Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 286 Elf Team

"Wind Spirit Sword!"
The soldiers kept the shield intact while slashing at it with all their strength.
The giant mantises fell one by one, but the speed of the warriors' slashing was far less than the speed at which the giant mantises rushed over. Some giant mantises began to rush towards the refining station group behind them.
"Everyone, please work harder!"
Five hundred people shot together, and the densely packed arrows were like raindrops. However, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Refining Chapter was still a little weaker. Generally speaking, it took three or four arrows to kill a giant mantis.
"Disperse the dragon group!" The black dragon ordered loudly from behind the dragon group, "Don't let me let a giant mantis pass by!"
"The tiger group also dispersed!"
Tang Yan was on the other side and began to command the tiger group.
Everyone knows that the refining battle group does not have any close combat capabilities. If so many giant mantises emerge, their formation will be immediately dispersed, and many casualties will soon occur.
Ling Feng and several others in the Fusion Realm are safe from danger, but it is not that easy to protect them all. Moreover, this is just a giant mantis in the Bone Training Realm. If the team cannot even overcome this difficulty, what will happen later? Not to mention.
After the commander gave the order, the team that had been huddled together immediately separated.
"Wind Spirit Sword!"
For the sake of team coordination, the swordsmanship practiced by the warriors are all the same now. This is also preparation for practicing the fusion battle formation.
Swish swish!
Some giant mantises shielded by the warriors who crossed over became the main target of elimination and were quickly killed.
But as soon as his attention was distracted, a lot of giant mantises piled up in front of him. These giant mantises were stacked together like a high wall, and they would collapse at the sight of them.
"Fire Arrow!"
At this moment, a dozen Shura elves, the red wings behind them flashed slightly, and the bows and arrows in their hands emitted a dazzling light.
Whoosh whoosh!
A series of flaming arrows flew away like meteors with vermilion light.
Boom boom boom!
The flaming bow approaching the fourth-grade spiritual treasure directly penetrated the chest of the giant mantis and continued to fly forward.
Bang bang bang!
A dozen giant mantises jumping in mid-air fell directly to the ground and hit their companions.
"Be good!"
Seeing this scene, many soldiers were stunned.
When this arrow went down, it penetrated directly into the chests of more than a dozen giant mantises, killing them with one blow.
This is no longer a matter of the Lingbao level, it is the skill of the archer. Many warriors have tried the flame bow and have a deep understanding of how difficult it is to use this kind of bow and arrow.
If they were allowed to use this kind of bow and arrow, let alone penetrating more than a dozen giant mantises, they would not even be able to hit their opponent.
Just when people were marveling, the last giant mantis with a flaming arrow stuck in its body fell into the group of giant mantises and exploded. Its body was blown into powder and scattered in all directions.
This is the special effect of the flaming arrow. As a third-grade spiritual treasure, the explosion power is also quite impressive. Although the residual power of the explosion cannot really kill the surrounding giant mantises, it has caused many giant mantises to break their arms and legs and stay in place. Can't move anymore.
Whoosh whoosh!
The flaming arrows in the hands of the Shura elves are not shot out one by one like the warriors' arrows, but in groups of three arrows, which are shot out continuously. This is the most common chain of arrows.
"Be good!"
The Shura Elf's thin figure, coupled with the flying movement, looks so graceful, and coupled with the continuous arrow technique, it is indeed a pleasure to watch from a distance.
"I didn't expect these Shura elves to be quite capable."
It was too easy to defeat these Shura elves before, so the warriors still despised them in their hearts. Now they are quite impressed by the opponent's exquisite archery skills.
In fact, the characteristic of Shura elves lies in their flexibility, flexible body skills and exquisite arrow skills. If they enter their mode, it is not that simple to deal with them.
The reason why the warriors fought so easily last time was because they surrounded the Shura elves, leaving them with no room to move and unable to fully demonstrate their abilities.
Now that there are soldiers helping them to guard the front, if they are still allowed to use their free will, each one of them will be like a god's help. The flaming arrows in their hands seem to flow out like mercury without stopping at all.
Boom boom boom!
A burst of explosions exploded among the giant mantises. All kinds of severed limbs and arms were blown up, and the entire giant mantis group suddenly became a mess.
"Ling Feng, I want these Shura elves!"
Tang Yan's glasses suddenly lit up and she immediately asked Ling Feng for help.
"Don't even think about it!"
Ling Feng rolled his eyes at her.
"What about these Shura elves? They are such a good fighting force!"
Tang Yan asked reluctantly.
"Leave it to Bing Xin to lead first. She came here alone this time, and all her elves stayed on the warship. It's just right now!"
Ling Feng said immediately, there was absolutely no room for negotiation.
"Humph, I know you are most attracted to Sister Bing Xin!"
Tang Yan pouted, but didn't say anything else. Naturally, she wouldn't argue with Bing Xin.
"what do you think?"
Ling Feng turned around and looked at Bing Xin.
Bing Xin was obviously very happy with this arrangement and nodded immediately.
With the addition of the Shura elves, the warriors no longer just defended, but rushed into the giant mantis group and began to kill. Individually, these giant mantises only had the strength of the bone training realm, and because they were small, they could not endure However, the strength is still not as good as the ordinary bone training realm.
Some of the warriors are already at the Qiao Yuan Realm, and the warriors who join later are basically monks in the middle and late stages of the Marrow Refining Realm. The opponents in the Bone Refining Realm alone do not pose any threat at all in front of them, and they almost raise their swords. Luo is one.
Chopping like melons and vegetables is much faster than using spiritual arrows just now. Archery is not a warrior's specialty. It's good to kill one with one arrow. Sometimes, you still can't kill. Now strike with one sword. Maybe four or five, totally different.
The situation on the battlefield also began to change. The warriors were originally on the front line, but now it was the Shura elves who first attacked the giant mantis in the distance with a barrage of flaming arrows. Under their command, the flaming arrows not only shot Far away, and they are very accurate. If one arrow hits seven or eight, it is considered subpar. In addition, the flaming arrows will explode in the end, and the giant mantis group in the distance is also in chaos.
After the Shura elves killed the giant mantis group, the spiritual arrows of the refined warriors were no longer as powerful. However, they used ice-condensing arrows. They didn't need to be very accurate. They just needed to create ice and snow to injure the giant mantises that were already in chaos. The speed at which the mantises pounce becomes slower.
But now the soldiers have become the ones who missed it. They only need to cover up and kill all the disabled or confused giant mantises.
The situation has now completely turned around. Although the giant mantises still rushed towards them regardless of life and death, the warriors were slashing and killing faster than the giant mantises. It was as if the giant mantises were slowly being swallowed by something. , gradually decrease.
three days later.
"My mother!"
Tang Xing and Tang Fei collapsed on the ground.
After the situation was settled, the soldiers behind them were like machines, hacking and killing without stopping, without any time to rest.
Killing like this for three days in a row, even an iron man would not be able to bear it. No matter how strong the monk is, he is still a human being. After killing everyone behind him, his hands are too weak to lift up.
The skin of many people's hands holding the frying handle has been scratched. This situation was unimaginable before. Although the soldiers did not specifically train their bodies, the monks' bodies were nourished by spiritual power and were much stronger than before. Ordinary people are much tougher and can make the soldiers' hands become skinned. This shows how terrifying the consumption of these three days is.
At the end of the battle, several commanders from Tang Xing who were in the early stages of the Fusion Realm had to join the battle in order to share some of the burden for the soldiers.
Now that even those in the Fusion Realm are so exhausted, we can see what will happen to the soldiers.
Most of the soldiers were already lying on the ground in a mess, with only the strength to breathe, but they were not the ones who had the most trouble, it was the Shura elves who had the most trouble.
The fingers of the more than 30 Shura elves are now trembling, and their eyes are a little dull. They stay together and can't even think normally.
"Distribute the elixirs."
Ling Feng's face was slightly tired. He naturally participated in the battle. Compared with the soldiers, he didn't feel that he couldn't hold on. The recovery power brought by his spirit and Yuanling power was far beyond ordinary people. The intensity doesn't make him feel anything.
But killing enemies in such a boring way is really tiring.
Among the entire team, the only ones who did not participate in the battle were the refining masters and refining masters.
They were Ling Feng's favorites, and he would never let them participate in the battle unless it was absolutely necessary.
Dozens of refiners took out the elixirs and began to distribute them.
"We actually persevered."
Xiao Hua and Feng Shan have the most special status in the team. They don't have to be busy and start exploring the battlefield.
"Look at these giant mantises!"
Feng Shan walked on the battlefield with his head lowered, carefully looking at these giant mantises.
"What's wrong!"
Xiao Hua noticed something strange in his eyes and couldn't help but look at it carefully.
He is good at refining weapons. The realm of these giant mantises is too low. Even the value of the animal core is not high. As for the skin and shell on the body, there is nothing that can be used.
"Look carefully!"
Feng Shan's face became a little excited.
Xiao Hua also picked up a Shura Elf and examined it carefully.
Soon, a strange color flashed in his eyes, "It seems..."
"What does it look like?"
Feng Shan hugged the body of a giant mantis and ran towards Ling Feng.
"My lord, my lord"
Running to Ling Feng's side, Feng Shan shouted excitedly, his eyes filled with ecstasy.
"what happened?"
Ling Feng looked at him doubtfully, guessing that there must be something unusual about the corpses of these giant mantises, so he couldn't help but examine them carefully.
"Could it be?"
Ling Feng looked at it carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Feng Shan with joy.
"that is!"
Feng Shan nodded affirmatively.

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