The Miao girl in his heart

Chapter 3 Consequences

Chapter 3 Consequences
"Forbidden Technique"

Grandpa placed Di Ying in the center of the altar and dismissed everyone.The ritual of setting up an altar began, and Di Ying's three souls and seven souls gradually left the body.Grandpa used cinnabar to draw several soul-suppressing charms, forcing her to keep her three souls and seven souls in her body.

After spending all his life's learning, he could only help Di Ying breathe his last breath.After three days, he will die.Taking off his Nuo mask, the old man, whose face was wrinkled by time, sighed deeply.

"Baby, I can only help you so far."

Grandpa looked at his beloved granddaughter, who was given away by a white-haired person and a black-haired one, and felt extremely sad.Di Ying has been with her grandpa since she was one year old. When she was three years old, she was able to distinguish various medicinal materials with her keen sense of smell. At the age of 6, he learned Chinese characters from his grandfather and was familiar with various scriptures of witch doctors. At 10, I can go down the mountain to Erye Grandpa’s Medical Center for syndrome differentiation and treatment.

As for witchcraft, my grandfather only taught her the most basic techniques.Just once, you can master the essentials.To know these skills, grandpa has studied hard and practiced diligently since childhood.That’s why we achieved such an achievement.
Diying's talent was far superior to his, so she had always personally taught Diying, and even her father could not interfere.
Grandpa carried Diying and sent her to her parents

Father and mother have been waiting at the door, clasping their hands together, praying to the gods that their daughter will be safe.
Diying was placed in her room, and the three relatives outside the door were silent.
After all, mother and daughter were connected. Grandma collapsed and knelt down in front of Grandpa crying.

"Dad, you usually love Ying the most. You are so powerful that you can save people who are dying. This time it is your granddaughter. Please save her and save my daughter."

"Dad! Why don't you trade my life for Aying's? Anyway, I don't want to live if my baby dies."

Grandma seemed to have lost her mind and was begging for Grandpa crazily.
Diying's father knew that even his father could not do anything about it, so there must be no hope. He hugged his mother to comfort her.

"Stop talking nonsense. There is no such truth. Stop saying these useless words."

When grandpa heard what grandma said, an idea came to his mind.He was mumbling something in his mouth.
"One life for another, okay, if you kill someone, you have to pay for it with your life."

He walked with his crutches and walked to the house where the two people were imprisoned.
Seeing that something was not going well, my father stopped me.

"Dad, where are you going?"

"Step aside!"

"Did you listen to the nonsense Sanniang said? Don't do stupid things. Life or death is your fate. If you violate the laws of nature, you will be punished by God!"

Grandpa got angry and hit Dad with a cane.
"I don't need you to teach me about my business!"

At this time, Grandpa seemed to be possessed by a demon, with a ferocious face and extremely strong strength.No matter how hard Dad pulled me back, he couldn't move, so he hit Dad on the head with another stick.

My father fainted and died.
When my father woke up the next morning, he was lying at home.Auntie anxiously stayed by the bedside
"Sanniang, have you seen where dad went?"

Auntie shook her head

"I came out to look for you last night and saw you lying on the ground. I didn't see dad."

My mother-in-law said something that shocked my father.
"Aying and Aying are also missing."

Dad was anxiously looking for Grandpa in the village, and of the two prisoners, only Xie Jiping was missing.The guard at the gate said that the clan leader took the person away.

crazy!crazy!With so many evil things happening in just two days, dad must not be allowed to use forbidden techniques.Be sure to find them!Sanniang, Sanniang must know, she stays by Aying's side every step of the way, how could she not know if Aying is missing.And still so calm?
My father returned home and asked my mother-in-law.

"Tell me the truth! Where is Ying?"

My mother-in-law refused to speak.

"Do you know that if you use forbidden magic, you will get retribution? Are you crazy too if your father is crazy?"

Grandma feels as if she has made up her mind

"I'm crazy. Ying was kind enough to save people, but she was killed by that person. What did she do wrong? The damned people were the two who suffered a thousand blows!"

Dad also hopes that his daughter can survive. Maybe there is nothing wrong with exchanging one life for another.
Di Ying's father walked to the ancestral hall in a daze, only to see his grandfather in shaman uniform kneeling on the futon.


He just touched Grandpa's shoulder with his hand, and Grandpa came down lightly.

This matter was no longer something that Di Ying's father could solve alone, so he had to go to the village to invite the second grandfather up the mountain.The second grandfather arrived at the village and saw the scene in front of him.

Already speechless and choked
Di Ying's father told the whole story to the second grandfather, and the second grandfather immediately went to the ancestral hall.It turns out that there is a secret cellar under the incense table in the ancestral hall.

The two of them made it all the way to the cellar, which was only about ten square meters of space.It is divided into four compartments. The first compartment is neatly placed with genealogy and witch doctor scriptures, the second compartment contains a collection of various precious medicinal materials, and the third compartment contains boxes of gold and silver bars.The fourth compartment is a stone door.

This treasure in the cellar has never been told by my grandpa!
The second grandfather took out the candle from the candlestick, broke it, and a key fell out.Opening the stone door reveals a dark and airtight passage.

After walking for about a few minutes, a little red light flashed ahead.When the two arrived at the entrance of the cave, the entire cave was set up into a mysterious array with various prayer flags and talismans.Diying was lying on the bed of red stalactites in the center of the array. The Wuling was suspended three feet above her head, glowing with a faint purple light.
Xie Jiping's whole body was covered with silver nails, and a silver snake magic weapon hung three inches above his head, emitting a strong red light.The red light that Grandpa Er and Dad Diying saw in the passage came from here.

Di Ying's father wanted to stop him, but was stopped by his second grandfather.

"It's useless. The magic circle has been activated. It's not something you ordinary people can stop." Dad asked in confusion.
"Second uncle, can't we just break this formation?"

Second Grandpa laughed helplessly

"You haven't learned anything from your father. If you are still confused like this when you are old, you are really ashamed of your ancestors!"

"Your father used the forbidden technique, the "Immortality Technique". Originally, we witch doctors inherited it from the ten ancient witches. With the right time and place, we developed the medical skills to the pinnacle, which was once brilliant.The witchcraft power of the ancient ancestral witches is comparable to that of gods, creating the myth of resurrection from the dead.

You must know that birth, aging, sickness and death are natural laws.No matter what the reason is, if you violate the laws of heaven, you will be punished by heaven! "

"So, the "Resurrection Technique" at that time was forbidden to be passed down to the world.What is handed down now are just fragments of history.”

While the two were talking, Xie Jiping's whole body was sucked dry by the strange red light, leaving only a dry skin.

Di Ying's father was so frightened by the sight in front of him that he was paralyzed on the ground and did not dare to move.
Grandpa Er drew a few talismans and chanted a spell.A stream of fresh air flew over with the talisman and attached to the silver snake instrument.

The second grandfather did not dare to stop and kept chanting the mantra silently.Blood spurted out from the mouth!After a few minutes passed, the silver snake magic weapon's light dimmed, and it fell to the ground with a "ding~" sound.

In an instant, a powerful impact exploded, and both of them were knocked unconscious.
The whole cave returned to calm. When the second grandfather woke up, he put away the silver snake magic weapon.Just looking at Di Ying quietly, a red aura lingered between her eyebrows.

Diying's father felt drowsy. Seeing that there was no danger inside, he boldly walked in.He wanted to take his daughter away, but before he touched the edge of the stone bed, he was shaken away by a burst of air.

"Second uncle, why can't I get close to Ying?"

Second Grandpa shook his head. His witchcraft power was as good as Grandpa's. Maybe he got a glimpse of some secrets from Di Ying at this moment.

"Let's go."

Diying's father didn't know why and didn't want to leave his daughter in the cold cave like this.

The second grandfather waved his sleeves calmly
"I have done what I have to do, and the rest is left to God."

Dad realized that there was nothing he could do to save himself, so he finally let go
When the two returned to the village, it was already noon the next day, and everyone in the village was standing guard outside the clan leader's house.Everyone is waiting for news.

The patriarch was unconscious at this time, and the second grandfather recited a few spells to the patriarch.The patriarch finally woke up and saw clearly that the second grandfather was coming, and grabbed his arm excitedly.

"Bracelet, give it back the bracelet!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted on the beam, and his blood flowed backwards and he died.
The second grandfather chanted a verse and calmly said the last words to the patriarch.

"Brother, go ahead and I'll come find you soon."

Everyone in the clan mourned silently after hearing the news of the clan leader's death.All this happened because of those two foreigners!Some young and energetic young people couldn't help but pull Zheng Peng out of prison and vowed to burn him alive.

The second grandfather and Di Ying's father used kindness and power to advise everyone, and then they threw Zheng Peng on Wanglong Mountain and left him to fend for himself.Everyone in the village worked together to complete the funeral of the clan leader, and the matter was finally over.
Di Ying's father inherited the position of clan leader according to the clan system. Winter turned to spring, and one year passed, and no one seemed to mention this matter anymore.

But just after the New Year, their new clan leader Di Youchang died mysteriously at home, bleeding from all his orifices, in a horrific death state.

At first, everyone just thought that the clan leader died of some strange illness, but only seven days later, Di Ying's mother also died of a sudden illness, and her death was exactly the same as that of the new clan leader.

There was no leader in the village, and strange things like these happened again.Everyone couldn't help but feel panic, and they were talking quietly in private.The patriarch's family has been very strange since Diying's accident.

Not only did no family members mourn him, but no tombstone was ever erected.Everyone vaguely felt that there was something fishy here, but there was no evidence.

Seven days later, a young and strong boy in the village suddenly died suddenly, just like Di Ying's father and mother died.Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the matter.

If someone dies in these seven days, I am afraid that one day it will be my turn.The people in the village fled and scattered. But even if the people in the clan fled to the ends of the earth, they would all face the same ending.

This was like a curse. No one could resist it. In the end, the second grandfather had no choice but to completely seal the village.After taking care of the funeral, on the day he returned from the cave, he realized that his time was running out.

At the last moment of Grandpa Er's life, he handed over the letter he had written and the silver snake bracelet to his apprentice Xiao Feng.If someone comes looking for him one day in the future, he will give this relic to him.

At the end of the letter, there are only four words of instructions from the second grandfather.

"Follow the Way of Heaven"

The twelve letters ended here, and Diying felt very melancholy after reading them.It turns out that I was the one who caused all this, and I was the culprit!
The sight of the souls of all men, women, and children in the village being burned by karma fire stimulated every nerve in Di Ying, and his whole body hurt like a knife.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm a sinner"

Diying hugged herself and sobbed softly
"What should I do? To save you? What on earth should I do?"

The empty darkness seemed to swallow up the whole person.
(End of this chapter)

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