Chapter 15 Banquet
"Peach blossoms are blooming"

All the servants of the Liu family went to the banquet to help, and Mrs. Liu greeted the guests with jewels.

When everyone saw Xie Changan coming, they all focused on him.

Mrs. Liu hugged her precious grandson and introduced Xie Changan to everyone.

"My parents, hello. I have been studying abroad in the UK. Now I have returned from my studies and met all my uncles and elders. I am not married yet in Chang'an. If there is a daughter who is interested in me, I can take him with me today. Hahaha"

Everyone also laughed with Mrs. Liu.This was simply a blind date in public. Xie Changan himself was so embarrassed that he felt his toes clasped to the ground.

He quickly found a quiet place to sit down and ate fruit sadly.

Several girls around him have been eyeing Xie Changan for a long time. Due to their reputation, they have never dared to come forward and talk to him.

Wearing a deep red cheongsam, she showed off her exquisite and alluring figure.A white shawl covers her slender arms.The black hair scattered around the shoulders is tied up with a jewel-encrusted platycodon flower hairpin.

A charming woman wearing a thin coat of pink and white walked towards Xie Changan swayingly.

"Happy birthday, Master Xie"

The woman stretched out her slender hand to congratulate him. Xie Changan did not recognize the woman in front of him.

He just smiled politely and returned
"Thank you"

The woman took it back slightly embarrassed.Still smiling like a flower.

The wealthy ladies around them were watching them and whispering behind their backs.

Girl A: "Isn't this the third-rate singer? She also came to Liu's house to join in the fun."

Girl B: "Tch, what kind of singer is she? She's just an actor. If you want to come here to be like a dragon and a phoenix, you don't even know what you are."

Girl A: "That's right, Master Xie is young and promising, so how can I like her?"

Girl B: "Mrs. Liu won't let an actor become her granddaughter-in-law. What's the point of being pushy? So what if she's pretty."

Girl A: "Look at how charming she is, Master Xie doesn't pay any attention to her."

Two women hid behind fans and laughed.

The woman wasn't timid either, and she still kept talking to her.

"Master Xie, my name is Wan Ling. I used to be a singer, but now I'm not in luck, so I sing and dance in Paramount."

"I sang all the songs for your banquet today. Are you satisfied with it? If not, I can sing a song for you alone."

The more Wan Ling talked, the closer she got to Xie Changan. The strong smell of perfume made him sneeze.

"Ahem. Miss Wanling, you sing very well. I've heard it all before. There's no need to sing it again."

He couldn't stand the smell, so he got up and left with an excuse.

I don’t know if Wanling did it on purpose or if she accidentally fell into Xie Changan’s arms.

Yangliu has a slender waist and plump breasts, like a snake entwined in Xie Changan's arms.

"Ouch, Master Xie, I think I sprained my ankle."

Xie Changan wanted to shake her off, but the woman hugged his shoulders tightly.

"Miss Wanling, please let go first. If you really hurt a bone, I have to take you to see a doctor."

The two ladies who had said bad things about Wan Ling before were now staring at her with anger.

After all, this is a public place, so I don’t want to be too offensive.She reluctantly let go of her hands.

"Excuse me, Master Xie. I'm really useless. I can't even walk well."

Xie Changan helped Wanling to find "Doctor Li". After all, the visitors were all guests, and he couldn't really hurt anyone.

When we arrived at the attic hall, it was much quieter here.Xie Changan placed Wanling on the sofa and went to find "Doctor Li".

He went to the room, upstairs, and downstairs but couldn't find "Doctor Li."

Maybe he was making some medicine, so he came to the kitchen. "Doctor Li" is indeed decoction here

But Xie Changan was shocked to see "Doctor Li" dripping blood into the medicine jar again!

He did not alarm "Doctor Li". Under the light, "Doctor Li's" arms were smooth and slender, and his skin was like gelatin.It doesn't look like an old man's arm at all.

While shocked, he recalled the scene from his previous nightmare.Under the white hair is a clear and beautiful face, and a pair of eyes that fall into the abyss.

If that was not a dream, then who is this "Doctor Li" in front of me?
"Huh? Master Xie, why are you here?"

Xie Changan's thoughts were interrupted by Di Ying's "Doctor Li" voice.

"Oh, um, a lady has a sprained ankle. I need you to take a look at her."

Diying "Doctor Li" put down the medicine and went to the front hall.Xie Changan followed her

Wan Ling was lying on the sofa, exposing her snow-white thighs.Diying "Doctor Li" asked

"Is this lady's foot sprained?"

Xie Changan had no time to look at Wan Ling, and absentmindedly recalled what had just happened.

Wanling saw that it was really the doctor who had arrived, and hurriedly arranged her clothes.Seeing that Xie Changan didn't speak, he answered the question himself.

"Yes, I just twisted my foot. I feel much better now. Don't bother the doctor."

Diying "Doctor Li" returns seriously

"The sprain can be big or small. Now that it's here, let's check it out."

Wanling took off her high heels and reluctantly let "Doctor Li" check her ankles.

"Doctor Li" checked Wanling's ankle without any distractions, and found that it was not sprained.Just some scratches from ill-fitting shoes.

"This young lady's foot is fine, just a little scratched. I'll just put some ointment on it for you and it'll be fine."

Wanling took the ointment
"Haha, I won't bother the doctor for this little scratch. I can just wipe it myself. I also want to thank you, Master, for helping me over."

The two of them looked at Xie Changan, standing aside with a pale face, in a daze.

Wanling called him softly

"Thank you, Master? I'm fine. We can go."

Xie Changan finally came to his senses
"As long as it's okay, let me send Miss Wanling out."

Wanling couldn't get what she wanted, she said angrily.

"Ouch. Master Xie, we have been delayed here for so long. The guests outside have already dispersed. My home is far away from here. I'm afraid I won't have a car to go back."

Xie Changan didn't think anything of it at all and ordered his subordinates to send a car to Wanling.But the servants informed the Liu family that all their cars had been dispatched.

Wan Ling secretly rejoiced, stood up and stumbled to lean on Xie Changan again.

"Master Xie, you see I'm like this, how can I go back? Why don't you just let me stay here for one night?"

Diying quietly left knowingly, but she didn't know that Xie Changan's eyes were always watching her.

Xie Changan was unwilling to be romantic and asked the housekeeper to take Wanling to the guest room.

He followed Diying's footsteps all the way to her room

Diying quietly went upstairs alone, just as the door was closing.Xie Changan chased after him.


Di Ying almost didn't hold the door, surprised that he followed her.

"Master, what else do you have to say?"

Xie Changan returns

"I-I think it's time for me to take medicine, right?"

Di Ying asked him to come in, sit down and wait, and brought him the medicine.

Di Ying held the boiling medicinal soup and handed it to Xie Changan.

Xie Changan didn’t answer

Seeing that he refused to take it, she thought the medicine was too hot, so she blew on the steaming medicinal soup and fed it to his mouth one by one with a spoon.

"Master, it has cooled down and is ready to drink."

Xie Changan looked at her blankly and took a long time to ask.

"Sir, what kind of medicinal materials are in this medicinal soup?"

Di Ying took back the hand that was feeding the medicine and answered.

"It's just some Chinese medicinal materials and a little bit of Miao's secret medicine."

Xie Changan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Secret medicine? What secret medicine is it?"

Di Ying saw that he was acting weird today. Could it be that he saw something in the kitchen just now?
"It's a secret recipe passed down from my ancestor. If you are interested, young master, I can explain it to you in detail another day."

Xie Changan returned to his usual demeanor

"No, I'm just curious as to why your husband's medicine is so much more magical than that of ordinary doctors."

After saying that, he took the medicinal soup from Di Ying's hand and drank it in one gulp.
"I believe sir"

(End of this chapter)

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