Chapter 150 Hu Weiyong: You can fish again

Chapter 150 Hu Weiyong: You can fish again

The issue of paying tribute to Fan Bang, which had been tormenting the Ming court for nearly a month, finally came to an end with the departure of the mission.

Except for the fact that many people in Yingtian City are still spreading all kinds of increasingly outrageous foreign news, the officialdom has long forgotten about this matter.

After all, who isn’t busy?

However, if you take a closer look, you can see that it is not busy at all.

No, the Ministry of Rites is quite relaxed at the moment.

It's no wonder that they have so much leisure. In fact, paying tribute to other countries is the last thing they have to be busy with.

After this matter is done, why don't you take advantage of it?

Mr. Hu is now starting to fish in an upright manner.

After all, everything that needs to be done and done has been taken care of, so what else do you want to do?

If he really wants to be loyal to his duties and devote himself wholeheartedly, that is not his style.

No, in the small courtyard of Mr. Hu’s workplace, Mr. Hu once again spread out the small tea table and lounge chairs after a long absence.

Snacks, tea, swaying lounge chairs, sunbathing, reading...

The happy fishing life once again returned to Mr. Hu’s daily life.

Don't be too envious of the officials of the Ministry of Etiquette.

But... they can only be envious.

After all, who doesn’t know Mr. Hu’s current prestige?

It was a prestige that was forcibly raised several levels above the original foundation.

However, the officials from the Ministry of Rites didn't have the energy to say anything more at this time.

They themselves are busy lying down and being salted fish.

During the previous period, it was not just Mr. Hu who was tired.

They are the ones who are really tired!

Running errands, writing memorials, welcoming guests and sending them off...

As long as all the hard work is theirs, it is strange that they are not tired.


Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally have to take a good rest.

Not only their own immediate superiors have no objection to this.

So much so that Zhang Shan, the Minister of Rites, and his two ministers were actually ignored today.

All fools know that if the pressure is too much and these low-level officials fall out, then the Ministry of Rites will simply stop doing anything.

One piece and one piece of relaxation is the kingly way.

As for Mr. Hu?

Well, that’s not someone from the Ministry of Rites, that’s the big boss, and only His Majesty can take care of it!

In the afternoon, when the sun turned slightly, Mr. Hu felt a slight chill on his body and immediately asked people to move things into the work room.

Then, I patted my butt and planned to go back to the office.

As for saying there's no time?

Haha, when does Mr. Hu care about whether the time is up or not?

When I was lying down before, the officials from the Ministry of Ceremonies could envy and accompany me, but when I left early, they could only envy me.

After all, if you are still in the Ministry of Rites, there is nothing wrong with fishing.

If there is no work at hand, you can't force him to do anything.

But if you leave early, you will be denying face to the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Etiquette.

They don't have the guts!

Therefore, they could only watch with envy as Mr. Hu left gracefully!

As he got on the carriage back home, Mr. Hu yawned lazily.

‘Another day of eating and waiting to die! ’

‘Finally I can take a break! ’

‘By the way, where are we going today? ’

That's right, Mr. Hu has just left the Ministry of Etiquette and is starting to think about tonight's nightlife again.

During this period of time, I have been busy with paying tribute to Fan Bang, and I spent the evenings back to Hu Mansion.

Even in order to have energy for the things he was busy with during the day, he almost turned into a monk. Having finally relaxed, he must think about tonight?

Touching his chin, Mr. Hu was also thinking about it.

‘Should we go to Rushi’s place tonight? Or just like it? ’

This is really a problem.

You know, he has been ignoring these two little flowers during this period.

This is such a waste of natural resources!

Mr. Hu stretched out both hands, grabbed it with his left hand, thought about it carefully, then looked at his right hand, grabbed it, and thought about it again...

Well, let’s go to Wanru there tonight!

It's not because of the feel, it's purely because that girl is interesting!

When he thought of this girl's weeping yet cheerful look, Hu Weiyong felt that his old-fashioned soul suddenly rose up.

He quickly kicked the driver on the back and urged him to return home quickly.

When he returned to the house, he hurriedly changed his clothes, turned around and slipped out of the side door.

He was riding in a ridiculous carriage. There were emblems on his own carriage. If the other party saw this, wouldn't his identity be exposed?

Wouldn't that add a bit of risk to my little life?

It's not as good as it is now!

How nice would it be to keep two outer rooms in peace and quiet, and come here to moisturize them when you have nothing to do?

No, as soon as Mr. Hu opened the door of the courtyard, he saw a petite figure rushing into his arms like a baby swallow.

"Master, you are here. I miss my slave family so much!"

"Hahahaha, I've been a little busy these days. I finally calmed down for a while. Why don't we come and see Wanru now!"

"The slave family is going to prepare some food. I need to replenish your energy, master!"

"What are you thinking about? What kind of food can be as delicious as water? Master, I am thinking about this bite of you in my heart!"

"Oh, sir~"

With a burst of weird laughter, Mr. Hu, who became more interested, picked up the little beauty in front of him without hesitation, and nibbled on her lips.

This little girl must have been holding back enough for this period of time.

After taking this bite, my whole body became soft.

Looking at the girl in front of him, her whole body was limp, her eyes were blurred and her eyes were blurred, and she was so happy.

Xiao Nizi is so fun!

Holding Xiao Nizi's delicate body, Hu Weiyong walked straight to the backyard without stopping.

What dinner and delicious food are not important to Mr. Hu at this moment!

The most important thing is to listen to the song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" that is so tearful that it feels like singing on the bed!

It seems that the small courtyard here has become completely lively with the arrival of Mr. Hu.

But when the excitement here spread to the next door, Rushi's expression completely turned cold.

Ru Shi was not only the first to be kept by Hu Weiyong in the outer room that was also raised.

And even when she was in Zui Feng Tower, Rushi was still her elder sister, and even more so, the oiran who dominated all the beauties.


Where did that little radish come from?

But now?

That little carrot who used to be so timid behind her actually stole the master's attention from her?

Women, especially women like her, understand very well.

What she does is to entertain people with sex.

Compared with the past in the brothel, at this time, she only had to consider the preferences of the master, and as long as she got the favor of the master, she would have everything she wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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