Chapter 13 Flowers For You
It was also from that time that she was pushed to take power.

From then on, the eldest princess had the support of [-] soldiers from the northwest camp.

Because the General Zhou she rescued was the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Camp, Zhou Zhiyuan!
When Zhou Zhiyuan knelt outside Changyun Palace and handed over a letter of thanks from one hundred thousand soldiers, she was satisfied with the feeling of being grateful and supported.

Maybe that's the feeling of power. At least now that she thinks about it, she feels that she didn't do bad things when she was in power!

When you stand up, your hands will start to become unclean!

She killed those who disobeyed her, and she also killed those who disobeyed her. She must have been blinded by power by then!

Now that I am no longer in that high position, I can see clearly.

It turns out that such a simple gratitude can satisfy her.

"Let's go and meet the incense seller!"

Song Yu walked ahead with Mei Hua in her arms, and Lian'er hurriedly followed her.

There were many people in the incense shop. After Song Yu entered, she was intoxicated by the smell of various spices mixed together.

She looked around and saw no familiar figure.

I found the owner of the incense shop and after asking, I realized that the wood fruit incense was not made in this incense shop, but someone had prepared it and sent it to sell here.

The boss was reluctant to say anything at first, fearing that someone was trying to steal his business. Later, Song Yu stuffed a lot of money into her and repeatedly said that she was just looking for an old friend and would never steal his business, so he was willing to reveal it.

It was made by a girl who would deliver the goods on the [-]th of every month. The day after tomorrow would be the day of delivery.

Song Yu asked her boss to stay with her for a while. She wanted to see her and ask about the whereabouts of her old friend.

The boss saw that she was indeed not stealing business, so he agreed and asked the clerk to notify her when the time came.

After walking around for a day, she also got news about the person she wanted to find. The master and servant ate some food outside before going back in a hurry.

Song Yu was still holding her handful of plum blossoms, and Lian'er was holding more things. After much deliberation, they decided to go to a side door, otherwise they would be scolded if they were seen.

It’s also quite annoying!
But what a coincidence, the side door is close to the South Courtyard. Shen Yu sent Cui Hao to the British government residence today and used the side door when he came back.

The two happened to be facing each other.

Shen Yu looked at the cousin who was crying in his study yesterday. She was so sad that she couldn't stand firmly. She was holding a handful of plum blossom branches and smiling like a flower. She didn't know what she was talking about.

Song Yu's view was blocked by the plum blossom branches, so she really didn't see Shen Yu, otherwise she would have restrained herself.

"My cousin is in great spirits. Are you going shopping?"

Song Yu was startled when she heard the sound and looked at Lian'er. She had already blocked herself with something in her hand and couldn't give her a hint.

"Second cousin, why are you here?"

Song Yu stretched her face out from the side of the plum blossom branch, suppressed her smile, and asked in a sweet voice.

"I'm not as interested as my cousin. I just sent the young prince back to the British government. I don't know if the young prince will be grateful to my cousin for helping me."

"Did you tell him?"

Song Yu took the flowers off with a look of doubt on her face.

It is better to do less than to do more. It is not a good thing for Cui Hao to know about her.

"What? Doesn't my cousin want him to know?"

"In no mood!"


It’s really troublesome, you have to make it up now!

"Don't Shen Yun like that little Marquis? She doesn't like me to begin with. If she knows that I have a relationship with the little Marquis, she won't make things difficult for me. So it's better for you to know and for me to know!"

Song Yu secretly glanced at Shen Yu, her face wasn't ugly, she seemed to believe it.

"Besides, I don't want to have anything to do with the young Marquis, so it's better not to let him know! Second cousin, don't you think so?" Song Yu said the last word with a hint of coquettishness.

Song Yu was helpless, her voice was like this, slightly flattering, as if she was coquettishly coquettish.

But looking at Shen Yu's face, it seemed that he was quite satisfied with this trick. Why was he not close to women? It was just that he didn't want to marry at that time... who would do it?Who is she going to marry him?She doesn't seem to remember.

Anyway, from this point of view, he was just trying to evade, how bold he was!
"Second cousin, in order to express my gratitude, I specially picked this flower on the street today and gave it to you!"

Song Yu stuffed a handful of plum blossom branches into Shen Yu's arms, and Shen Yu caught the flower inexplicably.

Song Yu instantly felt much more relaxed.

"The plum blossoms are noble, I really call you a noble character!"

When you were a princess, you were given a marriage gift but you didn’t want it. Today, the Japanese princess will give you flowers. Isn’t it that you are willing to accept them?
Song Yu walked out for a short distance, looked back and saw that he was still standing at the door holding flowers, and couldn't help but smile.

"This pomegranate flower is my favorite, please hold it in my arms and take it to Changyun Palace!"

"Princess, this is the second son of the Shen family..."

"It's okay, I'll send it to the princess!"

The princess had already turned around and left, and Eunuch Huang beside her looked embarrassed.

"Second Master Shen, the princess has a coquettish temperament. I have wronged you!"

It turned out that she didn't even remember him. Maybe he was not outstanding in the first place, so how could he remember him.

Shen Yu stood at the door with a gloomy expression. After a long time, he spoke.

"Jiang Mu...come out!"


"What did she do today?"

This woman was so strange that sometimes he couldn't recognize who was standing in front of him. Why did he always have such an illusion?

Jiang Mu took a look at the flowers in the young master's hand, and considered talking about today again and again.

Shen Yu frowned and his eyes darkened.

"Is she checking on the princess?"

"My subordinates think it is, we are also investigating the clue about Mu Guoxiang. Miss Song spent the whole day shopping today, but her purpose seems to be Mu Guoxiang!"

"So, she wanted to read the princess' last letter yesterday. It was not what she said. In fact, she had another purpose!"

"My subordinates guess that she will meet that person in the future. Should we stop him?"

"No need, let her see you, then you can follow her and see what her purpose is!"

Jiang Mu cupped his hands and saluted, "Yes, young master!"

Shen Yu glanced at the flower in his hand and handed it to Jiang Mu.

"Look at it!"

Jiang Mu took it, scratched his head, looked at it, threw it away?Or take it back?
"Let Jiang Ze come back and answer!"

Shen Yu left these words and entered the side door of Shen's mansion.

In the study, a guard in white clothes stood there. He looked very similar to Jiang Mu, but his temperament was different at first glance.

"Jiang Ze, what's going on in the palace?"

"The princess's personal maid, Qingyang, was killed that night, but the strange thing is that Qingyang's body was burned to the point of being unrecognizable. The others were also dead, including Qingyue, who was still alive, but She was also sentenced to being a slave in the palace and is now being held in the Sentence Department!"

Qingyue is in the Shenxing Division, Qingyang is dead, and everyone around the other princesses has been killed. Isn't this hiding some secret?

(End of this chapter)

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