Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 224 Crisis

"Tiger regiment!"
Hearing the name of their team, the expressions of the crew members were also different. Some people were a little more energetic, some were still a little confused, and more of them looked thoughtful.
"The purpose of naming you 'Tiger Group' is to correspond to the existing 'Dragon Group'," Ling Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp, "But I also hope that from today on, you will have the courage of a tiger!"
Ling Feng's words silenced everyone.
"As for the 'Tiger Poison Pill'," Ling Feng changed the topic, "Your Commander Tang just understood what he meant. When you truly become a member of the team, he will naturally give you the antidote."
"Leader Tang?"
Ling Feng's meaning was already very obvious. This 'tiger group' was actually led by Tang Yan.
"Sir, can you change our team leader?"
Some of the more courageous crew members whispered that they now have a chance to get a new life, and of course they want to follow a more powerful leader.
Many people couldn't help but look at the black dragon. Although the black dragon was a bit scary, it was definitely more reliable to follow him.
If nothing else, you can tell by looking at the combat effectiveness of the dragon group he brought out.
"Why, you still look down on your aunt!"
After hearing what the crew said, Tang Yan jumped out of anger, her eyebrows stood up, and a fierce aura spread out.
"Commander Tang!"
Ling Feng shouted in a deep voice.
Tang Yan had just jumped in front of the person to show off her power, but Ling Feng shouted and immediately returned to her original position.
In the past, she would not have given Ling Feng face like this, but now she was in charge. If she didn't follow orders, how would she lead the team in the future.
"It's not like I won't give you a chance!"
Ling Feng laughed. Regarding the re-establishment of the two battle groups, it was all agreed upon and there was no need for him to worry about it.
"You and the Dragon Group have a total of 75 people. We will establish fifteen teams based on the standard of five people per team. Among them, the first 9 teams will belong to the 'Dragon Group' and the 6 teams will belong to the 'Tiger Group'. Those who can enter It’s up to you which team you choose.”
Upon hearing that there was still a chance to join the Dragon Regiment, some of the powerful crew members cheered up with joy on their faces, while others shook their heads in despair.
"It's so unfair!"
Tang Yan pouted and hid behind to complain.
But she had nothing to say. The Dragon Group was led by Black Dragon. There was no way he would give her all the elites and Black Dragon would do it all over again.
According to Ling Feng's original idea, the Dragon Corps only sent two captains of the Tang family to help Tang Yan, and no one else could go.It was Black Dragon who felt it was inappropriate and took the initiative to propose this plan.
The final competition went very quickly. These crew members were all old acquaintances. Everyone knew everything about it, and there were no surprises.On the contrary, the battle between the members of the Dragon Team was in full swing, showing that their strength was much higher than that of their opponents at the same level.
This made the new crew members feel hopeful and gave them some confidence in the future.
As the battle came to an end, the distribution of the Dragon and Tiger regiments also came to an end.
There are 9 teams in the Black Dragon Regiment. Tang Xing, Tang Fei and Tang Xiao were promoted to squadron leaders, and each of them led three small teams.Tang Yan's Tiger Regiment has three teams. Tang Wei and Tang Hong were transferred to her, and they each commanded three small teams.Some of the elite warriors of the original team, such as Xie Jin, Zhang Hong, and Cai Ting, were promoted to team captains.
"It's finally done!"
Looking at the soldiers leaving one after another, Ling Feng let out a sigh of relief.
"What do you say about combat skills?"
After all the soldiers left, Tang Yan jumped out first and asked.
"Let's just follow the points set before!"
Ling Feng said with some surprise.
During these three days, in order to solve the problem of the team's combat skills, they also gathered together and made some simple modifications to the soldiers' existing combat skills.
Although the power of the modified combat skills is limited, it is more practical for warriors.
"This is so unfair. The original dragon regiment of the Black Dragon Team has so many more people than mine. They can immediately exchange for new techniques, while my people are still practicing the most rubbish combat skills!"
Tang Yan immediately objected.
"You are too dissatisfied!"
Ling Feng was a little speechless. Tang Yan was really worried about everything now, and there was still nothing she could do to Ling Feng.
In fact, the Black Dragon has already made a big step forward. All the veteran members of the Dragon Team have been divided into 15 groups and evenly distributed among the 15 teams.No, Tang Yan is not even a veteran member of the Dragon Team.
"I want to increase the points for new combat skills!"
To everyone's surprise, Tang Yan did not ask to lower the points needed to redeem new combat skills, but instead raised the request.
Soon, everyone understood her intention. She planned to quickly increase the points of the Tiger Regiment soldiers.
"You figured it out!"
If this was the case, Ling Feng actually became interested.
"Hmph," Tang Yan wrinkled her nose and said aggressively: "Ling Feng, listen to me, my Tiger Group will definitely surpass the Dragon Group soon, don't look down on others."
"Black Dragon, do you have any objections?"
Ling Feng laughed. Tang Yan was so motivated that it was too late for him to be happy. However, after all, it involved changing the rules, so he still consulted Heilong for his opinion.
"I'm OK!"
Black Dragon answered without any hesitation.
"But boss, this combat skill is only for transitional purposes. Those skills in the man in black's storage bag must be modified as soon as possible!"
Black Dragon raised a new question.
"I know, I will arrange it gradually!"
Ling Feng nodded. He knew that Black Dragon looked down on those new techniques. He wanted to make the captain improve even more at once.
"Ling Feng, my team members can come to temper their bloodline at any time, so don't hide away at that time!"
Tang Yan couldn't wait to leave without saying a word to make arrangements for the team.
"Boss, I'm going too!"
Black Dragon gently leaned over Ling Feng and then left.
"The two of them had sex right from the start!"
Ling Feng smiled and shook his head, but this was a good thing for the team, and he was happy about it.
"Sir, you are back!"
In a dark cave deep in Biyouquan, an old man who looked like an old slave stood bowed under a stone platform.
"What happened recently?"
The stone platform originally seemed empty, but as the sound came out, a figure slowly appeared.
This person is not sitting on the stone platform, but his feet are hooked on the stone wall of the stone platform, and the whole person is actually hanging.
If Ling Feng were here, he would find that the upside-down man is Lord Black Bat.
"Xing Zun and Zhu Zun have sent envoys here one after another!" the old slave said respectfully.
"I knew I couldn't hide it from them!"
Black Bat frowned and said a little irritably.
"Sir, there is no way around this," the old slave looked helpless, "There were no three venerables stationed here in the first place. The one who sent the two of them was more to monitor you."
"Hmph," Black Bat snorted coldly, his face full of displeasure, but he didn't really lose his temper. "If he wasn't afraid of Lord Ghost King, he might have already taken action against me!"
"He really doesn't dare to offend the Six Paths Ghost Mansion, otherwise he wouldn't have endured it for so many years!"
From the words of the two people, it seemed that the power in the Biyouquan already knew that Black Bat was an undercover agent sent by the Ghost King, but the forces that were afraid of the Ghost King did not attack him.
"Don't worry about those two people. How dare they do anything to me!"
Black Bat said disdainfully.
"My lord, things are different now. We can't act rashly!" the old slave continued.
"What news did you get?"
Black Bat was a little surprised and asked in a deep voice.
"It's not news," the old slave shook his head. "In the past, the whereabouts of the Ghost King were unknown. Bi Youquan did not take action against us. He was just afraid of the power of the Ghost Mansion and did not want to start a war with us."
The old slave began to analyze in detail, "But now that the Ghost King has appeared and is planning to attack the True God, other forces have become alert. The conflict between the two sides has become more and more inevitable. The Lord has acted out of bounds at this time. Only If you’re afraid of the old guy, you won’t have any scruples anymore.”
"You're right!"
After listening to the old man's analysis, Black Bat nodded gently, "Before Lord Ghost King attacks the True God Realm, he must first unify the world. War is about to break out. We are really in danger here."
"Yes, sir!" The old slave nodded, "This is why those two people dare to come and inquire about your whereabouts now."
"Hmph!" Black Bat was obviously very unhappy, "If the Ghost King hadn't made the original agreement and was now restricted by the law from leaving the Ghost Mansion, how could we have allowed them to jump around in front of us!"
"There is nothing we can do about this!" The old slave sighed, "Those false gods are now dead, but after all, they all have backup plans. In order for the Ghost King to get out of trouble, we can't do it without him for the time being. .”
"All right!"
Black Bat's eyes flashed and he didn't know what to think. He pondered for a while and then slowly said, "I was originally planning to go up there myself, but now it seems impossible!"
"Sir, you didn't kill him this time?"
The old slave was shocked when he heard what he said.
"Those useless guys," Black Bat seemed a little displeased, "they got him into a warship, and I was careless and the warship destroyed Black Seven's clone."
"That's it!" Although the old slave was still in disbelief, he reluctantly accepted the explanation.
"Who else among us is on the first floor!"
Blackbat asked.
"There is no one on the first floor, only Hei Liu is on the second floor!" the old slave reported.
"The order goes down," Black Bat ordered without any hesitation, "Let Black Six go to the first floor to strangle Ling Feng!"
The old slave bowed and accepted the order.
"Wait a minute," Black Bat suddenly stopped him, "Inform Black Five and ask him to rush over."
Ling Feng didn't know what was going on deep in Biyouquan. In order to prepare for Black Bat's revenge, he was very busy now.

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