Chapter 118 Please, let us students go!

Chapter 118: Please, let us students go!

As time went by, in Gongyuan all over the Ming Dynasty, all the candidates who took the exam basically completed the previous questions.

They looked at the last question "Mrs. Jun's sexual desire" with complicated expressions, not knowing how to write.

Follow the rules taught in the school and get a question, especially a strategy question.

The most important thing is to solve the problem.

If you don't solve the topic well, then your subsequent writing may be full of flowers and brilliant strokes, but it will be in vain.

Because your ideas are all wrong, and the better you write, the farther you go on the wrong path.

Therefore, how to solve the questions has become the most troubling key for the candidates during every imperial examination.

But right now, what every candidate is gnashing their teeth at is that they can’t seem to find a way to solve the problem.

That's right!

It was exactly the same as the previous two times, I didn’t even know where to start.

It seems that you can write whatever you want, but all fools know that if you write randomly, you will most likely hit a dead end.

Some of them passed the first two levels due to luck, but most of them passed the level with real skills.

But even if they passed the exam, they felt like their brains were about to boil when they recalled the unexplainable feeling they had when they scratched their scalps during the previous two exams.

But now, disaster has struck again!

This question, what on earth should I do? ! !

Madam Jun, do you have sexual desire? ? ?

This question, at first glance, seems completely inappropriate.

But anyone with a little bit of brains would know that if Si and the others really dared to answer questions in an inappropriate direction.

Haha, it just depends on whether the examiner will deal with them then.

But the most important thing now is, is there a serious idea for this question?

All the candidates were holding their hair and thinking, wishing they could pluck all their hair out.

Unfortunately, there is no idea.

I have to say, we really cannot underestimate these candidates.

Some people among them are actually no worse in knowledge than those seniors who succeeded in the imperial examination.

After they calmed down, they suddenly realized that this matter didn't seem completely impossible.

The reason is that this question seems very informal and seems impossible to solve.

It's all because this is a cross-cutting question!

At the thought of this possibility, a smart and clever student breathed a sigh of relief.

With this idea, at least we have found the direction, and all that is left is to work.

According to the ideas in their minds, since it is a cut-and-match question, the first thing to do is to analyze what content it contains.

However, after a simple arrangement and combination, everyone clearly discovered it.

Mrs. Jun and sexual desire are two different words.

At the same time, only this answer is the most reasonable.

If these two sentences are not in one sentence at all, but are combined together, then it would be too normal.

Immediately afterwards, it was time to ponder the origin of the two sentences.

After finding the source, the idea of ​​​​solving the problem will be formed.

After all, all that’s left is to see how to connect the origins of the two sentences.

At that time, the real topic will appear, and you can seriously think about how to write this policy paper.

As time went by, candidates in Gongyuan across the Ming Dynasty were divided into two completely different groups. Those who have solid knowledge and lively brains can just immerse themselves in writing and have fun at the moment.

As for those students who haven't found their ideas yet, they really can't hold back a single word.

As a result, many candidates were divided into two groups. Those who knew how to write were still writing, and those who couldn't really didn't know how to write.

As time goes by, some candidates simply break the jar and throw it away.

I couldn't think of anything, so I simply wrote a story about what the wife and the male had to tell according to the original title.

They thought, since they were all going to die anyway, it was no wonder they wrote something inappropriate.

This is all the fault of the examiner!

At this time, Xie Jin barely had an idea. He took a pen and wrote slowly and thoughtfully on the draft paper. At least he made some progress.

But Fang Xiaoru was completely stunned, he really didn't know how.

At this moment, he really didn't have any ideas in his mind.

As time went by, the differences between the two groups in Gongyuan became more and more obvious.

When the bang rang, a group of students left the examination room dejectedly, and the eyes of the boys waiting outside the Gongyuan shrank sharply.

Oh my god, they have experienced this scene three times this year.

The last time I saw him was the last time.

According to their familiar rhythm, it was time for someone to curse.

Sure enough, as soon as these boys who were familiar with the "rhythm" began to complain, the candidates over there broke out.

"Does Mr. Hu think it's fun to play tricks on students like me?"

"Isn't it just fun! How can I be taken seriously by that Hu Xiang? His old man can't see the little shrimps like me."

"Yes! During the previous provincial and government examinations, no one made trouble? No one scolded? But what can we do? Now, a strange question comes up!"

"Humph, in my opinion, this is not playing with us and other students, but is playing with our Ming Dynasty's talent promotion ceremony!"

"No, it's not that serious. It's just that the title isn't that serious, and you usually write a lot of lewd words and songs!"

"Bah! They were all written for fun in brothels and wine shops. How could anyone come up with something like this in the examination room!"

"I'm completely hopeless this time. I haven't written a word at all. I don't have the courage to write obscene lyrics and songs, so I just left it blank."

"Then you are more stable than me. I just started writing randomly. It was so refreshing at the time, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid I'm going to suffer!"

"Suffered? So what if I suffered? Is it possible that there are people who don't suffer from this question? This is making fun of the scientific examination!"

"I can't stand this anger anymore! Mr. Hu must give me an explanation, otherwise I will file a lawsuit even if I risk my fame and career!"

"Okay! Count me as the next one! Although I am just a white man, I would rather live in white for the rest of my life than suffer this injustice!"

"Let's go together! Let's go together! It just so happens that I'm still holding back my anger from the previous two levels. Let's let it out this time, just in time!"


Seeing the excitement of this group of people, a smart person finally stood up.

This dear fellow is not trying to show off.

He simply didn't want to see a few close friends suffer a big loss due to confusion.

After all, in this matter, Mr. Hu might not be messing around!

"Brothers, if you don't do well in the exam and you complain a few words, I have no objection."

"But if you want to scold Mr. Hu and go to Mr. Hu to ask for an explanation, then I would like to advise you that it is not necessary."

"Although this question is a bit tricky, it is a real question about classic meaning."

"It's just that you didn't expect to squat in the cell during the scientific examination!"

(End of this chapter)

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