Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 184 New Home

In addition to the spar cannons, a large number of offensive and defensive formations are also engraved on the outside of the warship. The entire warship is a whole, and there are no doors and windows. Entry and exit are entirely dependent on the formations.
There are six teleportation arrays on the hull, of which the two on the side can only teleport one person at a time, and the two teleportation arrays at the front and rear are group teleportation arrays, each of which can teleport ten people.
In order to let the team members experience it, Black Dragon dispersed the team and tested each teleportation array.
Speaking of teleportation, this was Ling Feng's first time teleporting, and he felt it was quite novel.
Standing on the teleportation array, he felt his eyes dazzled, and he appeared in the cabin in an instant.
"that's amazing!"
Before he could clearly see what was going on around him, Tang Yan, who was following him, started to scream out of habit.
"It's really interesting!"
When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, Ling Feng was also amazed.
The location where they teleported should be the control room of the warship. There is a disc-shaped table in front of the room with a large number of magic circles engraved on it, which should be used to control the warship's magic circles.
Walking to the magic circle, Ling Feng connected his consciousness with the magic circle.
With a snap, a blue light bloomed, forming an oval light ball on the table. A warship stayed quietly in the center of the light ball.
"This should be the state of our warship!"
After carefully observing the oval-shaped aperture, it was quickly discovered that this aperture was exactly what happened within a radius of a hundred feet with the warship as the center.
After calming down, Ling Feng began to drive the hull to move.
The hull of the ship shook and began to move slowly.
"It's a little harder than expected!"
The ship moved slowly, but the vibrations were relatively violent. Controlling the warship still consumed his consciousness, which surprised him a little. Now he had to have someone specifically control the formation.
After carefully sensing the contents of the magic circle, his consciousness slowly came back.
"It seems that we need to find some people to control the warship!"
Ling Feng patted the back of his head and said somewhat depressedly.
The control of the warship is also very troublesome. Not only must the movement of the warship be controlled, but the attacks of the crystal cannon and the magic circle also need to be controlled by people. Otherwise, once launched, these attacks will continue indefinitely, not to mention that the accuracy is difficult to guarantee. Just the constant attacks consumed a huge amount of spiritual stones.
According to the situation on the magic circle, one shot would consume at least 1000 crystals. If the other magic circles were included, the hundreds of thousands of crystals in his hand would not last long.
More importantly, the teleportation array on the warship can be opened and closed manually. This is also to prevent external enemies from being able to teleport in at will, which requires specialized people to be responsible.
"There are not enough manpower!" Ling Feng scratched his head in distress, "It seems that the merger of the Phoenix Group and the Dragon Group is going to be backed off!"
Although he has refined the warship, and any movement on the warship is under his control, once he also participates in the battle, it is impossible to take care of both sides at the same time, and the person who controls the warship must be absolutely reliable.
Now, the only ones he can absolutely trust are the members of the Dragon Corps and the Spirit Corps. As for the five disciples of the Xue Jin family, he will not let them enter the control room under any circumstances.
"Let's go to Black Dragon and the others first!"
He walked out of the control room with the people who came in with him.
"Have you figured out everything inside?"
After walking out of the control room, Ling Feng asked Heilong. He knew that after Heilong came in, he filmed the team members spreading out to explore the surrounding situation.
"Except for the control room where adults come, this one is the largest!"
Black Dragon pointed at the room they were in and said.
Ling Feng took a moment to look at the empty room. Although there was nothing in it, the space was still relatively large. It would not be a problem to accommodate 500 people.
"There are two or three rooms in the back that can accommodate more than a hundred people, which should be used for storage," Heilong continued. "In addition to a few larger rooms, there are also dedicated large alchemy rooms and weapon refining rooms. The rest are Ordinary rooms, the total number is exactly 100!"
"There are so many 100?" Ling Feng did not take a closer look at the situation in the warship. He was still a little surprised when he heard this number. "Yes, each room can accommodate 10 people!"
"In other words, this warship can accommodate 2000 people without any pressure at all!"
Ling Feng secretly evaluated it, which made him sigh again. His luck was so amazing. Gray robe had really worked for him in his life.
"You don't need to arrange a room for 10 people. Let's allocate rooms according to the team structure," Ling Feng thought about the arrangement and said, "For the refining apprentices, let them have a room each, and keep them apart."
Black Dragon immediately understood that Ling Feng was deliberately trying to distance them.
"Let the team members get familiar with the situation here first. Come to the control room with me!"
Ling Feng signaled to everyone.
Everyone took the order and began to visit the warship. This place would be their home for a long time in the future, so naturally they had to get familiar with it quickly.
"I want to go outside and buy a lot of things. It's so empty here!"
Walking at the end of the crowd, Tang Yan was the first to say excitedly that she couldn't wait to decorate her new home.
Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing her words.
Arriving at the control room, Ling Feng motioned for everyone to come to the magic circle.
"What do you think!"
Let everyone take turns to feel the control array, Ling Feng asked.
"so hard!"
Tang Yan was the first to speak. She frowned slightly and there were beads of sweat on her face.
"It's not easy!"
The other people were better than her, even Bing Xin was better than her, but their faces were a little rosy.
"It's hard!"
Ling Feng was a little surprised. It was quite simple for him to control, but it was too complicated and he felt a little overwhelmed.
"Ling Feng, you refined this warship, so it must be different for you!" Tang Feng said.
"I see, the person responsible for the control will have to make more arrangements!" Ling Feng said with sudden realization.
Tang Feng thought for a moment and then said, "The only way we can call on people is from Feng Tuan!"
"I thought so too, but I started to think that I just need to mobilize a team of people. Now it seems that I have to send more people." He looked at Bing Xin, "Xin'er, you are an elf. How many talents do you need to mobilize?" OK?"
Bing Xin closed her eyes and took a moment to estimate, "Different things that need to be controlled here require different mental energy, such as monitoring the consumption of crystals, monitoring the opening and closing of the magic circle. These can be handed over to one person, observe the surrounding situation, and estimate each direction. We need one for each, six for top, bottom, left, and right, and as for the specific people to control the warship, I’m afraid it only takes about 10 people!”
"That means at least 17 people are needed!"
So many people were beyond Ling Feng's expectation.
"Sir, this is the most important place for warship battles. What Bing Xin said is to control the warship in peacetime. Once a battle occurs, there is also the use of each magic circle, the aiming and firing of the crystal cannon. It is definitely not something that 17 people can do. I'm here to take care of it."
Black Dragon quickly reminded that he had been in contact with the team members the longest, knew the most about large-scale battles, and was the most thoughtful.
"You're right!" Ling Feng nodded and said forcefully, "There is no room for loss here. I would rather the strength in other places be reduced, but we must also protect it here!"
"Assemble all thirty members of the 'Spirit Group'," he turned to look at Bing Xin, "You will also be fully familiar with this control system from today on. You will be responsible for training the specific operations, and the warship will be entrusted to you. .”
"I see!"
Bing Xin gritted her teeth, obviously nervous, but nodded firmly.
"Bing Xin, it's best to do rotation training!"
The black dragon stood beside it and reminded softly.
Bing Xin was stunned for a moment, but soon understood what Black Dragon meant.
Heilong is afraid that if everyone only has one position, if something unexpected happens, no one will be able to take over the content she is responsible for quickly. This is an extremely dangerous thing.
"I will make each of them familiar with any position!" Bing Xin said softly.
Seeing Bing Xin enter the state quickly, Ling Feng also felt relaxed.
Among all the people, Bing Xin is the most attentive. It is of course the most appropriate to give such a job to her. And she usually looks dull, but Ling Feng knows that Bing Xin is not as smart as Tang Yan, but Tang Yan likes to express herself. It's just a little cleverness that Bing Xin is too shy to express.
"This is the best!" Ling Feng looked at Bing Xin and said with a smile, "Then let's arrange for the elves to come in now!"
"I'll organize it right now!"
Bing Xin nodded and walked out of the control room to summon the elves.
"Ling Feng, the defense outside the warship is enough for the time being, but the defense inside is a bit simpler!"
Tang Feng also thought about this problem.reminded.
Ling Feng had thought about this problem before, "It seems that an isolation circle should be set up. If you want to enter the control room, you must rely on teleportation!"
"It would be better to add some offensive magic circles!"
Tang Feng added.
"Well, these can all be put on the agenda. There are a lot of things to be busy with!" Ling Feng said with a wry smile.
"Ling Feng, I think it's best to add a sound transmission device!"
Tang Yan saw that everyone had opinions and didn't want to fall behind others.
"That's a good idea!" Ling Feng praised.
"That's right, and we don't even look at who made the suggestion!" Tang Yan said proudly. She was extremely happy to receive Ling Feng's praise.
"Ha ha!"
Ling Feng couldn't help laughing. Among all the people, Tang Yan was like a little child who could bring joy to the whole team.
But Tang Yan's suggestion this time was indeed good. Otherwise, it would have been quite troublesome to have to use the transmission talisman or send someone out to notify the order every time.
"Okay, enough talking, let's get started and decorate our new home!"
Ling Feng also had some expectations for his new home.

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