Jiuxiao Supreme

Chapter 292 Fast Dash

In the narrow area, Ling Feng's face turned a little pale.
After maintaining the Phoenix Essence Fire for a long time, even he finally began to feel a little overwhelmed.
"If this continues, I'm afraid I will fail!"
Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little anxious. The concentration and thickness of his spiritual power were far beyond those of the same level, and his spiritual thoughts were not comparable to those of ordinary people. However, with such a high degree of operation, even if there were top-quality elixirs used to restore spiritual power, it would not work for him. It is also a great test.
More than half the time has passed. In this more than half a month, although the Phoenix Essence Fire has been maintained, he has not been refining the battle group non-stop. He has to stop to think and discuss from time to time, but during this time , but he couldn't stop.
That is to say, among all the people, he was the only one who did not take a break at all.
"Brother Feng seems to be unable to hold on any longer!"
Bing Xin stood aside with a look of worry on her face.
"Let these guys go faster. If this continues, there is no way out!"
Tang Yan said while stamping her feet.
In this situation, the three of them can only work here and can't help in any way.
But they didn't dare to walk away. Ling Feng maintained the Phoenix Essence Fire and his body was always in a state of exhaustion. If someone made a sneak attack at this time, it would be almost impossible to rely on the people of the refining team to resist.
"It's been so long, I wonder what the situation is like outside?"
Bing Xin looked at Heilong worriedly.
"The forwards of the Shura elves have already engaged the team, but they can still hold on for the time being!"
Black Dragon told several people the information he had just obtained.
"It won't be a problem!"
Tang Yan was also a little worried. In this situation, Ling Feng and the others must not be disturbed, otherwise they would probably fail.
"It should be able to delay for a while," Black Dragon nodded, "There are some defensive formations outside. If it is just defense, the soldiers should not have any problems."
"Didn't you say you can't let them escape?"
Bing Xin asked uneasily. If someone escaped and most of the support was called, it would be even more troublesome.
"I have already told Tang Xing and the others," Heilong was not very sure, "If there is a problem, let the opponent in and let us deal with it here."
They really didn't dare to leave Ling Feng too far now, otherwise they would be in trouble if someone attacked from behind.
Moreover, the location of the team's defensive formations is mainly here. If they fight their opponents here, they will also take more advantage. This is why Black Dragon made such an arrangement.
On the city wall, the battle situation has also changed.
"Why did you call us back?"
Tang Wei and Tang Hong complained to Tang Xing with some dissatisfaction.
"There are too many Rongyuan realms over there. It's not easy for us to defend from the front, and we can even sneak attack!" Tang Xing said to the two of them unceremoniously.
The Tiger Regiment now has more people than the Dragon Regiment, so it will naturally be better used for defense.
"What a shame, we all managed to get around to one side!"
With the protection of the magic circle and the fact that the Shura elves did not expect anyone to outflank them, they were quite successful in getting around.
"Didn't you see how many Fusion Realms there are across the way?"
Tang Xing said calmly.
"How many?"
The two were stunned and couldn't help but ask.
There is a magic circle behind them. If they use their minds to explore, their opponents will find it immediately.
"More than 30, including three in the late Fusion Yuan realm!"
Tang Xing said directly.
"so much!"
Both of them were shocked. If they really rushed over, they were not seeking death.
While Tang Xing and the other five were arranging the battle situation, the Shura elves began to charge.
Whoosh whoosh!
On the city wall, more than 30 Shura elves fired flaming arrows continuously, making bursts of explosions.
Pieces of soil suddenly exploded from the grassland, and smoke and dust rose into the sky, spreading to the entire battlefield.
It should be said that the Shura elves are lucky. Fortunately, it is grassland. If it is rocky ground, there will be more damage under the flying sand and rocks.
Dangdang Dangdang!
In fact, after the first effect, the damage caused by the flaming arrows was very limited.
Shura at the front used a wooden shield to defend himself on the front line. Most of the flaming arrows hit the wooden shield. These wooden shields were inlaid with a lot of fifth-grade materials. The fourth-grade flaming arrows were basically broken. Not opening their defenses.
In the battle formation where the Shura elves charge, not only do the first rows have wooden shields like this, but there are also many elves holding shields in the battle formation. They are there to make up for the leaks. Once a flaming arrow breaks through the first row, they will be the first. Time passed quickly to resist these flaming arrows.
Therefore, although some fire arrows broke through the defense of Shura elves, they were generally difficult to cause much damage.
"It can't go on like this!"
Whoosh whoosh!
The closer the distance is, the power of the spiritual arrows in the hands of the Shura elves below gradually becomes apparent. Now that another soldier is shot, the entire arrow can almost be immersed in the body, instead of being basically ineffective as before.
"It's true!"
Several soldiers were hiding behind the city wall, cursing angrily, with depressed expressions on their faces.
No matter how depressed they were, they couldn't help but admit that the archery skills of these Shura elves were really very good. Even if they were hiding in the corner like this, some spiritual arrows would shoot to the highest point and then fall straight down to hit them. .
Not only did some fall straight down, but some spiritual arrows even circled back, making it impossible for them to hide.
"What is this? Oops!"
Just when a soldier was about to complain, two spiritual arrows immediately circled and flew in his direction. He hurriedly leaned back and fell backwards.
clang clang!
As soon as he fell down, several spiritual arrows were shot at the place where he had just been hiding. The long spiritual arrows were nailed to the wall, and the shafts of the arrows were still trembling.
"You are sick, why are you hitting me!"
It didn't matter what he did, he hit several people behind him and fell down, and they all yelled and cursed in anger.
"Do you think I want to rush up and give these little turtles a few blows?"
He quickly got up, pulled out the spiritual arrow nailed to the wall, and threw it aside.
"Everyone is ready, the opponent is within range, prepare to attack me!"
Just when the soldiers were depressed, Tang Xing sent an order.
"Is it finally here?"
Hearing this, the soldiers all showed joy on their faces. It was too uncomfortable for him to be beaten like this and not be able to fight back. They were all holding fire in their hearts.
"Ice Condensation Arrow, prepare!"
The team captains took the lead in pulling out the spiritual arrows, and after a shower of arrows had just passed, they immediately gave orders to the soldiers.
"Shoot me!"
Whoosh whoosh!
After giving the order, the soldiers stood up neatly and shot out a row of ice arrows.
Dangdang Dangdang!
Ah. Ah.
Hundreds of ice-condensed arrows went down, and some screams immediately came from below, but judging from the sound, not many elves were shot.
"how so!"
Secretly popping half of the head out of the shooting crenel and looking down.
The road where the Shura elves charged was already covered with snow, and some elves were still groaning on the ground. But overall, there were not many injuries, and most of the ice arrows were blocked by wooden shields.
"Block so much?"
Looking at the situation below, even Tang Xing couldn't help but shake his head.
The elves are good at archery. Not only are they good at archery, their understanding of archery is unmatched by other races.
Just now, a row of warriors rained down arrows. As soon as the arrows left the city wall, the Shura elves standing in the first row holding shields immediately changed their positions. Some Shura elves even jumped up high. Before the arrows arrived, He took his position before the battle formation, waiting for the arrival of the Bingjingjian.
This is the ability to predict. The moment the opponent's arrow comes, they know where the opponent's arrow will land and prepare for defense in advance.
In fact, this is also the difference in archery skills. The warriors' arrows are straight without any changes. This is no problem for most of the opponent's races.But the opponents are elves, experts in playing arrows. If you want to rely on this method to severely damage them, it is almost impossible.
"Sir, this can't go on like this!"
Zishan stood up and said to Tang Xing.
"What should we do?" Tang Xing naturally knew that this would not work. The closer the opponent got, the more powerful the arrow would be. This was not good news for the soldiers.
"You must be equipped with some shield-like spiritual treasures in the future!"
Tang Hong said grumblingly.
For the team, they all have to fight closely with their opponents. It is impossible to hold large and heavy shield-type armors in their hands. This does not help the team's combat effectiveness much, so the soldiers mostly have some Lightweight Ling Baole armor.
These armors can emit some defensive auras and consume the spiritual power in the spirit treasure. Once these spiritual powers are consumed, warriors must continuously output spiritual power to maintain them if they want to continue using them.
Although this kind of spiritual treasure consumes a lot of money, it is more convenient to use and is more helpful in close combat.
"Stop whining!"
Tang Xing glanced at him and said.
"Tell me your opinion!" Tang Xing turned to look at Zishan.
"Sir, the advantage of the warriors' arrow technique is that it is direct, unchanged, but powerful," Zishan analyzed. "If this kind of arrow technique is separated separately, it will not have much effect on the elves. They can easily avoid it." But if our goal is not to shoot the opponent, but just to shoot away the person holding the shield in the front row, strength will show an advantage."
"I understand!"
As the leader, Tang Xing was naturally not a dull person and immediately understood the meaning of Zishan's words.
"Come on, let each group of warriors focus their spiritual arrows and shoot an elf holding a shield!" Tang Xing immediately issued the new order.
Zishan was very happy that his opinion was adopted, and shouted to more than 30 Shura elves, "After the team soldiers shoot away the first row of shield-bearing members, it will be up to us!"
"Don't worry, Zishan." Hearing this, the Shura elves nodded seriously, "It's time to let those arrogant guys know how powerful we are!"

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