Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 194 Tempering the Bloodline

"Your Highness, I have carefully observed the surroundings and there is indeed no problem!"
The warship stayed quietly next to a very fast undercurrent. The elves responsible for monitoring reported to Bing Xin after constantly detecting it in four directions.
"Turn off the detection below, and fully strengthen the detection in the other directions," Bing Xin thought for a while, and then ordered, "Those who are attacking the array will be temporarily added to the detection array."
Several elves left their original positions and came to the area responsible for detecting the magic circle.
"Now the spiritual power is only allocated to the control team and detection team, and the other functions are temporarily relevant!" Bing Xin further confirmed.
"The defensive circle is closed!"
the defense team reported.
"The crystal cannon array is closed!"
The team responsible for the crystal cannon attack reported.
After all the groups finished reporting, Bing Xin breathed a sigh of relief, but after thinking about it, she was still a little worried, "Once the enemy situation is discovered, all spiritual power will be transferred to the control group. Xiaofeng, you only need to drive in the opposite direction of the enemy with all your strength. That’s it.”
"Yes, Your Highness Princess!"
Xiaofeng nodded and conveyed the order to the team members, "Control the team to be on combat readiness and enter full speed at any time."
Several elves agreed in unison.
Bing Xin turned to Tang Feng.
"Well, let's go out and take a look. I'll leave the inside to you!" Tang Feng nodded to Bing Xin. Bing Xin's growth surprised even him.
Soon, Tang Feng and Tang Yan arrived outside the cabin.
"Fortunately, the thread is not broken!"
Looking at the Bing Ningxue Spider's silk that was still stretched tightly, Tang Yan let out a heavy breath, and her tense heartstrings finally relaxed.
"Ling Feng has been down there for so long, so there won't be any problems."
Before her heart could completely fall to the ground, it was hanging again.
"Now all we have to do is wait!"
Tang Feng sighed, he was extremely unsure now.
"You must persevere!"
In the depths of Biyouquan, Ling Feng closed his eyes tightly, but his heart was very anxious.
He is not in any danger now. The erosion of Biyouquan and the Phoenix Essence Fire have reached a delicate balance.The Biyou Spring is constantly eroding, but the heat emitted by the essence fire can eliminate the erosion very well.
"here we go again!"
He only separated slightly, but immediately felt the erosion of Biyouquan getting stronger. He did not dare to separate again and used the Phoenix Essence Fire with all his strength.
This time is different from the previous nirvana. In the previous nirvana, no matter how difficult it was, the essence and blood became more and more concentrated.But this time in Biyouquan, we are in a world of water. The energy of essence and blood is constantly being consumed, and it cannot become more condensed at all.
Although Biyouquan cannot shake the essence and blood, it can continuously weaken its energy.Although Ling Feng's blood essence is that of a phoenix, even if it is a phoenix, it is not a real divine beast, otherwise the phoenix god would not only leave space for his thoughts.
Maybe the Phoenix Essence Fire can be reborn, and its toughness is also very strong, but even after rebirth, the power of the Phoenix itself will be temporarily greatly reduced. Although Ling Feng's essence and blood are almost the same as those of a pure Phoenix, they have always been in the Biyou Spring. With such consumption, he will still die because the energy of essence and blood will eventually be exhausted.
There were several times when Ling Feng almost didn't insist on going, especially after the alarm was sounded from above, the spider silk suddenly began to move randomly. He was dragged by the spider silk and moved quickly deep in the Biyou Spring. He himself felt that he would definitely die this time. Here it is.
But to his surprise, every time when the essence and blood reached the limit of weakness and he was about to enter the nirvana state, a strange power would suddenly appear, and he would slowly start to regain his vitality without the need for essence and blood to enter nirvana.
"Are you really chosen by God to save the world?"
When he felt surprised, Phoenix God couldn't help but talk to him.
"What do you mean?"
Ling Feng asked strangely.
"Hmph, why are you here?" Phoenix God asked strangely.
"Of course it's for the secret of the Immortal Spring!" Ling Feng responded naturally. He was just surprised that Phoenix God knew this and still asked.
"I have always been wondering, what is missing from this immortal spring water, which causes it to have the effect of destroying the growth of young people?" Phoenix God said with a see-through expression, "It should be because he lacks the water of Yuanling!"
"Yuan Ling?"
Ling Feng was a little confused.
"Yes, if life wants to thrive, it needs not only life force, but also spiritual charm force, which is what some planes call the power of ghosts!" Phoenix God seemed to be touched and said, "Only Only through the rotation of yin and yang can we truly be reborn, and only then can we have true rebirth."
He raised his head slightly and looked upward. Through the air-like green spring, all the bright starry sky came into his eyes. "Everyone says that the Phoenix is ​​a phoenix. In fact, the Phoenix will die in the end. The reason for this is, It’s because the Phoenix’s essence and blood lack the power of the Yuanling.”
"Then why don't you find a place like Biyouquan to perfect your blood essence?"
Ling Feng said a little strangely.
"Do you think things are that easy?" Phoenix God's face was full of sarcasm, "Not to mention how many places containing the power of Yuanling you can find in many planes, even if there is, the power of Yuanling with complete laws, that is There is something more terrifying than the phoenix's essence fire. Before it becomes a true god, no phoenix can resist the erosion of the power of the yuan spirit."
"so smart!"
Ling Feng was shocked.
"Do you know how unlucky you are?" Phoenix God said incredulously, "If the power of Yuan Ling can be found in one or two places in millions or even tens of millions of planes, Yuan Ling who lacks laws will With such power, I’m afraid it will be difficult to find a second place.”
"so tough!"
Ling Feng was moved and shocked again.
"Of course!" Phoenix God nodded, "Otherwise, my Phoenix clan will definitely be able to find a place when the Phoenix and Heaven and Earth were born. If that is the case, my Phoenix clan will be a real divine beast. There is no need to practice, as long as He will become a true god when he reaches adulthood.”
After hearing this, Ling Feng also knew that his luck was really good this time and he had nothing to say.
After knowing the reason, Ling Feng knew that his life was no longer in danger, and for him, this was an opportunity that even the Phoenix clan was eager to meet. How could he let it go.
Of course, this process was very painful for him. At the most painful moment, he wished he could die immediately.
"It seems to be a lot weaker this time!"
Ling Feng said a little strangely. After experiencing the pain of tempering and enduring the previous times, Youpo was surprised by such a slight torture this time.
"You think the Phoenix essence and blood are fake!"
Phoenix God said very dissatisfied.
"What do you mean?"
Ling Feng asked sheepishly.
"Phoenix essence and blood originally have the ability to regenerate. This rebirth ability is actually the ultimate expression of the repair ability, but this kind of recovery is also the most draining of the source." Phoenix God suddenly became extremely patient, "But your Phoenix Essence Now that the fire has been tempered by the power of Yuanling, it not only has the ultimate and ultimate repair ability, but also has a terrifying recovery ability as the essence and blood are continuously consumed."
"You mean my blood essence power can now be used unlimitedly!"
Ling Feng said excitedly.
"Although your statement is wrong," Phoenix God nodded slightly, "but it is estimated that for people under the other party's realm, your power can be said to be unlimited."
"What about the people above the Jie Yuan realm!"
What Ling Feng is most concerned about right now is that he may face opponents in the realm of the realm now. After using the Phoenix Essence Fire before, he felt that he was about to collapse immediately.
"If you meet a master in the middle stage of the Jie Yuan Realm, you will still be in danger," Phoenix God thought for a moment and said, "After all, at their stage, their explosive power is not weaker than yours, so they still have a chance to kill you instantly."
"What if the opponent can't kill me instantly!"
Ling Feng asked with a flash of inspiration in his mind.
"If you work hard, don't even think about it if you don't have the Venerable Realm!"
Phoenix God rolled her eyes at him and said.
"It's a pity that your Phoenix's defense is so poor!"
Ling Feng thought for a moment and said.
"You are so dissatisfied!" Phoenix God said with hatred, "You have the absolute supreme attack power of the Phoenix clan, but you still want super strong defense power."
"That would be perfect!"
Ling Feng pulled at the spider thread and prepared to float up.
"Hmph, you have to know that nothing is perfect between heaven and earth," Phoenix God suddenly said quietly, "Your attacks are unmatched in the same realm, and now you have super recovery ability, which is already incredible. If you pursue too much, I'm afraid God will be jealous of you."
"Haha, isn't that good?" Ling Feng said with a smile.
"Hehe," Phoenix God suddenly smiled strangely, "Do you know what it would be like to be jealous of God?"
"Don't scare me!"
Looking at his expression, Ling Feng had a bad feeling.
"The talents of my Phoenix clan are already incredible," Phoenix God suddenly said sadly, "But do you know how difficult it is for my Phoenix clan to grow up?"
"How difficult is it?"
Ling Feng asked instinctively.
"Out of one hundred phoenixes, seventy will die in the third Nirvana, the remaining 25 will die in the spiritual Nirvana, and four will die in the ninth Nirvana."
"You phoenixes are such terrifying existences. If only one out of a hundred can grow up, it is also a terrifying existence."
Ling Feng pouted and said.
"No, that one didn't grow up, but was bled at an early age, so that its bloodline was diluted and stored as a seed for racial inheritance."
"then you!"
Ling Feng was stunned and looked at Phoenix God strangely.
"There is only one person in our clan who can truly grow up like me in thousands of years."
Only one every few thousand years.
This time Ling Feng was really shocked.
"We, the phoenix clan, are divine beasts, but actually false divine beasts. We don't need to practice. We will become false gods as long as we reach adulthood. Moreover, our nirvana is different from yours that can only be carried out when you are stimulated. We have reached the corresponding age and will carry out it whether you want it or not. , so most phoenixes actually don’t live long.”
"It turned out to be like this."
Ling Feng was silent for a while.
"I know my way."
He nodded heavily and looked at Phoenix God with gratitude.

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