The Miao girl in his heart

Chapter 21 Putuo Temple

Putuo Temple

"The Secret of Scripture"

After arriving in Hangzhou, after taking a short rest, the two set off towards Putuo Temple. After passing several winding mountain peaks, they arrived at the foot of "Putuo Temple".

The mountain roads were full of pilgrims coming and going, and Xie Changan and Di Ying also bought a few sticks of incense on the roadside.

Climbing up the steep stone stairs, the gate of "Putuo Temple" suddenly appeared in front of you.

Facing the breeze carrying incense, we stepped into the temple gate.

The Buddha statue in front of the main hall is solemn and solemn, standing motionless between heaven and earth.

The faithful men and women knelt down and worshiped devoutly, while the incense rose and then dissipated into the void.

"Is it the Buddha that people worship or their own desires?"

Di Ying's gentle whisper drifted into the abbot's ears at some point.
Xie Changan handed her a stick of incense, and green smoke lit up.

"If the donor has nothing to ask for, why is he here?"

A monk wearing a green and blue cloth, with his sleeves and trouser legs rolled up in a circle, no black hair left, an awe-inspiring look, and kind eyes appeared behind the two of them at some point.

The monk makes a salute with one palm and holds a Buddhist bead.Those penetrating eyes looked at her.

Xie Changan bowed to the monk with his hands clasped together.The incense ashes in Di Ying's hand fell onto the back of her hand.She first put three pillars of incense into the shrine.

"Master, I don't mean to offend you."

The eminent monk looked at Diying up and down and said a few words to her incomprehensibly.

"Neither living nor dead, neither human nor ghost. This is the first time I have seen this appearance of the donor."

Xie Changan did not understand what the eminent monk said, but Diying knew it well.Even though he was hiding under the mask, this eminent monk still saw the flaws at a glance.

Di Ying was stunned, with cold sweat on her palms.The eminent monk's gaze seemed to be burning like a flame, and she felt nervous for the first time.

Xie Changan broke the silence and respectfully asked the eminent monk for advice.

"Senior monk, we are here to find the abbot here. Please be accommodating."

"You two come with me"

The eminent monk took them to the temple wing. There were only simple tables, chairs and benches, and the quiet Tibetan incense lingered in the entire house.Provides peace of mind.

After the two sat down, a young monk served them tea, and the senior monk sat cross-legged on the couch.

Xie Changan and Di Ying looked at each other, but the eminent monk remained motionless.

Di Ying puts his hands together
"You must be the abbot, right? We just want to find out the origin of this vajra. Chang'an,"

Xie Changan took off the vajra from his chest, and Diying handed it to the abbot.

The abbot took the vajra and looked at it for a long time before slowly speaking.

"This is the ancient master's magical weapon. It's not surprising that it is in your hands now. So, do you two have any questions?"

Diying asked

"I would like to know where this vajra originated? What mantra does it hold?"

The abbot returns
"The Dharma is not spread to outsiders. As for the ancient origin of this vajra, it is used to break away the internal demons and external demons of foolishness and delusion. Apart from this, I forgive the poor monk for not being able to tell me."

Diying asked anxiously
"Does the abbot know the meaning of the scriptures inside the vajra?"

The abbot stood up and walked towards Di Ying, looking at her with keen eyes.He moved the beads in his hand a few times and said after a moment.

"If the donor wants to know, he can go to the pine forest in the east when the cock crows tomorrow and wait for a day."

The abbot left these enigmatic words and left the wing.In the wing room, monks Xie Changan and Di Yingzhang were confused.

Xie Changan helped Di Ying go down the mountain together, and then returned to the hotel where he was staying.

"Sir, do you want to go to Putuo Temple tomorrow?"

Xie Changan asked

"Well, I'm going."


"Then do you want Chang'an to accompany you?"

Diying shook his head
"It's me who has doubts, not Master Xie. So I can go alone."

Xie Changan returns

"Then I'll wait for my husband to come back at the hotel."

In fact, Di Ying stayed up all night, she had been waiting for dawn.The night is full of stars, waiting for the morning star to appear.Diying changed her clothes and went out under the moonlight.

There are few pedestrians on the streets of the small town before dawn, and only the steaming smoke rises from the vendors who have just left their stalls.She headed up the mountain alone.

The mountains are densely covered with jungle, and you can occasionally hear the sounds of birds and animals.None of this scares her at all.That 16-year-old girl is long dead.All that is alive now is the body of a monster.

After climbing the mountain for about half an hour, we reached the pine forest the abbot mentioned.The terrain here is flat and surrounded by pine trees.

Diying found a fairly flat stone and sat down. The golden-red sun rose slowly from the east, filling the entire pine forest with sunlight.

She sat upright without any distractions, and a vigorous rooster crow broke the tranquility.There were distant and dull bells coming from the direction of the temple.

After the bell rings, the sky becomes bright.

The sound of wooden fish is like knocking hollow wood, and the ethereal sound of monks chanting scriptures reaches Di Ying's ears from far and near.

In an instant, she closed her eyes and felt as if she were in a monastery forest listening to Brahma's scriptures.

Words and sentences flow from the ears to the heart, and memories of the past flow like a tide.

Those persistence, confusion, and longing were turned into ashes in an instant.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already dusk.I don't know when a drop of crystal tears appeared in the corner of my eyes.

Diying took off her mask and caught the cold tears with her fingers.A happy and harmonious smile overflowed on his face.

"The tears I shed 30 years ago finally fell."

As night fell, she followed the path back down the mountain.When they reached the fork in the road, the abbot stood in front of him with his palms clasped together.

"Looks like the donor has the answer."

Diying stopped and bowed to the abbot.

"Thank you, abbot, for the enlightenment."

There was still no change on the abbot's face.
"The poor monk will give the benefactor a spell to subdue evil spirits. It will help the benefactor in the future."

The mantra received by the firefly is the scripture engraved in the vajra.

Say goodbye to the abbot and return to the hotel.

Xie Changan was already waiting in the guest room, and he ordered a lot of delicious food that was delicious, delicious, and tasty.Seeing that Di Ying was back, he happily stood up to greet her.

"Sir, you're back. Let's eat first. I guess you haven't eaten water or rice all day. I specially looked for vegetarian food specially made by the hotel chef. Come and try it."

Did Xie Changan wait for her here all day?I thought he would have some fun.

"Master, why bother waiting for me? If you are hungry, eat first."

Xie Changan helped her put the dishes and chopsticks and pulled her to sit down.

"Sir, you are all running around for my business. Chang'an is just waiting and can't do anything. Please use your chopsticks, sir."

Di Ying was not polite. After this trip to "Putuo Temple", her mood became much more open.The meals prepared by professional chefs are of course delicious, but they lack the special stomach-warming feeling of home cooking.

Xie Changan waited until she was almost finished eating before he asked.

"Sir, I went to Putuo Temple today. Did you find the answer?"

Di Ying returns
"I guess I found it."

Xie Changan continued to ask

"Does that mean my disease can be completely cured?"

Di Ying stopped her chopsticks and said with relief.

"Given time, your illness will be completely cured. You can go wherever you want, and you can get married and have children with peace of mind. And Mrs. Liu no longer has to worry or be afraid."

Xie Changan looked solemn and bit his lower lip unconsciously.

"Where will sir go by then?"

Diying couldn't answer for a while because there was no answer to this question.

"Maybe I will travel around the world, travel thousands of miles across mountains and rivers, and return to nothingness on an unknown day."

Xie Changan felt a little angry and confused.He tried to explain this matter using common sense in the world, but no answer he could think of could explain "Doctor Li's" behavior.

"In the future, will sir still remember Chang'an?"

Diying met Xie Changan's sincere eyes and felt a little more guilty.If he knew the truth, he would definitely wish he had never met her.

"I'll remember."

Xie Changan got an answer, and he also gave himself an answer.

"I will always remember Sir."

(End of this chapter)

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