Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 235 Star Beast Cave

There was a cyan light coming from behind.
The black dragon instinctively lowered his voice and roared behind him.
"It's me, why are you so fierce!"
Tang Yan was stunned and frowned in displeasure. It turned out that she saw the darkness around her, so she took out a moon shadow stone from her storage bag, which is a kind of jade specially used for lighting.Although monks can use their minds to explore the surrounding situation, seeing with their eyes is always the most comfortable way.
Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "Yan'er, if there are enemies here, what do you think will happen if they see this light?"
"Oh!" Tang Yan knew she was wrong, but she still felt a little comfortable, "I'm wrong, just say it, why are you hurting others!"
"Okay, stop talking!"
Ling Feng immediately stopped her. Tang Yan's temper was going to be endless. This was definitely not the time to argue with her.
The three of them crouched in the darkness and were on alert. Fortunately, no accidents happened.
After a period of adaptation, everyone has been able to slowly release their thoughts, but it is obvious that there are some obstacles and it is not so smooth.
Obviously, the laws of the two worlds are still slightly different, and they still have an impact on the monks.
However, this also shows how powerful the star beasts are. Since their strength is suppressed here, the star beasts' strength must also be compromised when they go to the human world.In this case, the Star Beast can still win completely, which explains the situation very well.
"This looks like a cave!"
His eyes slowly adapted to the surrounding environment, and Ling Feng realized that they seemed to be in a cave that was not long. He could vaguely see the opening of the cave in front of him, and the opening seemed to be covered by something white and translucent. Things are sealed.
"It's a secret room!"
This was the first reaction of the three people.
"Look at the situation first!"
Ling Feng signaled.
The cave they are in is not long, and the entrance is sealed. This means that the Star Beast Koi discovered the space crack after sealing the entrance, or this guy should be digging a hole here, and accidentally dug into the space. Cracks.
The three of them immediately looked in the opposite direction of the cave entrance.
"There is nothing here, why did the star beast koi dig such a closed hole!"
Walking in the other direction, the road became narrower and narrower. It was obvious that it would end soon. She didn't see anything else along the way, and Tang Yan became a little curious again.
"I really want to guess what it is doing here!"
Unlike Tang Yan who was walking forward like a horse, Heilong and Ling Feng kept rubbing their hands on the walls of the cave.
"It's getting slippery!"
Black Dragon said softly.
"Yes, it should be!" Ling Feng nodded and replied.
"What on earth are you two talking about? Can you please stop playing riddles!" Tang Yan complained angrily.
In fact, she touched the wall at first, but the sticky, slippery feeling made her feel very uncomfortable, so she stopped touching the wall.
"You'll know if you look closely at what's happening on the wall!"
Ling Feng said with a smile.
Only then did Tang Yan observe carefully.
She soon discovered the problem. There seemed to be a layer of white cotton attached to the wall. She reached out and touched some of it. The cotton was wet and soft, a little sticky and a little warm.
"This is its nursery!"
This situation often happens to many Warcraft, so as soon as Tang Yan saw this situation clearly, she immediately reacted.
Ling Feng took the lead and strode forward.
If this was a nursery, there would obviously be no danger in the back.
After the three of them turned a corner, they saw a crystal-clear fish egg-like thing. These fish eggs were wrapped in a transparent film, with a black dot in the middle of the film.
"It is indeed a nursery!"
Tang Yan had a strange look on her face.
"so much!"
Ling Feng was a little surprised when he saw the densely packed fish eggs piled up in one corner.
This star beast koi is a star beast in the Fusion Realm. If its fertility is so amazing, then humans really don’t want to live anymore.You must know that if humans want to cultivate to the Fusion Realm, they must not only have good qualifications, but also have sufficient resources.
However, star beasts and soul beasts are the same. Their aptitudes are innate, and they can reach the corresponding realm as soon as they reach adulthood. For them, cultivation is just ordinary breathing and foraging activities to maintain life.
"What should we do now!"
The black dragon looked at these fish eggs with an unkind expression. It would not be a good thing if they grew up.
"Destroy most of them first and leave a small amount for me to go back and study!"
Ling Feng would not have any kind heart at this time. Not only Ling Feng did not, but even Tang Yan did not stop this behavior. This star beast regarded humans as prey.
The black dragon nodded, and with the flow of spiritual power in his hands, he killed most of the insect eggs in three strokes, leaving only a few that were packed in jade boxes and placed in storage bags.
"Put away these dead eggs and these baby-raising items too!"
Ling Feng pointed at the sticky, cotton-like things on the wall that could maintain temperature.
"You want something so disgusting!"
Tang Yan said with some disgust.
"We don't know much about this world. Anything can help us learn more about star beasts!"
Ling Feng smiled and explained that every general knows that knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in any battle.
Tang Yan also began to help collect these strange things.
Soon, everything in the nursery was collected.
"Let's go out and have a look!"
After making sure that there was nothing else inside, Ling Feng led the two of them towards the semi-transparent cave entrance.
Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Tang Yan curled her lips and said when she saw Ling Feng and Heilong putting these transparent things into their storage bags without hesitation.
According to the custom of monster beasts, the things in these nurseries are usually spit out from the air by star beasts. In Tang Yan's opinion, these things are just like saliva.Now that the two of them were putting the star beast's saliva into their storage bags like treasures, she naturally couldn't stand it.
The black dragon smiled secretly at her teasing.
"why are you laughing!"
Tang Yan asked angrily.
"This is the world of star beasts. The things used to raise babies in any world must be their essence. Tell me how many levels of materials the essence of star beasts can be equivalent to!"
Black Dragon didn't hide anything from her, he just said it bluntly.
Tang Yan reacted and rushed over to collect some, but the translucent things at the entrance of the cave had already been swept away by the two of them, which made her extremely depressed.
According to the rules of the team, if she and Black Dragon want to get points, they must have materials of grade five or above. Of course, the team's performance can also be redeemed for points according to a certain proportion, but it is still difficult to directly compare with the materials.
Because the materials obtained can be your own, and if you accumulate enough, you can ask Ling Feng to create high-grade spiritual treasures.
Although the relationship between Tang Yan and Ling Feng is different, since she became the leader, she has demanded to be treated equally with Black Dragon and has never gone through the back door, but she has shown a certain demeanor.
"Be careful later!"
Ling Feng leaned out slightly and gave instructions to the two of them.
After leaving this nursery, there is no guarantee that there will be no other star beasts outside. After all, the soul beasts and koi beasts live in groups.
The three of them cautiously moved forward little by little and exited the nursery. There was still a cave outside, but the number of passages in the cave began to increase.
"This must be the star beast's nest!"
After wandering around a certain area without meeting any other star beasts, Tang Yan asked softly.
"should be!"
Ling Feng nodded. Along the way, they found many strange things.
For example, a large cavity was filled with gravel. If it weren't for the vague spiritual power flowing in the gravel, the three of them would have almost mistaken it for ordinary gravel.Of course, Ling Feng would not let go of the things that would allow the Star Beast to open up a special space for storage. The three of them could say that they took out all the items without leaving a single particle.
In addition, a large number of plants and minerals were also found in some caves. Although it was not clear what they were used for, the three of them swept them all away with the spirit of not letting go.
After some searching, the three of them turned the star beast's cave upside down. They were lucky enough to find no other star beast in the end.
Finally, the three of them finally reached the entrance of the Star Beast Cave.
"Want to go out?"
Tang Yan was also a little nervous at this time.
If star beasts are like humans and this cave can be regarded as a private space, then there may be a world of star beasts outside.
Looking at the nebula-like obstruction at the entrance of the cave, Ling Feng thought carefully and decided not to go out for the time being.
No one else can enter a private residence at will, but if a human is found in the residence, other star beasts will definitely rush in. At that time, it will not only be the few of them who are in danger, but also the cracks in the space may be discovered, and the disaster for mankind will be huge. It's ahead of schedule. This responsibility is not something they can bear.
After hearing Ling Feng's decision, Tang Yan, who was not afraid of anything, breathed a sigh of relief.
The three of them quickly retreated from the original path and returned to the human world.
"How about it!"
As soon as they returned to the warship, Bing Xin and others immediately gathered around and asked curiously.
"We just found a cave of a star beast and don't dare to explore any more!"
Ling Feng said truthfully.
"Fortunately, we are scared here. If you don't come out, I will go in!"
Bing Xin patted the proud chest and sighed.
"I said it's okay!"
Ling Feng felt warm in his heart, holding her hand and saying.
"I'm worried!"
Bing Xin's face turned a little red, and she gently pulled her hand out. She was still not used to being affectionate in front of others.
"Seal it!"
Ling Feng pointed at the crack in space and said.
Next, Bing Xin used Crescent Moon Spring water to regenerate the trunk of the immortal tree and sealed the crack again.

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