Miss Cousin, she is charming and charming

Chapter 18 Shen Yi’s Confession

Shuyu glanced at the darkening sky outside, hesitating to speak, but finally took off his clothes.

Yun Juyuan had already turned on the light, and the nanny who was lazily sleeping at the concierge looked up and saw the eldest son coming, and she woke up in fright.

"Young Master!" Mammy saluted hurriedly and was about to raise her head and shout into the yard when Shen Yi stopped her.

Grandma, like an old lady, immediately opened the door with a smile.

Looking at the eldest young master's back, grandma couldn't help but feel happy.

It is not etiquette for the eldest young master to come to Miss Biao’s yard at this time, but who in Yunjuyuan doesn’t know that Miss Biao likes the eldest young master, so it is not polite to do so!

She thought happily that Aunt Zhao would definitely reward her.

Song Yu had already taken off her hairpin and had her hair loose. She was injured and couldn't take a bath, so she asked Lian'er to give her a simple scrub.

She looked at the wounds that Shen Yu had bandaged after dressing her today, and couldn't help but praise her workmanship.

But Qingyang didn't say anything, and she had no choice but to let her stay with Shen Yu first, and figure out how to deal with it later.

"Master, the lady has rested!"


Shen translated?What is he doing here at this hour?What does a concierge do?Why didn't you stop him?
"Miss, the eldest son is here and sitting in the hall!"

Song Yu's face wasn't very pretty. She had injuries on her body and must have smelled of medicine. She stayed behind closed doors these past few days for fear of arousing suspicion.

Luckily for him, he actually caught up to the door.

"Just say that I've gone to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you need anything!"

Lian'er looked at Song Yu with a troubled face.

"My servant has just said that, but the eldest son went directly into the hall and asked someone to serve tea. Apparently he was waiting there without seeing you!"

Song Yu's eyes were full of coldness.

Relying on his status in the Shen family, he actually threatened her. He, Shen Yi, was such a hypocritical person.

Then she would see what he wanted to do.

"Get me dressed!"

Song Yu said in a cold voice.

Lian'er also felt that the eldest son's behavior tonight was a bit off.

"Bring me the incense and put it on yourself!"

Lian'er nodded and took the incense. The young lady still cared about the eldest young master. Even if the eldest young master came out of line, the young lady would still burn incense to see him.

Song Yu specially chose a skirt with wide sleeves to cover the injuries on her hands.

When Shen Yi saw her swaying in a wide pale pink skirt from the door, his heart was touched.

She seems to be different from before, she has become very bright and delicate!

In the past, Song Yu made him feel that she was like a dodder flower and had to rely on him, but now she was so bright and charming that he was even more attracted to her.

Song Yu felt sick when she saw the way he looked at her.

"Cousin, at this time, I wonder if there is anything important?"

Song Yu didn't come near, but asked coldly from a little further away from the door.

Shen Yi glanced at Shuyu, and Shuyu went out very wisely, dragging Lian'er out when he went out.

He wouldn't dare do anything in her yard!
There were only two people left in the room, and Shen Yi took a few steps towards her.Song Yu hurriedly took a few steps back.

Shen Yi looked at her in disbelief. What was she afraid of?
Song Yu also knew that if she kept avoiding him like this, he would definitely arouse his suspicion.

"Yan'er, I know that I neglected you some time ago, but I already explained that day. The matter between me and the princess involves the affairs of the court. I can't explain it clearly, but my heart has always been with Yan'er!"

Song Yu suppressed the coldness in her eyes and looked up at him.

"What about your marriage to Su Jin'er?"

Shen Yi looked calm and stepped over, wanting to hold her hand, but Song Yu dodged again.

"That's just a temporary measure. Even if she enters the Shen family, it's just a decoration. I only have Yan'er in my heart!"

It turns out that he looked at her so affectionately at that time and told her that she was the only one in his heart and that he was willing to accompany her to see the mountains and rivers thousands of miles away. It was nothing but a lie.

Seeing him say such words to others again made her feel sick. Does he really love Song Yu?I don’t know, if it’s true love, why can’t I overcome all difficulties to marry her.

Song Yu, a silly girl, might have been deceived by his affectionate look!
"Yan'er, I'm here today to tell you that in order to break up us at tomorrow's banquet, mother will set you up for Shen Yu. I know that you have me in your heart, but you are just angry with me. Tomorrow, the tea that mother will give you will be yours." Don’t drink it!”

What a dirty trick!
"Tomorrow, I will ask to marry you in front of the old lady and make you my concubine. You are the only one in my heart. Don't worry, even if Su Jin'er is my wife, she can't get past you!"

The Shen family, mother and son, truly deserved to be a family, and they made her very sick.

Suddenly she felt very uncomfortable. Was that inexplicable pain in her heart the consciousness of the original owner?Song Yu thought that since he has taken over your body, he will finally help you see what kind of person he is!
"If I want to be the head wife, can my cousin do it tomorrow?"

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, and when he spoke again, his expression was as usual.

"Yan'er, please bear with me for a while. When Su Jin'er comes in, I will think of a way. You have forgotten Brother Heng. You have become mine, so I can take Brother Heng out!"

Song Yu just wanted to sneer, look, this is Shen Yi's deep affection, mixed with coaxing, temptation, and a hint of threat, how ridiculous.

"That's it!"

Song Yu's expression returned to normal, and her tone was calm, which was considered a compromise.

Shen Yi had a look of joy in his eyes and wanted to step forward to grab her hand again, but Song Yu dodged him again.

"It's not etiquette for my cousin to come at this time. It's better not to do anything you shouldn't do again!"

Shen Yi came here just to let Song Yu understand his mother's arrangements tomorrow. As long as she didn't fall into her mother's scheme, he would have his own plans tomorrow.

"Okay, then I'll leave first and let my cousin have a good rest!"

Shen Yi didn't show it on his face, but he had already begun to suspect in his heart that Song Yu had been avoiding his approach. It turned out that she wouldn't be like this. Something must have happened recently that he didn't know about.

After Shen Yi left, Song Yu sat in the hall, looking at the concierge kneeling on the ground with an angry look on her face.

Her yard is full of people eating in and out. If she doesn't take action to cure them, she will really be the eldest princess.

"Girl, if the eldest young master can come to our Yuanli, it's not your wish..."


The mother-in-law stood there with an arrogant look on her face, and she was cursing in her heart. Why did she pretend to be so noble? She was eager for the eldest son to come all day long!
Seeing the disdain on her mother-in-law's face, Song Yu felt that Song Yu was a coward who couldn't even control the servants below, so she would take care of it for her.

"Lian'er, tell Aunt Zhao to beat this slave slave twenty times and sell it tomorrow!"


Lian'er bent down and saluted, then went out.

When the concierge saw that the girl was serious today, her face suddenly changed with fright, and she began to panic in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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