The Miao girl in his heart

Chapter 9 Xie Changan

Chapter 9 Xie Changan

"Yandering Young Master"

Follow Mrs. Liu all the way to the small attic behind the garden. The environment here is dark and quiet.

There are special servants and cooks in the attic, who only serve the young master.

Mrs. Liu briefly talked about the young master's illness on the way. Generally speaking, it was a congenital disease.

He has sought numerous famous doctors since childhood, but none of them could cure the young master's strange disease.Later, when I was eight years old, I went to Putuo Temple to play, and unexpectedly received guidance from an eminent monk.

He also gave the young master a vajra, which he must carry with him until he reaches adulthood.

After returning from Putuo Temple, young master Xie Changan's strange illness was temporarily suppressed, and he was fine for several years.

I never thought that when I turned 17 this year, strange illnesses would start to occur.Later, I went back to look for that eminent monk, only to find out that he had passed away.

Mrs. Liu has no choice, he only has this precious grandson.Later, Western and Chinese medicine practitioners from all over the country tried to treat her, but the results were minimal.

Watching my precious grandson, who used to be lively and active, being tortured by strange diseases every day, he looked like a human being and a ghost like a ghost.Mrs. Liu could only watch helplessly but could do nothing.

Later, I saw the news about Doctor Li's miraculous medical hand in the newspaper, so I sent someone to investigate.

As a result, the reputation was well-deserved, and she had to place her last hope on Dr. Li.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at Master Xie's room on the second floor.

The room is equipped with a luxurious bed, and rows of bookcases are filled with various books.

The open floor-to-ceiling windows were tightly covered by curtains, and not a single ounce of sunlight could penetrate.

Mrs. Liu opened the curtains.The setting sun suddenly filled the room.

The curtains beside the bed were opened, and a skinny young man lay under the soft silk quilt.

Mrs. Liu said a few words to the boy softly, but the boy just turned over.Turn your back to "Doctor Li"

Mrs. Liu had no choice but to ask Dr. Li for treatment.

It was only when he walked in that he saw the young man's appearance clearly, his angular face, three-dimensional facial features, and dark gray pupils reflected under his slightly closed eyelids.

Tortured by the disease, there was no trace of blood, black eye circles, chapped lips, and the whole person was lifeless.

Diying's "Doctor Li" checked his pulse, and his fair arms had clear joints.

The whole pulse condition is very bad, and the qi and blood are going retrograde.The internal organs seem to be sealed by frost and cannot perform their respective duties.

If things go on like this, Xie Changan will definitely not survive more than a year.

Diying "Doctor Li" asked

"Madam, this young master is born with a congenital defect. Is there anyone in the family suffering from the same disease?"

Mrs. Liu hesitated and asked Dr. Li first.

"Doctor Li, can this child's illness be cured?"

Diying "Doctor Li" solemnly emphasized again

"Madam, if you don't tell the truth, it will be difficult for me to take medicine. If someone in the family suffers from this disease, we must consider whether it is a genetic factor. If not, I will find another prescription."

Mrs. Liu asked again

"Then if I tell you, can you really cure Chang'an?"

Doctor Li looked at Mrs. Liu solemnly,
"Only I can cure his disease"

Mrs. Liu tucked the young master in, then sat on the desk chair and talked.

"Speaking of it, it all seems to have started 30 years ago. Since that year, after his grandfather was sent to lead the army in the south, the entire army was wiped out in a battle. Although no body was found, there has been no trace of it for so many years. News: "His grandfather. Is he Xie Jiping?"Diying "Doctor Li" stood aside and listened quietly.

Mrs. Liu continued

"After the defeat in that battle, his grandfather was announced to be dead. The Xie family was affected by the chaos of the warlords. Their house was seized and the whole family was kicked out. His father was 20 years old that year and had just gotten married."

"There are also two and three bedrooms. They are clamoring for an equal share of the property left by his grandfather, and they have completely fallen out with us. All his grandfather's property is in my hands. I divided it equally among them, and also gave the Xie family's ancestral property to them. Leave the house to them."

"I took his father and his mother back to my natal Liu family, which is the current manor. Within a year, Chang'an was born. His mother died in childbirth, so I was the one raising him from childhood to adulthood. . The child has been weak since he was a child, but he suffered from minor illnesses and disasters, nothing serious."

"It wasn't until Chang'an was eight years old that his father, my son, suddenly died suddenly, with bleeding from all his orifices. He was sent to Western medicine but could not be rescued. The cause of death was heart failure."

"Not long after, the second and third houses also came to me to borrow money. They said that their son and daughter also suffered from strange diseases, and they couldn't cure them even after spending all their money. I donated generously. I heard that In the end, I couldn't save him. Sanfang even went crazy because of it."

Mrs. Liu calmly talked about the pain she has experienced for most of her life.

"I thought my life had hit rock bottom, so I accepted it calmly. I didn't expect that Chang'an also suffered from the same strange disease that year. He was my last weakness. I lost my husband and my family members, and only had this little child. If the child stays with me, God will not let me go."

"If Chang'an is gone, what use will I have for all the wealth of the family? Doctor Li, if you can really cure Chang'an, I will grant you whatever you want."

Mrs. Liu has finished speaking, Diying is almost certain.Ever since Xie Jiping was sacrificed that year, not only the entire village was affected by the backlash, but the bloodline as a sacrifice would be continuously dedicated to the host.

Then, let the damnation end from now on.

Dr. Li was so relieved that Mrs. Liu said
"Don't worry, I have a general understanding of the young master's illness. I may use some extraordinary measures as an aid, and you must cooperate with me in the treatment."

Mrs. Liu asked worriedly

"What extraordinary means? Will it work?"

Doctor Li took out the silver needle and first opened the heart meridian through thirteen needles. The heart governs the mind. If the heart is disturbed, the mind will be unclear. He selected the governor meridian to calm the mind, the spleen meridian to promote qi and blood circulation, and the stomach meridian governs appetite. Select the liver meridian to dredge the meridians, unblock the meridians, and let the qi and blood flow smoothly.

In this way, let the internal organs run first.Then prescribe the right medicine.

The young man was so weak that he lay down on the bed and allowed Doctor Li to apply acupuncture all over his body. Whenever "Doctor Li" Diying's fingers touched his skin, the young man felt as if he was getting an electric shock, and the electric current hit his heart.

Xie Changan turned his head and secretly looked at this "Doctor Li". He looked like an old man over fifty years old and wore a mask mysteriously.

After the acupuncture, Xie Changan lay half naked on the bedside.Only then did "Doctor Li" realize something was wrong, and subconsciously turned his back.

Little did he know that this small move was caught by Xie Changan

Mrs. Liu saw that her grandson looked rosy and helped him put on his clothes.

Only then did I feel relieved
"Doctor Li, you are indeed worthy of your reputation. My grandson is sorry for bothering you."

Doctor Li packed up the medical box, and that was the end of today's treatment.

"Madam, I will personally come to diagnose and treat the young master every day from now on. That's it for today. I'll come back tomorrow."

Mrs. Liu's old and delicate face finally showed a smile and sent Dr. Li outside the door.He also ordered the housekeeper to prepare a box of notes.

"Dr. Li, thank you for your hard work. These are your medical fees. I will need you to devote all your efforts to treating my grandson in the future."

Dr. Li did not take the money tickets

"Madam, it is the duty of a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded. I am lucky to have received this rare case in the world. We should wait until the young master fully recovers to discuss the matter of diagnosis and treatment fee."

Mrs. Liu has met countless people, but now there are very few people like her who are not greedy for wealth and have real abilities.I admire Dr. Li's medical skills and conduct even more.

"In that case, just do as sir says."

Mrs. Liu told Liu Jinsheng that his current task is to transport Dr. Li back and forth to the Liu family manor every day.

(End of this chapter)

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