Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 199: Broken Arm

"Are these people crazy?"
Seeing the crowd rushing towards Jade Krill like crazy, Tang Xiao exclaimed in horror.
Soul beasts are always low in strength and will pounce on enemies regardless of their own safety, but that doesn't mean they are stupid.On the contrary, when facing opponents, they often show some cleverness. Although most of the time, this kind of cleverness is just instinct, but the instinct accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years is often very effective.
Facing more than 20 teams that were desperately laying on the ground, they did not rush forward as before, but retreated one after another.
Of course, this is not a real retreat. On their way back, the empty green spring immediately became phosphorescent. This phosphorescence was similar to the will-o'-the-wisps that people encountered when walking through tombs.
The ability to emit this faint blue phosphorescence is the reason why blue krill gets its name.
This kind of phosphorus fire has indeed become a will-o'-the-wisp. It contains toxicity. Once contaminated by these phosphorescent lights, the skin will be immediately corroded and turn into gray-black. This is not all. The movement of spiritual power in these rotten places will also be much slower. Once the meridians are contaminated, With this kind of toxicity, it is considered good to be able to exert [-]% to [-]% of [-]% of the strength.
The team members are very clear about the toxicity of jade krill after several battles.
But now they acted as if they hadn't seen it, opening up their body-protecting spiritual shields and rushing forward without any hesitation.
puff puff!
The team members rushed into the phosphorescence, and a thick black smoke suddenly rose from the protective spiritual power, and a tooth-breaking sound of costumes rang out throughout the area.
"It's crazy!"
Tang Xiao really couldn't understand what stimulated these guys to rush into the phosphorescence despite the body-protecting spiritual light. You must know that although the body-protecting spiritual power can resist the erosion of phosphorescence, the speed of the body's spiritual power will also speed up. With their current state, they would not be able to last long if they were consumed like this.
"Captain, what should we do!"
Seeing this surprising scene, the members of Tang Xiao's team were a little confused.
"Follow up and have a look!"
For some reason, Tang Xiao felt a bad feeling in his heart.
"All right!"
Otherwise, they had no other choice but to follow the crowd to see what was going on.
"Rush over!"
The team members who were surrounded by phosphorescence did not feel comfortable. Some of them were unlucky. The area they broke into happened to be a place with dense phosphorescence. The protective spiritual power was broken down instantly. The phosphorescence fell on the skin and burned it instantly. Small black spots one after another, and a foul stench spread immediately.
In this case, the team members could only simply apply some elixirs immediately to control the rot from spreading. No one stopped at all.
"Did you receive some special order?"
Tang Xiao frowned and followed behind. After approaching the phosphorescent area, their speed slowed down a lot. They used their protective spiritual power to move forward specifically in areas with less phosphorescent light.
"Everyone shares the body protection Linton, targeted protection!"
Tang Hong shouted that the phosphorescence concentration in some areas was too high and the soldiers could no longer withstand it. If this continued, they would suffer serious damage.
Chi Chi!
As soon as he finished speaking, many teams reacted and immediately set up large protective shields, and the sound of corrosion became much louder.
"Captain, this consumes a lot more money!"
It is also very difficult for the soldiers to activate the spiritual shield with all their strength, and someone soon reminded them loudly.
"I can't care so much now, just rush over at full speed!"
Several captains gritted their teeth, increased their spiritual power output, and invariably made the same choice.
The soldiers also knew that there was no way to retreat, so they took heart, threw some pills into their mouths, and accelerated their charge.
The jade krill was still retreating, and the phosphorescence was scattered bit by bit from its body.
As the phosphorescence decreases, the light spots on the bodies of these jade krills also dim a lot, and the shells outside their bodies appear azure.
I don't know whether it's because the phosphorescence has been used up and cannot keep up with the falling speed, or because the jade krill itself has slowed down. The retreat speed of these jade krill is obviously much slower than before, and the phosphorescence also becomes flickering on and off, like It's lost its vitality.
"Come on!"
The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and they were about to engage in a head-on confrontation. Seeing that the phosphorescence was negligible, the soldiers simply removed their protective spiritual power and poured all their spiritual power into their bows and arrows.
"Captain, why do I have a bad feeling!"
Seeing the team members in front of them who didn't care about their own bodies, the members of Tang Xiao's team who were far behind suddenly became extremely uneasy.
Under their gaze, the members of the front team had already fired the first wave of bows and arrows!
Whoosh whoosh!
The bows and arrows didn't have any accuracy, they just shot randomly into the shrimp swarms, and only a handful of first-level jade krill were hit by the arrows.
A jade krill's body was penetrated and it rolled down into the ravine, struggling painfully.
One team member wanted to rush over and cut off its pincers as a token of credit.
"what are you doing?"
Tang Xing shouted angrily.
"Captain, I want to see the pliers!" His teammates were a little baffled by his anger, and also felt a little aggrieved.
"At times like this, we need first-class shrimp with hair!"
Tang Wei didn't say much. He pointed at a late-stage jade krill ahead and shouted loudly, "Front, charge me!"
After shouting, he rushed out first.
The captain took the lead, and the others naturally did not hesitate at all.
Two mid-stage green krill were the first to come forward, and a huge pincer clamped over like scissors. A flash of light flashed on the shrimp pincers. If they were caught, it would definitely not be easy.
"Get out of here!"
Tang Wei had no choice but to dodge, and slashed forward with the long sword in his hand.
There was a crack on the shrimp claws, but it seemed to ignore the pain and continued to attack.
"let me!"
A team member rushed forward and raised his sword to block the shrimp claws.
"The rest of you, don't stop! Liu Yi, be careful yourself!"
Tang Wei just left a word and continued to rush out. The other five team members did not stop either.
The team members were in the training realm, and it was actually very dangerous to deal with a jade krill alone, but he didn't say much.
"Death to me!"
Liu Yi slashed hard. The power of the green krill was much greater than his. During the battle, some phosphorescence was scattered from his body from time to time. This phosphorescence was also quite troublesome for Liu Yi.
After emitting phosphorescence on a large scale just now, there is not much phosphorescence left on the surface of the body of these jade krills. Liu Yi has now completely removed his body-protecting spiritual power and relies on his body to resist.
There was nothing he could do. If both offense and defense were taken into account, his spiritual power would not be able to persist for a long time. Now he could only give up defense and fight with all his strength.
Liu Yi's figure kept flashing in the green spring, and Hao waved the long sword in his hand without hesitation. The two sides fought for more than ten rounds in an instant.
But as the stalemate between the two sides continued, Liu Yi gradually began to feel out of breath and began to breathe a little.
The reason for this is that in an environment like Biyouquan, his ability to move is far less agile than that of jade krill. If this stalemate continues, defeat will only happen sooner or later.
"Damn, I have fought with you!"
Liu Yi shouted loudly and suddenly stood still.
Naturally, the jade krill would not let go of such an opportunity. It rushed over and clamped down hard with its pincers wide open.
Liu Yi groaned, and his arm was firmly clamped by the jade krill. Although the body-protecting spiritual power was injected into his arm, it was impossible to withstand the full blow of the jade krill, and he ate this forcefully. Remember the attack.
His arms were immediately punched down, and half of his arms were broken off.
"Death to me!"
Holding back the severe pain, Liu Yi let out a loud shout, and slashed hard at Jade Krill's forehead with the long sword in his right hand.
The green krill screamed fiercely. It had clamped down hard with its arms, but it couldn't regain its strength this time. Liu Yi's sword hit its head, and its forehead was split open!
Liu Yi let out a heavy breath, cut off the huge pincers of the jade krill with a sword, and his expression became a little sluggish.
Putting the pliers into the storage bag, he took out two crystal pills from the storage bag. There was a bit of reluctance in his eyes. He hesitated and took only one of them.
Since the beginning of the training, the team has also started a points system. This point includes team points and personal points. In addition to the basic supply of elixirs, the rest of the elixirs must be exchanged for their own points.
He just took the Lingyun Pill, which has an excellent effect on the recovery of physical injuries. As for the other great elixir, it is a holy medicine for healing. After taking it, broken limbs can be recovered quickly.
Of course, the better the elixir, the higher the points required, so he was naturally reluctant to part with it.
Half of his arm was broken now, but after all, it was not broken yet, so he decided to endure it for a while.
"Qin Shi, hold on, I'll help you!"
After taking the elixir, he felt slightly better. He immediately saw that his comrades were also in a hard fight, and immediately rushed over to provide support.
The battle situation is now completely stalemate. It is still very difficult for the soldiers to deal with the jade krill. However, after only half a stick of incense, the situation has changed.
Jade Krill gradually began to feel unable to hold on.
"Come on me, don't retreat!"
The situation of the team is also very miserable. There is almost no soldier without injuries. Almost more than half of them have broken arms like Liu Yi.
But it was their broken arms that allowed the team members to discover a way to quickly deal with the green krill, which was to use part of the body to attract the green krill's attention, and then take the opportunity to kill them with a single blow.
Gradually, the five captains began to become disabled, but the green krill also collapsed.
These indifferent soul beasts were actually shocked by these fierce and fearless warriors in front of them.

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