
"Chang'an, can't you stay at home with me more?"

Chen Yuan held Xie Changan's arm as if pleading.

"Yu An, you know. I have only taken over the business affairs not long ago, and there are still many places that need my personal supervision."

Chen Yuan still refuses to let go. It has been almost three months since she got married. The time the two met each other was numbered, and she touched her belly

"Chang'an. Can you accompany me to the hospital today? Just for one day."

Xie Changan asked her with concern

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Chen Yuan hesitated

"I don't seem to have my period this month."

Xie Changan was startled and looked at her belly.

"Okay, you wait for me to make a call. We're going to the hospital right now."

The two got in the car and headed to Xiyang Hospital. Chen Yu'an leaned on his shoulder uneasily.

"Chang'an, I'm so scared. I always feel uneasy in my heart."

Xie Changan patted her back and comforted her.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. If it really happens, I will treat you well."

Arrive at the hospital and undergo several checks.

Chen Yuan hugged him tightly and said tremblingly.

"Chang'an. We have a child."

Xie Changan clenched his fists. Although he thought that this day would come, he now experienced it himself. There is still a storm in my heart

"That's great, Yu'an. From now on, you can raise your child at home with peace of mind. When the child is born, he will be the future heir of the Xie family."

With tears still in the corners of Chen Yuan's eyes, she lightly punched his chest.

"Chang'an, what nonsense are you talking about? You are the master of the Xie family. The future is still long, and I want you to live a long life."

Xie Changan smiled awkwardly

"Okay, we won't treat you mother and son badly."

Chen Yu'an felt faintly that it was weird, why he didn't feel the excitement of becoming a father at all, and always stressed that he had to make it up to them.

"Have you ever wronged me? You are the father of the child, how could you possibly treat us badly, mother and son? Just say stupid things."

"I'm just so surprised and hope to leave the best for my children."

Only then did Chen Yuan feel at ease in his arms.

"It's just tomorrow, let's go back."

When Chen's mother heard the news, she immediately came over to take care of her daughter.

Chen Yu'an is completely in charge of the Xie family, and a professional doctor is invited to check for pulse every day. Make sure nothing goes wrong.

She wants something to eat and use in everything. The Xie family will try their best to find her.

It's just that Xie Changan seems to be getting further and further away from her, and she will always worry about gains and losses. Emotions are extremely unstable during pregnancy.

If a servant breaks a cup, she will be fired. Fortunately, Chen's mother is by her side, but it can never be compared to her husband's company.

Chen Yu'an stared at the attic in trance, and Di Ying's face always appeared in his mind like a ghost.

Did Xie Changan go to find her while he was away? The attic gradually became dazzling

She ordered her servants to level the attic, and she felt better as she watched the construction workers leveling the place where the woman had once lived.

Chen's mother ran over to stop her in a hurry.

"Daughter, what are you doing? You can't work during pregnancy. You can't even move a chair in the house. This is unlucky."

But Chen Yu'an seemed to be possessed by a demon and was determined to demolish the attic.

"Mom, you don't know. That attic is so spooky that I feel uncomfortable looking at it."

"Then we can't start the construction now. We can at least wait until you give birth safely."

"No, I'm going to level that place today." Chen's mother persuaded her not to move, so she had to ring the phone to invite her son-in-law back.

Xie Changan was very angry when he heard the news. It was the attic he built by himself, and there were memories they shared there.

When he returned home from the company, he saw that the once blue-white attic had been destroyed beyond recognition. My heart aches, nothing can go back.

Back in the room, Chen Yuan sat by the window blankly. My eyes were fixed on the attic over there.

Xie Changan approached her and looked at her slightly bulging belly. Yu Xin couldn't bear to put a blanket on her.

"Yu'an, why are you going to demolish the attic?"

Chen Yu'an heard her husband's voice and hugged him tightly.

"Chang'an, I'm sorry. We made the decision without informing you."

"It doesn't matter. My mother-in-law said that it would be unlucky to move the house during pregnancy. Otherwise, I will take care of the attic after you give birth."

"Really? Don't you blame me?"

"How could I blame you? I was negligent. I've been spending time with you at home these days."

Only then did Chen Yuan give up.

It has been half a year now and I have no more medicine for Di Ying. His body had long been overwhelmed and he did not dare to stay at home because he was afraid that Chen Yu'an would notice that his health was deteriorating.

In the dead of night, he quietly walked to the attic. The broken walls on the first floor that had been smashed were gone up to the second floor. Furniture and furnishings in each room have been cleared

Opening the room where Di Ying once lived, the place was intact as before. Now he finally understood why Chen Yuan was obsessed with destroying the attic.

There was still a faint herbal scent in the room, and he sat on the cold floor. She will definitely not forgive him for what he did.

However, he will soon be relieved.

As everyone knows, because the months are getting bigger and bigger, Chen Yuan has trouble sleeping every night.

She saw Xie Changan's every move, and she just stood behind the big tree in the attic. With tears in the corners of her eyes, she let the cold wind blow through her body.

A woman's unique intuition tells her that he has never loved her. But he was so sincere on the day he proposed, and she really didn't understand why Xie Changan wanted to marry her even though he clearly didn't love her.

As expected, he could not forget that woman. The person who was no longer here was more important than her, a living person.

She didn't know how she walked back. She pretended that nothing happened and hid under the quilt and pretended to sleep.

Until the sky turned slightly white, Xie Changan still hadn't come back.

She stroked her slightly bulging belly, which must have been four months. Fortunately, she has this child to depend on.

By the time she went downstairs to have breakfast, Xie Changan had already finished eating early. Reading a book on the sofa

"Chang'an, where did you go last night?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of disturbing you. So I went back to the study to sleep."

"Oh, is it so."

Xie Changan looked bad when he saw her

"I see that you don't look good. Let the doctor check your veins."

"No need, it's just that I'm a month old. My body is getting heavier and it's hard to sleep well."

Xie Changan still had breakfast with her

"Yu'an, you are tired."

Chen Yu'an felt various emotions in her heart. She was no longer alone behind her, and there were some things she couldn't say clearly. It’s just that the love I had for him no longer exists

"I just hope you don't treat our children like you did to me."

Xie Changan looked at her nervously

"Oh, I mean. From now on, as a father, you should teach your child more. Don't pamper him."

"I will teach him well and in a relaxed manner, but you, on the other hand, need to take care of yourself and raise the baby with peace of mind."

"I will"

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