Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 250 Stalemate

Xiao Sheng's face changed. When the soldiers used the battle formation, his attention was attracted. He no longer paid much attention to things outside the team. He didn't care at all when these people came. How could he not be surprised? .
"grown ups!"
Seeing Tang Feng and his party coming in, the soldiers finally breathed a sigh of relief.
"How about it?"
Black Dragon and Tang Yan walked to the soldiers first and asked with concern.
"It's an embarrassment to the commander!"
The soldiers said with shame on their faces. In their opinion, if they cooperated well, they would have had a chance to win just now.
"You guys have done a great job!"
Tang Yan comforted her softly.
In fact, they have been here for a while, but they just saw that the soldiers performed well, so they have not taken action.
After receiving the commander's approval, the soldiers' faces showed a hint of joy.
Tang Yan and Hei Long looked at each other, feeling moved in their hearts.
Regarding the fusion battle formation, Ling Feng actually mentioned it casually during a training session. The two of them just listened and didn't take it to heart.
It is so easy to merge the battle formation. The warriors come from different places, and their direct spiritual powers are also different. Although their spiritual powers have something in common after being tempered by blood, they want to combine their spiritual powers. That's very difficult.
They didn't expect that the soldiers would find a way out on their own.
As for the final failure, it is almost inevitable.
Facing Xiao Kai's team was a little better. There was something wrong with the way Xiao Kai chose to fight at the beginning, and he was forced to struggle to cope with the battle. It was not until he finally showed a flaw that he triggered a flaw in the team and turned defeat into victory.
The team on the other side had problems a long time ago. Xiao Yan chose to take the initiative to fight from the beginning, and launched attacks on the team from time to time while moving quickly.
Facing rapidly changing opponents, the team's cooperation must be more skillful. This is precisely the biggest problem for the fighters.When responding to Xiao Yan's attack, many soldiers would have some instinctive reactions. Even if they responded according to the overall battle formation, there would be situations where the reaction speed was different.
This kind of incoordination greatly weakened the battle ability of the phantom, and it was only able to parry early on.
"Didn't you feel so good just now?"
Looking at Xiao Kai and Xiao Yan who were retreating to the side, Tang Xinghe and Tang Xiao walked out and said with an unkind expression.
"Humph, what else do you want to do!"
When Xiao Kai and Xiao Yan saw that they were only in the early stages of the Fusion Realm, they became furious and stood forward menacingly.
"It's nothing, I just want to help my brothers vent their anger!"
The corners of their mouths curled up slightly, showing disdain.
"Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"
How could Xiao Yan and Xiao Kai show weakness.
Shout to the ground!
Behind Tang Xing and Tang Xiao, the phantoms of a large bird like a roc each appeared, and an aura of awe spread out. Some people with lower strength suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe.
"Blood Avatar!"
The two of them exclaimed at the same time and took a few steps back.
With the increase in bloodline tempering times, several people in Fallen Leaf Canyon can now summon the bloodline true body. This seems to be a normal thing for the warriors of the team, but for smaller families, once it appears Disciples with a higher degree of bloodline condensation will be cultivated with the strength of the entire clan.
Although a family like the Xiao family is pretty good in a medium-sized city like Shuiliu City, compared with a real big family, it is far behind. There is no one in the entire family who can summon the true form of the bloodline. tribesmen.
Not only in the Xiao family, but in almost all small and medium-sized cities, it is difficult to find a person with true blood.
"It can't be delayed any longer!"
After Xiao Sheng saw the real bodies behind the two people, he flew up without any hesitation.
His speed was extremely fast, and the naked eye could no longer capture his speed. His fists were clenched tightly, and they were wrapped in dark green flames. Wherever the flames passed, the space was instantly dyed dark green.
"Two juniors are fighting, and you, an old monster in the Jie Yuan realm, have the nerve to take action!"
Tang Feng smiled faintly, fluttered his palms, and faced him.
A more violent wave of air spread in all directions, and the entire second-floor hall seemed to shake a few times.
"Open the magic circle quickly!"
"Go and call the shopkeeper!"
"What's the use of just calling the shopkeeper? Why don't you inform the city lord's palace now!"
The entire Jingliu Pavilion instantly turned into a mess. Forget about the previous battles in the Fusion Stage, now all the old monsters in the Jie Yuan Realm are taking action. If the magic circle is not opened, the entire Jingliu Pavilion cannot be saved.
"Peng Yi!"
Tang Xing and Tang Xiao were pushed back by the strong wind, and the giant wings of their true bodies immediately spread out to protect the warriors behind them.
But the people of the Xiao family over there were not so good. The strong wind blew them backwards, and some of them hit the wall, groaning in pain in the corner.Even those who were lucky were lucky enough. Some people who were slightly less lucky were blown down from the stairs. This time, at least a few ribs were broken.
The shields on Xiao Yan and Xiao Kai were raised. They had no bloodline bodies, so they could only protect themselves, but they had no way to help their own clansmen.
However, through the performance of the four, it is clear at a glance their strength.
Tang Xing and Tang Xiao took a few steps back and stood firm, while Xiao Yaner and Xiao Kai had to lean against the corner to barely steady themselves.
As for Tang Yan and Heilong, not to mention changing into their true bodies, their shields were not opened, and their hands were behind their backs. The biting wind had no impact on them at all.
In this small space, the biting storm echoed for a while before slowly calming down.
The eyes of the Xiao family suddenly twitched. They were eager to know the outcome of this fight.
"how is this possible!"
Others couldn't see clearly, but the man who came from behind and called Brother Xiao Sheng frowned tightly and clenched his fists tightly, as if he was extremely uneasy.
The situation in the middle gradually became clear.
"how is this possible!"
This sentence has almost become the mantra of the Xiao family today.
In the center of the hall, Tang Feng stood steadily, with his fists stretched out. The ground under his feet was like a spider web, with countless cracks. His feet sank below the ground, but he did not move at all, standing steadily. .
On the other side, Xiao Sheng's situation was not so good.
His body took more than ten steps back. Although he was still standing, his face turned pale. The fist that collided with Tang Feng had been placed behind him at some point.
Others didn't know it, but the Xiao family were on one side behind him and could clearly see that his fingers were slightly apart and his wrists were trembling.
"how is this possible!"
Xiao Jian exclaimed in his heart again. He knew the power of his fourth brother best. His fourth brother was in the early stage of the Jie Yuan realm and was only one step away from the middle stage of the Jie Yuan realm.He himself was in the early stage of the Jie Yuan realm, but he would never be able to sustain the skill of a stick of incense in the hands of his fourth brother.
But now, a person in the late stage of Fusion Realm actually beat Xiao Sheng to the point where he was unable to parry with one move. How could he accept it?
Almost everyone knew that the gap between the Fusion Realm and the Jie Yuan Realm was huge, but the scene in front of them was really shocking.
"Poyue Spear!"
Without any hesitation, Xiao Jian took out his spear, held it with one hand, and stabbed forward.
The same spear technique had undergone tremendous changes in his hands at the early stage of the Jie Yuan realm. The spear stood upright, and there was almost no spiritual power fluctuation on it. It was already very weak. If he hadn't sensed it carefully, he would have thought it was just an attack from an ordinary person.
Looking at the tip of the gun that flew towards him in an instant, Tang Feng narrowed his eyes and suddenly stepped backwards. His speed was not fast and his steps were a bit heavy.
Although he defeated Xiao Sheng with one move just now, the gap between the realms of the two sides was not just air. He also tried his best. Now that Xiao Jian attacked, he was a little overwhelmed.
"Are all you members of the Xiao family so shameless?"
Xiao Jian's feet flew over, and when he saw that the spear was about to pierce Tang Feng's throat, a dissatisfied voice came from his ears.
"Dragon Flash!"
"Cloud Stacking Palm!"
Heilong and Tang Yan came to double-team him on the left and right.
"Heng Yue!"
Looking at Tang Feng who was right in front of him, Xiao Jian showed a trace of reluctance in his eyes. However, facing the attacks of the two men, he did not dare to chase after them. He shot Tang Yan with his spear horizontally.
In his opinion, Tang Yan is a female prostitute, and it is better for him to deal with it first among the two.
"What do you mean, you hit me first even though he was in front!"
When Tang Yan saw it, she didn't understand what he meant. She immediately got angry and took out a golden sword from the storage bag. However, her golden sword was different from the soldiers' safety. The golden light of the sword was not strong. , looks like a bronze sword.
"Qingluan Spinner!"
Using Qingluan's combat skills, he controlled the Jinhui Sword and struck it hard without retreating at all.
Tang Yan's face darkened, and she raised her sword slightly backwards, unable to bear the force coming from the spear.
But Tang Yan was not willing to show weakness, "Qingluan! Qingluan! Qingluan!"
She actually yelled crazily. Every time she yelled, the spiritual power in her body would flow away crazily, and the golden sword in her hand would slash towards the spear desperately.
Every time she was hit by the spear, she was bounced away a little by the force of the spear, but she didn't care about it at all, and immediately spread her body skills and pounced forward again.
"Crazy bitch!"
Xiao Jian cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. He was confronting Tang Yan here, and the black dragon was pressing hard with every move on the other side, making him tired of avoiding.
"Who are these people!"
Xiao Sheng had already stepped back a little. After teasing, his spiritual power had returned to normal, but he did not dare to step forward because Tang Feng had also recovered. As long as he took action, Tang Feng would definitely not stand by and watch. .
He frowned deeply.
We knew from the beginning that Xiao Jian would not be able to win. Xiao Jian might win if any of these two people were chosen, but the process would never be easy. Now that the two of them join forces, Xiao Jian has no chance at all.
"What's going on? It's been going on for so long!"
A slightly aged voice came.

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