The Miao girl in his heart

Chapter 23 Grandma is injured

"Chen Yu'an help"

"Master! Oh no, the old lady fainted."

The servant knocked on Xie Changan's door anxiously
Xie Changan woke up from his sleep, his pajamas scattered and he immediately got up and opened the door.

"What's wrong with grandma? Wasn't she fine yesterday?"

The old servant gestured hurriedly

"Madam has always been well. She went for a walk in the garden before dawn this morning. After accidentally falling, I helped her back up. She is still well and she had breakfast. Now she will vomit. When I came out, I suddenly fainted. No matter how I shouted, I couldn’t wake up.”

Xie Changan frowned, walked to the next room and knocked on "Doctor Li's" door.

"Sir, are you awake?"

Diying has always had the habit of getting up early, and she heard everything the old servant said inside.She opened the door and got dressed.

"Hurry over there."

Xie Changan didn't care about his disheveled clothes and hurried to his grandmother's room with "Doctor Li".

When they arrived at Mrs. Liu's room, they saw her lying quietly on the bed motionless, completely unconscious.

Doctor Li first felt the pulse and then checked the injury.The serious injury from the fall was on the back of the head. There was no major trauma. The back of the head was swollen and bruised.

"He" took out a silver needle and pricked the relevant acupuncture points, releasing a lot of congestion.Dredge meridians and repair nerves.

Wait until the blood is drained before bandaging.Doctor Li prescribed some more medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and asked the old servant to decoct the medicine.

Mrs. Liu was still unconscious, and Xie Changan asked "Doctor Li" worriedly.

"Sir, is grandma's injury serious? Why isn't she awake yet?"

"Doctor Li" returns

"I have already taken care of the injury caused by the fall. It's just that my wife is older and her body functions are not as good as those of young people. There may be sequelae. She will wake up in half an hour. I can only treat her step by step."

Xie Changan anxiously stayed by his grandmother's side. His grandmother, who was still chatting with him yesterday, was bedridden today.At this moment, he could finally realize how much his grandmother was thinking about him.

"Sir, even you are not sure whether something will happen to grandma."

Di Ying "Doctor Li" didn't dare to tell the truth, if he hadn't met her this time.Maybe I won't be able to wake up.

"Chang'an, if you torture yourself by thinking about things that didn't happen, it won't be good for anyone."

Xie Changan calmed down and she actually called him Changan?
"Sir, you are right. Now that I am the only one in the Liu family, I should be strong. Grandma will definitely be fine."

The servant came in and announced outside that Miss Chen Yu'an was here.

Diying "Doctor Li" raised his eyebrows and looked at Xie Changan. It had only been half a day since Mrs. Liu fell, but Miss Chen already knew the news of the injury?
Xie Changan is back, please let Miss Yuan go back first.Just say that Madam is unconscious now and has no time to see guests.

The servant said at the door

"Master, Miss Yu'an is already at the door."

Then Chen Yuan said at the door
"Chang'an, I knew my wife was injured, so I immediately called my Western medicine friend over to see if I could help.

Chang'an, don't worry, my friend is a famous orthopedic surgeon. "

Xie Changan looked at Diying's "Doctor Li" opinion, and Diying nodded in response.

Xie Changan got up and opened the door

"Wait a minute, I'll open the door right away."

After opening the door, Chen Yuan led a man in a white suit and gold-rimmed glasses.A polite middle-aged man came in.

The man politely introduced himself to them

"Hello, Mr. Xie, I am an orthopedic surgeon at Western Hospital. My name is Lu Yuxiu."

Xie Changan returns

"Hello, Dr. Lu."

Dr. Lu asked

"How is Madam? Can I take a look first?"

Xie Changan took Dr. Lu over, but Mrs. Liu was still awake.

"Grandma accidentally fell in the garden. Dr. Li has just treated her. She is not awake yet." Dr. Lu looked at "Doctor Li" who was standing next to him silently, and looked at her with a strange look.He gave her an awkward yet polite smile.

"Oh, let me check it for you, madam."

Dr. Lu carefully checked up and down his hands and put on various instruments.

After ten minutes, I came to a conclusion.

"Master Xie, Mrs. Liu's fall was on the back of her head. I may consider the possibility of intracranial hemorrhage. Although the doctor did a simple treatment, it is not life-threatening for the time being.

Even if you wake up, there will be risks of sequelae and intracranial infection. I suggest you send your wife to the hospital for a full body examination first.The risk can be minimized through surgery. "

Chen Yuan echoed
"Chang'an, for the sake of my wife's health, let's go to the Western Hospital for a check-up. There are the best medical equipment and first-class doctors there."

Xie Changan couldn't make up his mind for a moment, and Diying "Doctor Li" walked up to him and whispered softly.

"The Western Hospital has its strengths. There are multiple treatment methods and multiple approaches. When my wife wakes up, you can send her there."

Dr. Lu stood aside confidently, watching their hesitation.

Xie Changan no longer hesitates when he has "Doctor Li".

"Okay, we'll go when grandma wakes up."

Chen Yuan came over and gently took Xie Changan's arm to comfort him.

"Chang'an, don't worry. As soon as you get there, my father has arranged the best doctors and wards. Madam will definitely get better."

Xie Changan was so worried about his grandmother that he didn't even notice what was wrong with Chen Yuan holding him back.

At this time, Mrs. Liu woke up, and everyone in the room looked at her with concern.

"Chang'an, Yu'an, why are you here?"

Mrs. Liu thought about it, but her whole body couldn't exert any strength.A splitting headache.

Xie Changan helped her up and asked.

"Grandma, how do you feel? You just fell and fainted."

Mrs. Liu's brain was injured and she went blank.Can't think of anything at all.

"Did I fall? Ouch, my head hurts."

Mrs. Liu wanted to touch her head, but Dr. Lu stopped her sternly.

"Madam, your head is seriously injured. You cannot touch it. You need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible."

Xie Changan held his grandmother's hand

"Grandma, please be patient. I'll take you to the hospital."

A group of people put Mrs. Liu into the car in a grand manner. When Xie Changan was about to set off, a servant brought him a coat.

"Master, Dr. Li just asked me to get you the coat."

Xie Changan took the coat and put it on, and the group set off from the hospital.

Diying "Doctor Li" returns to the room

At the hospital, a Western doctor performed an operation on Mrs. Liu.

His life was temporarily out of danger, and the doctor ordered him to be observed in the hospital for half a month.

Chen Yuan's family, Mrs. Chen and President Chen also came to visit Mrs. Liu during their stay.

By the way, I also met Xie Changan. President Chen was very satisfied with Xie Changan. Mrs. Chen still maintained a neutral attitude and would not offend anyone.

The Chen family funded this hospital, so they sent the best doctors and nurses to take care of Mrs. Liu.

Chen Yuan would come to accompany Mrs. Liu every day during the day, while Xie Changan was in the hospital during the day.I still have to go back to Liu's house to drink medicine and rest in the evening.

During the past half month, the two of them accompanied Mrs. Liu for entertainment every day.

After this incident, Xie Changan also treated Chen Yuan differently, not as coldly as before.

(End of this chapter)

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