Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 282 Rebellion

"Have the elders made a decision?"
At this moment, several more Shura elves came over and said to several elders of the Shura elves with dissatisfaction.
"Po Ling, you are so great, can you come up to this altar?"
Seeing the leading man, several elders angrily scolded him.
"Elders," Po Ling said with an arrogant look, "You have been in this position for more than a thousand years, but have you ever made any contribution to our Shura clan?"
"What do you juniors know?"
Hearing what Po Ling said, even the great elder showed anger on his face.
"Hmph," Po Ling said indifferently, "Elders, I don't know what information you inherited from the previous generation, but this time there is a problem in this space, it is also an opportunity for our Shura Elf clan. If you still insist on clinging to the clan rules, our new generation will not agree."
"What do you mean, you want to rebel?"
The three elders all stood up and yelled angrily.
"Rebellion?" Po Ling sneered, "All the older Shura elves who entered this space with you have died long ago. If you hadn't stuck to the rules and let this altar create some people as elves for us, our clan's strength would have been even greater. Are you getting weaker?"
He glanced at the four people again and said, "Without the fusion of elves, our clan is getting weaker and weaker. Look at the new clan members. The most powerful one is only in the middle stage of the Jie Yuan realm. We are powerful Shura elves. How can there be any more?" The domineering power of Shura elves.”
If Ling Feng and the others were here, they would also be surprised by the situation here. There are far more than the four Shura elves in the Jie Yuan realm here as the captured Shura elves said, but eight. Among them, the Soul Spirit is actually the same as the Great Elder. , the realm in the middle stage of Jie Yuan realm.
In response to Po Ling's question, the four elders' faces trembled and they were somewhat speechless.
"Po Ling, I know you are not willing to give in," the great elder stood up slowly, "but the rebellion of the elves at the altar has sequelae, otherwise the four of us would not stick to the rules."
"Oh, several elders have kept this secret secret. They don't regard us, the new generation, as their own."
Po Ling asked in hot pursuit.
"Po Ling, don't you yourself know what the great elder is doing to you? How could you say such a thing?" An elder frowned and asked, "You four are our successors, and now you have jumped out and treated you like this?" ?"
"Elder Xiong," Po Ling glanced at him, "the elders have nothing to say about our juniors' suggestions, but the reason why we are standing here today is not because we are dissatisfied with the behavior of these elders, but because of me. The future of the Shura Elf Clan is coming, and we cannot allow the Shura Elf Clan to become weaker and weaker like this."
After a pause, he continued, "Especially since the heart almost appeared, we are still sticking to the old rules. Should we just wait for the opportunity to disappear and regret it later?"
The great elder sighed and glanced at the three companions, "After all, they are the future guardians of the Shura Elf clan. It's time to tell them."
"Isn't it too early?"
Elder Xiong asked a little worriedly.
"Forget it, the descendants born here have long been full of complaints. If this continues, let alone reviving the Shura Elf clan, our clan will really perish in this space."
After hearing what the great elder said, the other elders also stopped talking and fell silent.
The Great Elder looked at Soul Spirit and said in a deep voice, "The altar can indeed turn the tribesmen into elves. The tribesmen born after recombination will also become stronger and stronger, but the side effects are very serious."
"What side effects?"
There was a trace of worry on Po Ling's face. After all, he was doing it for the good of the whole clan.
"The elves are pure and kind in nature, and the Shura elves appear to protect the elves," the great elder said. "In fact, they are the embodiment of the evil thoughts of our elves gathered together. The separation in a short period of time will make the strength of the Shura elves surge. , but the long-term separation has weakened the evil thoughts of the Shura elves, and their strength has become weaker and weaker."
"Wouldn't it be appropriate to turn the tribesmen into elves again?"
Po Ling asked with doubts. He naturally knew that the matter could not be solved so easily.
"We Shura elves are the incarnation of evil thoughts. The elves who are forcibly transformed back have no good thoughts." The elder shook his head and said, "The elves who transform back under such circumstances are not good for the inheritance of the bloodline. , the Shura elves born by them will become more and more evil."
"What about strength?"
Po Ling asked eagerly.
"The strength will increase," the great elder did not hide it, "but after falling into this way, the malice in the hearts of the Shura elves born will become stronger and stronger. Eventually, the bloodline will be completely fixed, and they will become demon elves with only killing in their hearts. "
"You said you would become a demon elf?"
After Po Ling heard this name, he almost screamed in surprise.
"Not bad!"
The elder nodded.
"That demonic elf who once had a true god?"
Po Ling looked a little excited and asked impatiently.
The great elder looked at Po Ling's excited expression, and his heart felt for a moment.
"Po Ling, don't you know that demon elves are irrational. They only know how to kill. In order to increase their strength, they will even devour their loved ones."
Seeing that Po Ling seemed to want to become a demon elf, several elders shouted loudly, hoping that he would wake up and stop losing himself in pursuit of power.
"What do you think?"
To the surprise of several elders, Po Ling did not pay attention to them. Instead, he looked at the three companions behind him.
"I feel good!"
One of them was said to a companion who was in the early stage of the Jie Yuan realm.
"Refining the heart, you?"
An elder jumped out and shouted angrily at the man.
"Elder Xue, we are also thinking about the future of the elves!" Lianxin replied heartlessly.
"What about you?"
Po Ling looked at another person.
"I don't care. Anyway, you are the boss of our generation. Whatever you say is not yours."
Another elf took a stand.
"Listen to you!"
None of the three early Shura elves expressed opposition.
"This is the successor we selected, take a look!"
The Great Elder looked at this scene and said with a wry smile.
"Po Ling, do you know that you are pushing the Shura Elf clan into a new direction?" The great elder showed a trace of sadness on his face.
"You are pushing the Shura clan to death!"
Po Ling replied unceremoniously.
"Once we embark on this path, the Shura Elf clan will never be able to turn back." The Great Elder persuaded us again with earnest words, "Once the bloodline is inherited, it cannot be reversed. Even if elves really appear by then, our bloodline cannot be reversed. "
"Great Elder, you are too rotten," Po Ling didn't care at all now, "When the time comes when our Shura elves have embarked on the road to becoming gods, why will we still need those weak elves?"
The Great Elder looked at him and said, "Are you really sure you are doing this? You have to know that this is to accompany all the Shura elves, and only one god will appear. Once this god falls, the Shura clan will disappear from then on."
"Great Elder, stop being alarmist."
Po Ling sneered, "You have become a god. How can you not cultivate the next generation? Gods can fall so easily."
"We don't understand things about high-level realms," the great elder slowly shook his head, "but there is a reason why it is passed down from generation to generation."
"Then we can't control it," Po Ling slowly shook his head, "As long as our Shura Elf clan can grow quickly, we can talk about the rest later. And now that there is something unusual happening in this space, we must make preparations early. , are we waiting for others to destroy us?"
"Po Ling, you were raised by me, are you really prepared to do this?"
The great elder showed anger on his face.
"Great Elder, take action. Since it's coming this time, we are ready."
The spiritual energy in Po Ling's body began to surge, and his face showed a strong murderous intent.
"Okay, you forced us to do this!"
There was sadness in the Great Elder's eyes, and a surge of spiritual power rose into the sky.
The two shouted almost simultaneously.
Swish swish!
The air suddenly turned dark green, as if countless branches were opening and sweeping towards the place.
Squeeze! Squeeze!
The arms-thick branches were entangled with each other, squeezing and pulling on each other, and many branches began to break, but these broken branches desperately tried to be washed and healed.
The large group of branches were twisted together and it was impossible to tell which branch belonged to the great elder and which branch belonged to Po Ling.
Not only did the Great Elder and Po Ling take action, but several other people also fought against each other. Without exception, everyone used their unique skills in each action. After all, they all came from the same origin and knew each other directly and very well.
"Big elder!"
There was an evil look on Po Ling's face, "You are old, why should you keep occupying the position of the elder of the Shura Elf clan? As long as you promise not to stop us, you are still our fathers, and we will respect you very much. "
"Po Ling, don't say any more," the great elder was panting a little, and the spiritual power fluctuations in his body were a little disordered, but he still persisted, "I can't watch you lead our Shura Elf clan to a dead end."
"You are old and can no longer see the situation clearly. Only the strong can survive in this world. There is no distinction between good and evil."
Po Ling's voice was cold, activating the spiritual power in his body, and the dark green on his side became even darker.
"Great Elder, we can't wait any longer, otherwise the elves will be in danger!"
Several older people shouted one after another. Their bodies had entered a period of weakness, and they were no match for their younger generation in terms of endurance, so they began to ask for help from the great elder.
"Po Ling, do you really want to force us?"
The great elder looked deeply at Po Ling again, with deep emotion in his eyes. It was obvious that he was still struggling in his heart, as if there was something difficult to decide.

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