Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 284 Water Spirit Grass

Ling Feng and the others could only make guesses about what happened in the distance. Without any information, they couldn't really know anything, so they quickly put these things behind them.
Now their task is to weaken the power of the Shura elves while sharpening the strength of the warriors.
"This is it!"
Ling Feng asked when he came to a valley and looked at the huge valley.
"It should be!"
Several Shura elves nodded in agreement.
"Let's go in and see!"
Ling Feng took the lead and walked inside.
"grown ups!"
The Shura Elf was startled and quickly stretched out his hand to stop it.
Ling Feng looked back at them and asked strangely.
"Sir," several Shura elves looked at each other, with a hint of uneasiness on their faces, "Sir, we have told you before that this place is very threatening. An elder from our clan once died in it."
After staying with Ling Feng and the others for several days, these Shura elves also have a basic understanding of the team's basic situation.
In their eyes, Ling Feng, the strongest member of the team, is only at the late stage of the Fusion Realm. You must know that their elders are all from the Jie Yuan Realm. Even the elders of the Jie Yuan Realm died inside. This Ling Feng He dared to go directly inside, how could he not shock them.
Their lives were in the hands of Ling Feng and others. If Ling Feng went to die, it didn't mean that they would also die.
Seeing what they meant, Ling Feng smiled slightly, ignored them, and walked inside again.
Judging from the information already known, although this world is not big, there are actually many dangers. There are some places where even Shura elves dare not go there at will.
However, according to what these Shura elves said, although these places are forbidden areas, the threatening creatures inside seem to be trapped in one place and cannot leave the place where they are. Therefore, over the years, the Shura elves have generally lived here. It was still very easy.
"Sir, we found water spirit grass!"
Not long after entering the valley, Zhang Lan took a white flower and ran towards Lingfeng.
"Is this it?"
Looking at the rather ordinary-looking flowers, Ling Feng took them over curiously.
This world did not originally exist. It was entirely caused by Yuanling Qi, and the laws of this Yuanling Qi itself are not perfect, so there are many things in this world that cannot be seen elsewhere.
"It seems a little different from what I imagined!"
After turning the flower around a few times, Ling Feng handed it to Bing Xin to look at.
"Is it really going to have the effect they say it does?"
According to what several Shura elves said, this is a strange place where this kind of white water spirit flower is produced. Good quality water spirit flower is a rare treasure, and eating it directly can improve your own strength.
"can not tell!"
Bing Xin is also an elf, but she can't feel the magical effects mentioned by these Shura elves from above.
"Isn't that a bit exaggerated?"
Ling Feng looked at several Shura elves and asked.
"Sir, we are definitely not exaggerating," several Shura elves immediately vowed, "We have all come to pick according to the requirements of the commanders, and the monitoring is very strict. Anyone who dares to take one will be severely punished. ."
"Control so strictly?"
Ling Feng didn't believe it.
"Sir, you have to know that our elves are not good at refining," several Shura elves said matter-of-factly. "If there is a World Tree, our family's cultivation speed can still be guaranteed. But without the World Tree, we can only rely on If you absorb the spiritual energy of the world to practice, the speed will naturally be much slower. In this world, anything that can improve your cultivation is very precious."
"That makes sense."
Ling Feng nodded, no longer having any doubts. He didn't doubt that these Shura elves dared to deceive them, but he was worried that they would go too far in order to show off their merits.
"Look at it too!"
Ling Feng said to Feng Shan and Xiao Hua.
"Sir, I think it is possible."
Xiao Hua took a look at the water spirit flower and came to a conclusion.
Feng Shan also took Shui Linghua, smelled it carefully, broke off the petals and looked at it carefully, then nodded and said, "I agree with Xiao Hua."
Although both of them are refining masters, one is good at refining weapons and the other is good at refining pills. Now that they both feel this way, Ling Feng no longer has any doubts, but he still has some doubts.
"Sir, this world is not stable," Xiao Hua said what he was thinking, "and in the process of development of this world, it has also been affected by these Shura elves."
"It's possible."
Ling Feng thought for a moment, nodded and said.
This world should have been formed when some of the escaped Yuanling Qi slowly gathered in the void when the Yuanling Realm was formed.
These Shura elves were the elves who came when they broke through the space barrier and entered their world.
There is some connection between the power of Yuanling and the Elf clan. This may be the reason why the Shura clan was intercepted by these strange spaces.
Originally, in such an unstable space, these Shura Elf Knights were very dangerous.
But they were lucky. The World Tree was used to stabilize the space barrier, which also saved them.
The energy of Yuanling is originally unstable, and the Space Tree is originally closely related to the Elf clan. Therefore, the formation of many things in this world will definitely be affected by the Shura clan.
"Because they are intrinsically connected, these elves can directly eat these water spirit flowers to increase their strength."
Several people came to this conclusion at the same time.
As for Bing Xin's inability to sense this from above, it is very easy to explain. After all, these Shura elves have been here for thousands of years and are no longer the first generation. Naturally, there will be some differences with Bing Xin and the others.
"Sir, the energy in this water spirit flower is very pure. If it can be extracted, it will be more effective than the fifth- and sixth-grade elixirs refined in the outside world!"
Feng Shan was good at alchemy and immediately found the use of Shui Linghua.
"Is it more effective than fifth- and sixth-grade elixirs?"
Ling Feng's heart moved. Sixth-grade elixirs are pills that can be taken in the Jie Yuan realm. The big reason why Tang Feng and he haven't broken through the realm is that they don't have the elixirs in the Jie Yuan realm. Once they enter the Jie Yuan realm, After reaching this level, the speed of cultivation will slow down.
Of course, this sluggishness is relative to their current terrifying cultivation speed.
"Not only that, these low-quality Water Spirit Flowers are more than enough to refine fourth-grade elixirs."
"And the elixirs refined are all top-quality elixirs!"
Feng Shan said with some excitement. In fact, there were some things he didn't say. One of the reasons why refining masters like him and Xiao Hua have difficulty improving their realm is that ordinary pills are useless to them. .
For refiners, their cultivation is originally improved by elixirs, so a large amount of elixir residues are generally accumulated in the body. For refiners, they have not gone through too hard training to refine these elixirs. The remaining power of the medicine is also much weaker than that of ordinary monks.
Therefore, in the later stage, they can only take the best elixirs to improve their cultivation, but the best elixirs are not so easy to refine.
Even if Feng Shan reaches the level of a refining master, when he refines the elixir, it is estimated that it will take several hundred furnaces to produce a top-quality elixir. As for the number of elixirs, it all depends on luck.
This is also the reason why the cultivation level of many refining masters is not high.
In fact, if it is a top-grade elixir, even if it is of the second or third grade, it can be taken directly by the monks.
"It can really be the best elixir!"
Hearing Feng Shan's words, Xiao Hua almost jumped up next to him.
"I think it's possible," Feng Shan didn't say it fully, and said to Xiao Hua, "Let's discuss the solution together. It's best if you can also participate in the refining."
"I don't want it!" Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand, "But don't waste the material."
As a refining master, he understands the value of these water spirit flowers better. This is related to their cultivation level, so how can they not be more careful.
"Are there many water spirit flowers here?"
Ling Feng naturally understood the key and immediately asked the Shura Elf.
"Sir, these Water Spirit Flowers are very precious. Our clan only comes here once a year," several Shura elves quickly reported, "and we are only on the periphery, there are not many in number, and we are not even qualified to use them if we lead them."
"When will you come to harvest? Aren't you afraid that someone will come to collect it in advance?"
Ling Feng asked.
"Sir, the water spirit flower has not yet reached its mature season, so we are not worried that someone will pick it in advance. We were sent out this time precisely because the mature season of water spirit flower is coming soon. We were sent here to investigate first, and then Set up a sentry!"
A Shura elf reported.
"The number of water spirit flowers in the guard area of ​​each post will be registered, so we don't dare to pick them!"
A Shura elf added.
"It's just you guys?"
Ling Feng asked carefully. He didn't want the team to have worries after entering dangerous areas.
"That's not true. Normally, a few leaders will come here," several elves quickly explained, "because we have to go deeper in order to pick more water spirit flowers. For this reason, some tribesmen lose their lives every year. it's here."
"Then you have no objection?"
Ling Feng became a little curious. He couldn't take it by himself even if he sacrificed his life. His subordinates would definitely not be so willing.
"The tribesmen who go deep into it can all take part of the harvest as their own," an elf said again. "As for how much you can get, it depends on the area you enter."
"This is somewhat humane!"
Ling Feng nodded.
As for the great elf, he is only in the late stage of Fusion Realm.
But what they need to worry about is that after these Shura elves use Zhu Yi, their realm will be improved, which means that several Shura elves of the Jie Yuan realm will come over, which makes them have to take precautions.

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