Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 189 Discovery

"How are you, Black Dragon?"
Tang Feng looked at the injuries on Black Dragon's body and asked with concern.
"The situation is not very good!" Black Dragon shook his head, "The internal organs were more seriously injured."
"How could this happen?" Tang Feng asked unexpectedly, "Did we encounter a soul beast down there?"
Each of them has made sufficient preparations like Ling Feng, so they won't encounter the soul beast within two hours.The black dragon had been down for only half an hour and was injured like this. How could he not be worried?
"Don't worry, it's not a soul beast!" Black Dragon knew what Tang Feng was thinking, and immediately shook his head to dispel his worries. He took a deep breath and explained: "I was too anxious and went too deep. Some It’s caused by exceeding the limit.”
"That's it!" Tang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "How's it going? Where's the injury?"
“All the internal organs are damaged, but I can’t tell clearly!”
Black Dragon had a worried look on his face. He had already reached the Fusion Realm and was already able to see inside. However, no matter how he looked, he still couldn't figure out where the injury was. This was what worried him the most.
"Go down first!"
When checking his injuries, Tang Feng also sensed his meridians and found nothing wrong. He just felt that the black dragon's body temperature was low.
As for the black dragon's external injuries, he only needs to use elixirs and they will heal quickly. However, the temperature of the monks will drop inexplicably, which is very abnormal. You must know that the physique of monks is much stronger than that of ordinary people. In addition to some training People with special skills generally have a higher temperature than ordinary people.
Several team members walked out first and entered the cabin through the teleportation array with the black dragon.
"Get in here immediately!"
When the black dragon entered, Tang Feng shouted to all the team members with a serious face.
"grown ups?"
Everyone was a little surprised why Tang Feng suddenly became a little nervous, but no one disobeyed his order and returned to the cabin from the teleportation array.
Soon, only Tang Yan and Tang Feng were left outside the entire warship.
"Bing Xin, pat more people's hands for observation!"
Tang Feng took out a transmission talisman and marked it with magic spell, then floated far away.
"What's wrong, Uncle Feng!" Tang Yan was a little surprised to see Tang Feng suddenly become nervous.
"Yan'er, you have also seen the situation of Black Dragon," Tang Feng said with a solemn face, "Ling Feng has entered deeper than him. He is now practicing at the depth of a Jie Yuan realm monk. Once his situation is like that of Black Dragon, you Have you ever thought about what would happen?”
"No way!"
Tang Yan covered her mouth with a look of shock on her face, "Ling Feng, Ling Feng shouldn't be like Black Dragon!"
She is the only one who has accompanied Ling Feng all the way. It can be said that the two have never been separated. She has seen Ling Feng create too many miracles. Deep in her heart, she has a deep trust in Ling Feng. She even She believed that there was no difficulty in the world that Ling Feng could not overcome, which was also an important reason why she could always be by Ling Feng's side peacefully like a little girl.
"We must be fully prepared!"
Tang Feng shook his head. He also believed that Ling Feng was different, but he knew that if the enemy was nearby at this time, it would be the best time to attack.
Indeed, as Tang Feng was worried, on the small warship above, the man in black was getting ready to make a move.
"It seems that they did not fully anticipate the situation," the man in black said with some gloating, "and thought that this training method was risk-free."
"You haven't been in Biyouquan for a long time, right?"
Yin Jian looked at his expression and guessed.
"Two years is not a long time!"
The Man in Black returns emotionlessly.
"Have you had such an experience before?" Yin Jian looked at him with interest, trying to see something from his face, but the man in black's face was always covered tightly and he could not see anything.
"It seems that you really are not prepared to stay in Biyouquan all the time!"
Yin Jian took a breath and said, this is the only thing he feels he is thankful for now.
Both the man in black and Ling Feng put too much pressure on him.
"Hey, I told you to believe me!" the man in black said with a stern smile.
If they are the original residents of Biyouquan, this method is actually not suitable for them. Biyouquan has a natural tolerance for them.If they sink into it, although they will be blocked from going down when they reach a certain depth, their normal activities will only become very slow, and their bodies will not be hurt.
The man in black also wanted Ling Feng to hone his perception of Biyouquan. He was obviously not prepared to stay in Biyouquan for a long time, so he was not willing to use his spiritual core to practice.
"You must have suffered a lot back then!"
Yin Jian asked curiously.
"Hey, everyone always has some confidence in themselves," the man in black seemed to recall his previous experience, with a wry smile on his face, "The first time I was pulled up after being unconscious."
"How many feet did you go in?"
Yin Jian was stunned. He didn't expect that this mysterious man in black would have such an experience.
After taking a deep look at the warship below, the man in black said coldly, "Fifteen hundred feet!"
Following the gaze of the man in black, Yin Jian fell silent. Ling Feng's depth was now close to two thousand feet.
"It's been half an hour!"
The two were silent for a long time before the man in black broke the silence.
"Well, in a while, it will be close to an hour!" Yin Jian said after calculation.
"You can do it!"
The man in black said softly.
"Wait a little longer!" Yin Jian shook his head slightly, "It would be best if we can take action the moment he comes up."
"All right!"
The man in black thought for a moment and felt that Yin Jian's opinion was the best plan, and ordered his men to closely observe the situation below.
Time passed slowly.
A monk usually rests for half a stick of incense. Considering that controlling a warship is a relatively labor-intensive task, Bing Xin specifically allowed the elves to rest for an hour.
Ling Feng has been down there for more than two hours now. During this period, the warship has remained stationary. The elves have not done much work. The elves who have completed a round of rest have fully recovered their spirits. , so no one got off this shift, and all the elves still stayed on the warship.
Bing Xin followed Tang Feng's instructions and doubled the manpower to investigate the surrounding situation.
It seems that the attack focus of this array can be adjusted!
"My spiritual power delivery system can also be changed!"
"Look, by changing the ratio of spiritual power, the hull can be adjusted!"
In this leisurely and relaxing moment, the elves tried to control different changes in the magic circle, and soon someone made a surprising discovery.
As more and more such discoveries are made, everyone is becoming more and more familiar with warships.
"Look, my crystal cannon can change its shooting angle so much!"
An elf in charge of the crystal cannon shouted happily.
Everyone followed her gaze and found that with her adjustment, the crystal cannon seemed to be able to cover the entire semicircle in front of the warship. They were all happy for her.
"My defensive array can also defend point-to-point!"
Another elf was inspired by her and began to adjust the defensive array, and immediately made a different discovery.
"Girls, familiarity is familiar, please pay attention to the power system!"
After taking a look at the changes in the power system, Bing Xin found that the consumption of spiritual power had increased significantly, and she felt a little reluctant.
The power of the entire transfer ship is also provided by spiritual power. The core of the power system is actually a low-quality spiritual core. Although the spiritual core can absorb the spiritual power from the Biyou Spring, it can provide a stable supply of spiritual power for the warship.But this is a low-quality spiritual core after all, and it is far away from the place where it was born. The quality of the spiritual core will not be improved. In addition, if the spiritual core keeps changing its position, the quality will actually continue to decline.
Ling Feng is indeed lucky. This is a newly built warship. All the spiritual cores inside have not been depleted. The ability to absorb spiritual power can still keep up with the needs of the warship. He should not use crystal stones to replenish his spiritual power for the time being. force.
However, this attempt by the elves almost fully opened the warship's functions and increased its spiritual power supply.
"your Highness!"
"your Highness!"
Just when Bing Xin was worried about the distribution of her spiritual power, an elf responsible for monitoring above suddenly shouted.
"What's wrong?"
Bing Xin turned to look at her.
"Look!" The elf pointed at the light and shadow. Under her comprehensive adjustment, the upper area responsible for monitoring has changed.
This elf's adjustment made the situation close to the warship much smaller, and the situation further away slowly became closer.
"what is that?"
With her adjustments, a larger black spot slowly became clearer, and it could be vaguely seen as a rectangular thing, but the shape was still a bit blurry.
"Xiaoya, can you get closer!"
Bing Xin suddenly became alert.
"Your Highness, this is already the limit!"
The elf named Xiaoya shook her head slowly after trying it for a while.
"What does that look like to you?"
Bing Xin frowned and asked all the elves responsible for monitoring.
"what is this?"
Looking at the blurry shadow, everyone knew that the thing was so big in the light and shadow. The real size must be quite big, even half the size of the warship they were in.
They are all newbies, and they don't know what the detected things are by looking at the thumbnails.
"Your Highness, I have a way to see more clearly!"
An elf thought for a moment and said.
"Xue, come and see!"
Bing Xin immediately turned around and urged.
"We can turn off the array's monitoring of other directions and check this direction with all our strength." Xue pointed at the black shadow and said.
"Okay, execute it immediately!" Bing Xin immediately nodded in agreement.
The elves responsible for monitoring immediately became busy, and soon the situation on the light changed again.
The scenes in other directions of the ship disappeared, leaving only the scene above, which became increasingly distant and clear.
"It's a warship!" someone soon exclaimed.

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