Chapter 226, Sanxi Linmen (seeking monthly ticket)

Moscow, Klimt Palace.

Heru in the office was roaring at this moment, his face flushed like an angry lion.

He had forgotten how many times he had behaved so badly after hearing the news about China Resources.

But he really couldn't help it.

What a bastard!

Just now, Helu already knew about the latest calculator product of China Resources Company, which is a bestseller!

Two North American businessmen, Cray Corporation, Sony Corporation, Fujifilm Corporation, Toshiba Corporation and Howard, made a total of five orders with a total value of more than 100 million US dollars.

Since a few months ago, China Resources has no longer selling transistors or chips, and Khrum is quite happy.

He even turned around and started a diaper business at China Resources Corporation, and even ridiculed him a lot.

As a result, China Resources, which had been silent for several months, suddenly let out a loud bang.

It's just bullying!

Why can China Resources develop such a product?

In Khru's view, this is not an epoch -making product, and this is laughing at him.

Also named Huayue Calculator?

Please, uncle!

"Can we make it?"

After the anger, Helu regained his composure. Incompetent rage could not solve the problem, so he had to find a way to add chaos to China Resources.

Upon hearing this, Alexander Shokin said that this point needs to wait for the results. At present, the calculator has been handed over to researchers such as Osokin and Staros for inspection.

Speaking of which, the R&D personnel in Semiconductor City are really happy.

Because everything is available in Semiconductor City, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is no need to worry about anything.

But I also work under high pressure every day, which is indeed difficult.

No, the big guys like the lithography machine, Osokin and the others haven't figured it out yet. They were asked to dismantle the Huayue calculator first to see if they could imitate it?

The arithmetic unit, memory, etc. were all disassembled. Osokin put the chip under the microscope and took a breath of cold air.

This chip actually had five hundred transistors built into it, and it was made of a completely different process than the chips he had seen before.

Have no idea.

Previously, they stole chips from North America, and those chips were not manufactured using photolithography machines.


Lithography machines are no longer a secret in Europe and the United States.

Therefore, Chen Guohua also used the first generation of mercury light engraving to create a chip.

As for whether the other party could deduce that it was a photolithography machine technology such as a mercury lamp, Chen Guohua was not worried.

Anyway, take your time, there is plenty of time for fighting.

Even if they take out the first-generation mercury lamp, can they still take out the second-generation laser?

A few days later, Helu received the news and was very angry after knowing that Staros and the others could not copy the calculator.

"Alexander, no matter what method you use, you have to get the technology. We must be able to build it."

Heru stared at Alexander Shokin and gasped.

His idea is very simple, that is, after copying the calculator, he can enter markets such as Hong Kong Island and North America at a lower price to attack Huayue calculators.

Of course, for the sake of face, he would definitely put a few layers of shells on the imitation calculator, so that it would not be discovered that it was their Moscow product.

But if you want to achieve this goal, you must rely on the efforts of the Semiconductor City. Otherwise, no matter how good the plan is, it will be in vain if the technology is not good.

Because of this, Heru is now staring at Alexander, hoping that the other party will not disappoint him.

"Comrade Secretary, if you want to imitate Huayue calculator, you must develop a photolithography machine."

"According to Osokin and Staros, the photolithography machine should be ready within half a year to a year."

As soon as these words came out, Helu interrupted directly:

"I don't care, I only give you three months, if I can't get it out."

Helu did not say the next words, but Alexander Shokin did not dare to neglect and quickly took the order and left.

IBM Corporation Headquarters, Armonk, New York, North America.

Little Watson also knew about the existence of Huayue Calculator, and even more about its technology and price.

Just because they also sent people to purchase a few units.

Little Watson at this time is indescribably complicated.

They are also studying the lithography machine in order to create a chip with a built -in two thousand transistors to improve the performance of the computer.

But China Resources has already used this chip technology to start manufacturing calculators.

When the Anita calculator came out in the first half of this year, his father Watson Sr. came to him and hoped that he would not give up the profits of the calculator.

When Watson Jr. came to power, he immediately canceled unprofitable projects such as typewriters and devoted all his efforts to developing computers.

Even after all these years, he has barely proved to himself that computers can work.

However, when the Anita calculator came out, the unit price was $ 1,250, and tens of thousands of units were soon sold.

You know, these are tens of thousands of calculators.

The total price has exceeded tens of millions, and the profit is definitely not low.

When most of the profits from computers were made by China Resources, the emergence of the Anita calculator undoubtedly pointed out a way for everyone.

It's a pity that no one has been able to come up with a decent product, and China Resources has come out to disrupt the situation again.

And this wave of China Resources Corporation is even more ferocious and brave.

The size of the Huayue calculator is only about the size of an adult's palm. It is very convenient and friendly to both business people and ordinary urban white-collar workers.

Especially its beautiful appearance, I believe that many female accountants sitting in the finance department will definitely be willing to spend money to purchase one.

Generally speaking, the salary of accountants is not very high, but it cannot be said to be very low either. The average salary should be between 200 and 500.

This depends specifically on the professional abilities of the accounting boss and the accountant themselves.

In other words, spending several months' salary to buy a Huayue calculator is absolutely nothing for them.

Women are generally more emotional, and their consumption habits are more impulsive.

The more he thought of these, the more entangled Watson became: should he purchase the calculator directly from China Resources, or slowly develop it himself?

The market waits for no one!

If IBM doesn't follow up, the calculator market will definitely be occupied by others.

As for hoping that others will not discover Huayue calculator?

Please, stop daydreaming!

Since the middle of last year, there have been an unknown number of North American businessmen going to Hong Kong Island. The most obvious change is that Pan American Airlines and other companies have opened flights to Hong Kong Island from Los Angeles, New York and other cities. .

Several airlines have launched such services, and from here we can know how many people travel to North America.

There are more contacts, and the speed of information exchange has naturally accelerated.

Businessmen have always been very sensitive to this information.

Shaking his head, Watson didn't think about it anymore, but went to the technical department to take a look.

He is now waiting for Winkelmann and his group of technical research and development personnel, hoping that they can surprise him.

Two days later, Winkelmann gave a work report to Watson.

But it's not good news.

"BOSS, we have disassembled the arithmetic unit, controller, memory and other components, and reviewed all the technologies of Huayue Calculator."

"The chip inside the arithmetic unit is relatively simple, but it is also difficult for us to manufacture because it has 500 built-in chips and the technology is more advanced."

"We are a little confused about the chips in the memory. We are still analyzing the technology in this area, and we have no results yet."

After hearing this, little Watson said with a gloomy face:

"Then how long do you plan to take to analyze it?"

"In addition, how much time do you plan to use to develop our own calculator?"

Little Watson's words immediately silenced Winkelman.

Because Winkelmann didn't know how to answer, he didn't know how much time it would take to solve these technical problems.

Before the lithography machine came out, it was useless to answer these questions.

Therefore, it is better to remain silent.

Seeing the other party being so silent, little Watson was also silent, but his silence was deafening.

After a long while, he waved Winkelmann to go to work.

After thinking about it in the office for a long time, Watson Jr. summoned other executives and held a small meeting.

After all, IBM is a listed company. When making any decision, it is normal to open a meeting.

What's more, Watson has already made a plan in his mind, which is to spend a lot of money to purchase Huayue calculators from China Resources Corporation and quickly seize the European and American markets.

Forget about East Asia, at present, the largest market is the North American continent, and then the European continent.

If IBM still wants to have more revenue and more profits, then it must fight hard in the remaining months of this year.

If this year's financial report is not very good, then the next lithography machine technology research and development project will definitely be axed.


As a listed company, the financial institutions behind IBM will inevitably intervene strongly in Watson's adjustment decisions.

Even Watson himself hopes that IBM's stock price will rise, not fall.

Therefore, a good-looking financial report is essential.

As for making a fake financial report?

Haha, the financial company is not a fool. When the time comes, multi-party games will be played, and profit distribution may have to start again.

In this process, it is likely to be discovered by other competitors. Once a mine, IBM will definitely fall into a shortage situation.

So if it wasn't at a very dangerous moment, no one would dare to do that.

In the conference room, Watson discussed with many senior executives for more than an hour before finally ending the meeting.

The task of purchasing Huayue calculators was left to Patrick.

But soon, they received news from Patrick: Clay Company and Howard Coverdale had each purchased 50,000 calculators from China Resources.

After this news came out, Little Watson suddenly looked:

"Increase the price and let China Resources deliver the goods to us quickly. Don't let Clay Company get the goods faster than us."

In the past, Cray Company snatched their order from IBM. Now, in the re-emerging market of calculators, how could Watson miss it?

Not only cannot it be missed, but Clay Company must also be intercepted to avenge the past.

As for Howard and Coverdale?

They're just two clowns, so there's no need to worry too much.

IBM has complete sales channels, which are certainly not comparable to ordinary businessmen like Howard and others.

After receiving the news, Patrick immediately came to China Resources Company again and found Liu Guanzhong.

"Mr. Liu, our IBM company hopes to purchase 200,000 calculators from your company, but we hope to be the first company to get the goods!"

Hearing this, Liu Guanzhong shook his head and said:

"I'm sorry, Patrick. Before you arrived, Mr. Raymond, the president of Clay Company, had already signed a contract with us. If the goods arrive, we will definitely complete the transaction with him as soon as possible."

Although Liu Guanzhong really wanted to agree to Patrick's request, he couldn't.

In business, if you don't keep your word, things can easily go wrong.

Even if China Resources can be very strong because of its interests, after all, the product Huayue Calculator seems to have no worries about selling.

But integrity is something that should not be touched lightly.

What's more, Liu Guanzhong always keeps in mind what China Resources represents, so how dare he forget it?

"IBM can increase the price, for example, $900. How about that?"

Patrick also wanted to try to persuade Liu Guanzhong, and even wanted to bribe the latter with money.

But this kind of thing cannot be done.

After asking for the relevant details, Patrick had no choice but to throw the question back to IBM's headquarters.

He will not make decisions directly, otherwise, he will have to take the blame when the time comes.

After little Watson learned the specific news from Hong Kong Island, his eyes darkened with anger.

"Are you stupid? Come back first and buy a thousand or five hundred calculators!"

At this moment, little Watson couldn't help but scold Patrick in very harsh terms on the telegram.

So, waking up the man in his dream, Patrick quickly purchased 300 calculators from China Resources at a high price, and then got on a plane back to North America.

There are not many calculators, but it is enough to do market research.

As long as the market performance of Huayue calculator is good, then IBM will definitely take risks.

The reason is also very simple. Anita calculator is so bulky and costs US$1,250.

Such calculators can sell tens of thousands of units, so Huayue calculators should be able to sell more than 100,000 units, or even more.

And IBM can also go to Europe to develop markets.

With the Huayue calculator's small size and low price, it can definitely open up the market quickly.

Needless to say, Watson’s marketing ideas are still worth learning.

Of course, he was forced to have no choice, otherwise, how could he be so aggrieved?

Three hundred calculators soon appeared in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles, and there were even dozens in London.

But after these calculators were put on the shelves, they were all sold out in less than two days.

And on the third and fourth days, many people came to inquire.

The average price of these Huayue calculators purchased from China Resources Company at a high price is US$930.

The price for sale is one thousand and eighty one units.

The price is not very expensive, one hundred and twenty dollars cheaper than the Anita calculator.

Even so, there are only 300 calculators. Taking into account transportation and other costs, the average cost per unit is nine hundred and fifty US dollars.

Then IBM also earned a net profit of US$39,000.

"Patrick, you go to Hong Kong Island immediately. You must sign a priority supply contract for 200,000 units with China Resources. You must specify the specific delivery time."

At this moment, little Watson's eyes turned red instantly.

The net profit of each calculator can reach one hundred and thirty US dollars, which is even higher than the interest rate of selling computers.

Although the profit of calculators is relatively low, the problem is that the unit price is also low.

The unit price is low, which means that it has a wide audience!

Many people can afford it, and equipment like calculators are the first choice of many financial and business people.

In this way, you only need to purchase it from China Resources Company, and you can make your money back quickly.

Two hundred thousand calculators, even based on the net profit of US$130 per unit, the profit has reached US$26 million.

Last year, IBM's revenue was more than 2 billion US dollars, and its net profit was more than 200 million US dollars.

However, nowadays, if a Huayue calculator is operated well, its net profit can reach one-tenth of last year's total profit.

Don’t underestimate this one-tenth profit. No matter how small the mosquito’s legs are, they are still meat.

What's more, there may be more.

No, on the fifth day, several consumers in New York suddenly asked if they could place an order in advance? When the goods arrive, call them to pick them up?

The news soon reached Watson, who was overjoyed.

This might be a good idea!

That is to adopt the method of pre-sale to recover the funds in advance.

By then, even if Cray gets their goods back, these pre-sale consumers will also belong to IBM.


Thinking of this, little Watson couldn't help but beat his chest again: Why didn't he make up his mind earlier?

This is all free money.

Soon, news came back that Patrick had signed a contract. The specific delivery time was October 20th.

"Why so fast? Is China Resources' manufacturing level that good?"

Of course they don’t know the productivity of three shifts!

In Beijing, after discussing the matter of three shifts that day, Chen Guohua and Qiu Zongyue decided to go to Di'anmen Street to explain the situation to their leaders.

Both of them are confident and ready to let go and have a big fight.

It is true that now it is due to debt pressure, so nothing else is the most important point.

Because of this, Yao Ling Zero Factory soon began its first major change. The assembly line factory was officially launched.

It took Chen Guohua a full week to sort out everything here.

A calculator requires a lot of assembly lines from the initial components to parts processing, then assembly, and then into the final product quality inspection, and then packaging.

In addition to the changes of the demon zero factory, the upstream raw material suppliers also need to make adjustments.

But fortunately, most of them are brother units like 107 Factory, and they are relatively simple.

As for the unit of Jingcheng Plastic Factory, Chen Guohua thought about it and made a suggestion to the leader Qiu Zongyue.

That is, Zhenhua Research Institute himself has another plastic factory.


"Because I want to build another electronic product. This kind of electronic product requires a lot of plastic, and it is also a special plastic. I don't want this technology to spread."

Hearing Chen Guohua's words, Qiu Zongyue was immediately overjoyed, and the topic turned directly to this new electronic product.

The new product Chen Guohua wants to develop is a game console with tape storage technology as its core.

Compared with calculators, game consoles are the real profit-making products.

And today's game console market is completely a blank market.

In the original history of time and space, the world's first game console was born in 1972.

As a video game console, the Odyssey game console came out earlier than the computer game console.

The first arcade game appeared in 1971.

However, as the founder of Atari, Nolan Bushnell's early launch of the "Cyberspace" arcade game had a lot of innovative expenditures on technology, but there were some puzzling aspects in the game control. .

Therefore, the commercial operation of the game arcade "Computer Space" was not successful.

It wasn't until the next year, 1972, that Nolan Bushnell designed a "Ping Pong" arcade game and placed it in a bar, which turned out to be a great success.

Therefore, with the success of the "Ping Pong" game arcade, Bushnell established the famous game company of the original time and space-Atari Company.

However, in this time and space, Chen Guohua will naturally not let foreign countries take away the money from game consoles.

At this point in 1961, there was no commercially available game console in the world.

In the laboratory, someone has developed a game console, but there is no possibility of commercial operation: it is too expensive!

After Chen Guohua briefly talked about the products he would develop next, Qiu Zongyue was confused:

"Is this game console really that good?"

"It's not us who have the final say, it's the consumers who have the final say!"

Chen Guohua said:

"Moreover, to be honest, game consoles are very easy for people to become addicted to. This is even worse than opium."


Qiu Zongyue suddenly took a breath of cold air: "How is that possible?"

Before Chen Guohua could speak, he continued:

"According to your statement, doesn't it mean that game consoles are as harmful as opium?"

"Definitely not!"

When Chen Guohua heard this, he immediately laughed:

"I just use opium to make people addicted to examples. The game console is really easy to be addicted, but if it says that it is the same as opium, it is extremely harmful."

"According to your leader, televisions are similar, and they are also very harmful."

This time Qiu Zongyue was completely confused.

So Chen Guohua had no choice but to draw a big cake for the other party:

"Leader, please imagine a child whose family is wealthy, has no worries about food and clothing, and has a color TV at home."

"What is playing on the TV is a TV series that children love to watch. This TV series has more than a thousand episodes, and there are hundreds of similar TV series."

"Not to mention playing for a whole day, even if it is played continuously for 24 hours, it can be played for several months."

"So, leader, let's see, will that child stay in front of the TV all day and night?"

In later generations, in the 1980s and 1990s, this was the case in many rural areas.

Chen Guohua still remembers when he was a child, when he was in the third or fourth grade of elementary school.

I often go to my neighbor's house, the village next door, or the canteen in front of the elementary school, and their TV sets play nice movies.

Especially the movies of Stephen Chow and Jackie Chan, there will definitely be a room full of children, neither one or two will leave, their eyes will only be glued to the TV.

After all, at that time, entertainment methods were very scarce.

Games such as marbles, backgammon, stone games, throwing handkerchiefs, and playing house are all relatively common rural games.

However, the only thing that makes little kids like Chen Guohua addicted is television.

As for game consoles and arcade machines, these are not available in rural areas, and primary school students don’t have money to play games.

Therefore, television is the king of this era.

Whoever has a TV at home is definitely the most popular kid in the class.

After hearing this, Qiu Zongyue laughed and said:

"How is this possible?"

"Leader, your words sound familiar to me. Last year, when I told you that our transistors could be sold for a lot of money, you seemed to have said the same thing."

Being rebuked by Chen Guohua, Qiu Zongyue immediately said sarcastically:

"Really? I didn't say this, did I?"

"Haha, leader, I have a tape recorder here at my desk. How about you repeat what you just said? I'll record it and I'll play it back to you later?"

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Zongyue immediately acted rogue and said:

"Okay, okay, you better hurry up and talk about the game console. How do you want me to cooperate with you?"

When Chen Guohua heard this, he immediately put away his playful smile and said seriously to the other party:

"Leader, what you need to do here is relatively simple, that is, to set up another demon demon factory, which is also placed under the Zhenhua Research Institute"

"If the manufacturing industry needs to develop, there must be more electronic products."

"If our economy wants to develop, we can't just rely on selling transistors. We also need to develop other industries horizontally."

The debts have not been paid off yet, but Chen Guohua has already mentioned economic development.

Isn't it a little premature?

However, Chen Guohua himself felt that it was not too early.

We definitely cannot follow the old path of Moscow.

Qiu Zongyue left Zhenhua Research Institute and was going to get busy.

Chen Guohua was the same, and he had to convene staff and began to get busy.

Ninety mathematical modeling college students who came to Zhenhua Research Institute for internship from all over the country are still staying here in Xiangyi Hutong to learn more in-depth software programming technology.

This group of people will be the seed players of future software programming.

Zhenhua Research Institute will still have many programming projects that need to be completed in the future, and it absolutely cannot do without the help of these people.

Even so, Chen Guohua still felt that there were not enough manpower.

What about not enough?

Now I can only take my time, one bite will not make me fat.

In the lithography machine laboratory, Chen Guohua chatted with everyone about the second-generation laser light source technology.

From laser light sources larger than a few hundred nanometers to laser light sources below 500 nanometers, it is not easy to update and iterate the technology.

Even though Chen Guohua had informed them that the krypton fluoride laser could produce light with a wavelength of 248 nanometers, and could even make technical improvements to reduce the transistor feature size from the possible nanometers of the previous mercury lamp line system.

Even shrinking the transistor size by 80 nanometers.

What's more, the deep ultraviolet photocolio system uses fluoride standard molecular lasers, which can also produce a wavelength of 193 nanometers.

In this way, the photolithography machine can support the production of 38-nanometer transistors.

If there is another breakthrough in technology, seven-nanometer chips can even be produced.

Yes, deep ultraviolet lithography machine technology is so awesome.

But these take time to break through.

It is not to say that Chen Guohua told them how the technology is carried out, so they can do it.

Even Chen Guohua devoted himself to developing lithography machines, hoping to achieve the lithography machine technology of seven-nanometer chips.

It will take at least five years.

This is still an ideal state. If something happens during this period, it's hard to say.

Of course, Chen Guohua can also bypass deep ultraviolet lithography machine technology and directly develop extreme ultraviolet lithography machine technology.

In this case, seven-nanometer chips can certainly be produced faster.

However, this involves the technical issues of the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine. Chen Guohua had told Zhang Jichuan and others about this before.

Therefore, in comparison, it is a wiser choice to break through the deep ultraviolet lithography machine technology.

After spending half a morning with a group of researchers, Chen Guohua answered their technical questions and then went to the aerospace engine laboratory next door.

Whether it is a mini turbofan engine or an ordinary drone, these two technologies are very novel and avant-garde technologies.

For Shi Jiayi, Fan Zhilun, and Shen Zhiyang, they are all new technologies. If they want to make breakthroughs, they still need to answer their technical questions.

Even Professor Dai Xizhang was listening carefully.

Just like that, a whole morning was gone.

During lunch time, Chen Guohua was also busy, either Xue Jinquan, Jiang Quemin, Lin Zhiwu, or Yao Shiqiong.

In short, if you happen to meet them, they will have a lot of problems.

Except for newcomers such as Lin Jixiang, Tian Wenchang, Zhou Bingren, and Jin Shuliang, others were relatively relaxed when meeting Chen Guohua in the cafeteria and would take the initiative to ask questions.

In fact, Lin Kit Siang and his group of more than 140 people have been employed for more than half a year and are not considered newcomers.

However, the You Jianzhong incident some time ago still shocked them, so they were relatively timid and cautious.

In the afternoon, Chen Guohua heard their cheers in the optical instrument laboratory.

It turned out that the device of the optical modem has been developed and passed the technical test.

Nowadays, Zhenhua Research Institute has a lot of testing equipment.

Among the more than twenty laboratories, almost every laboratory will have several matching laboratories.

And in a specially prepared testing workshop, there is a complete set of testing equipment.

The reason for doing this is of course to be prepared.

Chen Guohua was worried that someone would use some testing equipment all at once, so he also built some testing equipment in major laboratories.

All these equipment are precious property of Zhenhua Research Institute.

These are all the money invested by the above. Most of the testing equipment was purchased from raw materials and parts, and then developed by Chen Guohua and many researchers.

Any new technology must have matching manufacturing equipment and testing equipment, and this point cannot be exceeded.

It is precisely because of this that people like Hua Juzuo, Wu Liyi, and Shi Xinpu were recruited back, and an equipment research and development laboratory was also established.

Just as they were cheering, Chen Guohua also heard the cheers outside.

"Hey, good things come in pairs today?"

After hearing the sound, Chen Guohua suddenly laughed.

As the saying goes, nothing more than accumulation.

It’s been a while since I’ve heard everyone’s cheers, now it’s September and it’s finally the harvest season.

After Chen Guohua walked out of the laboratory, he happened to see Qi Bei, Wu Zhongming and Pei Yimin walking towards him excitedly.

It seems that there is another breakthrough in carbon fiber technology.

When they were at the BAIC manufacturing plant, Wu Zhongming and the others had already produced No. 109 carbon fiber, No. 110 carbon fiber and No. 111 carbon fiber.

But you must know that after September 111, Chen Guohua left the Materials Research Institute, and it took Wu Zhongming and the others a long time to develop No. carbon fiber.

The bulletproof fiber mentioned by Chen Guohua before was only completed after Wu Zhongming and others returned to Zhenhua Research Institute.

From this point of view, we can see how much they have suffered in terms of technology research and development.

Now, after entering Zhenhua Research Institute, Chen Guohua doesn't have much time.

As a result, their research and development progress is relatively slow.

"Director, we have developed it."

Wu Zhongming and the others were very excited and detailed their new products.

This product is more superior than the previous No. 110 carbon fiber, with tensile strength and elastic modulus of 6370 and 297 respectively.

Although its elastic modulus is similar to that of No. 110 carbon fiber, its tensile strength is much higher than that of 110 No. 5490 carbon fiber.

Therefore, such a product has a wide range of applications in aerospace, satellites, missiles and other fields.

After hearing this, Chen Guohua was naturally very happy.

With such a product, it will be of great help to the following Dongfanghong satellite project, missile project, and nuclear submarine project.

After announcing to everyone about the extra lunch tomorrow, he was about to go back to the office and call Qiu Zongyue to come over, but he didn't expect the latter's car to come in from the gate.

Seeing the other party getting out of the car with a happy face, Chen Guohua immediately knew that there should be good news again.

Soon, the two of them sat in the office and took a sip of tea. Chen Guohua knew what was going on.

It turned out that IBM had signed an order contract with China Resources for 200,000 calculators.

This contract is very large, with the total order amount exceeding 1.7 billion, nearly 1.8 billion US dollars.

This is also the largest single order Huayue Calculator has received since it appeared on the market.

"Guohua, why do you think they are so rich? They are actually willing to spend so much money to purchase calculators? Even if their IBM company is the largest computer company in North America, this is too much."

Qiu Zongyue shared the joy of the leaders just now, and even told Chen Guohua that the latter might get the first-class merit medal again.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the product Huayue Calculator was fully promoted by Chen Guohua.

If Chen Guohua hadn't persisted, it would have been stranded or the opportunity to make money would have been delayed because of the Yao Ling Zero factory.

With this order from IBM, the foreign exchange earned by Zhenhua Research Institute would already be equivalent to half of the debt.

Definitely something to be very proud of.

A scientific research institute has directly generated US$7.7 billion in foreign exchange income, which is enough to be proud of.

Therefore, they are very happy and normal.

If Zhenhua Research Institute hadn't solved half of the debt problem, it would have been even harder to pay off the debt quickly.

According to the current speed, then work hard on the northwest side, and the debt can be completely repaid at the end of next year.

There is no way, the mining speed in the northwest cannot be accelerated.

The main reason is that there are too few machines, and most of the mining is done manually, which of course cannot be done quickly.

However, if Zhenhua Research Institute performs even better, maybe the debt of nearly 3.4 billion US dollars will be paid off by their research institute.

This is not impossible.

You know, IBM's annual revenue last year exceeded 2 billion US dollars.

Now, Zhenhua Research Institute has successively produced transistors, chips and Huayue calculators.

Coupled with the game console currently under development, and next year, when IBM cannot support it and cannot develop a lithography machine, it will be time for Zhenhua Research Institute to make money.

The market never waits for anyone.

Chen Guohua is too lazy to come up with more advanced chips now. That is because companies such as IBM and Fairchild Semiconductor have not completely given up on lithography technology.

Therefore, Chen Guohua could only wait.

At present, China Resources is still selling chips with 500 transistors, and the price has not changed. It is still the previous price of 80 million US dollars for 1,000 transistors.

At this price, many companies that don’t want to be taken advantage of can only endure it.

"Leader, isn't it normal for them to have money?"

Chen Guohua smiled slightly, and then said:

"I also have two pieces of good news to tell you. One is an optical modem and the other is carbon fiber."

(End of this chapter)

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