Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 245

"Do you feel it?"
Ling Feng looked at Bing Xin eagerly.
Bing Xin shook her head, she looked confused. Ling Feng asked her to keep trying her feelings for Shui Liu, which made her feel a little baffled.
"Is this the wrong direction?"
Ling Feng frowned slightly.
According to his initial assumption, Bing Xin and others felt at home here. There must be something nearby that was related to Crescent Moon Spring or Immortal Spring. If there was any connection, the natural thing he could think of was Shuiliu.
But Bing Xin had no feelings for Shui Liu at all, which confused him.
"what happened?"
Bing Xin asked strangely.
"never mind!"
Since the research direction was wrong, Ling Feng no longer hesitated.
He hugged Bing Xin gently from behind and said in her ear with hot breath, "Xin'er, my dear, the moonlight is so beautiful, how about we do it again."
Bing Xin's face turned red and she ran out like a little rabbit. This time she learned to be smart and didn't give Ling Feng any chance.
"Run what run!"
Ling Feng laughed and chased after him from behind.
"Ah! Don't chase me!"
Bing Xin ran away faster, directly towards the direction of the warship.
"Little girl!"
Ling Feng slowly stopped and looked at Bing Xin's back with a happy smile on his face.
"Hey, this Phoenix bloodline is becoming more and more condensed, and the desire is actually getting stronger!"
Although he is not the type with a sperm-like brain, as his cultivation deepens, he also finds that his desire is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that the two girls are taking turns to fight, and they are still unsatisfied.
"Huh, you know what the hell!"
Feeling Ling Feng's slander against Phoenix, Phoenix God opened his mind space and cursed with an unhappy look on his face.
Ling Feng smiled and said, "I didn't say anything!"
"You think I don't know what's on your mind!"
Phoenix God looked unhappy.
"But I do feel this way!" Since he couldn't deny it, Ling Feng simply stated it directly.
"All creatures with high-quality bloodline are like this," Phoenix God explained angrily. "The higher the purity of the bloodline, the harder it is to conceive. If you don't maintain a strong desire, how can you give birth to offspring."
"So it is!"
Ling Feng nodded to express understanding.
Heaven and earth are balanced. Giving some races powerful abilities will naturally deprive them of another ability. Otherwise, how can other creatures survive.
He didn't know that the phoenix essence and blood had already been calculated. It was even more difficult to give birth to dragon blood, especially the birth between dragons.
Once a descendant of pure blood is born in the Dragon Clan, a grand ceremony will be held for the entire clan.
Because it is so difficult to raise offspring, many dragons have to mate with lower-level creatures. In this case, some creatures with dragon blood can be born. After these creatures go through hardships, it is possible to transform into pure dragon blood.
This is also the reason why there are all kinds of snakes in the world. The black glue bloodline of the black dragon is one of them, but the bloodline he refined. The dragon bloodline is already very thin. If Ling Feng hadn't helped him refine it, Bloodline, his vinyl can't even use a trace of Dragon Clan skills.
But even with Ling Feng's help, without other adventures, his black dragon blood would not eventually transform into dragon blood.
"It seems I have to hurry up and plant seeds!"
Ling Feng was suddenly shocked. As his cultivation deepened, his Phoenix essence and blood naturally became more condensed. By then, it would be as difficult to have descendants as the Phoenix clan.
"Hmph, shallow!"
Phoenix God snorted, "The better your bloodline is, the purer the bloodline of your offspring will be, so naturally it's the best!"
"Then it would be over if I couldn't give birth like you!"
Ling Feng retorted unceremoniously that this was a matter of inheritance for future generations, and he would not listen to other people's opinions. Besides, sowing is such a wonderful thing, how could he wait.
"Would it be better to find Bing Xin first or Tang Yan first?"
He began to have evil thoughts in his mind.
"Well, let's find Yan'er first. She escaped just now. We can't give her any advantage!"
Ling Feng made the decision happily.
While he was still leisurely enjoying the rare comfort, he didn't know that the situation outside had changed.
Jingliu Pavilion.
The largest treasure shop in Shuiliu City.
Almost the entire team of warriors has gathered at this place.
Looking at such a luxurious treasure shop, Zhang Lan and others were so shocked that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.
Not to mention anything else, the walls of the store were made of fourth-grade crystal bricks, which made them sigh at the store's generosity. As for the oversized moon shadow stones on the eaves and the red shadow stones used for the statues on the walls, they looked even more like It doesn't need to be as crystal-like as the walls of six floors are covered with them.
"It's only because I followed the adults that I had the opportunity to come to a place like this!"
The newly joined warriors were even more emotional when they saw the scene in front of them. Although they have lived here for generations, civilians like them are not qualified to come here in the inner city. Especially this Jingliu Pavilion, not only Jingliu Pavilion, but also Jingliu Pavilion. Shi, you also need to have a certain identity to come in.
"Welcome everyone, I am Lu Xiao, the young shopkeeper of Jingliu Pavilion. I wonder how I can help!"
A middle-aged man stood in the lobby on the first floor with a professional smile on his face and said to everyone.
Although there are no restrictions on the activities of the soldiers, for safety reasons, the soldiers' movements are still relatively concentrated. Even if they do not visit the same store at the same time, they will stay in the same block, so that they can be taken care of if an accident occurs.
The arrival of Ling Feng and others has already spread in the city, especially the news that he has rented Pan Liu, the largest director outside the city, and may bring big business, and it has spread to everyone in the city. Merchant.Liu Yuan even greeted them all over. He had already received a lot of share from renting the island, so he naturally took great care of Ling Feng and the others.
"Huh, just a bunch of country bumpkins!"
Lu Xiao looked at the people who were shocked by the luxury of Jingliu Pavilion, and sneered in his heart, "I really don't know how the city lord's palace could issue such an order, allowing such a group of people to enter any store in the city at will."
Lu Xiao felt uncomfortable in his heart. Jingliu Pavilion usually received distinguished guests, so he was naturally reluctant to receive such people.
"I wonder what materials you want to buy?"
Although he was disdainful in his heart, as a businessman, he naturally would not show it.
"Sister Feng'er, just take a look. As long as you like it, I'll buy it for you!"
Beside the elves, the soldiers were still very attentive and worked extremely hard.
"That's what you said!"
An elf said without any politeness.
"Of course!"
When the soldier heard this, his chest thumped loudly and he promised with all his heart.
"Girls go upstairs and buy them off!"
There were evil smiles in the eyes of several elves. Along the way, everyone became more and more familiar with each other. Some couples even had a bit of ambiguity. Some of the unsuccessful warriors naturally became more attentive.
"You country bumpkin, you thought this was some kind of place, and you bought whatever you liked!" Lu Xiao curled his lips inadvertently, "I'll see later that you know what the importance is."
He secretly made up his mind to make these country bumpkins look bad later.
"Open your eyes and look carefully. There is a lot of good material here, so be careful!"
When he was unhappy, he suddenly heard a person speaking loudly to a group of people.
"Humph, finally there is someone who understands and knows his identity. If it breaks, let's see how you can afford to accompany him!"
There was a trace of contentment on Lu Xiao's face.
"It's better than I missed it. Try to buy me all the products above grade five. I won't encounter such an opportunity again next time!"
Zhang Lan said loudly to the people in the refining team.
Everyone nodded solemnly, they were eager to dig out even the bricks of strength.
Lu Xiao's eyes popped out. Looking at a group of people who looked like country bumpkins, he felt frantic in his heart, "Who are these people? They bought all the fifth and sixth grade materials. Do they think they are street vendors?"
Even though he is a small shopkeeper, he can often see these materials, but if he were really asked to buy them, he would not be able to afford a few.
However, if he had known that these seemingly rich and powerful people had once smelted golden fluorite, which is a seventh-grade material, like sand, he would not have such an idea.
"Okay!" Lu Xiao's anger was a little uncontrollable, "I'll let you see if fifth- and sixth-grade materials can be bought by you bumpkins."
He forgot even the most basic etiquette, the smile on his face was completely gone, and he strode upstairs first.
"This jade hairpin is quite beautiful."
Several elves gathered around the jewelry-like magic weapon, chirping and commenting.
"This jasper hairpin is made of green jasper deep in the Biyou Spring. This green jasper itself has a calming effect. In addition, the refining master specially hired by our store has refined a calming magic circle in it. It is equipped for a long time and has a good effect on the spirit. The growth of ideas is very beneficial.”
Lu Xiao said energetically.
"Hmph, you dare to choose this jade hairpin, let's see how you die!"
He whispered in his mind.
Several soldiers frowned slightly. From the very beginning, they felt that the little shopkeeper looked down on him.
The soldiers may appear rough and arrogant on the surface, but whoever is not a careful person, a bold and careful person, how can he come back alive from the battlefield.
"How many beast cores are escaping!"
Feng Kun stood up and asked.
"This jade hairpin can barely be considered a fourth-grade spiritual treasure!"
Lu Xiao deliberately lengthened his tone and said, "Since you girls like it, I'll give you 5 low-grade beast cores."
"5 low-grade spiritual cores!"
Several soldiers shouted out in shock.
"Humph!" A proud smile appeared on Lu Xiao's face, and he thought to himself, "Look at how you pretend to be country bumpkins. Let's see how you pretend."
"Shopkeeper," Feng Kun came forward, "These fourth-grade spiritual treasures really cost 5 low-grade beast cores!"
There are many types of spiritual treasures. If it is a fourth-grade combat spiritual treasure, it cannot be replaced by a low-grade beast core. However, this jade hairpin is only an auxiliary spiritual treasure. Although it is called a fourth-grade spiritual treasure, it does not really Someone offered to buy it at a high price. Lu Xiao’s call of 5 pills was actually too high.
"Brothers, such a cheap fourth-grade spiritual treasure, what are you waiting for!"
Feng Kun shouted and said to Lu Xiao with a smile, "Give me ten skewers first. I just want to go home later and give them to my family for fun!"
"I'll come with twenty skewers!"
"A hundred strings!"
The soldiers took out the beast's core one after another and stuffed it into Lu Xiao's hands.
Seeing this scene, the proud smile on Lu Xiao's face froze.

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