Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 121 The results of the college examination are released

Chapter 121 The results of the college examination are released

Chapter 121 The results of the college examination are released

Hu Weiyong finally reluctantly accepted the result.

He finally understood.

This bunch of candidates are having a hard time taking the exam.

The previous two back and forths made this bunch of idiots, who only thought about success in the imperial examination and becoming famous, completely obsessed with it.

After two trips, people have become accustomed to this level of difficulty.

In other words, this thing can’t be used to offend anyone.

Mom, this is a bit troublesome.

It seems that next time, we will have to come up with some more bizarre questions.

If we don't give them a hard time, how can this scholar's reputation be ruined?

If our reputation is not ruined, what should we do if Lao Zhu is still afraid of us?

Zhu Yuanzhang is not easy to talk to.

A lot of things these days are not about evidence.

When the emperor makes a suspicion, he can find a crime to confiscate his family and exterminate his family.

And since I want to live a peaceful life, I must eliminate all hidden dangers that can cause others.

Only in this way can we live comfortably.

Well, just do it!

Having made up his mind, Hu Weiyong finally went to work in the Etiquette Department honestly these days.

There is no way, he is the examiner after all.

When he was not watching, he could catch fish, but now when it was time to mark the papers, he couldn't run away either.

The first series of things here need to be presided over and overseen by him.

Without his nod, the list would be a piece of waste paper.

Moreover, although the reputation of being a scholar is said to be worthless.

But in fact, these days, even in Yingtian City, in the eyes of ordinary people, that scholar is at least a good person.

This is true in Yingtian Mansion, let alone other places.

In some small places, there are no scholars in one village, but there are scholars in another village.

The village without scholars couldn't speak loudly when they saw the villagers from the other village.

Not to mention, anyone who is admitted as a scholar will have more confidence when facing officials.

After all, this means that this group of people is one step closer to becoming an official.

Therefore, there is no room for ambiguity in the talent promotion ceremony and the matter of recruiting talents for the country.

When the question was asked before, Hu Weiyong could do whatever he wanted.

As long as it complies with the rules, it will be whatever question he says.

Other officials of the Ministry of Rites can just let it be.

But it's different when it comes to grading. There's joint and several liability here, and it's a big deal when it's involved.

Therefore, it was rare for Hu Weiyong to stay in the Ministry of Rites honestly.

The most important point is that Hu Weiyong must nod for the final list.

The case may seem simple, but in fact the responsibility behind it is not small at all.

However, Hu Weiyong didn't care too much.

Because he only needs to be responsible for the local boy test in Yingtian Mansion.

The rest of the Ming Dynasty was under the responsibility of local county magistrates.

As for why Yingtian Mansion, despite having its own palace, wanted to leave the matter of the boy's examination to Hu Weiyong's hands?

Haha, this is what the old saying goes.

He did evil in his previous life and attached himself to the provincial capital of Guo.

He did evil in the tenth life and attached himself to Guo Jingcheng.

This Yingtian Mansion is an important place in the capital and the most prosperous place in the Ming Dynasty. The six ministries, three divisions and the entire Ming Dynasty court are located here.

Then...how could the Ministry of Rites let go of the right to select talents for the country? If you can't take advantage of the benefits that are right under your nose, it will be in vain that the Minister of Rites, who is two ranks higher than the prefect of Yingtian, will be blinded.

Hu Weiyong is naturally clear about the calculation behind this.

But he doesn't care either.

Since this matter has been handled by the Ministry of Rites in recent years, he naturally followed Xiao's rules.

As for the complaints from Magistrate Yingtian, they cannot be complained against by his current examiner.

After all, all fools know that only the court and the Ministry of Rites can make the final decision on this matter.

Of course, Hu Weiyong didn't think of leaving this matter to Yingtian Mansion just to avoid work and be lazy.

In this case, although Magistrate Yingtian would be full of thanks, he would turn around and call Hu Weiyong a fool.

Not to mention offending everyone in the Ministry of Rites.

After all, this is damaging the interests of the Ministry of Rites.

Although Mr. Hu is not afraid of offending people, he is even eager to offend a few.

But we also need to divide things up!

Offending his students and ruining his reputation as a scholar was just for Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes.

But if he offends too many colleagues, then damn it, Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't even think about killing him, it is estimated that a bunch of colleagues who have offended him will kill him.

This is really no joke!

Who can resist thinking about it so much?

It is precisely because Hu Weiyong understands these things that he works so "honestly".

Seeing that Yingtian Mansion’s rankings and results were all done.

Hu Weiyong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, now that I'm done with this, the next provincial examination will be next year.

Then we can really do something about it.

It's almost the end of the year.

It's finally time to take a break.

As soon as the results of Yingtianfu's college examination came out, the day of results release became lively.

Good guy, it can be said that a candidate is having a hard time these days.

Especially this time the test is on "The Analects of Confucius"!

When a student later finds out that he has not even been able to solve a single question in "The Analects", he is called a hard worker.

The worst offenders were those who encountered Master Yan.

Mom, if you encounter someone with a bad temper, you'll just beat him up.

What if I don't beat him?

My own apprentice couldn't even recite the Analects of Confucius in Gongyuan. No matter where he talked about it, he couldn't explain it.

Now the two masters got together and kept talking about how their son was doing in the academy examination.

To put it bluntly, by chance, Hu Weiyong's question became a sign for masters to verify their teaching level and the quality of their students.

No matter how you brag about your own skills on weekdays, if your students can't even memorize "The Analects of Confucius", then you are nothing but a waste.

The old saying goes, "Those who talk about cross talk expect to die together." But in fact, which profession or profession does not expect to die together?

Therefore, during this period, especially those masters who looked down on each other, the fights were fierce.

And after being angry outside, he naturally continued to deal with his own students when he went back.

However, no matter how much you brag, you still have to use your results as proof.

You say that your student is knowledgeable and writes beautifully, but I say that my apprentice is even better.

The bickering back and forth between you and me is not enough, and a fight would be a disgrace to our politeness.

In the end, you still have to publish the results of the imperial examination to see the real results.

On this day, there were a total of eight counties in Yingtian Prefecture, and eight counties released the results at the same time.

When the results were released this time, it wasn't just the candidates who were watching.

Master Yiying simply blocked the gate of the county government office with his students, waiting for the final result.

Many candidates were waiting to see if they were on the list. They looked at each other and sighed in unison.

It’s not easy for their class of candidates this year.

(End of this chapter)

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