Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 196 Persecution

"The environment here is not bad, Bing Xin works really hard!"
Ling Feng and Heilong were sitting in a room. There was a faint layer of light attached to the wall of the room, and there were some faint runes flowing on it.
This is a specially opened training room, and it is also a function of Bing Xin's discovery of the warship.
In fact, there are still many functions of the battleship that have not yet been developed, but they have no outsiders to help them now, so they can only leave it to Bing Xin to explore for the time being.
However, the effect of this training room transformed through the magic circle is still good. Ling Feng tried to attack it with [-]% of his power, but it only made the defensive magic circle tremble a few times.
After tempering his bloodline in the depths of Biyouquan, his realm has naturally been promoted to the middle stage of Fusion Realm. Now he is capable of fighting against the middle stage of Jie Yuan Realm.The magic circle only trembled a few times when he used [-]% of his power, and its defensive capabilities were also pretty good.
"She is indeed very attentive!"
Black Dragon said with emotion.
"Are you ready?" Ling Feng looked at him seriously, "The process may be very painful. Do you really choose that path?"
Ling Feng had previously explored the situation inside his body. Due to his underestimation of the difficulties and his intention to challenge his limits, both Heilong and Ling Feng directly entered the deepest part of Biyou Spring that they could bear. Their bodies were affected by Biyou. The erosion of the spring is naturally extremely serious.
Black Dragon doesn't have Ling Feng's Phoenix Essence Fire, and the power of the Yuanling is simply an irresistible force for him, let alone using the power of the Yuanling to practice.
Others don't know, but Ling Feng knows how bad the situation in Black Dragon's body is right now. If it were anyone else, he probably wouldn't even be able to stand up now, let alone stand here and talk calmly.
In fact, Heilong often trembles unconsciously now, his face is pale, his lips are chapped, and his lips will tremble from time to time. With his strong personality, as long as he can persist, he will never be seen in embarrassment.
"let's start!"
Black Dragon had a determined look on his face and his eyes were extremely firm.
"Okay, then I'll start!"
Regarding Black Dragon's situation, Ling Feng gave him two solutions.
One of them is to help Black Dragon refine the remaining power of Yuanling in his body, so that Black Dragon does not have to endure much pain. The other method is to assist him in slowly refining the power of Yuanling, but in this case, Black Dragon will have to endure The two powers of Yuan Ling and Phoenix were definitely a torment for him.
The black dragon sat cross-legged, pinched with both hands, and the spiritual power in his body slowly flowed along the meridians.
"Be careful!"
Ling Feng sat behind him, gently pressing his hands on his back, and the phoenix essence flowed into his body along his unsuspecting meridians.
Letting outsiders' spiritual power flow into the meridians is a dangerous thing in itself, not to mention the spiritual power rich in phoenix essence fire. This is almost the same as committing suicide.
The moment the phoenix essence fire entered the body, the black dragon jumped up.
With a bang.
His entire body hit the top of the magic circle.
The magic circle instantly became radiant and generous, and it bounced him back.
After falling to the ground, the black dragon had no intention of standing up and rolled directly on the spot.
Ling Feng immediately took out a pill and stuffed it into Hei Long's mouth.
After a short while, the black dragon stopped rolling and lay on the ground, breathing heavily, with deep fear in its eyes.
"Do you want to continue?"
Ling Feng knew that the pain Hei Long endured was by no means inferior to the pain he had endured before. Even at that moment, the intensity of his pain was comparable to that of his own mental nirvana.
Black Dragon put his hands on the ground, knelt on his knees, and gasped for air.
After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "Continue!"
"Good job!"
A hint of approval flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.
The two sat down again.
"Let's not be so anxious this time," Ling Feng controlled his spiritual power, "Put all your defensive spiritual power around my orifice blood entering the meridians."
The black dragon nodded, this time it was not about comprehensive defense, but focused on defending the place where the spiritual power had just entered the body.
After Ling Feng warned, spiritual power entered the black dragon's body.
The black dragon roared loudly again, his body trembled violently, and his whole body was instantly covered in sweat.
"hold onto!"
Feeling the black dragon's body shaking violently and desperately trying to break free from contact with him, Ling Feng also shouted loudly.
The black dragon kept roaring, trying to get away from Ling Feng's hand, but every time he was about to leave, he would shake his head and roar, forcing his body to
He leaned back harder.
A smell of meat spreads.
It turns out that the black dragon's body-protecting spiritual power can only protect part of the meridians. Once some of Ling Feng's scattered spiritual power comes into contact with flesh and blood, he will immediately roast them.
But the smell of meat didn't last long, and soon the smell of roasting came out.
Before the body-protecting spiritual power was exhausted, the black dragon screamed, fell to the ground and fainted.
Seeing the black dragon fainting to death, Ling Feng withdrew his spiritual power and stuffed another pill into his mouth.For monks, as long as the original meridians are not damaged, broken limbs can be regenerated, not to mention some flesh injuries.
"It seems it's harder than expected for others!"
Ling Feng thought with some emotion.
Even someone as strong as Black Dragon can't even hold on to a cup of tea. It's probably even harder for other people.
"Could this road not work?"
He lifted up the black dragon and hit the magic circle with a spell to remove the magic circle.
"Sir, how is Boss Hei?"
More than 20 people stood at the door of the room, looking at Ling Feng with concern.
"Don't worry, it's nothing serious!"
Ling Feng shook his head.
"Sir, let's help!"
Several team members came over, took the black dragon from Ling Feng, and helped him walk towards his room.
Seeing people slowly leaving with anxiety, Ling Feng fell into deep thought.
"Even the black dragon can't hold on, can it?"
Tang Feng came over and said worriedly.
"It was okay at first. Although he was in pain, he suddenly couldn't bear it anymore!" Ling Feng said with a frown.
"Don't be too anxious. Bi Youquan can't escape anyway, so we can always find a way."
Tang Yan came over and persuaded softly.
"Yeah!" Ling Feng nodded, "We can only wait until the black dragon recovers."
He has no clue now, so naturally he can only let it go temporarily.
"Ling Feng, go check on those refining apprentices, they don't seem to be in good condition either!"
The problem here has not yet been resolved, and Tang Feng brought another not-so-good news.
"Well, I haven't been taking care of them recently. It's time to go and have a look." Ling Feng nodded. He really felt that he couldn't keep up mentally now. There were too many things to take care of.
Several people were arguing in a corridor outside the alchemy room and the weapon refining room.
"Zhang Lan, Xiong Sheng, don't forget why you are here," Xue Lin Zhengyi looked at Zhang Lan and Xiong Sheng arrogantly, "If it weren't for Uncle Xue, if it weren't for our Xue family, why are you here."
"We will naturally admit our mistakes, why should we bear your mistakes too!"
Zhang Lan and Xiong Sheng's faces turned red and they retorted loudly.
"Hmph, if it weren't for improving the success rate, we would take you to do it together!" Xue Lin snorted coldly, "Who knew that not only would you not be able to play your role, but you would also delay the later stage. If something goes wrong now, who will bear the responsibility if you don't! "
"Shameless!" Zhang Lan was so angry that his hands were shaking, and he pointed at Xue Lin, "Don't think that we don't know why you want to jointly refine. It's not because you want to occupy more materials. We have always been the one who is responsible for the refining. It's you, but now something goes wrong, but we are responsible for it, don't even think about it!"
"Isn't this normal?" Xue Lin said matter-of-factly, "It's because the spiritual power is not accurately controlled, which leads to spiritual power disorder. Of course, you are responsible for any problems. Don't forget that we and Master are both responsible for refining." That’s right.”
"Your ability also wants to be on par with Master!"
The two were so angry that they could not speak, but the long-term status difference made them afraid to argue with all their strength. They always left some room for discussion, and instead became more and more passive.
"I knew they would play tricks!"
After listening to their quarrel quietly at the corner for a while, Ling Feng roughly figured out the situation and snorted in his heart.
"What's the noise!"
Tang Feng walked out first and scolded sternly.
"grown ups!"
When the five people saw Tang Feng, they immediately bowed and saluted.
"How dare you not listen to what I say, you are so brave!"
Ling Feng slowly turned the corner and came out.
"Sir, how dare we disobey your order!" Xue Lin was so frightened that he knelt down and argued to himself, "We also want to improve the success rate, and our success rate has always been higher than the two of them, and we also want them to hurry up. Meet your requirements, my lord."
"Ha ha!"
Listening to Xue Lin's words, Ling Feng laughed angrily, "You mean, you still helped them."
At this moment, Xue Lin showed some courage and insisted on speaking his mind.
"Okay!" Ling Feng turned to the other two people, "You two!"
"grown ups!"
The two lowered their heads even lower.
"Is what they say true?"
Ling Feng said expressionlessly.
"grown ups."
The two of them didn't expect that Ling Feng would ask them for confirmation.
But this is not an easy answer for them. If they say yes, they will offend Xue Lin. I'm afraid there will be no way out in the future. If they say no, they will never get ahead.
"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me," Ling Feng waved his hand impatiently, "I'll give you a chance."
Both of them couldn't help but raise their heads.
"With 100 copies of materials each, that's more than them!" Ling Feng stared at the two of them and pointed at the three members of the Xue family, "Do you two dare?"
Both of their bodies shook suddenly, and their eyes widened.

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