Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 221 Arrangement

"You are so bold, you dare to lie to His Holiness!"
In Ling Feng's cabin, many people surrounded him excitedly and talked about it.
"I'm betting too!"
Ling Feng took a deep breath and said happily.
The moment Lord Black Bat appeared, Ling Feng knew something was wrong. No matter how arrogant he was, he would never think that he could defeat the Lord.Even if this venerable person can only exert [-] to [-]% of his power, it is absolutely impossible to defeat him.
The Venerable and Jie Yuan realms can be regarded as a watershed after reaching a high level. In the past, if the resources were abundant, people with moderate qualifications could actually practice it. Now there are fewer and fewer people with high strength. That's because After the catastrophe, the world's resources became increasingly scarce.
This kind of scarcity is not that there is a shortage of things, but that the good territory has been occupied by spirit beasts, and humans cannot defeat them at all, which has resulted in the current so-called scarcity.
However, when you break through to the realm of Jie Yuan and reach the realm of the Venerable, it is not a matter of material things, but of personal qualifications and understanding, and both of these are indispensable.Without material support, there will be insufficient spiritual power when breaking through, but without understanding, there will not even be a chance to initiate a catastrophe.
It is precisely because of the difficulty that the direct gap between the Venerable and the Jie Yuan realm is completely different from the gap between the previous realms. Even if the strength is [-] to [-]%, it is not comparable to the Jie Yuan realm.
The moment the other party began to possess him, Ling Feng made a guess.
After all, if a person in the late Jie Yuan realm uses possession, there is no danger to him at all. Only people in the Venerable realm can do this, so Bing Xin was notified immediately to have the warship ready at any time. attack.
And he first pretended to go out to support Tang Feng, so that the opponent's attention would be focused on the other side, and the warship could quietly prepare for battle.
Of course, supporting Tang Feng is not a complete show, and they are also worried about something happening on Tang Feng's side.
Everything was as he imagined. The purpose of Lord Black Bat's coming was originally for him. Ling Feng's every move was naturally his most concerned, and the preparation of the warship started when he possessed him. In that situation, Black Bat It is impossible for the bat to cover everything and allow the warship to successfully complete the attack preparations.
But the Venerable was different after all. It was very difficult to hit. In order for the warship to be able to hit with one hit, Ling Feng also made many sacrifices.
The so-called sacrifice is not that Ling Feng is pretending to be weak, it is true that he cannot hold on, and he is indeed ready for the Phoenix Nirvana.
Phoenix Nirvana is not just a state between death and rebirth. At the moment of Nirvana, the Phoenix is ​​both the strongest and the weakest. The power of the attack issued at this time can be increased several times or even dozens of times.Of course, if the Phoenix is ​​attacked at this time, the rebirth may be interrupted and the Phoenix will die completely.
Even if you achieve nirvana successfully, it will still be an ordeal and a test.
Nirvana will cause great physical and mental trauma. After Nirvana, the Phoenix will also fall into a period of weakness for a long time. This period is also the most dangerous time for the Phoenix.
Ling Feng's bloodline has not yet truly become the Phoenix bloodline, and his realm is not very high. If he really chooses Nirvana at this time, the best result is that he will fall to the blood training realm and need to start practicing again.
There was a venerable person watching from behind, and the Ghost King's plan was proceeding in an orderly manner. Time was so tight that there was no time for Ling Feng to start practicing again from the blood training period.
Even if the speed of practicing again would be faster and it would be of great benefit to Ling Feng's growth, Lord Black Bat would never give them this time.
It was good luck. Black Bat possessed him after all. When Ling Feng was in a huge crisis, he was a little slack. In fact, he was never really serious from the beginning to the end, he just became more casual at that moment.
At the moment when Nirvana was about to proceed, Ling Feng sent out a chain of fire to lock the black bat, and then aroused all the power of the soul in his body, forcibly speeding up the recovery of spiritual power and interrupting the process of Nirvana.
As for the subsequent illusions, it is no longer difficult for him, and at that time, Black Bat will be hit by the crystal cannon, so he will not go out of his way to identify these.
"Brother Feng, are you okay?"
Bing Xin held his cold hand, gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and asked with concern.
"It's not very good, I guess it will take some time to recuperate!"
Ling Feng shook his head. His current situation is actually very bad. He has forcibly interrupted the nirvana process. The meridians in his body have been disrupted. His spirit has been severely damaged. The essence and blood in his body are shrinking. He is afraid that he will not be able to fight for a long time. .
"What should Ling Feng do now?"
Tang Feng asked seriously. Ling Feng is the heart of the entire team, and his crisis is the crisis of the entire team.
"I can't go back to Origin City now, I can only wander outside now!"
Ling Feng thought about it and said.
"This is indeed the only way!"
Several people nodded in agreement. When he returned to Source City at this time, Black Bat didn't even need to take action himself. As long as he revealed the identity of the Venerable, the entire Source City would immediately stand against him.
Ling Feng comforted several people.
"Ling Feng, why don't we go back and come back when you're healed?"
Tang Yan half-knelt in front of him, leaning her head gently on him and said.
Ling Feng gently stroked her hair and comforted her, "Actually, don't worry too much, that Black Bat is a venerable after all, and his surrender to the Ghost King must be extremely secretive. With his identity, he will only stay silent." In the deepest layer of Biyouquan, even if you come, you can only send some men down."
Tang Yan knew that what Ling Feng said was true.
There are also Venerables and others in Luofeng Canyon, but every move they make is subject to various restrictions. After all, every move of the Venerable affects the whole body.If Black Bat goes up there to deal with Ling Feng in person, then the other sages of Biyouquan will definitely notice the abnormality. Once they know that he is an undercover agent sent by the Ghost King, he will be in danger.
Although the Venerable is powerful, none of these main cities or ancient lands have one or two Saints and old monsters.
These old monsters usually only take action when the main city or ancient land is in danger of destruction, but if the Ghost King is involved, they will never sit idly by and deal with it, and will definitely take action to deal with Black Bat personally.
But this is just common sense, there will always be some surprises. Once the black bat ignores everything and wants to kill Ling Feng first and then hurry up, it will be dangerous.
"Do not worry!"
Ling Feng patted her shoulder, "With my current strength, the Ghost King will treat us as a small trouble at most. There is absolutely no reason to sacrifice a revered person to deal with us. No matter how many masters there are in the Six Paths Ghost Mansion, it will not be enough." To the point of sacrificing His Holiness at will.”
His analysis is also common sense. Who is the Ghost King? He is someone who is ready to attack the true God.
Ling Feng was not even a fly in his eyes, so how could he care about Ling Feng? It was just that the fly hung in front of his eyes twice and he found it annoying, so he let his subordinates take care of it.
He casually said that the people under his command naturally did not dare to be careless, so they gave the order. As for sacrificing the Venerable, that was something they had never thought of.
The venerables who can lurk in places like Biyouquan are important chess pieces, so why waste them on a little fly like Ling Feng.
"All right!"
Seeing Ling Feng's persistence, Tang Yan no longer objected.
"Let's keep fighting with fighting!" Ling Feng began to arrange things during this period.
"Many people in the team are now trying to break through. This also gives us a chance!" Tang Feng nodded.
"What about the prisoners?"
Ling Feng asked with concern.
"Bing Xin found more than ten people with good spirits inside!" Tang Feng replied.
"Then arrange them into the control room and integrate them into the elves!"
These were all discussed among them in advance.
In order to avenge the attack on the men in black warships this time, another reason is to capture a few crew members to enrich them. These people are all experienced and will be of great help to the elves. .
"Those people have really good mental power." The elves were already good at their mental power, so she felt that if they were still satisfied, then they were certainly passable people.
A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Bing Xin's face, "But they are from Black Bat's side after all. I'm afraid I can't believe it."
"You can use it!" Ling Feng didn't care, "When the time comes, I will naturally make them dare not betray."
"That's good!"
The control room is the most important core area now, and there must be no danger at all. Since Ling Feng said so, he naturally has a way to prevent the other party from betraying him.
"I'll leave the rest to you!"
Ling Feng looked at the black dragon.
"Zhang Lan and Xiong Sheng went to the captives before. They hope to arrange a few people to attack! Sir, do you think so?"
Black Dragon reported.
"Oh!" Ling Feng was stunned and said with a smile, "These two are also planning to accept apprentices!"
Zhang Lan and Xiong Sheng were originally apprentices, but now they were planning to attack them, which was really surprising.
"My lord, you don't know. They almost never rest during this period. They work hard to refine elixirs and refine bows and arrows. For these two things, their success rate is close to that of a refiner."
The refiner originally accumulated a large amount of materials. Now the two of them not only have enough materials, but also can take the elixirs at will. With the previous foundation, it is strange that the success rate is not improving.
"It's not like you spend all your time on them in vain!"
Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction.
"According to the two of them, the seven or eight people they are interested in all have some refining talents. If they are cultivated properly, they can specialize in a kind of elixir or spiritual treasure, and the success rate may reach the level of a refiner."
Refiners are not a cabbage, and naturally not everyone can do it. Therefore, some forces have adopted some tricky methods, which is to let some people specialize in practicing one or two types of spiritual treasures or elixirs that consume a lot of money. This can also make them The success rate on these two things reaches the level of a refiner, which is considered a side method.
"This is also a solution!"
Now that the team is short of various manpower, this is indeed a good choice.

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