.

After all, as I said before, her home is not close to the night market, and it is not safe. It would be a lot of effort to push the cart here and there every day!
Therefore, we had already discussed with the uncle and aunt who had a good relationship with each other in the cafeteria, and parked the trolley outside their kitchen, which was safe and trouble-free.

Of course, after parking the car, Shen Mengyue also knew that it was not enough to deal with the doorman Grandpa Zhang, so she directly took a bag of more fried skewers and walked to the second floor of the project department's boardroom next to it.

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking at the office with a project manager sign in front of the door, she knocked carefully.

"Who is it? The door is unlocked, come in."

Soon, a slightly tired middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

After hearing the answer from the person inside, Shen Mengyue pushed the door open and said with a smile.

"Manager Wang, it's me. Thank you for taking care of me over the past three years. I'm going to quit my job and sell fried skewers outside the construction site. I brought some specially today to thank you. Try it!"




(End of this chapter)

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