Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 124 Hu Renbin cried: I can finally enjoy the treatment of the second generation official

Chapter 124 Hu Renbin cried: I can finally enjoy the treatment of a second-generation official

Chapter 124 Hu Renbin cried: I can finally enjoy the treatment of a second-generation official

The rewards proposed from the system are naturally extraordinary.

Therefore, even with only 20 kilograms of high-quality seeds, Mr. Hu is confident that he can grow sweet potatoes from generation to generation in Ming Dynasty.

However, Hu Renbin also has a criminal record. If he didn't give him some warning, Mr. Hu would be really worried.

It doesn't matter what the credit is, but if you accidentally destroy this batch of grain seeds, who knows when the system will give you another batch.

Therefore, a few more words of caution are absolutely correct.

Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong walked to the study first and cashed out the reward, a large pile of sweet potatoes, before asking Hu Yi to call the traitor.

Not long after, Hu Renbin walked into the study tremblingly.

"I've met my father!"


Seeing Hu Renbin's cowardly appearance but not daring to run, Hu Weiyong's anger suddenly rose again.

But today I have something serious to do, and this is not the time to vent my anger.

This is very annoying!

Fortunately, Mr. Hu has a peaceful mind and has enough Qi cultivation skills.

After silently writing down the traitor in his notebook, Mr. Hu took a deep breath and said.

"Renbin, you said before that your ambition was to go to the local area to run a business. What about now?"

Hu Renbin was already panicked when his father called him so early this morning, but now that he heard this question, he was even more paralyzed on the spot.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally murmured his answer.

"Back to my father, I still want to go there and do something for the people, and my life will not be wasted!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Renbin slowly squatted down and then skillfully hugged his head.

Seeing this traitor perform the stunt known as "crouching with head in hand", the evil fire that Mr. Hu had just suppressed suddenly came out again.

he asked through gritted teeth.

"What are you doing?!"

"Did I hit you, or did I slap you?"

"Or are you feeling itchy and you want me to loosen it up for you?"

Hu Renbin was not hit by the violent beating he expected, but he was stunned when he heard these words.

Then he suddenly stood up.

"Dad, I'm fine!"

Hu Weiyong let out a long sigh and touched his chest again to calm himself down.

After a long time, he pointed to the sweet potato on the side and said.

"Since you have made up your mind to be a people-friendly official, don't say I won't give you a chance!"

"This thing is called sweet potato, and it is a unique grain species in foreign countries."

"This plant is both a vegetable and a grain, and its yield is extremely high. If grown properly, it can easily cost 30 shi per acre!"

"I will teach you how to grow this thing later."

"At that time, when spring comes next year, you will plant this thing, and after you figure it out, you can dedicate it to His Majesty yourself. Do you understand?"

When Hu Renbin heard this, he couldn't close his mouth at all.


He understands so well!

How could you not understand!

Even after hearing the news, Hu Renbin looked at the pile of sweet potatoes more eagerly than he saw a pile of gold.

Grandma, after listening and watching for so long, it’s finally our turn.

On weekdays, those fair-weather friends often talk about how their parents are in trouble.

But as for him, Meng Yin didn't enjoy it at all, but he was beaten, scolded, and punished.

Even though he is a bit of a jerk, it's not like that.

Sometimes he wondered if he was his father's biological child.

Otherwise it shouldn't be so bad.

Really, if Hu Renbin hadn't been a bit heartless, he might have been unable to bear it long ago.

And now... Hu Renbin, he finally stood up. It turns out that this is the preferential treatment that the second generation of officials should enjoy!


You don’t have to do anything, just lie down at home, and all the great work will be done on your head!

The key is that such merit does not arouse the jealousy of others, does not take away people's jobs, and even the common people have to applaud loudly.

It can be said that this is the most suitable credit for people like him.

Being in the Hu Mansion, Hu Renbin is naturally not a novice in officialdom.

At least he understands some of the rough rules.

Just like the credit in front of me.

Even then everyone knew that this was what his father gave him.

But what?

Hu Renbin has such a good father!

Is he proud?

Is he proud?

However, Hu Renbin was the one who had been beaten recently and almost became a conditioned reflex. He keenly felt that something was wrong.

When he looked up, he realized that his father was looking at him with a look that looked like shit.

Got it!

Hu Renbin knew that his father had seen his proud look just now.


You have to find a way to make up for it quickly!

It is not easy to enjoy the treatment of having the achievements of the second generation of Ming Dynasty's top officials directly put into your mouth, but you can't let it go in vain.


Hu Renbin knelt directly on the ground and swore.

"Father, don't worry, the child will definitely remember his father's instructions and grow and take care of this fairy food!"

"I will never let my father's hard work go to waste!"

Seeing that Hu Renbin was so knowledgeable, Mr. Hu was somewhat relieved.

"Okay, get up!"

“It’s almost the Chinese New Year, so naturally it’s not the time to farm.”

"Next spring, you can make more detailed arrangements for this matter!"


Hu Renbin happily agreed.

Then seeing that Mr. Hu had nothing else to say, he hurriedly ran out with a lot of sweet potatoes in his arms.

Seeing Hu Renbin running away in excitement, Hu Weiyong felt a little emotional.

This treacherous son is silent and seems to be an adult.

For a child of this age, it doesn't hurt to be locked up in the house for a period of time and disciplined.

But it has to be released eventually.

Moreover, Hu Weiyong couldn't help but curl his lips when he thought about the ambitions that Hu Renbin had vowed to say before.

In fact, apart from being the prime minister, he actually quite approved of everything else.

In his opinion, in this era and in the Ming Dynasty, officials must still be employed.

Without an official, the family will only be bullied from now on.

All favors and face are fake.

We are no longer of the same status and class, so why should people always remember your family's favor?

Only when Hu Renbin has an official status can the Hu family be passed on safely.

Hu Weiyong doesn't care whether it can be passed down for hundreds or thousands of years.

For him, living a good life and taking care of the people in front of him is enough!

Anyway, his arrangement for Hu Renbin was that he still had to be an official, but he just had to avoid the capital and certain pitfalls.

Thinking of this, Mr. Hu sighed quietly.

It seems that I can only plan this matter for the traitor myself.

However, there is no rush right now.

My troubles with the hospital exam have just come to an end, and the vacation has just begun, so there is no reason to start working again.

But when he thought about the college examination, Mr. Hu suddenly remembered something.

It seems...that we have an appointment with Xie Jin and Fang Xiaoru today?

Thinking of this, Mr. Hu immediately arranged for Hu Yi to prepare for the trip!

(End of this chapter)

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