Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 128 Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin are eager to try

Chapter 128 Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin are eager to try

Chapter 128: Fang Xiaoru and Xie Jin are eager to try

Mingyue's appearance and figure are undoubtedly all right.

If there really was a problem with the hardware, the boss of Zui Feng Tower, a shrewd woman, would not bet heavily on recruiting people.

It can be said that if it is convex and curvy, it is called hot.

In terms of body shape, only Rushi and Nana can compare with Hu Weiyong at the moment.

As for her appearance, this Mingyue girl is certainly not bad.

With bright eyes and white teeth, and a face like a silver moon, it can be said that every smile and every frown is charming.

But Hu Weiyong just didn't like it.

Because this new courtesan has too strong a taste of prostitution.

The scent that was clearly produced by training was too strong.

Look at the clothes that have slipped slightly inadvertently, revealing the fragrant shoulders.

The long legs moved slightly while walking, and the white and greasy skin was inadvertently exposed.

When he spoke, he resisted but was met with big watery eyes that looked like they had hooks on them.

To put it bluntly, these charming tricks are all trained in brothels.

Judging from Hu Weiyong's previous life experience, this is just an Internet celebrity with a good foundation and assembly line training.

The beauty is beautiful, but the atmosphere is too strong.

Now Hu Weiyong really felt that his previous promise to the madam was not a loss at all.

Compared to the internet celebrity who danced and danced on stage, causing people to applaud and make their blood boil, he might as well continue teasing Wan Ru in his arms.

At least, this little girl is really fun to tease.

The clumsy way she was restrained by shyness but still wanted to serve him well was so fresh.

Isn't this more interesting than that thing on stage?

But just because Hu Weiyong doesn't like it doesn't mean others don't like it.

No, the two old perverts Xie Jin and Fang Xiaoru on the side were almost drooling.

No, they are already drooling.

For them, since they have come to a place like this, they naturally have to find someone "encouraging"!

And people like Mingyue are obviously the most "energetic" in their eyes.

To put it bluntly, they like it if it is cool enough and good at playing.

Seeing the two people's salivating and starry-eyed looks, Hu Weiyong shook his head with regret.

Two silly dogs!

If you can't even tell the difference between coquettishness, coquettishness, and romance, you deserve to be deceived!

Hu Weiyong knew very well that this girl on stage was not that easy to get along with.

Girls like these who have been carefully trained by brothels would have been "key account managers" and "VIP sales directors" in their previous lives.

How to make people willingly spend a lot of money is not easy for them.

In this era, haha, it would be even simpler.

The reason why the brothel is called the Gold-cutting Cave is because this place is also a bottomless pit.

If you want to eat, drink, and just find a few girls to accompany you and have fun, it actually doesn't cost much.

It's just ordinary consumption.

As for the real big purchases, it has to be done by a master like Mingyue.

That would naturally mean making money every day.

The most terrible thing is that even if the girl stops with satisfaction in the end, or she is taken into the house by some "talented man" after thinking about it.

Then what happens next won't be simple either.

This kind of girl is so full of profligacy, haha, can small bodies like Xie Jin and Fang Xiaoru handle it?    Two thin dogs!

However, Hu Weiyong did not intend to persuade him to say anything.

It's nothing more than a little trouble, a loss of money and a waste of energy.

Maybe these two are still happy with it.

I'd better continue teasing the little girl Wan Ru in my arms.

Haha, this is much more fun than watching two thin dogs turn blue there.

And while the audience was cheering for Mingyue's dance, the Madam of Zui Feng Tower stood on the stage dazzlingly.

"Masters and young masters, I know that you are here today for my daughter Mingyue."

"But, I only have one daughter."

"Even if I want to satisfy everyone, I can't do it."

"Therefore, I have prepared this poetry gathering just like last time!"

"I believe you all already know the excitement of the last Zuifenglou Poetry Party."

"But I still have to repeat my story here, so as not to make it unclear to the masters and young masters who are coming back for the first time."



"The above are the rules for the poetry competition."

"However, since today's poetry meeting is held for my daughter Mingyue, I also want to add a rule."

"That is, the poems written today must be related to the bright moon, regardless of the subject matter!"

"The judges are still the same three as last time. Everyone has long praised their fairness, so I won't say more."

After what the madam said, the atmosphere in the place became completely lively.

Guaiguai, the song "If Life Is Only Like the First Meeting" from the last poetry meeting completely shocked the entire literary world as soon as it was released.

This time, many people actually didn’t come for the beautiful women at all.

Beauty is nothing!

As long as poetry becomes famous, will beauties still be afraid?

They just come here for the fame!

However, the madam played a little trick this time.

In addition to Mingyue, she actually took out eight other beauties who were slightly inferior to Mingyue, the courtesan, as "prizes"!

This undoubtedly excites many guys who are interested in trying it out but are not sure about taking the top spot.

Now there are rewards for the top nine. Although the first place is not good, is it possible that I can't even get into the top nine?

how can that be!

Immediately, many people enthusiastically planned to take out some of their own poems.

Those poems that had been prepared long ago were originally intended to be presented on certain important occasions.

Don't say anything about means or tricks or scheming.

In addition to some people who are extremely talented like Jie Jin, there are also people who are cheating like Hu Weiyong.

In fact, among ordinary contestants, which one can compose a good poem without repeated deliberation and deliberation?

Therefore, it’s not that they don’t have good works, they just don’t want to show them out easily.

In other words, there are always good works, it just depends on whether the benefits in exchange are big enough.

No, as the Madam changed the rules and as the Zuifenglou Poetry Club became more and more famous, many people were really ready to dig out the magic weapon.

Not long after it started, someone was writing like a god, finishing his work in a few strokes.

The boy who had been waiting there for a long time immediately and carefully held the work and walked quickly to the three judges.

Then, after the judges have finished their comments, the good or good works will be read out loud by the boy who has been prepared and drank several times the throat tea.

Listening to the chanting coming from the stage, Hu Weiyong raised his eyebrows.

Wow, not bad!

(End of this chapter)

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