Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 290 Purple Shirt’s Hatred

"Be careful when you enter the valley later!"
A team of more than 2000 people cautiously approached the valley.
"Sir, are there too few of us?"
Several Shura elves said worriedly.
"What do you, a newcomer, know?" An older elf next to him laughed, "This is a pretty good job for us!"
"Good job!" The Shura Elf who complained before had a strange look on his face, "Every time we perform a mission, don't many people in the clan die every time?"
"You don't know this!" The old elf raised his head and laughed, "You are lucky that you are from the Luo Yi clan, otherwise a recruit like you would die in battle without even knowing what happened!"
"Lao Luo, stop showing off!"
The young Shura Elf said with some dissatisfaction.
"He's just that kind of person, don't pay attention to him, let me tell you," a Shura elf beside the two of them interrupted: "The people who participated in this mission all have certain tasks, and they must kill a certain number of large people. Talents don’t need to participate in the battle, we are the first to come here, so we can explore the path and complete the mission first.”
"Does that make any difference?"
The young elf still didn't understand. If the number was the same, what was the relationship?
"The number of giant mantises we will encounter later is very large. If we are performing a mission with a large force, we must break through within the specified time. In that case, we will have to fight to the death, but we are much more relaxed now. Now, you can lure some out to hunt them, and you don’t have to worry about time at all.”
His companion explained in detail.
"So it is!"
The young elf finally understood.
"Be careful, we are entering the Giant Mantis Plains soon!"
The leader of the Shura elves ordered solemnly.
Although this team only has more than 2000 people, its strength is still very impressive. All the Shura elves are at the level of refining the marrow. The number of Shura elves in the Qiaoyuan realm has reached more than 200. As for the Shura elves in the Fusion realm, There are even thirty people, and the strongest commander and several leaders are all in the late Fusion Yuan realm.
Obviously, this team can be regarded as the elite team of Shura Elves.
After bypassing the narrow road, a green grassland was revealed in front of them.
"Iron Arm Department, stand still for me!"
A commander ordered softly.
Soon, more than 200 Shura elves quietly lined up at the front of the entire team, taking out wooden shields from their storage bags. These shields were inlaid with some sharp crystal stones. Judging from the fluctuations in spiritual power, they were all It is a fifth-grade material.
Although this world is rich in materials, Ling Feng and the others have collected mostly fourth-grade and below materials so far, and have not really harvested fifth-grade materials so far.
"The Spiritual Arrow Department is ready!"
Another commander also issued an order.
A row of elves immediately took out their spiritual bows and prepared to fight forward.
"Spiritual Formation Department prepares!"
If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely be surprised. This Shura Elf team actually has a dedicated spiritual formation department. This is information that was not obtained from the captured Shura Elf.
In fact, this is very normal. Those captured Shura elves were not originally direct members of the clan, and were not even qualified to get close to the altar. They actually did not know many secrets of their own elves' team.
"You guys, go and attract some giant mantises first!"
The several commanders were obviously familiar with the situation here, and they did not hesitate in making the assignments.
After receiving the order, the Shura Elf immediately moved forward secretly.
Several Shura elves were also very skilled and quickly approached the plain. But what surprised them was that there was no sign of a giant mantis in the green grass in front of them.
They all glanced at each other and sneaked closer, but the further they walked into the plain, the more suspicious they became. As far as they could see, there was really no giant mantis.
"how is this possible?"
The eyes of these Shura elves showed surprise.
"Is it because the time has not come yet?"
They couldn't help but guess.
"Go back and report first!" Several people turned around uneasily.
At the other end of the Giant Mantis Plain, the warriors of the team had already discovered traces of several people.
"Did you see clearly?"
Tang Xing asked as he looked at several Shura elves who were exploring together.
"Yes!" Several Shura elves nodded one after another and said with some worry, "This should be the first team of our elves. The leader, Luo Sha, often comes to our place and runs amok. We all know him."
A Shura Elf warrior said immediately.
Tang Xing smiled coldly and told him what it meant to be unbridled later.
Soon, Luo Sha and the others returned to the team and reported the situation to the commander.
"I didn't see the giant mantis, how is this possible?"
Several commanders almost shouted in shock.
"Do you want to report to the superiors?"
A deputy commander asked the chief commander.
"Isn't the time up?" the commander asked with a frown.
"How is that possible!" Another deputy commander shook his head, "The reconnaissance guard has not reported back yet. We set off a lot late in the first place, and the time we calculated is actually a lot late."
"I also feel that something is a little strange this time. I haven't seen any trace of them along the way. Now, none of the giant mantises have appeared. I'm afraid that something happened. I think it's better to report it to the superiors."
A deputy commander suggested.
Soon, several people made a decision and sent people to report to the clan.
"Go on!"
Although he was uneasy, the commander still urged the team to move forward, but he was more cautious.
"Are you guys going to join the fight?"
Seeing that his opponent had entered the magic circle, Tang Xing looked at the surrendering Shura elves and asked.
According to Bing Xin's instructions, these Shura elves do not need to participate in the battle with their own clan, which is really cruel to them.
These Shura elves are somewhat different from the previous warriors. Although they are also the most marginalized ethnic group of the tribe, they grew up in the Shura elves at least. They usually work with the tribe and are not easy to accept emotionally.
"Sir, if it is other tribesmen, we will forget it, but if it is Luo who kills this group of people, then we must participate in the battle."
A Shura elf said angrily.
"Zi Shan, are they usually very aggressive?" Tang Xing had a playful look on his face.
"They don't treat ordinary tribesmen like us as human beings at all!" Zishan seemed to have remembered something and said through gritted teeth.
"Oh!" Tang Xing was stunned. It was obvious that Zishan had suffered some loss from these people.
"Sir," Zi Bin, who was beside Zi Shan, stepped forward to report, "Zi Shan originally had a childhood sweetheart, but Na Luosha caught his eye and finally forcibly took her away as a concubine!"
Several human warriors asked strangely when they heard this term for the first time.
"Actually, they are just slaves who want to sleep with me!" Several Shura elves said angrily.
Taking away someone's fiancée as a slave, not even a concubine, this must be a great shame and humiliation for Zishan.
"I see that Luo Sha's realm just now was only the marrow refining realm. Your realm is not much different. Why don't you dare to fight with it?"
Tang Xing looked at Zishan's desperate look, and asked a little strangely, after spending some time with these Shura elves, he found that they were not greedy for life, so how could they accept such a shame and humiliation.
"You don't know something," several Shura elves complained. "We, the Shura elves, are not good at refining. In addition to relying on our own efforts, we also need to use some plants to promote cultivation."
"Like Shui Ling Hua?"
Tang Xing was stunned, thinking that these elves had something to hide before, and there were many herbs here that could enhance their strength.
"It's so easy to come across something like Water Spirit Flower." Several Shura elves shook their heads, with bitterness on their faces. "Although other herbs can also improve cultivation, there are many impurities in them, which are far from what we, the elves, can do." It can be refined, but it must be used in order to improve your cultivation."
"So it is!"
The Shura elves didn't say anything about what happened next, but Tang Xing and the others, who were born in such a powerful force as Luofeng Canyon, also understood.
Since other herbs contain impurities, those with more impurities must be taken by those from the outer tribe, and those with less impurities should be taken by those from the inner tribe.
The results brought about by this are very different. Although the two sides practice at about the same speed in the early stage, in the later stage, these peripheral tribesmen will eventually lose the possibility of continuing because of too many impurities in their bodies.
In other words, if these Shura elves had not met Ling Feng and the others, they would have reached the Marrow Refining Realm in this life.
And because there are many impurities in the body, the flow of spiritual power in the body is far less than that with less impurities in the body. This means that the same powerful moves are completely different in the hands of Luo Sha and Zi Shan.
Therefore, although their realms are not much different, their strength is indeed very different.
"Zi Shan, how about I leave Na Luo Sha to you to deal with?"
Tang Xing's eyes flashed and he looked at Zishan and asked.
Although the Elf Team is led by Bing Xin, Bing Xin is not good at specific battle command, so the usual training and battles are basically done by a black dragon, but Bing Xin takes care of other aspects.
"Sir, Zishan doesn't want to deal with this beast with his own hands!"
Zi Shi clenched his fists tightly, his nails dug into his flesh, and his palms were bright red.
"After Xue'er was taken away, my subordinates went to Naluo several times to kill him, but my strength and his strength..."
Zi Shi had a look of pain on his face, it was obvious that this incident was a torture to him.
"Ha ha!"
Tang Xing suddenly laughed, "Zi Shan, don't forget that you are not an ordinary Shura Elf now, but a member of the Shura Elf Chapter. Have you forgotten the hardships you have endured in the past half month?" ?"
After saying that, Tang Xing's face suddenly became serious.

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