Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 269

Compared with the inexplicable tension among the families in Shuiliu City, Tang Yan also discovered a problem.
"Who should we fight?"
She looked at the Black Dragon in confusion. They were originally here to help the Xiao family, but now that the Xiao family seemed to have reached an agreement with their opponents, they suddenly had no reason to take action. This made her really depressed.
"I told you to wait a little longer!"
Black Dragon shook his head helplessly. If the Xiao family were to suffer further injuries, then Xiao Hui would never reach an agreement with the enemy.
The situation became weird again. The two sides were confronting each other. Only the Xiao family members slowly gathered behind Xiao Hui and watched the situation quietly.
"What are you guys doing here?"
It was Feng Jie who stood up and spoke first.
"We're here to watch the fun. If you fight, we won't interfere!"
Tang Yan really didn't know what to say, so she had to say it with a straight face.
"Everyone is joking, we have reconciled with the Xiao family. If you just want to watch the fun, you can go back!"
Feng Jie made a greeting gesture, obviously seeing off his guests.
"Since parents don't welcome us, let's leave!"
Tang Yan was no match for these old foxes. When she was depressed, Ling Feng had already come behind her and said with a smile.
Seeing Ling Feng coming, Feng Jie frowned and showed a trace of anger. He immediately saw Feng Shan and others behind Ling Feng. There were several good refiners from the Feng family.
"What does Master Feng want to say?"
Ling Feng's face turned cold and he said coldly.
Feng Jie gritted his teeth tightly and finally shook his head and said, but his heart was filled with raging anger. If the entire family hadn't been in a bad state now, he would never have given up.
Ling Feng was simply digging into his heart.
Who is Feng Shan? He is the refining master of his direct lineage from the Feng family. For a family like theirs, a refining master is a priceless treasure. A refining master from a direct family member is even more priceless among priceless treasures.
Only under the leadership of a refining master of the clan can the refining talents within the clan emerge in an endless stream.Ling Feng gave him a sudden blow. Although the family's combat effectiveness was not affected on the surface, in the long run, it would be more harmful than the death of a group of combatants.
In this way, the Feng family's losses are no less than those of the Xiao family to a certain extent.
Although the Xiao family also lost a refining master, they could not keep it in the first place. However, the Feng family not only did not have to lose a refining master, but also had the possibility of gaining a refining master. This is why they were willing to let Feng Shan come over. .
He originally wanted to use Feng Shan's identity to launch some emotional offensive against Xiao Hua, but this time it was better. He could steal the chicken but lose the rice. Inside and outside, they lost two refining masters at once.
Compared to Feng Shan, other family patriarchs had an imperceptible smile on their faces.
Although the refining master cannot participate in the battle, he is the foundation for the development of a family. The other families cannot develop as well as the Feng Xiao family. The biggest reason is that they do not have a refining master.
Now that the two refining masters have been taken away, although they have no chance to catch up with the two for the time being, as time goes by, the advantages of the two will become smaller and smaller, and their family will gradually have opportunities.
Xiao Sheng and others also saw Xiao Hua standing still behind Ling Feng, and they just sighed softly.
"There is nothing to sigh about. This is not a bad thing for Xiao Hua and our Xiao family!"
Xiao Hui, however, could see more clearly than the juniors like them. In this situation, it was impossible for the Xiao family to save Xiao Hua, so they had to send him outside.
If he develops well, he can be regarded as a successor to the Xiao family. As long as he survives, he may not have a chance to come back. Then it may be the help of the Xiao family.
"Since you have no objections, I will take them away!"
Ling Feng smiled slightly, stopped talking, and left with his team.
"Sir, why don't you uproot these families?"
The black dragon followed him and said with some confusion.
"forget it!"
Ling Feng shook his head, "We just borrowed it, why do we have to do it so brilliantly?"
The black dragon stopped talking and headed back towards Panliu Island with a group of people.
"This guy has left us a mess!"
In the void, the two saints had already arrived at the Xiao family's clan.
After Ling Feng left with a group of people, he shook his head helplessly and said.
"Should we stop him!" one of them replied, "If we don't even leave a single grandmaster here, it's hard to maintain the magic circle there!"
"How about keeping Xiao Hua's family? After all, the Xiao family is the descendant of Elder Xiao. Although he has passed away, we still need to take care of his descendants!"
"But what's the Xiao family like now?"
The other person shook his head, "This is really inappropriate. Even if the forces in the city don't pay attention to them, we won't always watch when people from outside the city come. I'm afraid it will bring greater losses to the Xiao family." , but it harmed Elder Xiao’s descendants!”
"It's not this, it's not that, it's so embarrassing!"
"I think it's better not to interfere. The magic circle inside is already quite stable. After the Xiao family discovered how to get wicker sticks, they rested on their laurels and began to enjoy the benefits. Isn't this one of the reasons for their downfall this time?"
"It's just that I am ill-informed. Whoever has the ability can take care of it. It's true that I don't have to worry about it!"
"Well, it's time we went to Panliu Island to see it!"
The two chatted casually and arranged the overall situation. While talking, they flew towards Panliu Island in Lingfeng, but this time they no longer escaped in the void, but flew at high altitude.
After all, even a saint cannot completely control time and space, and cannot stay in the void for a long time. Some long-distance escapes still require the help of some magic formations arranged in advance.
Ling Feng led the team not walking very fast. He was still a little worried in his heart. He didn't know where the saint's bottom line was. He could only test it step by step.
According to his own guess, since the Saint of the secret place knew about it, he would definitely arrange for manpower to continue to explore, so it would be too much for him to take away two refining masters. However, with two refining masters in front of him, it would be a pity to give up just like that. .
All the slaves he left behind many refiners and asked Xiao Hua to bring out were all apprentices with outstanding qualifications, in order to allow the two saints to feel that they had room for maneuver.
Time passed slowly, and Ling Feng gradually calmed down.
He knew that he was lucky. He must have won the bet, and the two saints did not intervene.
But it would be fine if he didn't bring it with him. Now he has to do more important things. How to hide the two saints is another problem.
Of course, he still has some plans in mind, but whether it will succeed or not, he doesn't know.
At least he knew that there must be a saint behind him, but if the saint came forward, their operation in Biyouquan would be considered a failure.
Once Biyouquan knows about the existence of the Yuanling Secret Realm, they will not let outsiders interfere anyway. Then it will probably cause high-level disputes, and the final outcome will be completely unpredictable.
Although the forces behind him did not stand in front of him, Ling Feng did not want to fail. This was also a great opportunity for him.
"Keep an eye on them first!"
Back on the island, Ling Feng gave the black dragon an order without hesitation.
Although Heilong didn't understand why Ling Feng's attitude changed 180 degrees, he still ordered the soldiers to surround all the people who had just been captured.
When the soldiers saw that the commander's face was not good, they all drew their swords and glared at each other.
"how so!"
Seeing this formation, everyone was stunned. The opponent's attitude was good along the way, but how could it become like this now?
The crowd was a little commotion, but no one dared to resist.
"Black Dragon, come in with me!"
Ling Feng left a word and entered the teleportation array.
Soon, all the cores came together.
"A saint is seeing us?"
After hearing the news, everyone couldn't help but gasped. The news was so surprising.
"What should we do now?"
Several people were a little at a loss.
What a joke, saint!
That is so far away from them.
"It's not like there's no chance at all!" Ling Feng said with a frown, "But it's a bit risky!"
A few people frowned and took risks in front of the saint. That was not asking for death!
"We must seal the space behind first, and then lead them in. When they are completely relieved, they can get out of the warship and then open the space!"
"Then how to seal it!" Bing Xin immediately shook her head, "Those are saints, they can escape from the void, and they will immediately discover any flaws."
"I'm not afraid of that at all!"
Ling Feng said softly, "Didn't the big tree come out with a willow stick? This willow stick can prevent them from discovering the space behind it."
"Then what's there to worry about?"
When Tang Yan heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said.
"How do we know when they're in the cabin and when they're right away?"
Ling Feng glanced at her and asked.
"We just turn off the teleportation array, just like before!"
Tang Yan said nonchalantly.
The space of ordinary warships is created by the magic circle. If this kind of space is used to break through the space, the space will immediately become unstable and directly fragmented.
If there is any abnormal movement, they can detect it immediately.
"If it were you and the other party closed the teleportation array for a long time, what would you think?"
Ling Feng said with a bitter smile.
Their biggest problem now is that they have to let the two saints come in by themselves, and then leave on their own after they find it boring after exploring.
Only after they leave can Ling Feng and the others proceed with the following matters with peace of mind.
"Seal the back first and then talk about it!" Tang Feng said wisely, "Let the soldiers keep their mouths shut. As for what happens next, we can only go and watch!"

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