The old lady looked at her, trying to see something from her expression.

There is no shyness, and there is no expectation from the youngest daughter's family.

"You don't like him!"

The old lady said firmly.

"I don't need to like Grandma, he is my best choice now!"

Song Yu reached out and held the old lady's hand, with a calm look on her face.

The old lady has lived for most of her life. When Song Yu said these words, she understood.

She was leaving the Shen family, and she had clearly seen the temperament of the Shen family.

"Yan'er, why bother?"

Why should you sacrifice your marriage just to get out of here?

Song Yu lowered her head. If she were the real Song Yu, she might not be like this, but she is the eldest princess. She needs a better pedal for her goals, and Shen Er is currently the most suitable.

Moreover, marriage is no longer important to her, destroying the Shen family is her goal.

"Grandma, I have made up my mind, please make it happen!"

The old lady tilted her head and glanced at Shen Yu who was kneeling in the outer hall.

This child is actually a pitiful one.

"Do you know him?"

Shen Er seems to be very deep, but in fact sometimes he is very sincere, because his eyes betray him.

"He was already eight years old when your uncle brought him back from the battlefield. He should have some memories, but he doesn't remember his own affairs. Your uncle ignored your aunt's objection and let him join the Shen family clan!"

Song Yu really didn't know this. After all, it was a family matter of the Shen family. It was normal for outsiders not to know.

"Your aunt once thought he was your uncle's concubine!"

In fact, she had heard about it, and everyone thought so in their hearts, even if they didn't say it.

"Is he then?" Song Yu asked.

The old lady shook her head, "He is not. This child does not have the cold temperament of the Shen family."

"Then why did he abandon literature and join martial arts when he was 16 years old?"

This was also when she was the eldest princess. When Shen Yi mentioned his younger brother one day, she said something, and she suddenly remembered it.

"Yan'er, the Great Sheng Dynasty valued literature over martial arts. The Shen family was born into military generals. Your uncle tended to let your eldest cousin study in literature, so the teachers hired by the house were all famous teachers. But did you know? Shen Yu, his little one At a young age, he is quick-thinking and extremely intelligent!”

I guess Mrs. Shen couldn't tolerate such an outstanding adopted son!
"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!"

The old lady said with emotion.

"Is it Mrs. Shen? Then why didn't uncle care?"

"I just said that the Shen family is a military general, and your uncle also has selfish motives. Shen Yi appears to be glamorous, but in fact, he is more suitable for this court because of his careful mind. That child is simple-minded and sincere court is not suitable for him!"

Is that really the case?Song Yu didn't ask.

"It's just that when he was 16 years old, he insisted on going to the frontier for training, which was exactly what your aunt wanted. She thought that if he died there, it would be his fate. The child had been gone for two years and never came back. I didn't know it two years ago. Why did I come back suddenly and scare you, have you forgotten?"

Song Yu smiled sheepishly and said, "My granddaughter was young and timid at that time!"

The old lady gently pushed her forehead with her finger and asked with a loving smile.

"That's him?"

"It's him!"

"He went to the border for four years and came back to see me this time. I always feel that he has something on his mind when he comes back this time. Don't you care?"

The old lady has lived for most of her life and cannot understand anything.

"Grandma, no one can reveal the store affairs completely to others if they haven't hidden it in their heart!"

The old lady looked at Song Yu with inquiring eyes for a long time, then suddenly smiled.

"My Yan'er has really grown up, I agree to this marriage!" Magu gently knocked on the door.

"Old Madam, Madam and the Eldest Young Master are here!"

When Shen Yi entered the old lady's inner hall, he saw Shen Yu kneeling down the hall, and immediately felt something was wrong.

When Shen Yu saw the person coming, he stood up and saluted his mother.

Mrs. Shen's eyelids were lowered and she didn't even look at him.

Song Yu helped the old lady come out and saw the people coming with different expressions.

"Mother, call your daughter-in-law over. What's the matter?"

Mrs. Shen bowed and asked.

"Sit down first!"

Shen Yu saw the old lady coming out and knelt down in the hall again.

"Get up too!"

Shen Yu knew that this was about him, so he thanked the old lady and stood up.

"How dare you say what you just said to your mother again!"

Song Yu didn't expect that the old lady would do something like this. Just now, she deliberately left the door open just to let the wind blow through the hall and wake him up, otherwise how could he confront Shen Yi.

But now that he is [-]% awake, he is still willing to say what he taught him.

Everyone looked at Shen Yu with some confusion. What was he going to say?
Song Yu wished she could go down again now, pressed his head and asked him to speak.

But now it seems that she can't do it anymore. She can only look at Shen Yu, hoping that he won't regret it!
Shen Yu raised his head and looked at Song Yu. Her pitiful eyes were probably about to burst into tears again!

The cold wind had been blowing for so long that he couldn't even think clearly.

But when he looked at those eyes looking over him, he felt that the trace of aphrodisiac that remained in his body was acting up again, that's right. It was acting up again.

He didn't want her to beg anyone else with such a pitiful appearance.

Shen Yu neatly lifted up the hem of his clothes and knelt down again!

"Grandma, my grandson wants to marry his cousin. From now on, he will not let her be like duckweed. I am willing to keep her safe and protect her!"

After speaking, he turned to Mrs. Shen.

"Please mother, let me do it!"

The old lady nodded with a satisfied smile on her face.

Shen Yi's expression changed immediately. When did he get entangled with Song Yu? He had only been back for a few days. This was impossible.

Shen Yi immediately knelt down and opened his mouth to speak.

"Grandma, I too..."


Mrs. Shen sternly stopped her, and Su Jin'er also knelt down.

"Old madam, this is a good thing. It just so happens that our cousin and the second son's marriage will be arranged together with us!"

Su Jin'er looked a little panicked. She secretly looked at Shen Yi and whispered beside him.

"Master Shen, don't forget, what did you promise me? And my father's place!"

Su Jin'er didn't want to threaten him like this, but she had no choice. If she didn't do this today, she might have to give up her marriage to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked at Su Jin'er with sinister eyes and pressed his hand hard on the ground, causing the veins on his hand to bulge.

"Translator, what else do you want to say?"

The old lady glanced at Song Yu. She wanted to give him a chance. If Shen Yi could say the same thing about marrying her on the spot, she would fulfill her granddaughter's wish.

Although she was old, she could still see clearly over the years that Song Yu liked Shen Yi and her heart and eyes were full of him. As for why she wanted to marry Shen Yu today, I'm afraid it was just because she was forced to do nothing.

Shen Yi was kneeling there with his head lowered. No one could see his expression, but everyone was looking at him!
(End of this chapter)

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