Ming Dynasty: At the beginning of the game, Lao Zhu resigned and retired.

Chapter 132 Mr. Hu who goes to Zui Feng Tower to hunt for treasure

Chapter 132 Mr. Hu who goes to Zui Feng Tower to hunt for treasure

Chapter 132 Mr. Hu goes to Zui Feng Tower to hunt for treasure

At the dining table downstairs, Hu Weiyong, the veteran driver of Huanchang, was not idle at all.

It can be said that this little girl who brought him a lot of freshness was taken by him and he took the opportunity to touch her up and down.

If conditions hadn't allowed it at the time, I would have had to touch it inside and out.

After all...he is an experienced driver.

Why watch if you can get started?

Do you really think I'm here to drink?

But even though I've touched her before, now that I'm holding her in my arms without any hindrance or obstruction, the feeling is different again.

‘Is the traditional training project of Zui Feng Tower involving feeding milk? ! ’

I really don’t know the basis of this unless I witness it with my own eyes.

This whiteness, this tallness, this small waist, this snowy skin, these fragrant shoulders...

It can be said that even though Wan Ruang was an extremely shy young fruit when she came into contact with him.

But being shy is a matter of temperament, and being young is a character. It does not mean that a person's figure is also young and shy.

Especially now that they are being honest with each other, Hu Weiyong simply shouldn't be too satisfied.

The most interesting thing is that Xiao Nizi's youthfulness combined with this body that makes people's blood flow is simply perfect.

A kiss, a cry;

Touch it and make a moan;

Pinch, gasp...

The key is that Xiao Nizi couldn't let go, her eyes were closed tightly, and all that was left was the moans in her mouth and Qiong's nose.

That natural look of wanting to resist but still being shy, for an experienced driver like Hu Weiyong, is like having a feast in front of you.

Use this to test cadres?

Who can resist this bitch!

Immediately, he picked up his gun, mounted his horse, and fought hard.

It was at this time that Hu Weiyong discovered that Xiao Nizi was really a treasure.

It turns out that the previous refusal was just a surprise.

The biggest treasure is not this.

Xiao Nizi didn't know whether it was a psychological or physical reason.

I actually burst into tears when I get to that emotional moment.

The first time I cried, I was so surprised that I didn't scare Hu Weiyong.

But this girl was crying and tightly holding Hu Weiyong's neck.

That was really a strenuous effort to restrain him.

It was just this performance that made Hu Weiyong figure it out.

Oh, it turns out this is such a habit!


It has to be said that some people have a bit of destructive desire.

Especially a young, delicate little girl like this, with her timid, white and tender appearance, she is easy to bully at first glance.

Normally, it would make people want to hold it in their mouths or hold it in their hands.

But when we get to the bed and meet each other honestly, we can't help but feel the desire for destruction.

Especially this cry...

It makes people feel like they are doing something bad.

The key is, when the cry actually means that the other person is very comfortable, it becomes even more interesting.

For a moment, even Hu Weiyong, no matter how old a driver he was and a regular customer, couldn't help it anymore.

While smiling arrogantly like a villain, he wished he had to rub people into his body.

For a long time, the "boudoir" filled with strange smells and various noises finally stopped.

Hu Weiyong, who was particularly happy, looked at the tears on his face and didn't even wipe them away, and felt so beautiful in his heart.



I didn’t expect that this little girl has such a talent. If she continues to develop it after she goes back...

Wow, what a treasure!

For a moment, all kinds of educational films he had watched in his previous life appeared in Hu Weiyong's mind.

Especially when I was in college, I watched several anime. There seem to be quite a few movies with this type of cute girls.

While crying, he screamed and jumped on people.

Hahaha, so cute!

Moreover, Hu Weiyong raised the corner of his mouth as he looked like he could face the rain and dew calmly for the first time, without any discomfort.

Got it!

It seems that this girl has another advantage!

I'm afraid it's really the inheritance training of Zui Feng Tower.

Otherwise, how could a girl appear to be as "durable" as poetry?

You know, the beauties in his house are well fed.

But their physical fitness is just not as strong as Shi.

In other words, combat effectiveness on the bed is not only related to physical fitness?

At least for now, Wan seems to be the closest to Rushi in terms of combat effectiveness he has seen.

Well, this is good!

Thinking of this, he grabbed Wanru, held her in his arms, and asked softly.

"Wan Ru, how about you redeem yourself and come with me?"

Wan Rui, who was still gasping for breath in the aftertaste, now heard these words and his whole breath was froze.

Fortunately, Hu Weiyong didn't rush her. Instead, he slowly and gently massaged her jade back.

This feeling, like gently gliding on a piece of the finest and warmest silk, is really intoxicating.

And Wanru asked softly after pondering for a moment.

"Master, can I ask you something?"

Hu Weiyong raised his brows and said, "Tell me! I don't think you can go with me willingly without asking me clearly!"

He smiled shyly, and then asked softly like a kitten.

"Sir, is Sister Rushi at your place?"

"This little girl is quite well informed! Yes, Rushi is indeed my pillow!"

Upon hearing this answer, Wan Ru nodded hurriedly.

"The slave family is willing to go with you!"

Hu Weiyong wasn't surprised when he heard this answer, but there was something he couldn't understand.

"Why did you agree as soon as you heard the news about Rushi?"

"You have such a good relationship with her?"

Wan Ru narrowed her eyes and smiled, hugged Hu Weiyong, and whispered in his ear.

"Sir, my family came from a place like this and I didn't want to climb high."

"But who hasn't thought about going to a good family and living a better life?"

"After Sister Rushi left with you, she lost contact with Zuifenglou."

"But we, the little sisters who have a good relationship with her, actually still keep in touch occasionally."

"Sister Ru Shi has told us a long time ago that she is living a very comfortable life with a good master and a good man."

"Now that the slave family has the same opportunity as Sister Rushi, how can they let it go?"

After listening to Wanru's explanation, Hu Weiyong suddenly realized.

"I said so!"

"I didn't expect that Rushi would still be in contact with you!"

"That's not surprising."

Wanru seemed a little worried and hurriedly explained: "Master, please don't blame Sister Rushi, okay?"

"Sister Rushi knows the rules very well. She didn't tell us anything about the house. She just said that she is living a good life now!"

Hu Weiyong looked at Wan Ru's anxious look, pinched the other person's face and said.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this!"

"You, just wait and go to my place!"

Such a top-notch product should indeed be kept in a golden house and kept in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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