"The result of unlimited temptation is that both sides suffer losses."

After returning to Liu's house, he listened to her very much this time. She actively cooperated with her in everything, but the servants of the Liu family couldn't help but whisper, a decoction apprentice. He follows the young master all day long and behaves in an intimate manner.

Some even compare her with Chen Yu'an. It turns out that Chen Yu'an has been recognized as the future young lady of the Xie family for some time.

Master Xie is going to officially take over the Liu family's business and has been extremely busy these days. I come back late at night every day.

No matter how late it was, Diying would wait for him to come back and drink the medicine before she could sleep peacefully.

In order to let Di Ying stay quietly, all the servants in the attic were sent to work in the front hall. So no one here will bother her.

Except for special people, Chen Yu'an came to the kitchen that day with the health soup he had cooked, and happened to meet Di Ying making medicine here.

This was their first official meeting, and Chen Yu'an was still as dignified and elegant as ever.

"You are the girl who specializes in preparing medicine for Chang'an, right? Where is Doctor Li? Will he not be responsible for Chang'an's illness in the future?"

Diying stared at the medicine jar seriously, and the steaming medicine soup was boiling on the fire. She only returned lightly

"Master, he has returned to his hometown. Master Xie's illness only requires taking medicine on time."

Chen Yu'an looked her up and down, and the little decocting girl responded to her in a neither humble nor overbearing manner. The eldest lady, who was used to flattery, was a little wary of her, especially her dazzlingly beautiful face, which made her feel a little uneasy.

"I didn't expect that the girl would know these pharmacological methods at such a young age. I wonder if you are so beautiful when you are born?"

No matter how ignorant Di Ying is of the ways of the world, she can still hear the underlying meaning.

"Although I am young, I have been studying pharmacology for ten years since I was a child. A small task like decoction is more than enough for me. When Master Xie fully recovers from his illness, I will no longer need to decoct medicine here."

This directly dispelled Chen Yuan's concerns, but it made her feel petty.

"Haha, I was the one who spoke rudely. I admire Dr. Li's medical skills very much. I'll thank you for your help these days."

Di Ying returns
"It's out of question, it's my job."

For the first time, Chen Yu'an choked on someone's words, and it was difficult to put down her dignity and show off her face. After all, she is still a guest here.

"I will go and help Chang'an every day with his business these days. I finally had time to make soup for him today. When he comes back, you can remind him to drink it. It's too late for me to stay here and bother him. "

Diying still stared at the medicine jar and responded to her calmly.

"Okay, I'll remind him to drink soup."

Chen Yu'an looked at the girl making medicine with some displeasure. When a girl spoke, she sounded like a master. After all, she was at Liu's house. She dared not say anything and left in a muffled voice.

It was already late at night by the time the medicine was ready, and it was time for him to come back. No matter how busy Xie Changan is, he will be back on time before 12 o'clock.

She still lives in the room of "Doctor Li" before, only one wall away from Xie Changan. No one dares to say a word here. He is already the biggest owner of the manor.

Under the dim light, she sat quietly at the desk and read ancient scriptures. With the blessing of that Buddhist scripture, just restart the magic circle. You can break the forbidden spell.

But these days passed by day by day, and the years were so quiet that she really wanted to stay at this moment. She was also afraid that since she was looking forward to that day, she had been slacking off and living these days.
There was movement downstairs, maybe he was back. Diying went downstairs to check and saw Xie Changan lying on the sofa with a tired look on his face. Close your eyes and rest.

She quietly went to the kitchen to bring out the warm medicine, and saw the cold soup that Chen Yu'an had brought lying there. You should do what you promise others. It was better to heat up the health soup and bring it to Xie Changan together.

"Ahem. Master Xie, drink the medicine quickly and go to rest."

Xie Changan opened his tired eyes and saw two bowls on the table. Then he asked her doubtfully

"Do you want to drink two bowls of medicine today?"

Di Ying returns
"The other bowl is the soup made specially for you by Miss Chen Yu'an. You can drink the soup first."

Xie Changan stretched out his sharp-jointed hands to signal her to give him the medicine.

"Give me the medicine"

Diying asked
"Don't you drink the soup first? There is no conflict if you drink the soup first and then the medicine."

Xie Changan got up, took the medicine and drank it in one gulp, then went upstairs.

Diying followed him and asked

"That soup was specially brought to you. Don't you really want to try it?"

Xie Changan turned around and stared at her, the love hidden deep in his eyes making his eyes reddened.

"Do I have to drink the soup that others give me? What about you? Have you ever thought about making soup for me? Forget it, I'm just a tool in your heart."

Xie Changan walked into the room in despair and closed the door forcefully. Diying was left standing outside the door in a daze, and his words actually hurt her heart.

What about me? She couldn't think of any reason to care about him.

Sometimes she envied Chen Yuan's way of standing upright and upright beside him. She does everything she wants to do, but she is not Chen Yuan, and she dare not let her feelings go.

She knew that all it took was one step forward. Xie Changan will take ten steps.

That would get out of hand...

On this day, Xie Changan and Chen Yuan came back together. The two of them returned to the attic one after another.

The formerly quiet pavilion became lively again, and the servants were busy preparing dinner. Di Ying made the medicinal soup early today, and he can drink it whenever he likes.

The music flowing from the gramophone, accompanied by the laughter of men and women, made the downstairs very lively. Di Ying remained silent and did not make a sound, staying in the room reading a book.

It was almost dinner time, but the maid in a hurry accidentally broke the simmering medicinal soup.

The maid didn't dare to report directly to the young master, so she quietly found Di Ying.

"Miss Di, are you there?"

Di Ying opened the door, and the maid stood helpless outside.

"What's up?"

When the maid saw her coming out, she was afraid that she would lose her job, so she complained to her like a beggar. "Miss Di, I, I accidentally knocked over the young master's medicine. Can you make another bowl?"

She thought it was something big, but she didn't want to go down now.

"After they leave, I'll go down and make some medicine."

Seeing that Di Ying was about to close the door again, the maid was afraid that she was just perfunctory. He grabbed Di Ying's arm and begged her tearfully.

"Miss Di, I don't know how long it will be when the young master and Miss Chen finish their meal. By then, the young master will be kicked out because I spilled the medicine and my health has been compromised."

Diying was helpless, seeing that the maid was only a teenager. She hates seeing others shed tears.

"Okay, wait until I change my clothes. I'm going to make some medicine again right now."

When the maid saw that she agreed, she could keep her job. Bowed to her gratefully

"Thank you, Miss Di, thank you very much."

Di Ying returns
"You're welcome. It's my job to make the medicine. You go ahead and do your work."

The maid then gave up and went back to work.
This was difficult for her, as she was afraid of disturbing the atmosphere of having dinner with others. Oh, what does she have to worry about? They are them, and I am me. I just do what I have to do and ignore the rest.

But she still didn't want Xie Changan to find her, so she quietly went downstairs. I saw the two people listening to music together on the sofa and talking happily.

It seemed that she was worrying too much. She walked quickly to the kitchen and no one glanced at her.

She cooked the medicine as if no one was around, and let the exquisite dishes next to her arrive on the table one by one, it had nothing to do with her.

After all the dishes were served, the servants were waiting outside for orders. The rest is the world of Xie Changan and Chen Yuan

There was only the sound of steaming medicinal soup in the kitchen, and the surrounding silence made her feel as if she was sitting on pins and needles.

As time passed by, Diying's eyelids began to tremble. In a daze, someone tapped her shoulder.

"Miss Di? Why are you here?"

Diying looked back and saw Chen Yuan standing next to him holding a knife and fork. He looked at her with a strange expression.

"Oh, I'm making some medicine here. It should be healed soon."

Diying turned off the fire and put the lid on the medicine jar. Get ready to leave here. But was stopped by Chen Yuan
"Miss Di, you haven't had dinner yet, why don't you dine with us. Chang'an and I won't mind."

Di Ying felt very uncomfortable hearing this and politely rejected her.

"No, I'm not hungry."

After saying that, he walked outside and bumped into Xie Changan. She covered her forehead, and the two looked at each other speechless.

Chen Yuan came out and said

"Chang'an, Miss Di works so hard here making medicine every day. Why not let her dine with us."

Xie Changan looked at her coldly and asked her a question following Chen Yuan's words.

"Have you eaten?"

Diying avoided him and walked to the side. Don't look at him again.

"I'm not hungry, I'm just here to make some medicine. I'll leave right away."

After saying that, he walked upstairs, but was grabbed by Xie Changan. Chen Yu'an was left stunned beside him.

Di Ying couldn't do anything about his strength, so he forcefully arranged her to sit down at the dinner table.

"Since you haven't eaten, just sit here and eat before leaving. These are light meals, so you can eat them without worry."

Di Ying felt a sigh of relief in her heart. It wasn't enough to see you having dinner together. She didn't even have the freedom to eat or not!

"I'm not hungry, you eat slowly!"

This was the first time she was blatantly angry, regardless of the public's attention. Go straight back to the room.

Chen Yuan watched from the side, waiting for Di Ying to leave. She asked tentatively

"Miss Di, do you live here?"

It took Xie Changan a long time to come to his senses and returned without thinking twice.


Chen Yuan felt uneasy. As far as she knew, this attic was Xie Changan's independent residence. Does a girl who cooks medicine deserve to live here?
"It seems that Miss Di is not married. Isn't it appropriate for her to live here like this?"

Only then did Xie Changan realize that Di Ying's true identity was known only to him, and only to him.

"Oh, she lived in Dr. Li's room before. What did Miss Chen mean by inappropriateness?"

Chen Yuan was very concerned and afraid that there would be something unexplained between them. As a woman's intuition, she could feel that the way Xie Changan looked at Diying was not innocent.

"There is no one else here on weekdays. It's just you and Miss Di living here. There will always be servants gossiping. I'm worried about affecting Miss Di's reputation."

Xie Changan put his hands in his pockets and walked up to Chen Yuan.

"Then where does Miss Chen think I should arrange her?"

Chen Yuan felt too guilty to look at him, but still stood firm.

"The Liu family has so many guest rooms, Miss Di can live anywhere."

Xie Changan patted Chen Yuan's shoulders as if he was angry

"Okay! Just follow Miss Chen's wishes."

Chen Yuan looked at him flattered. She was such a perceptive person, but she couldn't read the expression on his face at the moment.

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