Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 218 Blood

"Sneak attack?"
Ling Feng's heart moved. He really had this idea just now, but now he changed his mind.
Since the other party would still be possessed for a while, he just wanted to take advantage of this to resolve another battle.
"Since you want a while, it doesn't matter if I wait!" Ling Feng pretended to be fine and dispersed the Explosive Fire Bead in his hand.
The man in black chuckled, "Actually, it doesn't matter when you attack, but if you are willing to wait a little longer, I won't let you down."
"Call me when you're ready!" Ling Feng pretended to be bored and walked towards Tang Feng and the others, "I'll go see the excitement!"
The man in black was stunned and immediately understood what he wanted to do. He hesitated and looked over there.
"A person in the early stage of the Jie Yuan Realm and the middle stage of the Fusion Realm have been fighting for so long. What a waste!"
There was a look of disgust in his eyes, and he stopped caring about that. He just lay there without any movement at all.
Ling Feng didn't walk very fast. As long as the man in black tried to stop him, he would take action immediately without hesitation. But since the other party didn't care, he decided to deal with Yin Jian first.
One man in black is already scary, but if two of them are still there, it’s hard to say what will happen next.
Feeling his arrival, the battle on Tang Feng's side also entered the final critical moment.
Yin Jian's heart became colder and colder.
The battle with Tang Feng was nothing fancy, and the two entered a stalemate almost as soon as they fought.
Especially after using the Yulong Forge, the two were trapped in the whirlpool stirred up by the Yulong Forge. There was not much room for maneuver in the small area, and they were completely fighting with all their strength.
"Kunpeng Golden Body!"
In the whirlpool, a huge Kunpeng's wings were folded into a ball, allowing a group of fish to attack like sharp arrows.
These swordfish are extremely sharp, with blue orchid heads emitting a hint of cold air.
Jingle Jingle!
The feathers all over Kunpeng's body were like steel, blocking all the swordfish's impact.
Crack clap!
The sound of ice breaking followed.
This is the cold air attached to the swordfish. It froze the surrounding green springs and formed a layer of ice on Kunpeng's feathers. The swordfish rushing up from behind first impacted the ice layer and broke the ice layer. .
"See how long you can last!"
The wave of attacks stopped, and the shadow of the swordfish disappeared, revealing Yin Jian's figure.
He thought with some annoyance.
After trembling for such a long time, he finally forced Tang Feng into a corner
Outside the two of them, a ribbon and a piece of jade were also fighting.
The spiritual light flashed on the Yulong Forge, and from time to time, various soul beasts from the Jade Nether Spring came out. These groups of soul beasts kept attacking the jade stone hanging in the air.
The jade made a buzzing sound, and halos spread out in circles. Five haloes of five colors tightly protected the jade.Most of the soul beasts only broke through two or three levels and then disappeared. Only a few of them were able to break through to the fifth level and hit the jade stone.
Every impact caused a flash of light on the jade, and the soul beast dissipated.
"What a sweet baby!"
Looking at the hanging jade, Yin Jian swallowed his saliva. This jade was a genuine remnant of a seventh-grade spiritual treasure. Even in an environment that was not conducive to him, without the full force of the owner, there was still no flaw.
On the other hand, after a period of consumption, the spiritual energy on his Dragon Control became a little thinner, and the originally crystal-clear ribbon became a little dark.
Yin Jian was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, in the Biyou Spring, the earth attribute jade could not exert its maximum power, and his dragon-controlling forging could continue to receive spiritual power replenishment from the Biyou Spring. This came and went. , he could barely use Yulong Forging to suppress this jade.
Of course, the biggest reason why Yulong Forging can compete with jade is that Tang Feng cannot exert the power of jade. After all, the gap in realm is irreparable.
If the power of the spiritual treasure can be fully exerted, the seventh-grade spiritual treasure cannot be matched by the fifth-grade spiritual treasure, even in the Biyouquan.
"Are you a Kunpeng or a turtle?"
After launching another attack, Yin Jian's patience was almost exhausted.
After Tang Feng was forced into a corner, he used his last move, Kunpeng Golden Body.
The attack just now was okay. Although Tang Feng's attack was very fierce, it couldn't really break through his defense. For him, Tang Feng's attack only made him feel a little embarrassed.
When Tang Feng gradually became exhausted and was on the defensive, he was in trouble.
Tang Feng was almost at his limit. The attack just now was very draining on him, especially using the seventh-grade spiritual treasure, which put a heavy mental burden on him.
After being defeated several times by Yin Jian, he couldn't hold on any longer.
At this time, his body was huddled tightly, and his body was covered with layers of thick ice.
These layers of ice are different from ordinary ice. The cold air penetrates directly into the body through the protective spiritual power. Especially the spiritual power of the meridians feels like it is about to be frozen.
He kept shaking, his face turned pale, his hands and feet were numb, and his teeth began to tremble and tremble. Now he persisted purely by perseverance.
Of course, in addition to his strong will, there is another important reason for being able to persist for so long, which is the power of Yuanling, which is of great help to the recovery of his spiritual power.
After a frantic attack, Yin Jian finally felt that Tang Feng's resistance was getting weaker and weaker, and he felt happy.
His hands were outside Kunpeng's wings.
"Whale waves crash!"
He shouted fiercely, and the spiritual power in his palm spurted out. A blue whale's shadow appeared behind him. The huge blue whale raised its tail and slammed onto its wings.
The wings did not break, but the ice inside the wings shattered into pieces.
Tang Feng screamed.
Kunpeng's wings opened, and the man fell out. He stumbled back a few steps before he stood still in front of him.
The ice cubes frozen on his body fell bit by bit, and many ice cubes were already adhered to the skin. As they fell, the torn skin also tore open, and blood suddenly flowed all over the body, and the whole person instantly became snowman.
"Let's see how you defend!"
Yin Jian was overjoyed and stepped forward, punching Tang Feng hard with both fists.
Tang Feng, who was waiting to die, was blasted backwards and hit the wall of the vortex swirling behind him. He was picked up by the vortex and spun rapidly as the vortex swirled around him. The vortex around him was also dyed bright red.
"You should be on guard!"
Yin Jian said fiercely. This blow made him feel bad. He had been too depressed just now. The monks in Biyouquan were all water-type and their attack power was weak.
Meeting the defensive monks was the most painful thing for them.
In the whirlpool, Tang Feng's blood flowed more and more, his face became paler and paler, and his body couldn't help but curl up. He felt colder and colder, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.
All the aura of the jade outside also disappeared. Without the control of the owner's last bit of consciousness, it finally lost its luster.
"Bind me!"
Yin Jian was not in a hurry to get the jade. As long as he killed Tang Feng, the jade would eventually fall into his pocket.
Following his trend, Yulong Forging curled towards Tang Feng, wrapping him tightly.
A huge force came, and Tang Feng felt his whole body tighten, and it was very difficult to breathe due to being tied up. His mouth was slightly opened, and he wanted to shout, but no sound came out.
Blood pours into the column!
Under the huge power of Yulong Forging, Tang Feng's blood spilled like a fountain, and the Biyouquan around him completely turned into a deep red.
"Is this the real difference between our Jie Yuan realm and our Fusion realm?"
Tang Feng wanted to struggle, but he had completely lost his strength, and his vague consciousness began to think wildly.
As a person in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, it is actually very difficult for him to be able to persist for such a long time. If he had been a different person, he would have been killed in an instant.
Without the help of attributes and other factors, even if he can completely break through to the middle stage of the Fusion Realm, or even forcibly break through to the Jie Yuan Realm, as long as there is no breakthrough, the gap in realm will still exist.
"You still overestimate yourself!"
At the last moment when he lost consciousness, Tang Feng thought with some reluctance.
In fact, not only him, but everyone including Bao Lingfeng believed that the people in his team were different from others, and believed that even if Tang Feng was not low, escaping would not be a problem, otherwise he would not be able to trust him to challenge the Jie Yuan realm alone. .
"Hmph, this is what will happen if you despise the realm!"
Yin Jian breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't explain how he felt about this battle. Whether he was happy or sad, it was really embarrassing to spend so much effort against a person who was in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm.
In a daze, Tang Feng's blood was getting less and less, and only some blood essence remained. If it was not replenished, the blood essence would eventually drain away.
Just when he thought he was going to die immediately!
My heart suddenly felt a heavy thump!
A strange power burst out in the heart, and some of the Biyou Spring water was sucked into the heart, and a drop of extremely condensed blood slowly overflowed from the heart.
More and more Biyou Spring water is sucked in, and fresh blood is regenerated drop by drop.
This newly generated blood is much more condensed than the original one, but it still cannot withstand the restraints of Yulong Forging and continues to flow outwards, but some of it stays and is refined again in the heart with the newly entered spring water.
One drop!
Two drops!
After some blood has been refined, it finally becomes like a part of the body and will not flow out due to external force squeezing.
"This is!"
As the blood increased, Tang Feng's consciousness slowly recovered. When he observed the situation inside his body, he was startled at first.
Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but become ecstatic.

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