Chapter 153 The Crown Princess must be Hu Xinyue

Chapter 153 The Crown Princess must be Hu Xinyue

Queen Ma was very indifferent to Zhu Yuanzhang's arrival.

After all, they are an old married couple, and they have lived together for so many years.

After seeing the other party's embarrassment, frustration, prosperity, and excitement, all that's left in the end is dullness.

Although the couple has a distinguished status, after all, their relationship has reached this point, so naturally they must be too frightened by Zhu Yuanzhang's arrival.

After all, the only person in the world who can still point at Zhu Yuanzhang and scold him is Empress Ma.

Queen Ma asked warmly as she saw Zhu Yuanzhang hurried over with dirt and old clothes.

"what happened?"

"Chongba, are you working in the fields?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's excitement was palpable, and he came here precisely to share.

"Yes! Sister, you don't know that the potatoes we planted are ready to be harvested!"

"That's what we're busy with today!"

"We don't worry about others taking action, for fear of hurting the immortal food."

"We don't trust others to check the output behind my back. After all, the matters involved in this fairy grain are too important."

"So, after much thought, we were also from farmers back then, so we might as well do it ourselves!"

Empress Ma had long been accustomed to hearing Zhu Yuanzhang speak openly and openly about these "treasonous and unethical" words that were very detrimental to "the unity of the monarch and his subjects".

"What's the result?"

"Wei Yong can say that the potatoes are rare in heaven and nothing on earth. Are they really that amazing?"

Empress Ma is actually not that interested in matters above the court.

But if it concerns her husband's family and her fat son's future inheritance, then she has to take it seriously.

Especially when it comes to food.

This would be a first-class event in any dynasty, or even in later generations.

It was a coincidence that when Zhu Yuanzhang didn't come, she was still reminiscing.

She especially remembered that the last time Hu Weiyong came to offer potatoes, he arranged a potato feast.

Although I only ate a few dishes because of growing food.

But it was those few dishes and Hu Weiyong's narration that made her remember that the yield per acre of food could no longer be described as amazing.

Thirty stones!

She still remembers Zhu Chongba's surprise and ecstasy when Hu Weiyong came last time and told him about the mother's birth.

To be honest, she was happy too.

If there is such a high yield of grain, not only will Zhu Yuanzhang not be anxious anymore, but even his fat son, and his future sons and grandsons will not be anxious anymore.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Queen Ma's concerned look, laughed, hugged Queen Ma's no longer slender waist without any politeness, and replied with a smile.

"It's really that amazing!"

"To be precise, it's even more amazing than what Weiyong told us at the beginning!"

"You know that Weiyong, he is not easy to talk big. He hides many things."

"Now he is probably hiding something about this fairy food."

"If it were carefully cared for and the land was fertile enough, the yield would probably be higher than it is now."

"Biao'er also counted the fairy grains that we arranged to try growing in several other places. Generally speaking, the results are good."

"Hahahaha, we are so happy when we think about this!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang was really happy.

In fact, he was more or less on tenterhooks before.

Even he and even Hu Weiyong would never fool people on such a big matter.

However, the planning in advance is so important.     This cannot be done without caution.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang chose to do everything himself.

He, the Ming emperor, did all the planting, weeding, watering, fertilizing and even the current harvesting himself.

There was no ambiguity about what Hu Weiyong taught him in the first place. Even if he felt that he didn't understand it, he would not change it. He would just follow what Hu Weiyong said.

Facts have proved that Mr. Hu is really not kidding at all when it comes to meritorious service.

It can be seen from this harvest that Zhu Yuanzhang was literally numb with laughter.

Whether it is the piece of land in the palace that he manages personally, or other plots of land elsewhere that are managed by his fat son.

Anyone who grows potatoes, the fairy food, has a yield per mu lower than what Hu Weiyong said.

It can be seen that what Hu Weiyong said before was really conservative.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang said softly to Queen Ma when he saw that the closest servant next to him was Song Li, an old guy.

"Sister, this wave, Weiyong can be said to have made a huge contribution!"

"From our point of view, this achievement is probably no less than that of Xu Da who conquered cities and territories during the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

Queen Ma Wenyan was startled for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

"Wei Yong's contribution this time is truly unparalleled!"

"The key is that the credit sounds good!"

"This is a great contribution that has left hundreds of millions of people alive and left a name in history!"

"Speaking of which, Chongba, you can be proud of having such civil servants and generals when you are the emperor!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he burst into laughter.


No matter how great his achievements are, he is still a minister of his Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, just when Zhu Yuanzhang was proud, Queen Ma was startled and suddenly mentioned something.

"By the way, Chongba, what I mentioned to you before about asking the Weiyong family's niece to serve as Biao'er's second string, why is there no follow-up?"

"No, don't be careless!"

"The mistress of the East Palace is involved in all aspects!"

"Wei Yong has nothing to say about his own abilities, nor his tutoring, but now he has made great contributions again..."

"If you think about it this way, the Princess of the East Palace has no other choice but the girl named Xinyue from the Weiyong family!"

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned and nodded involuntarily when Empress Ma said this.

As for Dong Gong, the hesitation involved the fat son that the couple valued most, and they considered everything over and over again.

Now that marriage and the future mother of the Ming Dynasty are involved, Zhu Yuanzhang is even more cautious.

However, after thinking about it over and over, he also felt that at present, only Hu Xinyue was worthy of Zhu Biao!

Regardless of family background, body shape, appearance, talents, and temperament, when taken together, no one can compare with me!

And one of the things that Zhu Yuanzhang appreciated the most was that the older Hu Weiyong got, the less he liked to mess around.

How wonderful this is!

But unfortunately, when Hu Weiyong came to him last time to mention this matter, Hu Weiyong refused.

In fact, even when he thought about it, Zhu Yuanzhang still didn't understand why Hu Weiyong refused.

After all, the couple who were already optimistic about Hu Xinyue became even more optimistic because of Hu Weiyong's rejection.

Simply, Zhu Yuanzhang directly ordered people to call Zhu Biao.

This is my plan to teach my fat son a lesson!

(End of this chapter)

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