Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 271 Enslavement

In the next few days, life on the warship became boring.
The people captured this time were only peripheral members of the family, and their skills were all ordinary. The soldiers didn't do anything at all and just explained them all in one go.
Being so easy seemed to make the soldiers feel unsatisfied. They were driven out to set up the magic circle every day, and if they slacked off even a little bit, they would be beaten severely.
Ling Feng didn't like this method, but now that the two saints were watching from behind, there was nothing he could do.
As for those refining masters, their treatment is slightly better. They are busy setting up magic circles for the team every day and correcting problems in the magic circles. People from the refining team will check them every day. If mistakes are found, they will face severe punishment.
In comparison, Xiao Hua and Feng Shan's life was slightly easier. They gave lectures to the soldiers in the refining team every day and explained various difficult problems to them.
It can be said that those who were captured later were driven like slaves.
Many people felt regretful. Originally, the characters of the team members seemed like real men, but they didn't expect that they would be just as dark when they did such a thing.
"I should have known better that I would have died fighting!"
Many people complained in low voices. For them, life now is completely worse than death, and there is no hope at all.
"Don't worry, the family members will definitely not watch them act so arrogantly!"
Someone immediately came up to persuade him.
Only mutual comfort allowed them to grit their teeth and persevere.
However, it has to be said that the refiner's specific operational ability is still much better than that of the team. Many of the shortcomings at the beginning were quickly made up for by them. Although they were full of reluctance, they were able to do it under heavy pressure. It's quite satisfactory. Although there's nothing outstanding about it, it definitely makes the team members unable to fault it.
As for Feng Shan and Xiao Hua, their instructions for refining the team's warriors were also step-by-step. After the lectures were finished, the soldiers would not ask, and they would not say more.
As for Ling Feng asking them to participate in the research on the space array, they actually put forward many unique opinions.
It's just that these opinions are what they want to study. As for what they already know, as long as Ling Feng doesn't ask, they just depend on their mood.
It can be said that the conception and layout of the entire magic circle were mainly carried out by the people in the refining team. Although the two refining masters were quite interested in some of their opinions, they generally did not interfere much.
"Ling Feng wants to use them, but he can't trust these people!"
Liu Quan looked on and said with a sneer.
He himself was also a refining master and had a natural affinity for the group of refining masters. Now that he saw Ling Feng completely disrespecting these people, he felt angry.
"As the leader of a team, I am a bit narrow-minded and cannot hold a big responsibility!"
Zhao Hua also nodded in agreement.
"I think he wants to cultivate these talents in his team," Liu Quan looked at the soldiers in the refining team with a hint of admiration in his eyes, "These people are indeed talented people, but they need to grow up. It's not a short-term success, this Ling Feng really doesn't value talents, it's completely counterproductive!"
By the end of it, he was a little angry.
If he knew that the soldiers were trying their best to endure it now, and that they had many fantastic ideas and opinions about the magic circle that they had kept in their hearts without speaking out, he would probably be tempted to take the refining team back and train it themselves.
Ling Feng's main focus is now on the refining team, and he is almost inseparable from the team members.
In the eyes of the two saints, he was eager to build the teleportation circle. They did not know that all Ling Feng's hopes now lay with the refining team.
He is now constantly passing the refining team and asking his own questions, forcing Feng Shan and Xiao Hua to try their best to create the teleportation circle. As for some of the flaws, they also try their best to let Feng Shan and Xiao Hua provided opinions.
Even Biyouquan has not been able to complete such a sky-breaking teleportation formation for so many years. It is simply impossible for two refining masters to solve it.
Regarding this point, the two refining masters also explained it. They only provided some possible methods and opinions.
These possible methods and opinions will obviously be more complete and more realistic than what Ling Feng and others "thought" of themselves.
Once these methods are obtained, the members of the refining team will study and discuss them carefully as if they have obtained a treasure. After getting a good plan, they immediately start to arrange it.
"I think he is looking for death!"
Seeing this scene, Liu Quan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.
"Don't forget, he can't help it!" Zhao Hua didn't see it that way.
"Oh!" Liu Quan looked curious, "Does he have anything to hide?"
"You don't know, but he was targeted by Black Bat!" Zhao Hua said with a strange look, "Now it is said that Black Bat sent two clones here!"
Hearing Black Bat's name, Liu Quan showed a trace of anger on his face.
"Since the higher-ups know that this black bat is a nail sent by the Ghost King, they dare not pull it out. Those old guys are really more afraid of death after they come to power!"
Obviously, Black Bat's identity is no longer a secret in Biyouquan.
"Just a venerable person!"
Zhao Hua shook his head indifferently, "Even if you let him roll around, he won't be able to make much waves!"
"It doesn't matter what his level is!" Liu Quan disagreed, "What Bi Youquan is doing now, in the eyes of others, is that he is afraid of the Ghost King. He allows the Ghost King to ride on his neck and shit without even gnawing a sound!"
"How can you have such a strong temper?" Zhao Hua laughed loudly, "I really don't know how you cultivated. It's not like you don't know. Even if you fall out and everyone fights, it won't last more than a thousand years. , there is no distinction between them, those old guys also have the intention of doing less than doing more!"
"I don't know what they think yet," Liu Quan said coldly, "They think that the Ghost King has been in the pseudo-god realm for so many years, and he is only in the middle stage of the pseudo-god state. If he doesn't break through, his lifespan will always be limited. Yes, I just want to drag him to death."
"This might not be a bad idea!"
Zhao Hua quite agrees with this method.
"Hey!" Liu Quan shook his head, "What's the difference between you and the families in Shuiliu City? They both don't want to make progress and are just waiting to perish!"
The two argued for a while, but neither could convince the other. They each sat down with their eyes closed and went straight into the cultivation state.
In this way, half a month passed quickly.
The situation on Panliu Island has changed dramatically again. The entire Panliu Island is like a canvas, with countless trenches dug densely on it, and a large amount of materials placed in these trenches.
It can be said that the materials seized from the Xiao family were used at once.
Not only that, a lot of fourth- and fifth-grade materials were also taken out on the warship.
"This Ling Feng's family background is really rich!"
These things are naturally not worthy of attention in the eyes of the saints, but they know that for such a team, Ling Feng can be regarded as a rich man.
Compared to the fact that they didn't feel anything at all, Xiao Hua and Feng Shan's eyes widened when they looked at the large amount of high-quality materials, and they felt like their hearts were bleeding.
"If we had so much material, our family wouldn't be as weak as it is now!"
Looking at the mountains of fourth-grade materials that were squandered, Xiao Hua was silent for a long time before saying in despair.
"What a pity!"
Feng Shan also shook his head with a heartbroken look on his face.
"If I had known this was the case, I would have told them more, maybe there would be a better chance of success!"
Xiao Hua said with some regret.
"Don't put gold on our faces!" Feng Shan shook his head and smiled, "We can't set up such a magic circle in a short time."
"At least we should tell them so we don't have to waste so much material!"
Xiao Hua bent down with heartache and picked up some Grade 4 materials from a ditch. He looked at them as if they were treasures and refused to put them down for a long time.
"We'd better wish for happiness!"
Compared to Xiao Hua's obsession, Feng Shan was calmer, "When the magic circle fails, I'm afraid we will be used as scapegoats!"
"I forgot this happened!"
Xiao Hua was suddenly startled and shouted out.
But then he returned to his normal state and said with a faint smile, "In the past half month, I have already had this awareness, but now I can't see it anymore!"
"Don't talk about you!"
After taking a look at the materials in Xiao Hua's hand, Feng Shan gave a wry smile. If they hadn't treated our clansmen like this, I would have really wanted to join them. At least I could study my favorite weapon refining with peace of mind.
"I feel the same way!"
Xiao Hua showed a hint of disappointment on his face.
For a refiner, having so many coveted materials around but not being able to use them to the fullest is one of the most depressing things.
"You see, what a great opportunity Ling Feng misjudged!"
The formation of the magic circle has been completed, and just waiting for Ling Feng to activate it, the two saints stopped staying on the warship and ran out to see the situation.
"Everyone, get back to the warships!"
Ling Feng inspected Panliu Island and seemed very satisfied with his masterpiece. He flew in the air and shouted orders to the soldiers.
After hearing the order, everyone immediately rushed towards the teleportation array of the warship without any hesitation.
"Keep an eye on the teleportation array!"
In the warship, all the elves, including Tang Feng and others, became very nervous. They watched the fluctuations on the teleportation array without blinking.
As long as the teleportation array fluctuates slightly, they will immediately start nervous calculations.
According to their estimation, the two saints should be staying outside the warship now. Now they must ensure that every fluctuation is not missed, at least to ensure that the saints will not follow the teleportation array in.
"Okay, close the teleportation array and avoid the warship now!"
Ling Feng floated in mid-air and ordered loudly, a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead.

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