Chapter 644 Chaos

However, in the scene that just happened, Lin Tianming was able to see clearly with the help of the colorful eyes.

In his sight, the barrier formed by the fourth-level defense talisman finally collapsed after holding on for a breath.

As for Xie Changyang, he was directly swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, and finally formed a burning man.

Moreover, this flame continued to burn for several breaths.

At this moment, Xie Changyang's body was reduced to ashes, leaving only a ring-like bracelet on the ground.

All this happened in a short time, but Lin Tianming saw it.

Now the movement has stopped and everything has returned to calm.

At this time, watching Xie Changyang die, there was no trace of him in the sky.

For a moment, Lin Tianming was smiling and excited inside.

You know, Xie Changyang is the first true late-stage Jindan powerhouse that he has killed since he started practicing Taoism.

Although before this, he had fought against strong men in the late Golden Core stage, and had also killed monster beasts in the late third stage.

But compared with Xie Changyang, there is no comparison between those opponents.

After all, Xie Changyang is a late-stage Jindan cultivator and has been in this realm for more than a hundred years. He can be regarded as a veteran Jindan powerhouse.

In addition, he comes from the Xie family, a golden elixir force with a long heritage, and has all the resources of the entire family to support him at any time.

Therefore, Xie Changyang's strength is indeed impressive.

At least, it was much better than Lu Xingfeng, Zhou Yunxiao and others whom Lin Tianming had dealt with many times.

But even so, Xie Changyang was still killed by Lin Tianming, leaving not even ashes behind.

Moreover, the process for Lin Tianming to kill Xie Changyang did not take long, and there were not many rounds between the two.

In addition, Lin Tianming did not use any underhanded tactics. He could kill Xie Changyang with only the spiritual technique of Jinshan Seal and the fused Blue Heart True Flame.

Such efficiency was beyond Lin Tianming's expectation.

Even Lin Tianming was secretly guessing whether if he used the Sun Sword Qi Technique as his trump card, it would pose some threat to the Yuanying monks.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to verify it yet.

More importantly, if it was not necessary, he would not take the risk of dying to fight a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage.

If that's the case, then I'm afraid I'm going to be in big trouble.

Otherwise, no one would take the initiative to offend a Yuanying Stage monk.

After coming back to his senses, Lin Tianming waved his hand and grabbed the bracelet left by Xie Changyang after his death.

This thing should also be a space magic weapon, and there is a high probability that it contains Xie Changyang's wealth.

It's just that the material of this bracelet is average, and the feeling it gives him is obviously not as good as the Qiankun Jade he got before.

But no matter what, the level of this kind of space treasure is the magic weapon level, which is much more advanced than ordinary storage bags.

Therefore, space treasures at the level of magic weapons are very precious and rare. The internal volume area is larger than that of ordinary storage bags, and they have more functions.

Just like Lin Tianming's Qiankun Jade, not only is it huge in area, it also contains a very rich aura, and some elixirs can be transplanted into it to grow naturally.

Even spiritual beasts can survive in it.

Under such circumstances, the number of space magic weapons is limited, their value is always high, and the number of people who can possess them is extremely limited.

For now, ordinary Golden Core monks may not be able to possess a space magic weapon.

And Xie Changyang is a late-stage Jindan cultivator and the strongest person in the Xie family. In addition, the Xie family has been inherited for more than 1 years, so he must have accumulated a lot of wealth.

In this way, it is not so strange that Xie Changyang can possess a space magic weapon.

Knowing this, Lin Tianming had some expectations for Xie Changyang's wealth.

It's just that the war is not over yet, so it is not the time to explore this bracelet yet.

At the very least, he had to wait until this round of war was over and the two sides fell into an intermission period before he could count his gains.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming suppressed his inner expectations and then turned his attention to other battlefields.

Looking along his line of sight, there were monks fighting around him.

In particular, the battle group of several late-stage Jindan monks is at the top of the entire sky.

Under them is the battlefield for the monks in the middle stage of Golden Core.

As for the monks in the early stage of Jindan, they are at the bottom.

Although monks from both sides have died now, their number has obviously decreased to a certain extent compared to when the war began.

But at this moment, there are still dozens of monks still fighting on both sides.

At the same time, so many monks launched their attacks, and their colorful attacks spread out in all directions.

At the same time, bursts of dazzling light cut through the void, and various strange fluctuations frequently shook together.


There are deafening explosions in the sky all the time, and from time to time there are bursts of screams.

Amidst these screams, some monks died directly, and some monks were severely injured. As a result, they couldn't help screaming and wailing because their injuries were so severe.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianming couldn't help being shocked.

It wasn't that he wasn't calm enough, but that dozens of golden elixir stage monks were fighting at the same time, including several strong men in the late golden elixir stage.

With such a large number of monks, and many strong ones among them, their various attacks were intertwined, causing strong fluctuations.

For a time, the sky was filled with various attacks. The whole sky was dark for a while, and then extremely bright for a while.

Such a scene is really too spectacular.

Even Lin Tianming is well-informed and has experienced various scenes over the years.

But seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"As expected of the Immortal World of Jinfeng Country, there are so many Jindan cultivators fighting in a melee at the same time. Such a scene is rarely seen in other countries."

After calming down a little, Lin Tianming shifted his gaze and focused on Liang Shaorong, who was the highest in the sky.

Several people, including Lin Tianhu, were also under his focus.

After some observation, he found that the battlefield between Liang Shaorong and Hua Zhenxing was the most intense, and the fluctuations coming out were the most powerful.

Judging from the scene of the two fighting, it seems that they are evenly matched, and no one has a clear advantage.

The two of them are also one of the strongest among the current people in terms of cultivation strength, and they are also the leaders of the two most powerful forces here.It can be said that the outcome of the two of them is related to the overall situation.

Under such circumstances, the battlefield in Liang Shaorong was particularly intense, and the power of each attack was terrifying. Even Lin Tianming felt that it would be difficult to deal with the fluctuations.

Fortunately, Liang Shaorong and Hua Zhenxing were the leaders of both camps, and each regarded the other as their opponent, so ordinary monks could not get involved.

However, if you are an ordinary monk with the strength, even if you join their battle group, the effect you can have is very limited.

In this way, Liang Shaorong's battlefield was almost unaffected by others, and the two of them were in a state of concentration when fighting.

With Lin Tianming killing Xie Changyang, this result seems to have a certain impact on Hua Zhenxing.

After all, Xie Changyang is still in the late stage of Jindan, and he is also the strongest among the Xie family members.

A monk with such status and strength is also a member of their four forces, and his role is self-evident.

However, now that Xie Changyang was killed by Lin Tianming, they lost one of their four late-stage Jindan experts, causing their overall combat effectiveness to drop significantly.

Moreover, since Lin Tianming was able to kill Xie Changyang, it was enough to prove how strong he was in such a short period of time.

Now, Lin Tianming has his hands free. Judging from his strength, once he joins the battlefield of other monks, he will be like a tiger among the sheep.

It can be said that because Lin Tianming took the lead in killing his opponent, thus breaking the situation where their side had the advantage.

Understanding this, Hua Zhenxing was filled with shock and anger for a moment, and his expression quickly darkened.

At this moment, it was precisely because of his distraction that the attack was delayed by half a beat.

At this time, Liang Shaorong seized a rare flaw and immediately launched a powerful blow in the shortest possible time, heading straight for Hua Zhenxing's vital parts.


Sword energy raged in the sky, and dazzling light shot straight into the sky.

Facing Liang Shaorong's blow, Hua Zhenxing, who had recovered from the shock, did not dare to delay and quickly launched an attack to deal with it.

Both of their attacks are very fast and their power is earth-shattering.

In a short period of time, the two attacks clashed together.

In an instant, violent explosions were heard one after another.

Until the blow ended, the sky at the highest point briefly returned to calm, leaving only the earth riddled with holes.

Looking over at this time, there was a wound on Hua Zhenxing's arm, and the blood dyed his Taoist robe red.

At the same time, Hua Zhenxing's face turned slightly pale, and his breath became a little sluggish.

It can be seen that under this blow, Liang Shaorong took advantage of the opportunity and injured Hua Zhenxing for the first time.

If Hua Zhenxing hadn't been distracted and exposed some flaws, it would have taken a lot of effort for Liang Shaorong to hurt him from the front.

Now, Hua Zhenxing has been injured. Although the injury is not serious, his momentum has dropped a lot.

Next, if the fight continues, judging from his current state, it may be difficult to take any advantage.

On the other hand, Liang Shaorong on the opposite side began to gain momentum after this blow.

In addition, Lin Tianming took the lead in breaking the deadlock, which made him confident.

Therefore, Liang Shaorong was determined to win the battle at this time.

Under such a situation, Hua Zhenxing knew very well that it would not be that easy to escape unscathed this time, let alone break through the Liang family's mountain-protecting formation.

Understanding this, Hua Zhenxing already had a hint of retreat in his heart.

However, Liang Shaorong seemed to be able to predict what Hua Zhenxing was thinking.

So, just when the noise of the war had just subsided, a large number of attacks broke out again, seemingly intending to expand their advantage in one go.

Seeing this scene, Hua Zhenxing's expression changed, and he became even more furious.

You must know that he is also a powerful person. His cultivation strength in the late stage of Jindan, coupled with his background from Yuanchen Sect, in the current world of Jinfeng Kingdom's immortal cultivation, almost no one dares not to give face, let alone pursue him. Don’t let go.

But now, Liang Shaorong obviously had no intention of being polite to him because the two sides had already broken up with each other and the war had reached this stage.

Under such circumstances, facing Liang Shaorong's aggressiveness, Hua Zhenxing became even more angry even though he had already thought about retreating.

Moreover, although the current situation is not good, their camp has not yet completely collapsed.

After all, on the whole, they have more combat power in the Golden Core stage, and the number of top Golden Core late-stage monks is also larger.

In the opposite Liang family camp, only Liang Shaorong and Lin Tianming were in the late stages of Jindan cultivation.

Coupled with the Liang family's late third-level Decepticon, there are only three people in Jindan's late-stage combat strength.

But the strength of the monsters has never been comparable to that of the monks, unless it is delayed until the later stages of the battle, and they can rely on their powerful bodies to gain some advantages.

Otherwise, at the beginning of the war, it would be difficult for the monsters to gain the upper hand over the monks in their prime.

This has been fulfilled on the other side of the battlefield.

In fact, just as Hua Zhenxing expected, the Decepticons were suppressed by Li Wenhai at this time and had little chance to take advantage.

If it weren't for the Decepticons' own astonishing defense, and the fact that Liang Shaoguang below relied on the power of the Liang family's mountain-protecting formation to help from time to time and withstood a lot of damage for the Decepticons, the Decepticons might have been seriously injured. .

Although Liang Shaoguang's move helped the Decepticons, his own situation was not optimistic.

After all, his opponent was Wu Chengfeng of Tianqing Sect.

You know, Wu Chengfeng's cultivation level is also in the late stage of Jindan, and his strength is no less than that of Hua Zhenxing.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Liang Shaoguang was only at the middle stage of the Golden Core. Even with the assistance of the Mountain Guard Formation, as he frequently supported the Decepticons, it was inevitable that he would leave some loopholes for the opponent.

As a result, Wu Chengfeng almost suppressed Liang Shaoguang and took the absolute initiative throughout the whole process.

If Liang Shaoguang continues to be distracted, it won't take long for Wu Chengfeng to catch the opportunity and give him a fatal blow.

Therefore, except for Hua Zhenxing, who was at a slight disadvantage in the situation at this time, the other two monks of the same level had a clear advantage.

In addition, in terms of other people, the vast majority of their four forces have some advantages.

Judging from this, even if Lin Tianming has freed up his hands, as long as someone from Wu Chengfeng and Li Wenhai frees up his hands or creates greater pressure on the other side, then their camp will not have no chance of winning.

Knowing this, Hua Zhenxing still strengthened his belief that he must take this opportunity to weaken the Liang family's strength.

Otherwise, once this opportunity is missed, it will not be so easy to lure the opponent out of the mountain protection formation.

Under such circumstances, Hua Zhenxing made up his mind again after hesitating for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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