Chapter 134 Mr. Hu adds another wife

Chapter 134: Mr. Hu adds another wife

Regarding Runniang's request, Hu Weiyong was somewhat noncommittal.

Tsk tsk, this matter is easy to talk about but hard to deal with.

Let alone Run Niang, why didn't he himself feel that these two times were a bit "awesome"?

It is precisely because of its power that he is reluctant to part with it!

If this cuts off the road to Zui Feng Tower, what will we do next?

Although this Yingtian Mansion is not just a brothel, Zuifeng Tower.

But Mr. Hu was also muttering a little now.

This Zui Feng Tower is probably the Feng Shui that is most suitable for our old Hu family.

Otherwise, why would I get good results every time I come here?

Look at this, it's both poetic and realistic.

Thinking of Ru Shi's previous style and how unique it was just like last night, Hu Weiyong immediately became excited.

No, if such a good place is cut off like this, wouldn’t it mean that we would suffer a huge loss?

Immediately, he spoke righteously.

"Run Niang, don't say such beautiful words to me."

"You open the door for business, and I will follow your rules."

"I neither bought nor sold by force, nor used my power to oppress others. Am I not giving you enough face?"

"Yesterday you said you wouldn't let me participate, but I followed your wishes!"

"What? I came up with the best words twice to help your Zui Feng Lou poetry club become famous, but in the end I lost all the qualifications to do things according to the rules?"

"Let me tell you, if you want to play like this, then I will fight you for real!"

Hu Weiyong's mood really got better as he spoke, and he stood up with squinted eyes and looked straight at Runniang.

It looks like if you nod, I will immediately call someone to do something.

Runniang was not feeling well at the moment.


I was just begging for help.

What's going on, these few words have already made you fall out?

No, you really turned your back on me.

Runniang is really feeling numb at the moment.

She knew very well how deep the water in Yingtian Mansion was.

It's really not unusual for someone to offend a few relatives of the emperor when he's not careful.

She still hasn't figured out the origin of Mr. Wei.

But looking at the other party like this, he is really not afraid of falling out on the spot!

Forget it, if you can't afford to offend, you can't afford to hide.

At least this gentleman really follows the rules. As long as there is discussion and consideration, it is not impossible to do what he did last night.

Alas...forget it!

They are all big guys, you can’t afford to offend them, you can’t afford to offend them!

Runniang honestly didn't dare to say a word, gave Wanru's body contract, and then left in dejection.

Looking at that look, although he was a little embarrassed, he was a little more confident.

After pulling his little baggage away and saying goodbye to his sisters, Hu Weiyong stood at the door of Zui Feng Building and said goodbye to his two little brothers.

The three of them were somewhat speechless at this time.

After all, Fang Xiaoru has failed the exam now.

It is clear that this imperial examination cannot continue.

After that, there will naturally be no such thing as going to Qixia Temple to discuss knowledge and study exam questions.

That's not to say that without the exam, Fang Xiaoru would no longer be qualified.

After all, although Fang Xiaoru failed this time, his knowledge is still there, so how could he not be qualified?

But in fact, all three of them understood that the so-called discussion of knowledge and study of examination questions was just an excuse to gather and make friends.

However, even if it is just an excuse, it is an honest excuse.

But if you don’t have this excuse, what can you do even if you have the ability?

The three of them apparently got together because they were candidates for the same subject.

Without this reason, no matter how close they are to each other, it would be hard to let them go together.

Hu Weiyong also felt a little emotional when he saw that the two young men were a little dull and embarrassed, and were leaving with a bit of reluctance. Damn it, I’m afraid it will be difficult to organize a party with old people in the future.

However, if the old doesn't go away, the new won't come in. Anyway, this path will always be there, and you can still come out and play again if you change your identity in the future.

Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong became as clear-minded as if he had eaten a popsicle in the dog days of summer.

After helping Wan Ru get into the carriage, he strolled over to Ru Shi's place.

Hu Weiyong is also a thief.

Didn't I have a good life here in Rushi before?

Now that he has tasted the benefits and taste of having an outer room, he will naturally not be idle.

No, I bought the place next door to the small courtyard where Rushi is now locked up in advance.

What I was thinking at that time was to keep this yard here for now.

If you can steal flowers and jade, it will come in handy.

If not, buying a yard is like adding a piece of property to your family.

I never thought that it would come in handy immediately after just a short time.

Tsk, I admire you all!

However, since Wan Ru and Ru Shi had known each other before, it was still a good relationship without telling her.

Of course you have to say hello first!

Therefore, Hu Weiyong took Wanru directly to the door without thinking.

God knows how Ru Shi's absolutely original little face could change its appearance several times in such a short period of time.

Joy, surprise, jealousy, calmness, fake smile...

Good guy, Hu Weiyong was amazed by how quickly his mood changed.

However, when he saw the two women holding hands and looking at him with smiles on their faces, Hu Weiyong immediately understood.

Damn, these two little bitches are smart people. They know that if they want to fight, they will fight behind our backs, and they won't do it in front of us.

That’s okay!

How do you like it!

As long as you don't cause trouble in front of us, the rest is up to you.

However, it seems that this girl has suddenly grown a brain.

No, after just looking at Rushi's small courtyard for a moment, he hugged Hu Weiyong's arm and started to look at his own courtyard coquettishly.

As for Rushi, how could she let go of such a good opportunity to overpower her "own sister" and establish her own authority?

He immediately hugged the other hand, determined to keep Hu Weiyong to eat and spend the night at his place.

No wonder Rushi was so nervous.

Seeing that this little girl was enjoying similar treatment to herself, her sense of crisis increased greatly.

After all, the master didn't spend much time with her in the first place, and now there is another woman. How to allocate this?

As an outsider, any talk of being thrifty and diligent in managing the household is nonsense.

The outer room is just for entertaining people with sex.

But now even this job is being taken away by others.


Seeing the two girls competing for each other, Hu Weiyong first frowned, and then his eyes lit up.

That night, after having dinner with her in Wanru's small courtyard and confirming the identity of her mistress in front of all the servants, Mr. Hu strolled to Wanru's courtyard.

He believed that Rushi would give him a surprise today.

Sure enough, Rushi, who has a sense of crisis and is determined to compete for favor, has definitely performed beyond her level, which is called working hard.

Mr. Hu is simply not too satisfied!

Roll it up!

Girls, roll up!

The beauties in Hu's house are too contented, and they don't have the smell of jealousy. Now it seems that they still lack some flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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