Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 229 Hard to beat

"How many more are there?"
Tang Hong asked in a loud voice.
"I have one more here!"
"I have one here too!"
Two squad leaders responded.
"Wait until I order you to use it!" Tang Hong ordered.
The battle situation has stabilized, and the remaining Feng Yanzhu should naturally be reserved for critical moments. As a captain, he still has this tactical quality.
"Adults' things are really different!"
The gun formation was like a rolling ball quickly sweeping the battlefield. Although the scattered koi beasts were still attacking fearlessly, they could not form a joint force. Some koi beasts even hit their companions while rushing over. on the body.
"I'll change some more when I go back later!"
Some soldiers whispered.
"It's better to take it easy, look at Feng Yanzhu from the third team just now, he just lost his temper!"
Some people immediately shook their heads and objected. Points are now difficult to obtain. Basically, everyone uses the points of the entire team together. Some people are still a little reluctant to part with it.
In the relaxed chat among the soldiers, the cleaning work soon came to an end, and it was the happy time of collecting trophies.
"I feel like my strength has improved a bit!"
One soldier waved his arms and said excitedly.
"Have you noticed that the spiritual power in my body seems to have almost recovered!"
another asked smugly to his companion.
"Nonsense!" Seeing his happy look, the four people had looks of contempt in their eyes.
"Don't think you're the only one in this situation!"
Cao Qing walked up to the team member with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't you notice that after being tempered by the adults, the spiritual power in the body is much stronger than before!"
"It seems so!" Upon hearing this, the person thought about it carefully and said with a sudden realization.
After saying that, he patted his head and said a little embarrassedly, "I thought I had the idea, but it turns out everyone is like this!"
"Ha ha!"
His awkward look made the soldiers laugh happily.
"Good harvest this time!"
Tang Hong said to Tang Wei, who was also in a good mood.
In this battle, the two teams killed a total of more than twenty koi beasts in the Aperture Realm. According to the points regulations, if you kill a soul beast with a higher level than the team, one soul beast's soul bead can be exchanged for 5 points. This alone is worth a hundred points.
There are also a large number of soul beads of Koi beasts in the Marrow Training Realm. Although they cannot be exchanged for high-quality spiritual treasures and elixirs, they can be exchanged for ordinary elixirs used for cultivation.Some first- and second-grade spiritual treasures damaged in battle can also be purchased with beast cores, and the team's combat readiness can be further enriched.
"Would you like to help the commander!"
Tang Wei looked at Tang Yan, who was still fighting fiercely above, and said worriedly.
Logically speaking, they are one level behind Tang Yan, and the team members are even two levels behind. According to the team's requirements, the team is not allowed to participate in the battle in this case.
"The commander seems to have been on defense!"
Only then did Tang Hong realize that the fighting situation there was not good.
It became increasingly difficult for Tang Yan to mobilize her spiritual power. Facing an opponent she could barely hit, most of her spiritual power was wasted on useless defense.
She didn't know that the star beast that was attacking her also had a look of confusion in its eyes.
The star beast is also an advanced creature, and its intelligence is definitely not inferior to that of humans. The toughness of the human opposite it exceeds its expectations. Even if it needs to attack, more than [-]% of its spiritual power has been consumed. The woman below is actually Still able to persist.
In fact, if it had been another person, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been able to hold on long ago. Tang Yan was able to hold on for so long, thanks to the tempering of her bloodline. The power of the Yuanling in her body was refined much more than that of the team members. This Only in this way can she recover faster, otherwise the spiritual power in her body would have been exhausted long ago, and her meridians would be damaged.
"Tiger Squadron!"
Tang Wei and Tang Hong finally confirmed Tang Yan's predicament and immediately summoned all the team members back.
"Support the commander!"
The two of them didn't say much, they just ordered in a deep voice.
The crowd fell silent and looked at the fierce battle above. Everyone knew what this order meant.
Above are two people in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm fighting. When they get close to each other, the danger they face is even more dangerous than when they were besieged by a herd of koi beasts just now.
"set off!"
The two of them rushed over first without saying anything else.
Everyone kept their battle formation and followed, and no one hesitated at all.
"What are you doing here? Why don't you get out of here!"
Tang Yan soon noticed that the team was slowly surrounding them and shouted in a hissing voice.
No one followed her orders, and everyone gathered around the star beast resolutely.
Seeing the two Qiao Yuan Realm people with a group of people from the Marrow Training Realm surrounding them, the star beasts in the Fusion Realm Realm showed a puzzled expression.
"Prepare the ice bow!"
Facing such an opponent, it is naturally impossible for the team to pounce on them and engage in hand-to-hand combat. That would be to risk their lives.
Ice bow!
The enhanced version of the first-grade spiritual treasure newly made by the team is almost as powerful as the second-grade spiritual treasure. This is also the result of Xiong Sheng's intensive training.After Xiong Sheng had the elixir to maintain his health, he now practiced refining spiritual treasures almost without rest.The refining success rate of some skilled spirit treasures has approached 1%, which is the level of a weapon refiner.
Now with the help of his assistant, Xiong Sheng's refining speed has become much faster. This Ice Ling Gong has now been basically spread to the entire team. Anyway, all level 3 spirit treasures and below can be purchased with beast cores.
You must know that after every battle, the points store only accepts some good things, and Bing Xin doesn't want ordinary things.The warriors have few points now, but there are too many beast cores to use up. There are also some originally useless 1st and 2nd grade materials, which are exactly what Xiong Sheng and Zhang Lan urgently need, so those two people produce them. Everything, good or bad, is basically sold out as soon as it comes out.
With the materials and the elixir to sustain them, the two of them naturally refused to rest for a moment, and every time the drug remained to a certain extent, Ling Feng would temper their blood.After the tempering, the two people's abilities have improved somewhat. It can be said that these two people have now entered a virtuous cycle like the entire team.
Tang Wei gave the order!
Whoosh whoosh!
Thirty bows and arrows shot towards the star beast.
Seeing these people attacking him, the star beast couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but then his eyes showed contempt.
A strange halo of light circulates on the surface of its body. At first glance, it looks like patches of nebulae, which are a bit blurry and cannot be seen clearly.
Dangdang Dangdang!
The ice arrow hit its body, making a sound of metal colliding.
"What a weird protective shield!"
Tang Yan watched from the side, feeling strange in her heart.
The ice arrows bounced away one after another, unable to cause any harm to it at all. This was the gap in strength. After all, the warriors were two realms away from it and could not pose a threat to it at all.
"Everyone, quickly retreat to the warship and ask for support!"
Tang Yan knew that the soldiers would never leave without a suitable reason.
"Ask for help?"
Tang Hong and Tang Wei's eyes lit up and their faces showed joy!
"Qian Ye, go!"
Tang Hong ordered.
Qian Ye is the old man of the Dragon Group, and he has the strongest fighting ability among the team captains. It is naturally the most appropriate thing to send him to ask for help.
Qian Ye knew that dragging the team by one point meant threatening them, so he immediately turned around and rushed towards the warship.
The star beast, which originally paid no attention to them, seemed to realize something, and glanced in the direction of Qian Ye's escape, revealing a hint of coldness.
Suddenly, it shrank back, then flicked out, spitting out a stream of silver light and shooting directly towards Qian Ye's back.
Everyone shouted almost at the same time.
Qian Ye was stunned, and couldn't help turning his body back, looking towards the team.
As soon as he turned around, he felt a flash of silver light in front of his eyes, followed by a sharp pain in his body. His eyes turned black and he lost track of his identity.
"Go and save him!"
Tang Yan shouted anxiously.
Qian Ye was lucky. If he hadn't turned around just now, this blow would have hit him directly in the heart. However, his back was penetrated and blood gushed out from the hole. If he hadn't been treated in time, he would have been dead.
"Team [-], go quickly!"
Tang Hong immediately ordered.
"The rest prepare to defend and cover the second team!"
Tang Wei immediately added.
As soon as their voices fell, five figures immediately rushed out.
Seeing the five people floating out, the star beast's eyes became even colder, and the nebulae on his body began to change.
"not good!"
Tang Yan was shocked and took action without hesitation.
"Qingluan Yu Po!"
Both palms flew and slapped towards the star beast's body.
Facing the attacks from opponents of the same level, the star beast still did not dare to be careless. It twisted its body and opened its mouth wide to reveal its sharp teeth.
"How will you attack!"
Although Tang Yan switched to the offensive, she was thinking quickly in her mind. She didn't know how the star beast would fight this move with him.
Tang Yan's body shape kept changing. She avoided the star beast's big mouth with both palms and placed one palm on its body.
Before her palms came up, the wind on her body suddenly changed, and a rolled-up wind knife quickly swirled around her body.
even so.
A big mouth appeared next to her jade bowl and bit down hard.
Tang Yan was so painful that she almost fainted. Even with this level of defense, she still couldn't escape the star beast's attack.
Almost instinctively, Tang Yan also placed her other hand on the star beast's forehead.
A nebula picture appeared on the star beast's forehead, blocking the place sent by Tang Yan.
Excluding the special ability of the star beast, the strength of both sides was equal. Although the star beast defended, it was not comfortable to receive a full-strength palm from Tang Yan.
He released his huge mouth and flew backwards.
From the corner of its mouth and body, you can also see the marks of being slashed by Tang Yan's wind knife. Obviously if it knew that Tang Yan was the core of everyone, the key was to deal with her first, so it took the method of exchanging injuries to severely injure Tang Yan.

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